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  • jane doe
    Mar 28, 01:02 PM
    I'm not a legal expert at all but I would think that since the Xbox can only connect with connect360 if you have access to both systems (xbox360 and the mac) then that should be evidence enough? Or am I wrong about having to have access to both? I can't remember since its been months since I set mine up.

    stratosphere hotel las vegas. stratosphere hotel las vegas.
  • stratosphere hotel las vegas.

  • WestonHarvey1
    Jul 21, 12:40 PM
    But Apple admitted that it DOES drop more calls than 3GS.

    They spun it as "less than 1 per 100", but assuming all 3,000,000 iPhone 4 users make about 5 calls per day, that's over ONE MILLION dropped calls per week MORE than iPhone 3GS.[/I]

    That total number is meaningless to the end user. The Average user will make 100 calls on a 4 and 100 on a 3GS and not see a difference.

    It's also a number that could change from week to week depending on all sorts of nebulous factors. This week the stats might favor the 4 by 1 call for all you know.

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  • to Stratosphere Hotel Las

  • tdhurst
    Jan 12, 09:08 PM
    Thats a loaded demand since you already agreed with my later statement that they need to learn how to vet online sources like they do print sources. I can list off any number of magazines or whatnot that would do such things if given the chance, though. It isn't like gizmodo invented pranking, guys.

    If given a chance? What does that mean?

    You think if Wired had done this they wouldn't have been banned?

    stratosphere hotel las vegas. Stratosphere Hotel, hotel in
  • Stratosphere Hotel, hotel in

  • digitalbiker
    Oct 4, 10:11 AM
    Clovertown doesn't ship until November so I'm thinking Apple could add a BTO option for them +$800 for Dual Quad 2.33GHz Clovertowns in December without rocking too many boats. Then the choice will be between 4 fast 3GHz cores (12GHz) or 8 slower 2.33GHz cores (18.64GHz) for the same $3,300.

    FYI Each of those processors are priced precisely the same $851 - in case you thought 8 cores were going to cost more. They won't.

    I'm afraid the new Intel Apple is going to be the same as the old PPC Apple.

    Apple, (in the past), always blamed slow implementation of new processors and long shipping wait times on low Motorola or IBM processor yields.

    Now Apple doesn't have the same excuse with Intel but I bet we don't see a Merom MBP or an Octo-MacPro until MacWorld SF or later.

    Anyone taking bets!

    stratosphere hotel las vegas. Stratosphere Hotel in Las
  • Stratosphere Hotel in Las

  • mac-er
    Oct 2, 07:08 PM
    Jobs apparently warned that while Apple was not a litigious company

    Well, that has to be the funniest thing I ever heard.

    stratosphere hotel las vegas. Big Shot Stratosphere Hotel
  • Big Shot Stratosphere Hotel

  • TheNewDude
    Sep 28, 12:03 PM
    Oh i'm sure there will be LOTS of technology in the house.

    I bet he'll be able to control everything via an app on his iPhone.

    The house itself doesn't need to be HUGE. He can still apply a lot of technology into the house making it worth millions!

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  • Tags: Hotels On Las Vegas

  • getheledout
    Apr 6, 01:37 PM
    Just got it!

    I use one of those at work. It's an absolute necessity with CAD work, but it tends to 'walk' around my desk.

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  • Stratosphere Hotel Las Vegas

  • DeathChill
    May 3, 10:07 PM
    I think there's something magical and revolutionary about getting kidnapped by aliens and overpowered by machines. You just don't see that stuff happening too often in life, and we need to enjoy it when it happens.
    Agreed. I really am upset that they leave out my favourite part though: rectal probing. Android commercials need more rectal probing.

    stratosphere hotel las vegas. Stratosphere Hotel amp; Casino
  • Stratosphere Hotel amp; Casino

  • novagamer
    Sep 25, 11:38 AM
    I love the new loupe, that's really handy how you can park it to the side and it follows your cursor without obstructing your larger view. Quite a nice upgrade I think, and for free!:)

    Is this available in software update yet?

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  • Stratosphere hotel supersized

  • marksman
    May 3, 03:35 PM
    Contract terms require "consideration" from both parties to be legally binding. Consideration is something you provide to the other party (i.e., money from you, data services from your carrier).

    What consideration are the carriers offering you for tethering? You're already paying $X for Y GB of data used on your phone. It doesn't matter to the carrier if your Netflix app is using it, or your tethering app is sending the data to your laptop. Nothing changes on their end, they just send the data that you've already paid for to your phone, and your phone handles the rest.

    You're right, it is black and white. It's a scam aimed at exploiting consumers like yourself who don't know any better, with an illegal contract term. I hope this goes to court soon, before the carriers in Canada (where I am) try to pull the same BS.

    They are offering you more bandwidth to use a higher bandwidth service like tethering.

    The consideration is very clear. Thanks for quoting the premise for contract law, but claiming there is no consideration there is ridiculous.

    People who tether use more bandwidth, so the cost associated with their usage is more expensive. The carriers can either charge those people for tethering or they can raise the price for EVERYONE.

    They choose to charge the people who tether. It is a perfectly reasonable choice on their part.

    Hey a cable line comes into my house with all the channels on it. I can just jimmy off a filter and get all the channels without paying any more. They are already delivering it to my house, why can't I just get all of them since they are there anyways and I am paying for cable right?

    You are not paying for tethering unless you are paying for tethering. The math is simple. People who tether use more bandwidth. Wireless providers set their data prices based on AVERAGE usage. Tethering makes the average usage go up, so the revenue to cover those costs has to come from somewhere.

    So they can either charge EVERYONE more or charge the people who tether more.. Again they choose the later.

    stratosphere hotel las vegas. Stratosphere Hotel in Las
  • Stratosphere Hotel in Las

  • twoodcc
    Dec 10, 09:35 PM
    For an H50, that's still too high temps for an OC. My 930, under -smp 8 settings with an H50 runs at 65C and 38C idle.

    what case do you have?

    i'm actually have problems with my northbridge temps on the asus. i think it's the motherboard. right now i have the case open and a box fan blowing air on it

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  • Stratosphere Hotel - Ceremony

  • Whistleway
    Oct 11, 07:54 PM
    I am pretty sure Apple has to refresh its iPod line for holiday sales or it is bye-bye stock prices and holiday sales.

    The question is what will or can they do by november 14th. And it is very unlikely that it will be large video iPod. Heck, Zune has the same resolution as the iPod and i am not sure what the big deal is. It is not like adding 1" or 2" will make it all the better.

    stratosphere hotel las vegas. Stratosphere Hotel Closeup
  • Stratosphere Hotel Closeup

  • louis Fashion
    Mar 28, 03:56 PM
    I award the l. Fashion design award to the big grey box at the top of this thread. Would look nice on my desk.

    stratosphere hotel las vegas. Stratosphere Hotel and Casino
  • Stratosphere Hotel and Casino

  • carbontwelve
    Apr 4, 06:21 PM
    Note: I do not endorse anything I say in this post, and as such cant be held liable if you stupidly follow my advice, which is to be taken with a pinch of salt.

    visit the house on the pretense that your a sales person selling something, or some form of public service agent - if your good at acting then the con job wont be hard to pull off...

    Once you have identified the unit as being yours, attempt once again to get the police help you retrieve it. If that fails then break in and get it yourself, just make sure you do a clean job, study the family for a while to make sure you know when the house is empty or quiet. Then either drill out a lock and bash open the door, or break a window to gain access, if you have the tools pick or bump the lock as that leaves behind the least amount of evidence. Once inside retrieve your goods and leave, if you have picked or bumped the lock it will be a while before they notice. The other methods of entry will be noticed pretty quickly and increase risk on your behalf.

    Once inside, just retrieve what is legally yours, nothing else unless you really want to break the law for real... bring some spray paint, a whole lot of dog **** in a big bag + 1/4 stick dynamite and what ever else you want to trash the place with. Spray up the place and then the cherry on the cake is putting the stick in the **** placing it in the center of a room lighting and run :)

    stratosphere hotel las vegas. the Las Vegas strip with
  • the Las Vegas strip with

  • hamlin
    Nov 8, 03:11 PM
    I pre-ordered it for PS3 from ebgames. I'll pick it up after work tomorrow.

    The best was COD 4: MW. That set the bar for COD games.

    stratosphere hotel las vegas. Las Vegas Stratosphere Hotel
  • Las Vegas Stratosphere Hotel

  • TheFreshPrince
    Sep 12, 07:25 AM
    Japan store down too. :rolleyes:

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  • stratosphere hotel las vegas.

  • wlh99
    Apr 29, 10:52 AM
    Ok fellows, thanks for the waiting, my new house is a mess but at least all my furniture is here now. I follow both of your examples ( wlh99's E-mail project and the great explanation that Knight showed here). I first started a new project in order to avoid confusion and made some changes, the result is what I think " a working timer " with start, stop and reset buttons. If I see the code now it seems a bit obvious why the timer never stopped before. I can tell you right now that I never reset the global variables inside any cancel or reset button thus the timer always continued. I think that the first variable (NSInteger seconds = 0 before the first method) gets called only once after that we reset it to 0 using the reset or cancel method (we can do it separately like knight said), in my case I assign reset to be the one to set that to 0 and cancel to invalid the timer.

    Knight and wh99, if you like to see the project running and tell me your throughs, just give me your E-mail addresses (I have Warren's already) so I can share it with you. For obvious reasons I'm not posting it and if some of you wonder why, it's for same reasons nobody posted the complete working code despite being able to make a timer in less than 3 minutes. (yes, I know it's because you think it would not help me and I understand)

    Special thanks to Knight and wh99 for their patience and instructions.

    Thanks also to everyone who gave his opinion on this matter.

    * Here is photo of the log and UI

    Glad you got it working. Trust me when I say, it is not obvious, and that it now seems so to you is an accomplishment.

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  • Stratosphere Hotel amp; Casino

  • spencers
    Apr 7, 09:08 AM
    Purchased another "ticket" to have my brother partake in this event with me as he is going to be visiting at just the right dates!

    That and another helmet so that I can give him back his motorcycle helmet.

    Rock on! In the E30?

    I'm going up to Little Rock (Arkansas) for their regions SCCA autocross event on April 17. They don't preregister anymore so I can't really chalk it up as a "purchase" yet :o

    stratosphere hotel las vegas. Stratosphere Hotel amp; Casino
  • Stratosphere Hotel amp; Casino

  • Ygn
    Nov 8, 01:42 PM
    I got mine earlier today too, it's very good indeed. :)

    Nov 23, 04:56 PM
    Should work anywhere from date of first use/registration:rolleyes:

    That's a yes then? :P

    Nov 8, 03:11 PM
    I pre-ordered it for PS3 from ebgames. I'll pick it up after work tomorrow.

    The best was COD 4: MW. That set the bar for COD games.

    May 1, 05:56 AM
    Can anyone confirm is there a Turkish localization in this build?

    Apr 12, 06:16 PM
    The Windows task bar is now by far much better with the addition of aero peek
    Networking, its easier, faster and generally better then dealing with OSX

    To some extent yes, but with expose in SL, Apple already implements the best of the dock features. But yes, hyperdock would be cool.

    In general though I think apple needs to add features to catch up because MS has caught up and surpassed apple with windows 7.

    Surpassed how? What are those features?

    I guess the bottom line for me is this: I see Microsoft working hard and adding features, to improve the OS. I see apple working hard at making OSX act more like an iPad. I also think given that they really didn't provide the consumer features in 10.6 that they should have done that in 10.7. Its not like they didn't have time, given that SL was released in 2009

    That's just your misconception. There's no harm in making it iPad like if it becomes better. If you think your status will go down because you're using a product that's a bit derived from a so called toy, then its up to you.

    You really don't know what you are talking about.

    Apr 29, 04:19 PM
    Holy ****. Ical looks so f gross.

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