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  • Me1000
    Sep 12, 03:48 PM
    I personaly liked the design of the original Nano better, but im temptedto trade in my 4GB black nano for an 8 GB one!

    Too bad its personalized :(

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  • iStudentUK
    Apr 7, 03:29 PM
    *bold emphasis mine

    I'm sorry friend, but you aren't understanding the full context of what you are reading. The old testament, in this case Deuteronomy, does not stand alone, but is correctly interpreted in light of the new testament and the fulfillment of the law that Christ accomplished through the incarnation and his death.

    God gave the law in the old testament to serve a specific purpose at a specific time to a specific people. From a theological stand point it's purpose was to show that no amount of work or good behavior can bring one to God. The law serves to highlight our separation from God in that none of us can measure up. The wages of sin are death and thus under the law death was the punishment. Under the new covenant Christ's death has paid the price of sin and we no longer need to live under the law.

    Where does this guidance come from? Who says the Bible must be interpreted in that way? It seems in a book as complex as the Bible there must be 100s of ways to view it.

    So you see, you are guilty of doing what it is you are saying that others are doing. You are picking/choosing a verse out of the old testament and presenting it as if it was a universal command to all believers for all time.

    I'm not suggesting the Bible is bad, nor am I suggesting it is good. I'm saying that the Bible is neutral- it can be interpreted in a way that leads to kindness and charity or in a way that leads to hatred and intolerance.

    I don't know statistics on this, but I'm very confident that the majority of Christians are "good" people. However, there are some "bad" ones as well. The Westboro Baptist Church comes to mind! Whilst the WBC holds a despicable view, who is to say their interpretation is less well founded?

    I'm suggesting that people don't get their morals from the Bible, instead people choose to interpret their Bibles in the way that best fits their view. I think it is no coincidence that so many religions/philosophies have the same basic elements. (Like don't kill, steal, treat others like you would like to be treated...)

    Basic human morality is an innate quality- most people are "good" (of course people aren't just good or bad, but you know what I mean!). One of my favourite books is The Selfish Gene (also one of the most important science books in recent history in my opinion) is basically explaining why altruism exists and how it could have evolved. Like I said before, some basic elements of morality has been observed in other primates.

    For you to quote Deuteronomy as evidence that the Bible "literally" tells believers today they should stone people is incorrect.

    What I'm saying is people interpret the Bible such that they don't have to stone people. Stoning people is immoral by a standard found beyond the Bible.

    I don't think we need a structured moral code per se. I don't want argument about how the "Secular Bible" should be interpreted, instead just look at what we, as humans, think is right.

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  • twoodcc
    Sep 6, 09:22 AM
    well apple finally came thru and released something......finally

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  • Manzana
    Aug 24, 12:52 PM
    new batteries for us!!! and i was wondering how much longer mine would last :cool:

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  • cmaier
    Apr 2, 12:38 PM
    Doesn't most of the internet use flash?


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  • szsiddiq
    Nov 8, 09:26 AM
    the store is still down!
    i really hope they're adding more than just the macbooks

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  • Treq
    Nov 4, 11:53 PM
    Yeah!!! You forgot the part about world peace and end of hunger....

    Yeah!!! You against the world! I suppose you also write to fashion magazines, complaining that all their models have perfect, skinny bodies....

    But all kidding aside, without Flash, you must be having a pretty poor and limited web experience. Or, you just hang out on the Apple site.... :D

    So, let me get this straight.
    You are for:
    Sloppy code, anorexia, bulimia, and famine.

    And you are against:
    Apple and world peace.

    Good choice.

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  • i love lucy wallpaper.

  • amacgenius
    Nov 8, 08:04 AM
    Quoting Specs (

    Battery and power
    55-watt-hour lithium-polymer battery (with integrated charge indicator LEDs) providing up to 6 hours of battery life (2)
    60W MagSafe Power Adapter with cable management system

    Farther down on same page:

    Hardware accessories Apple Remote, 85W MagSafe Power Adapter, AC wall plug, power cord, lithium-polymer battery

    So which is it, a 60W MagSafe like in the Core Duos or an 85W MagSafe like the MacBook Pros?

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  • Popeye206
    Mar 29, 09:01 AM
    If Apple holds back on the iPhone 5 for the fall or winter, then I would expect we're going to see a fairly major change in the same basic iPhone4 form.

    Personally... I love the idea of them taking their time right now and not playing the "rush" game. One of the things I think will bite Moto, HTC and others is they are always trying to out-spec each other and their implementations are sometimes very flawed or weak.

    Give us a strong iOS and MacOSX upgrade this summer and then follow it up with a new iPhone in October and a retina version of the iPad and iPod Touch in the fall and Apple would be on fire for the holidays.

    Will ATT have signifigant enough LTE coverage by then? Or would and LTE iPhone only be offered to Verizon?

    I would guess that iPhone5 will be duel mode GSM and CMDA... so I would assume the 4G should be able to adapt to either.

    sorry wallpapers for love. Sorry Pao, but I think I am
  • Sorry Pao, but I think I am

  • Chundles
    Sep 4, 11:28 AM
    Was the one more thing at the iPod event last October the TV shows?

    If so, the one more thing this year could be the Movies.

    I don't think there was a "One More Thing..." from what I remember there were three acts:

    Act I - New iMac with iSight and Front Row/Photo Booth
    Act II - iPod and iTunes, sales, nano's resounding (1 million in 17 days) sales.
    Act III - iPod (with video), TV Shows in iTunes, iTunes 6.

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  • champ01
    Mar 29, 06:30 AM
    RadioShack are a bunch of AHoles who only care about money.
    This is not a joke :mad:
    Don't believe me? take a look at the next article

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  • i love music wallpaper. i love

  • Kristenn
    Apr 17, 05:01 AM
    That $1199 iMac has lots of other wonderful features including a screen, but if you think it is anywhere close to the performance of a i7-2600 based PC (that go for $750 from HP/Dell) then you are delusional. To get something from Apple with an equivalent processor you are looking at a $2199 iMac or a $2499 Mac Pro. Doesn't matter that in the long term the Mac could be a better value, some people can't justify that huge price difference or paying additional for features they don't need or want or cannot afford to.

    Again Macs are a premium product and because of that Apple will hit a ceiling of those who can afford or justify buying their products.

    i7 based AIO for 750 from Dell? Oh wait, tell me you didn't just compare a Tower to an All in One computer.

    Seriously. Why the hell do people do this? It's like comparing a truck to a roadster.

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  • sweet love quotes wallpapers.

  • Nipsy
    Oct 13, 05:51 PM
    I actually had to shorten that message considerably becuase of a heretofore unbeknownst to me MacRumors post length limit!!!!

    sorry wallpapers for love. sorry wallpapers for love,
  • sorry wallpapers for love,

    Aug 4, 01:53 AM
    ...So it looks like the forthcoming Mac Pro's will have the same form factor as the previous Power Mac G5. Can't say that I'm against that decision - but I was secretly hoping for a new look. My Rev A Power Mac Dual 2Ghz is still doing just fine under my desk. In fact, it's gonna take something pretty crazy to get me to pull out the credit card for a new box. Nothing's got me that excited yet

    sorry wallpapers for love. sorry wallpapers for love,
  • sorry wallpapers for love,

  • boss.king
    May 4, 10:40 PM
    And it will be called:

    iPad 3D.

    You heard it here first folks.

    Actually we heard it 2 posts above yours

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  • wallpaper romantic love. sad

  • iSMH
    Nov 6, 10:51 PM

    Apple has dropped the ball here. Now that most laptops ship with the same chips, Apple can't claim the "Mhz Myth" or anything like that. They will have to keep up to speed, no pun intended.

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  • Valentines Day love wallpapers

  • TheSVD
    Mar 1, 04:16 PM
    still playing around with my 50mm 1.4 :) (
    Untitled ( by TheSVD (, on Flickr

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  • wallpapers of love couples.

  • Yaboze
    Mar 29, 02:43 PM
    Maybe it had nothing to do with money at all. Maybe "wife said no" because hubby is obsessed with gadgets and the Internet, and therefore pays no attention to wife, kids, dog or fish.

    That said, Apple may not have necessarily helped with family by sending it back to hubby for free. All they did was undermine the wife's better judgment.

    Are you the wife? :p

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  • wallpaper pink love.

  • mscriv
    Apr 7, 10:29 AM
    If all religious people read the Bible literally they would stone me on site for being an atheist, they would hate homosexuals. Instead, people pick and choose the parts of the Bible they like based upon their own morality.

    You are entitled to your opinion and I respect your right to have it, but how about we keep the misinformation to a minimum.

    The Bible does not instruct believers today to stone or hate anyone. Please don't take things out of context. I agree that people do pick and choose (as you did in your post) the parts of the Bible they want to follow or use to justify their views and choices. In most cases they are taking these parts out of context on purpose or simply do not understand what they are reading or how it fits into the whole of the Bible.

    This has been discussed in many threads and maybe later I'll reference the links, but simply put, please don't tell others the Bible instucts people to do things that it doesn't.

    As far as what barkomatic is saying, sometimes I really wonder if people on here have a problem with reading comprehension. He's not arguing for religion. He's just saying that without some type of direction, mentoring, structure, wisdom, objective standards, etc. etc. that human beings have a tendency to become selfish. For this reason he thinks there is value in a book like the OP is referencing. Some of you are reading into what he is saying and debating points that he's not even making. :confused:

    Sep 18, 09:46 PM
    Just like you said about the Jet Pack, the Armor Lock can be really great, but you have to use it correctly. If you are all by yourself, trying to use it in a 1v1 encounter, then no, you aren't using it correctly. Using it as a distraction while teammates flank people gawking at you, using its EMP effect to disable vehicles, or using it to survive heavy weapon fire? That is correct.

    Yeah, you're right. All the power ups need to be used correctly to be effective and are good in their own right.

    Personally i favour the jet pack for most maps.

    Oct 15, 04:10 PM
    When you look at Steve Job's odyssey from being Apple's CEO, bringing in Sculley, getting stabbed in the back and booted from his own company.

    Jobs goes off on his own, founds Next computer, develops innovative hardware, makes alliances with the likes of George Lucas, founds Pixar and comes up with hit movie after hit movie.

    Meanwhile Apple goes through the dark ages, predictions of Apple going belly up, they beg Steve Jobs to come back to the helm.

    Jobs returns to Apple, gets to work and turns the company around with some of the most inspiring products (iMac) and great market presence.

    Then his team comes up with the marvelous iPod. The Macintosh lineup is arguable the best in the PC world.

    Things would have been much less interesting if Steve didn't have to make this difficult trek. Sometimes what looks bad can be the beginning of something great if you don't give up.

    Apr 17, 09:32 AM
    When you see them in a kiosk at McDonalds...then they will be nearing global domination. :)

    I see them at the Best Buy Kiosk's in all the major airports around the country.

    If you have flown anywhere lately you have notice Apple products, IPads, MacBooks are the preferred electronic device on most major flights. I was at JFK last week, The waiting areas had 100's of Ipads built into the seats for all those waiting so they could surf the web.

    Sep 2, 11:30 PM
    lol, please be honest, in next 5 years, you will need only update windows once (XP->Vista), and you will need to update OSX at least 3 times. Apple is ripping people off on this, there is no question about it, all these ".1" incremental update should not have a price more than $60 at all.
    Or you could just update from OS X 10.1 to 10.5, for $129. That would be equivalent to updating from XP to Vista, because you would have gone 5 years without a significant upgrade. If you don't think the incremental features of a .1 update are worth the price, then don't buy it...

    And if you really want a bargain, buy a family pack to use on up to 5 Macs in your home. Only $199. Try that with Vista!

    And those who say that this is just an upgrade price are incorrect. This is the full retail price for a complete boxed install set.

    Mar 30, 11:54 PM
    I assume you enlisted then?
    I assume you enlisted in the Peace corp then? No? Hmmm, that's telling.

    I expect fire fighters to put out fires, and police to arrest rapists and murders. I don't need to become a fire fighter or police man to justify that.
    The President cannot simply go to war because he feels like it.
    Sure he can, Obama had no trouble starting this illegal war. Heck, at least Bush let Congress take a vote and approve the measure first. Obama jumped in head first without even thinking or engaging in any dialog. On top of that, it's a slap in the face to the American people, as he didn't even bother to give a speech and present his case, explain what he planned to do. Bush at least had the decency to do that.
    It's being led by NATO and the US is not committing ground troops.
    LOL, who do you think the NATO military is? France? Italy? LMAO, don't make me laugh! Massive military spending cuts and downsizing was the first thing Europe did during their financial downturn. They couldn't fight their way out of a paper bag. The US Military -is- the NATO military. And if you think that we won't send ground troops, you haven't been paying any attention.
    That said, I hope we don't get much deeper into this.
    LMAO, what did you think this was going to be? Drop a few bombs and disappear? The talk now is that these Rebels fighting Gaddafi have plenty of Al Qaeda in their ranks. This is not going to be a quick in-n-out. Obama's illegal war will be his legacy (well, that and his failed socialized medicine scheme).

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