unicorns with wings

unicorns with wings. SciFi and Fantasy Art Unicorn
  • SciFi and Fantasy Art Unicorn

  • yellow
    Apr 11, 10:43 AM
    Finally bit the bullet and abandoned my BlackBerry Tour in favor of an iPhone 4. See you in hell, BlackBerry!

    unicorns with wings. Unicorn Fantasy
  • Unicorn Fantasy

  • TuffLuffJimmy
    Apr 26, 11:32 AM
    Am I missing something totally obvious here? But what's that slot above the earpiece speaker meant to be exactly?

    Like I say maybe I missed something as looking at their comparison images they seem to imply the current iPhone 4 has one already?!!?

    What gives?

    Sensors. That same slot is on the iPhone 4, although I don't have one handy to check if it looks the same. It's just harder to see on the black one because, well, it's black too.

    unicorns with wings. Meaning: Wings of Fate
  • Meaning: Wings of Fate

  • Drew n macs
    Apr 8, 02:16 PM
    Was at Best Try the other day and saw them selling styluses for the iPad...39.00

    A Pogo Sketch on Amazon is $7.00...

    And people wonder why retail is hurting...

    A little off topic, how about 25-100 dollar hdmi cables. you might burn a consumer once or twice before they realize there are other alternatives (aka the internet and 3 dollars).

    unicorns with wings. pictures of unicorns
  • pictures of unicorns

  • MagicBoy
    Mar 24, 08:18 PM
    It's drifting off topic. I'm not going to turn a "Happy Birthday OS X" thread into a the time honoured "Windows sucks" debate. If anyone wants to discuss it then I suggest they create a new thread called "Windows vs Mac part 677249 (cont)"


    unicorns with wings. StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty
  • StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty

  • nwcs
    May 2, 11:24 AM
    Did you read my post?

    My point is - that if the switch to turn off Data Roaming was the one that failed, people wouldn't be divided. I think pretty much everyone would point the finger at Apple for it's failure to QA the "off switch"

    The Location Services on/off switch did not work. Period. And yet people want to make this about people not reading the EULA.

    Maybe you missed when I wrote "IF" in that sentence?

    ETA: you changed your post. The point is the same. Read above. The OS had "bugs". They are being fixed. That's important. Apple "promised" via the EULA that the location services could be turned off. It doesn't matter whether the data collected is useful or not. What matters is if they offer a way to turn it off, it should turn off. It didn't.

    The analogy is correct. Some might consider their personal data of value - just like money is.

    I changed my post because when I read it again I realized I misunderstood what you were saying. I thought I had edited it before anyone read it. My apologies for that. Still, I stand by my edit. I don't think the two situations are comparable.

    unicorns with wings. Wings
  • Wings

  • rtdgoldfish
    Apr 3, 09:13 PM
    For any realistic chance of getting Microsoft to help you, you need to carry out a lawsuit.

    So pawn shop people have been renting this home? Kind of odd.

    Nah, the guy who used to rent the house used to pawn a lot of stuff. The address was on file with several pawn shops in the area as his residence.


    unicorns with wings. Unicorns are said to be
  • Unicorns are said to be

  • nishioka
    Apr 5, 06:44 PM
    anyone that would download this app is a complete moron

    Or looking for ideas to stea- errr, borrow for their own iAd. :D

    unicorns with wings. Musical And Shining Unicorn
  • Musical And Shining Unicorn

  • rtdgoldfish
    Apr 5, 12:34 AM
    Alrighty, since this thing got way too popular on Digg, I've had a lot of people trying to offer advice. A great deal more are saying this is all fake.

    First of all, I am not breaking into my neighbor's house. I will not stoop to their level. I will not trash their place, spray paint their living room, nor leave dog droppings in their fridge. I will either let the police deal with this or let the stupidity of the criminals catch up with them in the end.

    Second, I am not getting a lawyer. The amount it would cost me to get a lawyer would be way more than the cost of the 360 and games. This just doesn't make sense. The only reason I would get one is if they catch the guy and there is some sort of trial. Even then, I don't think I would need a lawyer, it would just be me testifying in court or something.

    And finally, I don't really care if you think I am making this all up. The burglar broke in, took an Xbox and some games and left a good deal of other expensive stuff in the house. If you read the rest of my posts before saying "OMG WTF LIARZ WHO STEALZ JST A XBOX AND LEAVES A MACBOOK" you would know the situation. The cops have been following any leads I have given them, and things have happened.

    If I get my Xbox back, wonderful. That is money that I don't have to spend replacing it. If I never see it again, oh well, life goes on.

    I guess what I really wanted by getting this on Digg and all was some actual advice on what I should do now. Again, all I have gotten was advice from 15 year olds saying to throw bricks at my neighbor's house. This is not exactly the advice I was looking for and if anyone has any REAL advice to offer, that would be wonderful (such as names and numbers of someone at Microsoft).

    I posted this on Macrumors because of the great community we have here. People are always friendly and open to discussion. Sometimes issues get solved, other times they don't. If getting this story on Digg brought some new (and unwanted) members to the forums, I am sorry.

    Anyway, thanks for reading my post and I'll continue to update as things progress. :)


    unicorns with wings. unicorns and wings
  • unicorns and wings

  • xlight
    Aug 1, 02:00 PM
    First you bitch about MS then when Apple does the same thing it is not wrong.
    Come on ...

    unicorns with wings. Glittered wings flutter and
  • Glittered wings flutter and

  • dr_lha
    Oct 3, 03:41 PM
    I seriously believe that we will see a Steve Keynote before the MacWorld.
    I am sure this will be just before the holiday season to announce Apple's holiday lineup.
    Holiday lineup is already in place, it was the day the announced the drop 2G Nano and 5.5G iPod. What more are you expecting? We'll probably get a MacBook Pro refresh but that is hardly a "big holiday season" announcement.


    unicorns with wings. (177 days ago - in Wings
  • (177 days ago - in Wings

  • one1
    Apr 30, 08:46 PM
    Safari is broken for me. Reopens the last window URL no matter what I set my preferences to. :( Other than that it FIXED AUTOMATOR (Yaaayyyy!!).

    unicorns with wings. 5 Unicorns With Wings,
  • 5 Unicorns With Wings,

  • JonasLondon
    Oct 11, 04:40 AM
    I work at Best Buy and I've messed with it. It's actually pretty cool until you roll out the giant piece of crap that is the speakers.

    Anything with built in speakers should be confiscated and trashed. How I dislike these wanna-be cool guys on the busses playing their Gangsta HipHop through tiny horribly sounding speakiers on full blast. I'm telling one off every week... it works, but why they can't just get headphones is beyond me... :mad:

    sorry for the rant, bring on a nice iPod Video with NEF/RAW reading capability for us photographers, I'm a waiting customer. And yes, a smaller MacBook with 10 hour battery life, non-reflective screen and a graphics card to use it with Aperture/RAW would be sooo nice... :)


    unicorns with wings. The Unicorns and Pegasus are
  • The Unicorns and Pegasus are

  • zelman
    Oct 19, 10:06 AM
    Does anyone know their marketshare in terms of computers in use?

    unicorns with wings. hybrid wings
  • hybrid wings

  • Mac-Mariachi
    Apr 16, 12:45 AM
    Everyone keeps saying that aluminum will mess with the signal. But what I'm wondering about is how will the iPad 3G will deal with that? Is 3G iPad going to look different than Wifi model thats currently out?

    Notice the black bar in the Wi-Fi + 3G image



    unicorns with wings. night on wings of silverAs
  • night on wings of silverAs

  • maclaptop
    Apr 17, 01:10 PM
    Google needs to get their **** together if they want to keep competing. Everyone I know that has an Android carries around an iPod too.

    Microsoft has Zune, and it's WP7 phones and Apple has iTunes. Google has to rely on Amazon, and even then the Android MP3 App is by far the worst of the 3.
    And the point of your post is?

    unicorns with wings. Unicorns Are Real!- Wired.com
  • Unicorns Are Real!- Wired.com

  • jelloshotsrule
    Sep 7, 11:51 PM
    i get the feeling a lot of people are going to jump on the bash kanye west bandwagon since he trashed george bush.

    the racism that is apparent in this thread is frightening though


    unicorns with wings. of a unicorn with wings!
  • of a unicorn with wings!

  • NebulaClash
    May 4, 08:15 AM
    I'm hoping by 2020 there's something out better than a trackpad, though.... I don't like them for long term usage (not comfortable, IMO). I'm thinking if Microsoft can do body tracking for XBox, it should be possible to do hand tracking for computers (e.g. put it on the webcam on a notebook. You could then do gestures and such in mid-air (e.g. touchscreen without getting fingerprints all over the screen. You could have templates for joysticks simulations, gun simulations, etc. Imagine just making a 'trigger' finger and playing a shooter game with no stick required.) I'd be thrilled if they could get voice interfaces and speech recognition/comprehension to work accurately so you could just talk to the computer for many things (ala Star Trek). Many things could be vastly improved over time.

    I'm sure they will be improved over time. The way I look at it is the iPod touch of 2011 is amazingly advanced over the original iPod of 2001. So I'm sure the iPad (and track pads) of 2010 will be amazingly advanced over the original iPad (and today's track pads) of 2010.

    In we could not have imagined (other than in SF) what an iPod would look like 10 years later. We got more than just obvious changes such as larger screens, thinner devices and color screens. We got apps and an App Store, and touch screens, and video, and syncing with Mobile Me across all your devices, and the ability to flip video from device to device, and switchover to SSD instead of hard disks, and books, and a port that allows add-on devices such as credit card readers, etc. etc.

    When society has a need (touch technology that could be improved), people find ways to improve it. I suspect you will love the touch pads of a decade from now (and probably the mouse technology too!).

    unicorns with wings. (Please note the rainbow wings
  • (Please note the rainbow wings

  • p0intblank
    Jan 12, 12:36 AM
    I thought Steve Jobs did an EXCELLENT job at the keynote this week. It was probably his best one in a while. Maybe you just fail to recognize the good side of things?

    unicorns with wings. Your unicorns are among the
  • Your unicorns are among the

  • dmr727
    Jan 15, 01:17 PM
    I liked it. I was happy with the update to the AppleTV - I think I'll finally get off the fence and buy one. The Capsule seems interesting. The MBA is outside of what I want to spend, but it's pretty awesome nonetheless.

    It would have been nice to see updated specs on the Mini and other notebooks, but hey, you can't have everything! :)

    Oct 3, 09:37 AM
    The way I imagine Apple liscensing/opening up the iPod/iTunes/iTMS system would be for Apple to completely control what the user sees, how the user gets content, even if it doesn't control what the user gets. Like how you can choose which country to set the Music Store to, adding maybe an Amazon.com store to the list, Real.com, etc. But as a "reward" for opening itself up to competition, Apple would recieve a slight liscence fee, an teensy bit of the price of whatever's sold. This way Apple could control the look of the iTMS no matter where it comes from by supplying a template, a "user interface guideline" sort of thing for this new multi-store, and all media from Apple or Amazon or wherever could all happily coexist in iTunes. If the other companies want to sell to players other than the iPod, they can use their own system or work out a similar situation with Microsoft and fair play and such.

    I don't really like leaving this in the hands of DVD Jon. Maybe Apple will wait and see what kind of response he gets and then take it from there, but I think Apple and especially iTunes still need to be part of the picture.

    Maybe Apple could simply provide an easy "Add to Library" handle in iTunes, even if the stuff comes from some browser based store, you buy it and it goes to iTunes and thus the iPod. The whole multi-store thing is to me the ideal that I'd be willing to let go of.

    Oct 4, 12:21 PM
    I'm afraid the new Intel Apple is going to be the same as the old PPC Apple.

    Apple, (in the past), always blamed slow implementation of new processors and long shipping wait times on low Motorola or IBM processor yields.

    Now Apple doesn't have the same excuse with Intel but I bet we don't see a Merom MBP or an Octo-MacPro until MacWorld SF or later.

    Anyone taking bets!I'm not betting. But I think the C2D MB & MBPs will come out before Thanksgiving November 23. I can see them holding out on the Dual Clovertown Mac Pro for dramatic purposes in the January 9 SteveNote. But they will be a full two months behind the shipping date if they do, which would confirm your fear which I can fully understand.

    Seems like they have not figured out how to turn on a dime or have make a conscious decision to not try and keep up with the latest ASAP and just poke along to the beat of their own weird drum. I feel a little bit hostage to their slow release pace. But perhaps we can't really understand what goes on behind the curtain and should cut them more slack. :)

    After all, they were spot on with the rapid release of the C2D iMacs a month ago. Maybe we're all being irrationally and prematurely impatient.

    Oct 17, 09:58 AM
    Before people start quoting VHS vs Betamax, can people use actual facts rather than urban legends?

    For example: Betamax being superior to VHS is a myth, most people cannot tell the difference between the two formats. Read this excellent article:


    The real reason VHS beat Betamax is the following:

    1. VHS had longer tapes, Betamax's tapes were smaller, and Sony had difficulty coming out with larger capacity tapes. Faced with one system that's standard tapes could record 1 hour and one that could do 3 hours, most people chose the latter (VHS).

    2. Sony's tight grip on the Betamax format kept prices high and innovation low. VHS decks were cheaper and made by more manufacturers, and hence consumers had more choice.

    3. The porn industry chose VHS.

    Apr 3, 08:41 PM

    Mar 17, 08:45 AM
    OMG you people are completely overreacting. Do you know how often cashiers make mistakes such as this? If every store fired every cashier that came up short on their register at least once in their retail career, their would probably no cashiers. It's a common mistake that happens more often than you think and most stores just take it as a lost and go about business as usual. So, unless the cashier is completely incompetent and this incident is a repeat occurrence, I doubt he'll get fired.

    Bull. I had a girlfriend in high school get fired from OfficeMax for being $100 off where she had been working for almost a year. Unfortunately some guy came in that day, paid for two computers and a printer with $100 bills (total was something like $2500, as this was the late 90's). She counted it twice, but apparently one was missed. Corporate policy stated that she could only be off by less than $5 at the end of her shift.

    She didn't pocket the money and her manager knew that she didn't, but she still lost her job. Company policy.

    Would I like to get an iPad for half price? Absolutely, but ONLY if it was because the company was selling it for half price. I pay what I am supposed to pay.

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