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  • Blipp
    Apr 13, 08:36 AM
    I believe you. . . but do you have a link. I haven't dug around a lot for it yet. That's really my biggest concern with this update.
    I don't have a link for you but I too remember them saying you could run the entire app from the keyboard though I don't remember them specifically mentioning customizing hotkeys.

    six flags new england superman. at Six Flags New England.
  • at Six Flags New England.

  • peharri
    Sep 21, 02:58 PM
    The first question is a doozy. Personally, I think Apple's choice is a bit unwieldy. Have your entertainment network rely on your Mac/PC is fine; except when you need to restart after installing software (could the hard disk in the iTV buffer enough content to keep going until the Mac restarts? Possibly). Another problem is if your home PC is a laptop, which might not be in the home, or will sleep if inadvertently shut.

    I'm 99% sure you have it wrong. The point of these most recent statements is that the iTV will be a standalone device. It'll be able to make use of networked iTunes libraries, but it will also work by itself, with no need to own a separate computer. This is one reason why it has a hard disk, for instance.

    I agree that it'd be unwieldy if it required use of a computer. Which is one reason why I think, given none of the facts so far suggest use of a computer is necessary, it doesn't need one.

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  • CaoCao
    Mar 24, 06:52 PM
    The Catholic Church doesn't hate homosexuals

    six flags new england superman. six flags new england rides.
  • six flags new england rides.

  • dragonsbane
    Mar 20, 12:18 AM
    beyond this robin hood mentality
    I think you may be misunderstanding the natural human desire to be free with a fairy tale. No matter where you look in history, humans are always trying to find ways to increase their freedom and decrease oppression. This is not "Robin Hood", this is nature.

    If only people could work up a tenth of this kind of moral indignation over things that really matter, like poverty or racism.
    Start working at changing the world from where you stand. No one needs to "wait" to care. And what you care about is of much less importance than the fact that you feel anything at all.

    six flags new england superman. six flags new england new
  • six flags new england new

  • edifyingGerbil
    Apr 22, 09:23 PM
    Huh?? I'm the last person who usually defends Atheists around here (nothing against them) :), I'm Agnostic too, but regardless if I think they are out on a limb for my own personal reasons, using the scientific method, with no practical evidence of God is it really fair to accuse them of not thinking and being lazy?? Lol. It could be argued that believing there is no God for lack of evidence is stronger than believing in God based on faith (lack of proof).

    No no, you're misreading me. The atheists I've spoken to, here in the UK and various European countries, tend to not back up their atheism with reasons of any sort. They just are.

    I think faith is such a personal thing that the "proof" could be in their heads. Paul's conversion occurred on the road to Damascus, he had an epiphany from somewhere. It was proof to him but he couldn't explain it. A lot of theists and born again Christians claim to have these damascene revelations which change their lives etc etc.

    All form of religious talk ends in aporia usually... At least religious debate that pertains to ontology of God. You can still argue aspects of different religions or beliefs.

    six flags new england superman. six flags new england
  • six flags new england

  • writingdevil
    Apr 13, 05:23 AM
    many of these are from non full time editors if you read posts over time..and if you follow the site, the usual suspects pick up on part of somebody else's post, try to put a twist on it, and post it without having real understanding of the heart of the topic. we started on avid in first project in film school through four years of filmmaking, then onto feature jobs, and this system rocks. murch, coen bros, coppola, lots of features using fcp and endorse it totally. people in my pops generation started on other systems and somewhere along the way, jus got tired of learning new tech, although they're still damn good editors.

    six flags new england superman. Six Flags New England
  • Six Flags New England

  • H. Flower
    Apr 12, 11:36 PM
    Photoshop & AE are awesome applications. Premiere might be a decent editing app, but nobody in the industry uses it. A very small % sure, but only because they don't know FCP or Avid. Maybe do-it-all small post houses, but not dedicated editors. I'm not really trying to knock Premiere - just stating facts.

    The BBC just purchased 4,000 Premiere systems.

    six flags new england superman. Six+flags+new+england+logo
  • Six+flags+new+england+logo

  • Silentwave
    Jul 11, 11:30 PM
    One thing i was just thinking... with some laptop vendors considering Conroe due to it being pretty damn efficient, how about this one:

    MacBook - Merom - optimized for LONG battery life
    MacBook Pro - Conroe - optimized to be a true mobile professional workstation

    unlikely. MBPs already have heating issues, and Yonah core duo standard voltage is designed with a TDP of up to 31W. Merom has up to 35W.
    Conroe and Allendale both are TDP 65W throughout the range except teh Conroe extremes which are TDP of 80W. No info yet on the Low Votlage or Ultra Low Voltage Meroms, but if any high end processor beyond merom were to get into the MBPs, which i doubt due to the need for a different socket, i'd actually call it as Woodcrest!

    The dual core Xeon 5148 Low Voltage, clocking at 2.33GHz with 4MB L2 cache and 1333MT/S FSB has a TDP of 40W- only 5W higher than the Meroms.

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  • OllyW
    Apr 28, 08:02 AM
    Horrible headline.

    You do not "slip" upwards.

    If you had read the first post you would realise they were in third place last quarter.

    Dropping to fourth is not slipping upwards.

    six flags new england superman. Superman
  • Superman

  • Michaelgtrusa
    May 2, 10:07 AM
    Be careful.

    six flags new england superman. six flags new england rides.
  • six flags new england rides.

  • JFreak
    Jul 12, 05:24 AM
    I bet the the Quad G5 will retain their value for awhile.

    Yes, it will. Given that many pro apps are still not Universal, and that many times first ported version is somewhat buggy, the PPC hardware running native PPC software will become very valuable during the next 12ish months.

    Why does it seem that about 105% of Mac-users are Photoshop-users as well (I bet that PhotoShop-users are in fact in the minority)?

    Because 105% of Mac-users have bought Photoshop Elements bundled with a digital camera. 95% of those never bother to upgrade to full version and 82% of those never use the software anyway. Oh, and 67% of statistics are made on spot ;)

    six flags new england superman. Six+flags+new+england+new+
  • Six+flags+new+england+new+

  • sblasl
    Oct 28, 09:23 AM
    I am in the process of selling my Dual 2.0 GHz PPC. I was planning on replacing it with the Mac Pro 2.66 GHz. Should I consider holding off in the purchase of the new system. What potential impact would there be the system that I am considering buying?

    On a forward thinking basis, what potential(speculation) revisions are possible to this system in the next 6 - 12 months?


    six flags new england superman. Batman (Six Flags New England
  • Batman (Six Flags New England

  • NikolasStow
    May 2, 12:10 PM
    I got this and immediately figured out it was a virus or some ****

    six flags new england superman. Six Flags New England Theme
  • Six Flags New England Theme

  • swingerofbirch
    Aug 29, 01:19 PM
    I cannot speak at all to the Greenpeace report or what Apple does--I simply don't know enough.

    But, I have always thought that computers are somewhat wasteful in how often they are replaced. A school will at once replace hundreds of computers. And I as a consumer will replace a computer and iPod every couple of years.

    On the other hand, things like televisions hang around a bit longer.

    I wonder in the scheme of things though if using oil and coal as sources of energy isn't a much larger problem. I don't really know. I just always assumed it was.

    six flags new england superman. Riders soar face down on
  • Riders soar face down on

  • Huntn
    Mar 15, 07:27 PM
    Not really. When all power is lost, the plant is still able to cool itself through other means

    I'd say some Japanese reactors are proving this statement false. Backup generators designed to ensure cooling of the reactors either failed or were knocked out by something- earthquake or water. Could it be that the infrastructure to deliver the cooling was damaged? If not damaged, would the un-powered system continue to provide adequate cooling? I'm not asking you for an answer, just thinking out loud. My impression is that the initial shutdown functioned properly, but shutdown is not something that happens in a matter of minutes, but in a matter of days and without cooling water, things turn to **** quickly.

    Chernobyl utilized a design that did not utilize many of the safety systems in place as today's plants, such as having multiple layers of containment for one...

    Yes, but the comparison to Chernobyl is based on severity of the event and the release of radioactive material into the atmosphere, not the design.

    six flags new england superman. six flags new england roller
  • six flags new england roller

  • iJohnHenry
    Mar 25, 06:50 PM
    @ijh: don't you spend more time here than anybody...?

    I try to, but public service keeps dragging me away.

    And it's getting damn annoying.

    six flags new england superman. six flags great adventure
  • six flags great adventure

  • NebulaClash
    Apr 28, 08:23 AM
    That's pretty much the definition of a fad.

    Fads refer to a period of time, not its popularity during that time. For the iPad to be a fad, it will have to lose its popularity over the next year or so.

    six flags new england superman. at Six Flags New England
  • at Six Flags New England

  • Howdr
    Mar 18, 01:16 PM
    And how do YOU not get the giant paragraph in their TOS that says you can't tether it to another device?? Use all the unlimited data you want on your phone. A judge isn't gonna waive that all away.


    six flags new england superman. Superman: The Escape at Six
  • Superman: The Escape at Six

  • R.Perez
    Apr 15, 02:49 AM

    Well worth the watch. Im so glad they did this.

    that made me tear up for sure. thanks for posting it. The Trevor project is a really great organization.

    Sep 26, 12:51 PM
    I bet I could peg all 8 cores doing a 3D render...easily.

    Bring them I say. This may make me hold off on my render farm idea.


    I'm already doing 6 cpu renders. Why stop at 8, I'll take 16 :D

    Apr 28, 09:00 AM
    Best thing I could find

    Kudos for looking for something (seriously) -- I'd argue that it's a bit limited in scope, though:
    -Limited to America
    -Limited to adults
    -Calculating by household, with strictly boolean "yes or no" (not counting multiples)

    For example, in my house, we have 4 laptops and 1 desktop machine, but for this survey, it would only be counted as "yes" for both. Actually, it wouldn't be counted at all, since we're in England ;-)

    Mar 20, 10:23 AM
    from what i see on it's website tis a *nix programme... ie not windows.. ;)

    it runs on windows too you just to have the GTK installed also. Its on the website. see my post to page 3 first post (

    But as of yesterday morning I could no longer purchase songs this way, I can log in and browse, but it will not finalize the sale.

    Mar 19, 04:39 PM
    Firstly, let me say I'm against DRM if it restricts me using my own music I've paid for, but equally I see why artists don't want me uploading my iTunes Library to Gnutella.

    Now, this "I do it to help Linux" excuse, it's rubbish. I've no objection to people choosing Linux (I use it on several servers) but to then moan it can't do xyz is crazy. If you need to watch DVDs, access iTunes, play The Sims, use Word etc then you should be running an OS that can do those things not by hacking support by illegal means. I understand the frustration of not being supported, but again it was by choice, lobby Apple to do Linux iTunes.

    I applaud this software for giving me my usage rights back, but lets not make DVD Jon a hero of Linux, he just likes beating the system.

    Jun 21, 05:52 AM (

    Computerworld reports ( that research firm Gartner is forecasting significant growth in Google's Android operating system for smart phones, noting that it expects Android to surpass Apple's iPhone to claim the number two spot behind Symbian OS with 14.5% of the global smart phone market by 2012.The predicted margin is small, however, with Apple predicted to grab 13.7% of the smart phone market in 2012. Both companies are forecasted to take significant share from Symbian, which currently holds approximately 50% market share but is expected to fall to 39% over that time.

    Article Link: Android to Surpass iPhone in Market Share by 2012? (

    bahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahaha hahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahaha ahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahah ahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahah ahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahah ahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaa hahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahaha hahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahaha ahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahah ahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahah ahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahah ahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaa hahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahaha hahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahaha ahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahah ahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahah ahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahah ahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaa hahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahaha hahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahaha ahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahah ahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahah ahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahah ahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaa hahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahaha hahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahahahahaaha.....

    .....not likely

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