wallpaper techno

wallpaper techno. hard-techno-wallpaper-3.jpg
  • hard-techno-wallpaper-3.jpg

  • roadbloc
    Apr 7, 10:19 AM
    I've heard that disk images will be automatically mountable. Another OS X/Linux feature that should have been in the last two features in the very least.

    Live integration is also what I'm hearing. It'll be interesting to see how that ones pans out because I hate Live Essentials, but I know some people who love it.

    wallpaper techno. Related iPhone Wallpapers
  • Related iPhone Wallpapers

  • jhu
    Oct 29, 08:28 PM
    You have no idea what "free" means, do you? Free software has absolutely nothing to do with the money you pay to obtain it. Commercial software that you would pay thousands of dollars for can be a perfectly good example of "free" software.

    it's freedom of speech versus free beer. it all depends on the license the authors used for the code though.

    wallpaper techno. Techno head desktop wallpaper,
  • Techno head desktop wallpaper,

  • fr33 loader
    Jan 10, 11:01 PM
    Hahaha, that would be hilarious! C'mon guys, seriously. No harm done.

    Unless you are the one standing and giving the presentation. The wasted manpower to fix it. Money to use the stage for certain alloted time. Negative effect on brand name thinking it was a real malfunction on the TV set. All of this to gain what?:(

    wallpaper techno. Graphics Techno 3D desktop
  • Graphics Techno 3D desktop

  • ezekielrage_99
    Jan 9, 12:08 AM
    - Thin laptop
    - Macbook Pro Update
    - Macbook in silver and black
    - A PDA (I know we have the iPhone and iPod Touch...)
    - AppleTV bump and iTunes rentals
    - iTunes 7.6

    wallpaper techno. techno wallpaper - 3770211
  • techno wallpaper - 3770211

  • hscottm
    Nov 24, 08:24 AM
    Just wanted to make a point/post about the Black Friday e-mail that was sent.

    All of the "accessories" have the old and new prices listed (with a line striking out the old price). The ipod and mac prices are actually the original, non-sale prices. The "save $xx" are reflected in the prices listed. Its not until you put one in the cart that you see an $898 price.

    My point is the "Save $101" in red for the imacs/macbooks is followed by a "starting at $999" price that is in fact the "pre-discount" price. You would think they would be advertising the sale price!

    I am not a mac model price expert (like some of you on here), but when I saw "starting at $999" for the MBs and imacs, it just didnt register as a good deal.

    They could have printed the prices in a much more clear way.

    wallpaper techno. Techno iPhone Wallpaper
  • Techno iPhone Wallpaper

  • iBug2
    Apr 29, 02:13 PM
    Seems to be a strong update, unlike SL. SL was more a plumbing change for many things (IMO) and Lion will be making strong use of those changes. For that reason, that's why I believe it'll cost around 100 bucks.

    I actually think Apple is going to surprise us with the price. Like they did with Final Cut Pro X.

    Who knows? Maybe it'll be 29$ upgrade from SL.

    wallpaper techno. Techno wallpapers - cyber girl
  • Techno wallpapers - cyber girl

  • dunk321
    Mar 17, 01:17 AM
    He probably did pocket the cash, since he asked if everything was cool when he handed me the bag, that def ran through my mind a few times.

    wallpaper techno. Techno wallpapers - cyber girl
  • Techno wallpapers - cyber girl

  • *LTD*
    Apr 23, 05:17 PM
    It is no secret that pedophiles have been known to hack children's computers to gain access to their webcam pictures, messenger conversations and ect. If that child has an iPhone and the said pedophile knows the file that contains the iPhone locations; what the pedo essentially has is the child's daily or weekly routine of where they are.

    I buy it. Slim chance, but certainly possible and certainly doable.

    I'd have to disagree. There are a lot of ways to keep tabs on someone if you wish to do them harm. The issue is whether the (as yet unknown) purpose of this data is useful enough to justify it's being there in the state it's in. There is no immediate way it gives anyone any special or expedient means of causing another harm. You'll need a lot of contingencies and variables come together to form specific cases. I really don't see that happening. That said, the reasons I've seen so far aren't that nefarious. It actually makes sense to be tracked in this way, especially in light of the argument that it's a caching mechanism in order to make it easier to switch from tower to tower. I can believe this. I don't believe there's any evil behind it. Nor do I for the moment believe this is easily accessible by anyone other than physically by the user/owner of the phone. And then it's likely not easy for the average person.

    Said paedophile *before* this information has been able to track children without problems using other means, I'd wager. Likely easier means, though I'm not well-versed in the specific modus operandi of paedophiles. I suspect I'll need forensics/law enforcement training to get a complete understanding.

    Besides, your example is based upon pure conjecture. First assumption is they are able to hack into their phone. Is hacking into iPhones remoely a big problem out in the wild? Not that I've heard or seen.

    What I'm saying is take the "wait and see" aproach before we begin to vilify and condemn Apple as self-serving, careless data-mining opportunists.

    So it's a plea for sanity. But I've noticed that whenever Apple's quarterly report rolls around and it's usually stellar news, the insanity of our loveable contrarians ramps up, purely for the purpose of being contrarians, as if we need to "balance out" all the enthusiasm with careful doses of negativity so we're not *too* positive. I'm not referring to you, roadbloc, by the way.

    So in any case, this is my position, and I'll say it's the same position I'd take if it were Google and MS.

    wallpaper techno. Techno space iPad background
  • Techno space iPad background

  • lmalave
    Oct 19, 10:44 AM
    Well my 1300 shares will become 2600 in less than an year.:D Apple will keep going up and up as long the economy does not tank.:)

    Showoff ;)

    You're basically bragging that you have $100K in Apple stock. Nice!!!! :D Your faith is being rewarded handsomely...

    wallpaper techno. I Love Techno PSP Wallpaper
  • I Love Techno PSP Wallpaper

  • dukebound85
    Jan 10, 04:00 PM
    banned forever i say

    wallpaper techno. Techno_wallpaper.gif
  • Techno_wallpaper.gif

  • John Purple
    Jan 15, 04:37 PM
    SJ announced 4 m iPhones sold. I believe I read some days ago that 5 m have been expected??
    Maybe I'm wrong. But if not, we learned today that iPhone and Apple TV aren't doing well. Apple should refocus on their core business before to many Mac customers leave disappointed.

    wallpaper techno. Techno Graph Background
  • Techno Graph Background

  • Ommid
    Apr 25, 01:19 PM
    ok, thought it was

    wallpaper techno. Orange Techno Background
  • Orange Techno Background

  • Frosties
    Jul 21, 09:41 AM
    The Nokia phone have not the same bars/signal ratio as the iphone 4.

    wallpaper techno. Techno Graph Background
  • Techno Graph Background

  • Chundles
    Sep 12, 08:03 AM
    Film content from Fox and Dreamworks?!

    Look at the german Quicktime page, bottom left, under "iTunes Videos": Transporter 2 from Fox and Red Eye from Dreamworks!!


    They appear to be movie trailers.

    wallpaper techno. Techno iPhone Wallpaper
  • Techno iPhone Wallpaper

  • balamw
    Apr 26, 08:21 PM
    Post your code, and let us know what you are trying to accomplish.

    Nekbeth, let me suggest that you take some time to read over http://whathaveyoutried.com and http://mikeash.com/getting_answers.html.

    dejo, ulbador and wlh99 are genuinely trying to help you, but you have not defined the problem or given them (or anyone else) enough information to work with in order to be able to help you.

    Part of the problem, which dejo already alluded to, is that without a common understanding of fundamental assumptions you both end up frustrated. You might well be able to ask for a coffee in French, but if you are in a dentist's office in Austria that might not lead to satisfaction all around. Your assumptions aren't in sync.


    wallpaper techno. Techno wallpapers - cyber girl
  • Techno wallpapers - cyber girl

  • DeSnousa
    May 16, 04:40 PM
    a3 units get a bonus.

    i'm still getting some bigadv units with my i7s

    Excellent, how do I get a3 units?

    I need the window close because my partner does not like the window open when she uses the computer cause she always has a lot of windows open (XP not 7). So at the moment I have a system tray ustilising one core. Its a dual core.

    Thanks for the replies.

    wallpaper techno. Graphics Techno 3D Apple
  • Graphics Techno 3D Apple

  • DeSnousa
    May 16, 07:30 AM
    Thought I would post here instead of starting a new thread. How do I get bonus points, all I am reading is -advmethods and setting up a passkey. Would it be worth it on a i7 720qm at 1.66ghz? Would it complete a wu in 4 days?

    This passkey sounds like a big deal should I be using it on all me machines?

    With the console client for windows, is there a way I can close the window with out it stopping folding, kind of pointless having the window constantly open. Surely it can fold in the background?

    Thanks guys :)

    wallpaper techno. Arrows Techno Background
  • Arrows Techno Background

  • sweetpoh
    Mar 17, 05:25 PM
    MacRumours also known as the moral police! lmao Cracks me up especially after all the post I have read in the past about people receiving extra computers in the mail by accident from apple!!! And if I was a troll and made this whole thing up completely, I have succeeded for sure, for laughing at all of the post in this stupid thread it has ruffled some nerves of the people at home wishing they had an Ipad, insted of posting from their Acer Netbook. This place is a joke

    You think Best Buy has screwed you in the past? What about UCF? They let you graduate with such fine writing skills. LOL.

    wallpaper techno. wallpaper techno. techno texture wallpaper; techno texture wallpaper. aristotle. Oct 1, 12:48 PM. Still Local people and conservation societies defended
  • wallpaper techno. techno texture wallpaper; techno texture wallpaper. aristotle. Oct 1, 12:48 PM. Still Local people and conservation societies defended

  • AhmedFaisal
    Apr 13, 07:15 AM
    I don't see anything wrong with it at all. People use children to carry goods all the time and the TSA agent was totally professional about it talking through each step. The rules are there to provide a layer of safety and if you think that it doesn't and don't like the rules, ride the bus!

    Better yet, let's remove the TSA agents and let someone fly a plane into another building. :rolleyes:

    That again? You do realize that 9/11 had very little to do with airport security but everything to do with incompetence on the side of the secret service and negligence on the side of the US government? TSA has not made airtravel any safer than prior to 9/11.

    Jan 8, 09:23 PM
    i'm hoping for...

    a thin macbook(pro)

    maybe 16 GB iPhone

    movie rentals

    more info on SDK for iPhone

    hmmm what else? i can't think

    Apr 16, 03:56 PM
    You get 20gbs if you purchase an mp3 album...or pretend to. I purchased 6 foot 7 foot by Lil Wayne one song and 99 cents

    20gigs of free storage if you purchase a single album?

    Sep 12, 12:30 AM
    Maybe, but to impact the market, you need a critical mass. Didn't iTMS have 200,000-300,000 songs when it opened?
    Yes, but there was hardly any content at all when they started offering videos.

    Nov 6, 12:46 PM
    I'm getting the 360 version. I'm really excited for this. I played MW2 quite a lot, but over time, I got more and more frustrated with it. But reading about Black Ops, it seems like Treyarch have changed or fixed a lot of the things that many people had issue with...

    May 6, 09:49 AM
    I believe this might LITERALLY be the first time I've ever read something from Lee, been impressed with it's depth, and not been saddened by the complete opacity of his partisan blinders.

    Very well said, sir. I agree, 100%

    A real piece of work. You have to insult even when you agree with someone. Were it me, I'd seek help.

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