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wallpaper islamic. Islamic Calligraphy Wallpapers
  • Islamic Calligraphy Wallpapers

  • Doctor Q
    Sep 28, 12:42 PM
    No screening room (http://img263.imageshack.us/img263/2859/xxapple1984.jpg)?

    When will he move in?

    wallpaper islamic. wallpaper islam.
  • wallpaper islam.

  • terraphantm
    Apr 25, 07:41 PM
    Bigger sensor requires bigger lens and bigger lens requires bigger housing. With Apple, you are not going to get this. If you look for bigger sensor -check Nokia or Sony phones.

    They increased the sensor size with the 4 even though the phone was overall slimmer, they could do it again

    wallpaper islamic. Islamic Wallpapers
  • Islamic Wallpapers

  • Gibsonsoup
    Apr 11, 06:06 PM
    great movie! hope you'll enjoy watching it :)

    21 Grams

    As for me, I bought a cheap apple usb-dock cable and an usb extension cable off eBay



    wallpaper islamic. Labels: NEW ISLAMIC WALLPAPERS

  • Illuminated
    Apr 7, 04:32 PM
    Just got a bamboo plant for my desk...not the vase/pebbles...

    also a red velvet whoopie pie, and a vanilla cake whoopie pie..

    Both things from Reading Terminal Market in Philly...:D


    wallpaper islamic. wallpaper islam.
  • wallpaper islam.

  • Bubba Satori
    Apr 6, 05:49 PM
    Who likes looking at ads?



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  • wallpaper islamic.

  • marddin
    Nov 11, 07:35 PM
    Has everyone involved doubled checked to make sure their NAT settings are all correct? I've been playing in parties of 2-4 people w/o a problem.


    All of our NAT types are open. We even did test connection to make sure on the dashboard but it still horrible.

    such a let down


    wallpaper islamic. wallpaper islamic desktop.
  • wallpaper islamic desktop.

  • Hephaestus
    Mar 18, 02:57 PM

    You're behaving pretty pathetically too. What are you trying to gain from this thread? The approval of other Apple fanboys? Or are you trying to make yourself feel better about your purchase?

    Take a look through the forums, and you'll find plenty of people 'behaving so pathetically' in plenty of threads. Including this one!

    FTR I have two iPhone 4's, a Nexus S and a LYNX 3D (SH-03C). There goes your theory that Android device owners are all too poor to afford an iPhone :rolleyes:

    Several things:

    Never had Angry Birds run at '2FPS' and I have the 'original Google phone'- a HTC G1. Runs nice and smooth on 2.2 (general usage and games). My iPhone 3G OTOH...

    Doing the same things (heavy web browsing, 1~2 hours of talk time, 1 hour of A2DP BT music streaming in my car) I get just under 1 days' battery life on both my NS and iPhone 4.

    As for the screen- less pixel dense on my NS obviously but in direct sunlight the NS's SAMOLED is way better than my iPhone.
    Love the 3D on my SH-03C. Mobile ASV on it is as good, if not better than, the iPhone's IPS technology.
    I gotta admit that my 4's screen is crisper. Shame they can't produce them all the same (my 32GB is pee-yellow while my 16GB is very white).

    You're either a balanced 'reviewer' or an Apple apologist (plenty of them here!). I'm leaning towards the latter. ;)

    Thats some pretty narrow minded thinking there buddy. I'm just posting about some harassment I've been experiencing because of the phone I've purchased and was wondering if other iPhone owners have experienced it, and by judging from the responses a lot have. I already feel great about my purchase, and I haven't been here long enough to know if the users are fanboys. Judging from the responses I'd say these guys seem pretty fair. Pretty judgemental and silly post in my opinion.

    I couldn't exactly call myself an Apple 'fanboy' either. If HTC made a better phone I'd gladly go pick it up, but I'm simply posting my experiences.

    wallpaper islamic. islam wallpaper. islam
  • islam wallpaper. islam

  • gregnv
    May 3, 04:45 PM
    Android 2.3 (and I think 2.2) support wi/fi tethering in the OS, no app needed. If you have an android phone with 2.2 or 2.3 (I do because ATT service sucked where I live), just select SETTINGS then WIRELESS & Networks, then "Tethering & portable hotspot" to set the phone up as a wi/fi hub with data access.

    I haven't used the iphone in a while (since moving to T-MO), so I don't know if IOS supports something similar.

    (using a Nexus One)


    wallpaper islamic. Wallpaper - Islamic Photo
  • Wallpaper - Islamic Photo

  • CanadaRAM
    Jan 12, 12:44 AM
    Wow, I just watched the keynote and my god this guy is hard to stand....
    i totally agree with you. "aint that just cool?" "probably the best photo management program in the world" he's was pretty hard to stand.

    But you watched. Again.


    wallpaper islamic. Islamic Wallpaper - Ramadan
  • Islamic Wallpaper - Ramadan

  • Chubypig
    Sep 9, 03:38 PM
    Too bad I missed it. I hate rap/hiphop AND football. ;)


    wallpaper islamic. wallpaper islamic desktop.
  • wallpaper islamic desktop.

  • ten-oak-druid
    May 2, 12:46 PM
    Really its not brain surgery.

    Windows 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, XP (5.0), Vista (6.0), Windows 7 (7.0).

    You need to indicate where you fit in NT, me, 95, 98 and any other versions that might exist. You haven't included all the versions.

    Look through the thread. There are other various arguments about how the versions are grouped.

    wallpaper islamic. Islamic Wallpaper Hajj Kabah
  • Islamic Wallpaper Hajj Kabah

  • JayMysterio
    Dec 8, 06:24 PM
    The multiple games give you choices...but this game alone gives you no choice but to run and gun. If i wanted to Run and Gun and waste my life i'd go join the taliban and pray to Allah.

    This game gives you very little choice and in that makes the game terrible.

    And you said it yourself. Treyarch ruined the game for all the snipers. Great job!

    Treyarch = morons and dip*****. Bring back Infinity War. Black Ops Blows.

    Have you decided what type of game you want to play? Cause if you don't want to run & gun, go play some hardcore. I promise you, you and 7 others will sit & camp for 20 or 30 minutes and you should be in heaven. As far as the taliban thing, it's a free country knock yourself out.

    There are four frikkin' gametypes, each with match types of their own. If you can't find a game you like, it's because you don't want to. Play hardcore, play pure without the killstreaks, play only with players who've prestiged. But really, there's only one way to play the game? There's a word called creativity, give it a try. You may change up your game style. Not everyone runs & guns, some camp, some die. Just grasp the idea you can't sit up in a clock tower all day and NOT expect to get shot back at.

    The game gives you every choice in the world, the question is if it's the right choice. Some maps will allow you to camp and slow the game down, other maps won't have it. The game is far more fluid than others, because of it's unpredictability. Sometimes that works for you and it's great, other times it won't. It's a trade off. Will you have all day to camp as you seem to want to? Probably not, once a 'spawn flip' occurs and you find someone behind your camp site. Personally I like the non static spawn points, while the spawning often works against me, I don't hear to much about spawn camping. I personally like the rarer spawn camping.

    No, I said Treyarch 'nerfed' sniping. Now if you want to snipe, it actually takes something called 'skill'. You want a one hit kill, it better be dead on in the forehead or back of skull. No more auto assist towards an expanded hit box. There are one hit kills, as you've probably done a headshot or two, but now they are truly difficult. Not the old Rainbow Six shots with the Barrett that grazed your boot and were instant deaths. Now when I play it's often that a sniper tries a few times. Near misses are just that now, near misses, not the instant kills because a bullet was in the same township of your guy.

    As I said, Black Ops is an alternative, a choice. If you don't care for it, I'm pretty sure you can take it out of your xbox, and go play something else. I believe they make a new Cabela's hunting game where camping is an important part, very little running & gunning I assume. Otherwise more than enough people are playing MW1 & 2, and they will welcome you. There are also more than enough enjoying Black Ops, don't join them, ...they haven't missed you.


    wallpaper islamic. wallpaper islamic desktop.
  • wallpaper islamic desktop.

  • macximum8
    Sep 12, 07:34 AM
    Apple web site also reporting It's Showtime...


    wallpaper islamic. wallpaper islamic cartoon.
  • wallpaper islamic cartoon.

  • moiety
    Dec 13, 09:52 AM
    This is utter ********. The experience is key, and LTE hardware is nowhere near advanced enough to guarantee the experience that Apple would demand for a device the stature of the iPhone.

    Remember: we're talking about the company that withheld phone wallpapers on the Original and 3G iPhones because the experience would have been several milliseconds too slow.

    Fact: Verizon is not expecting LTE-capable hardware until mid-2011. There's no way Apple magically has an LTE phone ready to go while everyone else won't have one for 6 months.

    Fact: Apple declined to integrate 3G into the iPhone when 3G was already available, because the hardware wasn't power-efficent enough. One of the main distinguishing features of the iPhone is its battery life. They're not going to tarnish that image by hacking first-generation, power-hogging LTE hardware into the phone, in ADDITION to CDMA, which is another radio tech they're only now deploying.

    These sources are full of ****. QED.


    wallpaper islamic. wallpaper islamic.
  • wallpaper islamic.

  • exspes
    Jan 13, 04:04 PM
    What I'm wondering is.. if Gizmodo never posted that video, would we have heard about it anyway? As in, would there be news stories saying "Pranksters hit CES hard by turning off displays"

    My guess is we wouldn't have heard anything of the sort.

    wallpaper islamic. Islamic wallpaper. Islamic art
  • Islamic wallpaper. Islamic art

  • bunty
    Oct 6, 12:36 PM
    Doesn't AT&T piggyback on T-mobile's network and vice-versa? Shouldn't the map reflect that?


    wallpaper islamic. wallpaper islamic 2011.
  • wallpaper islamic 2011.

  • Nekbeth
    Apr 27, 08:19 PM
    I going to do that balamw, I'll show you what I got so far in little while.

    Knight , I don't know how you do it. Check my photo log, mine keeps on running.

    wallpaper islamic. wallpaper islamic free.
  • wallpaper islamic free.

  • 3.1416
    May 3, 03:55 PM
    People who tether use more bandwidth, so the cost associated with their usage is more expensive. The carriers can either charge those people for tethering or they can raise the price for EVERYONE.
    Or they could charge people for the data they actually use, regardless of whether tethering was involved.

    You are not paying for tethering unless you are paying for tethering. The math is simple. People who tether use more bandwidth. Wireless providers set their data prices based on AVERAGE usage. Tethering makes the average usage go up, so the revenue to cover those costs has to come from somewhere.
    People who download videos use more bandwidth than people who don't. So carriers should be able to block YouTube and other sites unless you pay for the "video package", right?

    wallpaper islamic. Islamic Wallpapers
  • Islamic Wallpapers

  • wolfboy
    Apr 29, 03:20 PM
    To the people posting screenshots: You do know that you're breaking the non disclosure agreement you made with Apple when you signed up for the Mac Dev Program? If they track you down, the small print pretty much says they can do very evil things to you. Tred carefully, it's likely Apple will be watching out for people like you.

    Who reads those things anyway...

    Oct 3, 01:37 PM
    ipod hifi wireless you say :|.. that'd be cool, add a laptop battery to it too (rechargable) and it'd be a buy :-D

    Mar 25, 07:10 AM
    Was evaluating OPENSTEP 4.x and WebObjects for my employer back in mid 90's and was blown away by Project Builder and Interface Builder (the grandparents of today's XCode). So glad to see it's not only still around (in a fashion), but thriving! Buying NeXT (and Steve Jobs) back is the best decision Apple ever made.

    Vive la NeXT! Vive la OpenStep!

    A couple images from those days that made me start thinking about buying my first Mac (ended up with a B&W G3 400Mhz) because of the promise Rhapsody/OS X had. As I recall, the first one appeared at www.next.com when the deal was being done - the 2nd a few days later. (and yes, those are my actual screen captures from Mosaic or whatever browser we had running back then!)

    Apr 12, 04:35 PM
    Nice! Meet mine; :D


    I got one too! Meet my lil man!

    ...and the new 42" 1080p 120hz lcd :)

    (bonus interweb pts if you know what music video is playing!)

    Sep 12, 07:30 AM
    come on guys.. stop crashing the iTunes Store :)

    Apr 22, 06:20 PM
    Here's the reality of this non-issue:
    Apple is not actually collecting this data, and this hidden file is neither new nor secret.


    Sorry to break it to you but a device that records my location and saves that for reporting back, or for someone else to read is a serious breach of my privacy. As I stated, the police were fully aware of this, making this privacy breach more big brother like then anything else.

    If anyone else were doing this, you'd be crying foul so fast but because its your beloved apple, they get a pass for recording your locations :confused:

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