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  • JAT
    May 4, 10:54 PM
    The iPad is soo ultimate in access, that you can't even access its file system...

    ...and the only professional work being done on iPads in meetings are trying to get to the last level in Angry Birds LOL
    Aww, does the iPad scare you? See, bullies that take their **** out on others are just scared because someone is already doing it to them. It's sad, really. I pity bullies.

    We should get some kittens for you.

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  • MacBookPro13"
    Apr 29, 01:43 PM
    What stage will this be stable enough to use as your main OS? :apple:

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  • marksman
    Mar 29, 04:53 PM
    This will be a real boon the Mac Developers... First it makes it easy for Apple to determine who is eligible, if you are in the App Store, you are in.

    Secondly when they announce the awards, the benefit to the developers will be more significant as people will be able to link right to them in the Apple App Store and download/install them.

    I think it will end up being a real good thing for those developers partake in it.

    I don't have much confidence in developers who eschew the App Store for their applications anyways, as in almost all cases it is a bad business move. I appreciate the business savvy of developers and companies who realize what a real advantage the app store model is, especially if you have a strong product.

    MMCC, excuse me if I don't buy that gross and volume of your niche has gone down with the introduction of the app store. It seems pretty much impossible that volume sold for products in your niche went down... Perhaps your volume went down, but what that most likely tells me is before you were better at marketing your product than competitors, but now given equal footing as others, people are choosing some competitors over you instead.

    The idea that your whole segment was moving 100000 units before the App store and now are moving 50000 units just seems impossible, unless something else effecting the segment happened. It is not because of the Apple App Store. Again though with your own words you used to capture a lot of volume off google adwords. Which means you were likely much more successful at marketing than your competitors because being successful on PPC is not easy for any product. I would focus on your product and its features and place in the market and see what you can do to improve your offering. Feedback from the users and the rest.

    Someone else is getting the sales you are not getting and the new sales as well. Figure out how and why.

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  • WestonHarvey1
    Apr 29, 02:43 PM
    Thank you for reminding me of that analogy. It really is a good one, and your points are excellent. Nobody complains when pickup trucks and tractors get cushy seats and high-end sound systems, but add an app store to OS X and people are ready to jump to Windows! Silly.

    That is an excellent add-on to the truck analogy!

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  • Seamless Floral Pattern

  • roadbloc
    Apr 24, 05:13 AM

    What trolls? If you're on about *LTD* here, he is entitled to his opinion, and whereas our opinions differ, it does not mean he is a troll.

    What I don't like in this case, is that *LTD* appears to have altered his opinion to suit Apple. He has, on several cases, accuse Google of being a company that cares more about the personal data of users, rather than the user experience. And now that Apple are also seen to be possibly collecting user data, it's a non-issue.

    I also disagree with his thought that the 'average person' wouldn't care about the safety and security of their children on cyberspace. Utter rubbish. The 'average person' wants re-assuring that cyberspace is totally safe before they let their kids use it. The 'average person' wants full control over what their kids can and can't do on cyberspace. The 'average person' also doesn't really know the difference between a conversation with a pedo over messenger, and a conversation with an actual friend.

    Let me give an example:
    Lizzie: Hey.
    Amy: Hi. :p
    Lizzie: Check out this cool song.
    <Lizzie offers Amy track01.mp3.exe>
    <Transfer complete.>
    Amy: Clicked on it. Doesn't work :(
    Lizzie: :/ I'll look for it on YouTube.
    Amy: k :)
    Lizzie: Here you go :D

    And before you know it, the pedo has access to everything on "Amy's" computer. If our pedo knows how to get a malicious program like that, they certainly know which file contains their iPhone locations.

    Slim chance, I know. But there is a risk that it may happen. And I find that unacceptable.

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  • SilentPanda
    Apr 24, 11:02 AM
    Has there been any word from the higher-ups on why this feature was implemented now after years of asking and for seemingly no good reason?

    Doctor Q addressed some of this in post 149 (

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  • jaypunkrawk
    Apr 30, 08:54 PM
    This makes me really happy. I hadn't liked the original look from the beginning. It was pretty, but I was afraid it would confuse me. I much prefer the active "tab" to be depressed.

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  • rhett7660
    Apr 21, 11:07 AM
    What additional value does this provide?

    I was thinking the same thing. What is the purpose and reasoning behind it? Maybe a little more insight.

    I don't see this ending well. See ratings for front page articles.

    I can see this going down in flames also especially in some of the other sections of the forums. IE PRSI and any thread LTD responds in! :)

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  • Rodimus Prime
    Apr 23, 11:22 PM
    My answer is that I don't know what purpose it serves, and neither do you. This does not mean it's dangerous.

    Can it be used for nefarious purposes? That depends. No one really knows a lot about it. There's not a whole lot anyone can do by tracking what cell ....

    Stand fanboy crap refusing to answer the question.

    *LTD* That is not an answer to the question.
    To me your refusal to answer screams that You are nothing more than a blind Apple fanboy who refuses to think for once self. The question gave you a broad latitude to answer it but you refused to.
    This tells me if it was ANY ONE else but Apple you would be all over it. But because it is Apple you will worship it and say it is good.

    So if you feel it is so GOOD. PROVIDE REASONS.
    We have provided list of bad reasons and you have yet to provide a single good reason. You seem to be defending it so therefor you must have a long list of good reasons for it. So provide some good reasons why Apple should be data collecting like this.

    For Cell phone providers I can understand why but I have yet to see a single reason why Apple or Google should.
    At least when ask why Google responded. Apple has yet to respond and that is worry some.

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  • eric_n_dfw
    Oct 28, 04:57 PM
    The thin veneer is off the vast majority of people that clamor for OSS.

    Whenever I hear the OSS crowd scream "Software should be FREE!" I translate that to mean "I refuse to pay someone for their work, thus I will STEAL it"!

    I don't blame Apple. The OSS community abused what they had and turned to piracy by stealing the GUI. Kudos Apple.


    Anyone who understands what OSS and or "free software" is knows that they're not talking about money when they say it should be "free".

    From (emphasis added):
    To help distinguish libre (freedom) software from gratis (zero price) software, Richard Stallman, founder of the free software movement, developed the following explanation: "Free software is a matter of liberty, not price. To understand the concept, you should think of 'free' as in 'free speech', not as in 'free beer'". More specifically, free software means that computer users have the freedom to cooperate with whom they choose, and to control the software they use.

    Are there people who steal software, yes - but that has nothing to do with what we're talking about here.

    FWIW: I work every day developing commercial web sites with free software (JBoss, Tomcat, Ant, Apache, gcc, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Eclipse, etc...). Why? Because we don't want to pay for it? Hell no! We pay a lot of money in licenses and support contracts just like we would for non-OSS products. The difference is that, when needed, we can see why the software acts the way it does and even can change it if we find it necessary. We don't have to rely solely on a vendor's promise about how secure or optimized their code is because it's wide open for all to see. THAT is what OSS is all about.

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  • JayMysterio
    Nov 14, 07:00 PM
    In MW2, I got into knifing( commando pro+marathon+ light weight+ light weaponry+tactical knife). Terminal and Rust were my favorite maps to go knife on. I hated Afgan and Estate( I would snipe on those maps).

    That is one of the things I am glad is gone from the game ( the combo you are talking about coined by Penny Arcade as the Witchblade combo or as we knew it online the 8itchblade combo ), since it made the game like playing against crack addled Flash wannabes.

    Between that & Akimbo 1887s just broke the game. As it is now, you can still laughably run through a hail of bullets to stab someone, but you aren't running around the screen like the Assassin from Monday Night Combat.

    One other gripe I have is something that I don't think they can fix, and that is what happens in Mercenary games. I play a lot of Mercenary, and inevitably one side is always short handed. Unlike Team DM & other gametypes, the short handed team never seems to get a replacement player. More often than not, my bad luck means I am playing on the side with 4 or 5 vs 6. :mad:

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  • conditionals
    Sep 12, 03:11 AM
    I just tried to imagine an Apple event night without the omnipresence of Chundles and my brain broke.

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  • Macky-Mac
    May 5, 04:15 PM
    ..... the point is we don't need the damn government getting involved and telling doctors what they can and can't ask. Or for that matter telling doctors who they must and who they musn't provide care for. It's a private transaction between the customer and the physician, so leave it at that....

    in reality though, the government is deeply involved in licensing and regulating the practice of medicine. It does so to protect the public from harm by quacks, malpractice, fraud and criminal behavior.

    And when it comes to hot button issues, abortion as an example, state governments do indeed tell doctors they have to say and do certain things.

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  • iliketomac
    Nov 23, 05:33 PM
    Believe me... THESE are the prices:
    "Joy to the Wallet" sale only on black friday '06:

    iMac: $898-$1958
    MacBook: $998-$1398
    .Mac: $68
    iPod Nano (except Reds): $138-$228
    iPod: $228-$318
    Wireless Mighty Mouse: $58

    + various select accessories with varying discounts usually 10%-25% depending on product....
    ...and this includes select speakers, headphones, external hard drives, ipod cases, nike+ipod sport kit, etc...

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  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 10, 10:15 AM
    Technically the Confederacy wasn't defeated until a month later, and even then forces still fought because of how slow news traveled :p, but yea, Lee's surrender was basically the end.


    For example there were some battles in the Kansas/Missouri area at the end of the war that were some of the bloodiest. Of course this area had been part of a guerilla/proxy war before the civil war even began. The animosity between the two sides continued long after the war.

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  • lordonuthin
    Apr 19, 07:29 PM
    well of course i've been messing with my systems all weekend long, and of course i always run into some bad luck.

    so i have 3 i7 920 systems. one is an asus and it's running bigadv and 2 x gpu. it's been my best reliable system so far. it's running well right now

    my second system was just running 3 x gpu. i wasn't running bigadv b/c it had a heat problem. this is one i built. i decided to take everything apart and take off the cpu cooler it came with and i put on this huge one that i bought. it took an hour, but i got it! and it works great. the problem is that now it doesn't recognize all my ram. i had 6 GB, which is enough for running bigadv units in a VM in windows, and then run several gpu clients. but with only 4 GB of ram, this won't work. so i'm in the process of installing ubuntu right now on it. this will take away some of my gpus

    and my third i7 rig is an alienware. it came with one GTX 260, and i decided to take one from my home built system and put in the this one. it's got 2 slots, but of course the second slot doesn't work. i called alienware, and they are supposed to come out and fix it. probably a new motherboard i'm guessing. so right now it's running bigadv and 1 gpu.

    i just hope i can get the one i built running bigadv in ubuntu. i'll keep you updated

    Sounds like me sometimes with things not working and spending way more time than on it than I thought, hopefully you can get everything working, I think you are better at it than I am.

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  • bommai
    Oct 17, 09:41 AM
    That comment about not including the burner is interesting, and I'm at least trying to give it some more thoughtful consideration. Who really needs to burn 30 - 50 GB of data? For backup solutions, wouldn't just getting a huge external hard drive be more practical? Portability might be a factor there, but external drives aren't that cumbersome I don't think. I'm thinking that the majority use of those HD media burners would be to copy movies with illicit applications. Could Apple put in place some protection framework that attempted to only allow creative-works-originating software to burn HD discs, (ie, iMovie, iDVD, FinalCut and other pro apps that use full quality, large size files) therefore denying use of a program that takes a quick and dirty imported disc image and burn it to disc, so that you'd have to work around some long and annoying solution to make an illegal copy (ala burning audio CDs in iTunes and reimporting them to strip the DRM) that would deter any easy mass pirating?

    More simply, I'm curious of who out there needs to burn 30 to 50 GB chunks of data, too large for a dual layer DVD to hold, and why.

    If Apple wants to sell a lot of movies online and if the movies eventually become 720p or 1080p, users will need big discs like these to backup their movies. Right now I cannot even backup my iPhoto library into one DVD because it is about 11 GB.

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  • Mac Fly (film)
    Oct 19, 10:15 AM
    I'd like to see the figures just for the UK rather than "international". I'm a firm believer that it's the Apple Stores that are causing the upswing. Outside of the US, the UK is the only country where Apple stores are expanding their reach, which would confirm whether or not my thinking is misguided.
    Your thinking is not misguided. Now where's our bloody Apple Store in Ireland.

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  • Seamless Floral Pattern

  • match311
    Jan 8, 08:33 PM
    I predict I am going to need a lot of money to purchase any of the sweet new prodcuts :p

    Apr 15, 04:40 PM
    As much as I like google as a company, as with everything they start I'm sure they will never finish this. I've come to believe google is incapable of releasing a complete, polished project. But maybe I'm just bitter since I own a 40" google tv that is virtually incapable of doing anything worth doing on a tv.

    May 5, 12:25 PM
    "Well regulated" even. Sounds like "regulations" to me. ;)

    Scholars have said that that phrase is equivalent to "well trained" in the context. Which means the constitution mandates firearm safety training for gun owners.

    Aug 2, 05:21 AM
    Oh I don't know, just about everything? It is this insecurity thing again isn't it? Insecurity...? The only thing I'm insecure about at the moment is whether you are for real or just trolling... :confused:

    The fewer the people in a nation, the easier it is to say they are the best or the worst in certain things. Get it?Who says we're best at anything. It's not a contest... :rolleyes:

    Up here in the Nordic countries we're a small, fairly uniform, very rich, well-educated (to a degree - pun intended), technological advanced population. The marked might be small, but it's still a nice little marked.

    Do you honestly see Apple pull out of a similar marked, let say New Your city, just because an unresolved quarrel with the local government...?

    Apr 13, 12:30 PM
    Why not get a mini displayport straight to DVI cable? I never understood the use of an adapter. Maybe someone can shed some light?To be completely honest, I didn't look into such a cable. I knew about the adapter and assumed that was the only option.

    Sep 12, 12:53 AM
    That's no industry setting price point. For that price you can buy the DVD. watch it, load it on your ipod and the sell it on e-bay.

    G'Day Tangles, welcome to the boards. You're right though, US$20 is a lot of money compared to DVD prices.

    Oh I hope you get the Tangles reference, otherwise I've just made a goose of myself.

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