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  • iJohnHenry
    Mar 27, 09:59 AM
    Really? How shocking!

    Imagine, the U.S. European Command, headed by an American!

    Next you'll be telling us that the U.S. President is an American, too.

    Oh? He chose to leave those two significant letters out of his post. :confused:

    Some more cynical than me (impossible) might consider that disinformation. :rolleyes:

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  • hayesk
    Mar 24, 02:00 PM
    That's not clever at all. You'd still be stuck with the Intel GPU on the internal screen.

    So what? Play your game on the external screen then. This will allow third displays on Macs that don't have slots. Imagine having three displays on your MacBook Pro. Or if you are a video editor, two displays and an SD or HDMI output.

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  • toddybody
    Apr 19, 12:56 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-gb) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Thank goodness .. Finally an iMac rumour ... I am still going to wait a bit more and buy it when the new iMacs ship with lion preinstalled .... July I guess

    Really hoping for 1080p target display mode will be supported in the new iMacs ...

    I heard when you say it twice, its 2x more likely to happen. JK

    Ive double posted several times with no reason why...is this a known MR bug?

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  • tekmoe
    Oct 23, 07:03 PM
    I love reading the one off posts from a bitter MBP owner who's precious is on the verge of discontinue...ment...

    me too. i can easily picture them sitting behind the screen biting their nails while hoping new mbp's are not released. then they have the incredible urge to post totally useless comments because they can't bare the fact that their mbp is about to be outdated.

    haha! i love it!

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  • Taylor Swift

  • ingenious
    Apr 7, 09:10 AM
    Thats not true ! Ive been reading everyone's posts but you just don't want to see both sides of the story. I just want Apple to do better...

    Look at this business weekly online story about Apple - very interesting


    really, this is what Ive been taking about...I think that most Mac users don't want to hear it

    and this one too


    ok, YOU listen to "our side" of the story now!!!!! The point is, apple is NOT dying, they do not need saving, blah blah blah. just read the 100 posts above mine explaining this to you, but you refusing to listen. If you want apple to do better, then think that and leave the rest of us alone. I myself wouldn't mind having more of my contacts using a mac so i wouldn't have to do tech support for them all the time, but then again, that would cut down on people who force money on me for it..... :D

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  • Surely
    Nov 26, 05:00 PM
    Link please!

    ....or you can, I don't know, check the image's url to determine where he bought those shirts.........

    Lurchdubious, are you building a glasses case?:p

    /ok, I'll stop now

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  • Lurchdubious
    Nov 25, 07:28 PM
    Yeah, I know, It's a much bigger case than a simple eye glasses case, But a Ferrari is a much faster car than the speed limits on any high way in the US?

    (not sure, if that's a perfectly accurate analogy but it made sense to me)

    Yeah that didn't make sense. ;)

    FWIW, I really love Pelican cases. I'll be buying one soon to put a couple guns in. Kudos to you for taking care of your $h!t.

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  • poppe
    Sep 1, 01:16 PM
    Computer lines (outside of Apple) overlap ALL THE TIME. It seems like all of you are afraid of the iMac outselling the Mac Pro. The smart thing to do is, yes, to make the iMac super-upgradeable but more expensive to do so, something which is probably intuitive anyway. People will then make the choice of an all-in-one or a tower. There is no such thing as a "too powerful" iMac. Apple sets the price, consumers buy.

    No, now that I think about it, I dont think i'm worried about iMacs out selling a Mac Pro.
    I'm acctually thinking how Apple tends to keep its computers seperated in some way so that the people that want a Mac Pro get a Mac Pro even if they have to resort to payments just to have it; that way people don't think they could settle for an iMac at 2399 and say "well I wanted a Mac Pro, but this should be ok too i guess"

    Thats crazy! no way do Computers (outside of Apple) overlap ALL THE TIME.

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  • Trauma1
    Apr 21, 11:26 AM
    Maybe focus on Jobs...

    Might want to rephrase that.

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  • ^^ CoolMacLover
    Mar 1, 12:03 AM
    Well here is my wonderful setup :)

    24" iMac
    13" MBP
    Dell XPS 15
    40something" TV
    xBox 360
    Logitech Wireless Keyboard & Mouse
    Magic Mouse
    Magic Trackpad
    Wireless Keyboard, I'll say its magic also :P
    And a printer...
    2TB Western Digital HD (iTunes library)
    1TB Western Digital HD (Backup)
    Nintendo DSi
    (Taken with iPhone 3G [S] )
    Below my desk:
    Oh! And everyone loves such good cable management :D

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  • marksman
    Apr 21, 03:01 PM
    So somebody sues you for (insert nefarious activity of your choice) and you deny it saying you were nowhere near Location-X at the time. Then, under rules of disclosure, they subpeona your iPhone/iPad/MBP/TC to obtain your data. The data shows you were at least in the vicinity of Location-X and so had the opportunity to perform (aforesaid nefarious activity).

    They can do that anyways. They could subponea the cell phone records and the cell phone company would have the exact same record from the other side. People really don't understand what is going on here when they fly off the handle with these wacky examples.

    The cell phone provider has a log of every cell tower you have visited with your phone. This is often used in legal cases as evidence.

    I agree that the location data should be dumped... every few hours... so the files contain minimal information. Backups should exclude all this location data. I cannot imagine why any application needs to know my location from more than a few hours ago.

    That is because you don't understand what the data is for... It is a database to help assist with the functioning of the device. It is not a log file of places you visited. See you don't even know what the file is for but you are demanding how it should be changed.

    Dumping the file every few hours would make the significant functionality it provides the phone worthless.

    Did you know the future of cellular phones is going to use systems where you are predictably moved to a specific tower based on where they believe you are going as it will help with throughput for data, signal quality, reduced power consumption and overall functionality. Such databases will absolutely be a part of all cell phones going forward. It is part of the technology, part of the functionality.

    If someone steals your phone they might see some of that data, and they might also see the roll of pictures you took at the furry convention.

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  • gkarris
    Apr 2, 07:22 PM
    Is this the same Narrator that does the Ken Burns films?

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  • Decker
    Mar 22, 05:56 PM
    Oh, wait, I see. Voyager.

    Yes with a Whiplash Audio Elite SCSCag Viablue LOD.

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  • Lord Blackadder
    Mar 21, 07:03 PM
    The gist of the statements currently coming from UN-mandated coalition members seems to be that once that "all necessary measures" have been taken to protect Libyans under attack by Gaddafi loyalists, the coalition military will simply seek to maintain that protection. Any political progess from that point on will have to be negotiated between Gaddafi, the Arab League, and the UN.

    It will be important to get the Arab League onboard, but just now they are pretty distracted with internal instability and rarely agree on anything anyways. They neither want to keep Gaddafi around nor show him the door.

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  • da_sebsta
    Apr 2, 06:09 AM
    While i dont agree with imac_Japan that apple needs saving there needs to be changes in its attitude with markets other then US especially in Australia by apple.I live in Aus It is no wonder that apple is struggling in here, other then the ipod there sales arent ne thing to write home about and the main reason this is because of the inflated price of there products over the price in US. When people see other computers in shops for the quater of the price with marketing to make it look faster and better no wander peple arnt buying macs here.

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  • Taylor Swift Without Make-up

  • baddj
    Mar 31, 04:48 PM
    It shows up in both full screen and non-full screen. Totally agree though, it definitely looks better and less distracting in full screen.

    Non-full screen: http://grab.by/9LUu
    Full screen: http://grab.by/9LUv

    Umm i hope the hell you can change it back? if not well ill no longer be using ical ill find something else.

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  • Taylor Swift Makeup Style

  • Kranchammer
    Mar 24, 01:37 PM
    Mac Pro's have big power supplies but thats mainly for the CPU and Ram, adding a 6970 would be pushing its limits, especially for gaming.

    Well, true, but unlike Apple's more portable offerings, there is nothing ,technologically or physically at least, stopping them from providing a psu in the next iteration of the Mac Pro that is capable of powering the later power-hungry gpu monsters.

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  • mrapplegate
    Apr 3, 06:58 PM
    But why would Apple not do it my way by default??? Google did. Smart and logical of them.

    It might very well be an option by the time it is released in the summer. Like they say it is only a preview and so much is in flux.

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  • Aniej
    Dec 27, 11:36 PM
    anything is possible minus 1 thing: the option to dock and iPod simply is so out of place that I do not know why it keeps getting brought up. iTV is focused on streaming content from your computer, not your iPod.

    As several of us have discussed before, my hope is that iTV will be able to stream all forms of content on my computer, but with particular emphasis on digital media. So if I want to bring a word doc up and type or a movie I am working on in final cut pro, I can do so. Similarly, and with more fully developed components all my digital media can be run on my tv. The goal is to make this experience integrate all the entertainment features we love, but throughout our homes. Quality preservation is essential and I think they will work to ensure that takes place.

    Sep 9, 01:33 PM
    Does anybody know how it will fit in a last gen case?

    Mar 28, 02:49 AM
    So now that I pwned you you still try to twist words to get weasle your way out.That'll be the day.

    Sep 6, 10:10 AM
    were's my macbook core 2 duo :mad:


    how about a new macbook pro? :confused:

    "new" as in C2D & GPU upgrade: October

    "new" as in significant form factor change: 2007

    Sep 1, 01:13 PM
    these prices seem a lot more like what I was thinking. Wishful? maybe, but this would be aggressive pricing, not keeping the current 17" and 20" where they are and throwing the 23" way over their marks.

    iMac is already wildly popular. they have no reason for aggressive pricing.

    Nov 26, 09:41 AM
    well i finally got 2 million now. i started this thread on 10/4/2009. today is 11/26/2009. so what is that, 53 days? considering how long it took for me to get to 1 million to begin with, i'm pretty happy with that

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