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  • DavidLeblond
    Jul 24, 03:20 PM
    *WARNING* The following post was posted without me having read the previous 7 pages of posts.

    I use to have an eReader. It was excellent for reading books in bed. Unfortunately, you couldn't read books in the bath, at the beach, in sunlight, or anywhere where you could drop it. Actually you could pretty much only read books in bed.

    eBooks aren't the future, they are the past. There is a reason the craze didn't take off last time. You just can't beat a book.

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  • bogen
    Nov 7, 12:42 PM
    I want one so bad it hurts but still going to wait for Macworld:D

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  • John Cena Wrestling

  • kbmb
    Mar 25, 03:22 PM
    Is anyone else having the issue with the double vibrate when you get a text?? I had this issue with 4.3 and I have heard no complaining about it. Everyone I know who has 4.3 has the double vibrate so it's not just my phone, but I haven't heard anyone else say anything. It's pretty annoying. Anyway, I was just wondering if this fixed that issue or not.

    edited: nevermind.....that setting doesn't work


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  • moose.boy
    Aug 29, 02:35 PM
    Your windows installation will not hurt your OSX installation.
    They don't see eeach other, and windows is on a seperate partition.

    Stop calling people a moron if you don't know what you are talking about.

    Boot camp basically eliminated the need to ever buy a PC.
    It was an incredibly smart move.

    Windows may not be able to read or write to the mac partition, but it will still be there. There is nothing stopping a _really_ malicious virus from messing around with the partition table to bring the whole thing crashing down.

    IIRC It was because of the problem with viruses corrupting boot records that microsoft cludged their disk partitioning software FDISK to include the /MBR switch to allow it to wipe previously inaccessible boot records.

    However, for those people who just need windows for one or two programs, and who have the awareness to patch and lock it down correctly, then bootcamp is a good idea.

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  • WWE John Cena Wallpaper

  • p0intblank
    Aug 3, 04:06 PM
    Oh ya... he's something cheesie... this has been on my mind for a while. In january, Steve demoed GarageBand and showed how to make PodCast. He did that fake podcast and said 'Hi this is steve, and this is my Super secret apple PodCast' then he proceded to make jokes about the next iPod... he said the next iPod coming out would have a 10 inch screen and weigh 8 pounds.
    Well... Tuesday is 8/10

    Remember 2 years ago when Jobs demoed Spotlight... he searched for 'Paris' then searched for iMac. Sure enough... the iMac G5 was released at Paris.

    I just thought that was interesting.

    That's pretty cool. But one thing... 8/10 is Thursday, not Tuesday. And the keynote is given on Monday, the 7th.

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  • playstationdork
    Jan 11, 02:23 PM
    while the screen floats and is powered by powerful earth magnets.

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  • WWE John Cena Wallpaper

  • Kimbie
    Oct 13, 03:15 PM
    If you're getting the rid of the Dell monitor, as long as it's still in working condition, let me know� I'm interested :D


    Yeah its still in good working order, only got the 24" Samsung to replace my other 2001FP as I dropped it


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  • imutter
    Mar 25, 07:05 PM
    I had no complaints and the batterie drainage wasn't to bad well my DH said it was bad
    so I hope this update will not screw anything up was fine before ?

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  • MacSA
    Nov 8, 08:16 AM
    Other computer companies, such as Dell, still sell machines with only a combo drive, so it is not like Apple is so far behind the times. :rolleyes: :)

    Not in this price range they don't

    wallpaper john cena. John Cena Wallpapers
  • John Cena Wallpapers

  • Kissaragi
    Apr 2, 10:32 AM
    The current camera on the iPhone 4 is stellar IMO and many others... an equal 8MP camera would be even better....

    I agree, its a great camera overall.


    With the millions of these the iphone takes maybe adding the millions the ipad2 would use is beyond the current capacity of their manufacturers?

    Or, if production capacity would have meant to introduce the ipad2 later, they used what was available at the time.

    As for $ 5 more, multiply that with the amount of devices they make and it's millions of dollars. In any company a net cost of $ 5 doesn't stay that way. It gets multiplied up to retail.

    Deliberate ploy, don't think so. But, since we both don't have any proof..........

    I thought it was for space reasons? Isnt the iphone camera module much thicker than the ipad and ipod ones?

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  • telecomm
    Nov 8, 07:49 AM
    If only the graphics card were better!

    If only it had a graphics card. ;)

    wallpaper john cena. Wallpaper of John Cena
  • Wallpaper of John Cena

  • Thomas Veil
    Mar 10, 09:04 PM
    I froze spending on a lot of things, made relatively minor cuts to others and actually raised worthy stuff like veterans' benefits and clean energy research.

    Increased taxes moderately on those making $100,000-$1,000,000, but went whole hog on those making $1,000,000+. Returned the estate tax to 2001 levels (but wished I had the option to go a lot higher than that). Did not add a VAT tax.

    I did not lower defense spending as much as some of you. I went from $600b down to $400b.

    Removed the contribution limit on SS, but did not change benefits.

    All in all, my cutting was pretty damn conservative compared to what the tea stainers are screaming about. And I still came out with this:


    Oh Christ, he's back.

    Republicans rejoice. The stone has been removed from the cave entrance.:p

    By the way, I'm shocked, shocked! at your signature.

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  • View more John Cena Wallpapers

  • Tmelon
    Mar 25, 12:15 PM
    Is it for ipad also? I currently have my macbook in for repair, could i update in with my friend's pc who has itunes in the meantime?

    I assume so. Usually it's released at the same time for all platforms.

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  • mogzieee
    Mar 21, 04:08 PM
    They'll keep it going till 23rd October I reckon. Anniversary event I'm guessing + one of those cheesy white promo videos about the "first 10 years".

    Well, we'll see.

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  • MacBoobsPro
    Aug 8, 09:16 AM
    Im surprised we havent seen anyone ranting about the fact that there were no obvious hints to UI changes in the preview. Even the desktop wallpaper was the same as tiger.

    Yeh suspiciously 'samey' :D I think it will change when Leopard finally ships. Did you notice iChat UI had changed ;)

    Also I think FrontRow will be bluetooth enabled (with new remote) when Leopard ships so MacPros can use it.

    As well as some REALLY cool stuff that will take OSX even further in front of Vista.

    Oh and a feature I requested by Apple Feedback is in Leopard. Woohoo!!! Its only the pixel dimensions when dragging out a screenshot but i asked for it. Maybe a few others did too? :D

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  • John Cena Wallpapers

  • mrgreen4242
    Jan 11, 03:24 PM
    Expanded wireless iTMS. Videos, rentals, etc.

    wallpaper john cena. Wallpaper of John Cena
  • Wallpaper of John Cena

  • paulold
    Mar 18, 01:34 PM
    Now I don't know what to do. I need an iPod that can hold all of my media (just my music alone is over 100 GB) so I can bring it with me wherever I go. (I hate having to choose a portion of my music instead of just grabbing it all.) But the MacRumors Buyer's Guide says not to buy - update soon. So is Apple going to kill it or release a new version? If I wait, I might miss out on getting one. But if I get one now, I might miss out on a better model. Ugh.

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  • Wallpaper John Cena.jpg

  • Keleko
    Mar 2, 08:48 AM
    Today's mythical creature isn't really mythical. The Gigantopithecus is an ancient form of the ape. There is speculation that it still exists and is the reason for yeti and Big Foot sightings. I guess that is the reason for including it in a mythical creatures display.

    http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5140/5484933159_0f8ca13877_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/22077805@N07/5484933159/)

    wallpaper john cena. Wallpaper of John Cena
  • Wallpaper of John Cena

  • BklynKid
    Mar 21, 05:17 PM
    That's so awesome!

    Nov 3, 03:57 AM
    It was all smooth sailing til tonight and my Macbook had a random shut down. I've had the firmware upgrade since the day it came out. I noticed this time I couldn't just try to power back up by pressing the power button. I had to either take out the battery and put it back in or plug it up to external power for atleast the start up.

    Bleh, I was so relived that I wouldn't have to send it in with the firmware thingy, so much for that. :(

    So everyone elses are doing fine?

    Mar 21, 09:20 PM
    I'm listening to my iPod Classic 160gb right now, I bought it after I got a 32gb Iphone 3GS. I just don't like touchscreen for music on the move.

    Apr 13, 04:52 PM
    Though the App Store would probably be much better for fighting piracy.

    Yeah, I'm sure the no-serial, no-DRM app store is a great approach for fighting piracy.

    Wanna know what's best for fighting piracy? Good pricing, and they're doing that.

    Sep 4, 06:43 AM
    I want a 21" iPod! :D

    The all new surfPod! ...and we'll have fun, fun fun, since daddy took the iTunes awayyyyyy...

    Apr 14, 10:43 PM
    The "industry pros" are facing the plight of impending impotence.

    Meh -- there was similar consternation with the original Mac, LaserWriter and PageMaker from the professional printers. And as then, it still is at the end of the day just a tool. The real talent is in how the tool is wielded.

    Those that have at true talent have little to fear. Those that are more marginal... well, time marches on.

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