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  • 63dot
    Mar 15, 07:33 AM
    I love when people don't read threads....

    this was already posted, way to go...

    While I am not 100% percent against nuclear and see the pluses with the minuses, and I realize how much blood has been shed over oil, so I hope this article has some truth to it.

    If solar takes off with these types of salt plants, then we can rely less on nuclear and oil. I am all for solar.

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  • rings, made of Welsh gold,

  • Mord
    Mar 13, 02:55 PM
    Traditional light water fission? No, I'm generally against it.

    Modern reactors that process spent fuel and thorium cycle reactors? Hell yes.

    Writing off nuclear in all it's forms is like writing off the future of the human race, we just need to go for sensible safe reactor designs and hopefully develop fusion to the point of being a practical solution.

    The vast majority of nuclear power plants are designed to produce weapons grade plutonium and uranium, these designs are neither particularly safe or efficient and there are far far better options.

    royal wedding rings welsh gold. Kate Middleton#39;s Royal Wedding
  • Kate Middleton#39;s Royal Wedding

  • fifthworld
    Mar 18, 08:40 AM
    I believe nobody is abusing the system; instead, it's the system -unlimited, 2GB, 4Gb, whatever- that is unable to cope with the different needs. As AT&T can monitor the usage of the databand, just give us a plan where we pay based in usage, for example $5 for each block of 1GB, and be done with it!

    royal wedding rings welsh gold. Kate Middleton#39;s wedding ring
  • Kate Middleton#39;s wedding ring

  • firestarter
    Mar 13, 11:50 AM
    Japans main problem, at this time, seems to be that someone thought it was a good idea to build the plants on the Pacific Rim

    Japan doesn't really have a choice BUT to build plants on the Pacific Rim, since that's where the country is located.

    That, the lack of domestic oil and gas (90% of oil used in electric power is from the Middle East), plus a small highly populated country (rules out big hydropower) and they haven't got many options left. Linky (

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  • Images wedding-bands

  • munkery
    May 2, 01:38 PM
    That's what I'd like to know. I can't even open HTML pages downloaded from my own website without OS X warning me before opening it, and yet this story makes it sound as if the file contained in the zip is somehow launching on its own without any user notification. Sounds like BS to me. What is the source for this?

    It decompressed the zip file and executes code to launch an installer. This is considered a safe action because the user still has to continue to run the installer.

    Installation of MacDefender via the installer requires password authentication by the user.

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  • made from pure Welsh gold.

  • tempusfugit
    Jun 18, 01:33 AM
    My husband has been an AT&T user for over a decade. He never experienced dropped calls until we started dating and he was talking to me (I'm on an iPhone, he is not). We often get disconnected 2-4 times per hour as we talk during our commutes home. We have different shifts, but take the same routes home and we get dropped no matter whether I'm stationary and he's moving, vice versa, or if we're both moving. This also happens when we're on business trips - both stationary - him at home, me in a hotel - and we will get disconnected. The recurring motif has been the iPhone. When I talk with others who have AT&T but no iPhone, they only get disconnected when they are talking w/ someone who has an iPhone. The worst issue is when I am communicating w/ someone iPhone to iPhone.

    IF this wasn't the iPhone and otherwise so awesome, I would have switched a long time ago... and frankly, I'm still contemplating going to another phone when my contract is up - because the dropped calls are so aggravating.

    Coworkers of mine that have switched from Blackberry on AT&T to iPhone have reported an inordinant number of disconnected calls since switching to the iPhone, even though it's the same carrier, same phone number and same physical location of use.

    My "assumption" is that the iPhone software is making some errant call to the tower intermittently (whether too high/low power request or other issue) at which point, the tower drops the call.

    While my experience with disconnects are sometimes random, there are some places that either I or my husband will be travelling by, when we will experience a disconnect - a place where he never gets disconnected while speaking to others w/o iPhones... places I never got disconnected before having an iPhone, either.

    This may not be just an AT&T issue. It could be when you are a certain distance from a tower (lower power or significantly higher power?) and/or the phone is experiencing a push of data, that the interrupt happens.

    This has largely been the elephant in the living room that AT&T and Apple has been ignoring. I have not only not seen an improvement, I've seen the situation get worse over time - whether this has to do w/ an increase of iPhone use faster than the towers can keep up, OR problems w/ iPhone OS updates or a combination of both - who knows. They need to fix this already.

    people like you make me sick. stop talking on your ****ing phone so much while driving and you wouldn't have nearly as much to complain about. not to mention you'd be doing everyone around you a favor.

    royal wedding rings welsh gold. The Welsh Gold has been in the
  • The Welsh Gold has been in the

  • CylonGlitch
    Feb 16, 03:33 PM
    Two issues :

    1) From the original post "In as many as 40 models of Android devices will ship, . . . "

    How the heck is a developer supposed to support that many different devices? Even if there were 5 different screen resolutions, it would be hard to optimize your app for each. Now different RAM configurations, different CPU's, different everything, OUCH.

    2) 3 BILLION downloads! If you have had an iPhone for the last few years and have purchased maybe 50 to 100 applications; are you willing to give up not only your hardware, AND the software you purchased but all the DATA that you've put into those applications just to switch OSs? I can see if you're someone who only uses it for gaming or social networking, yeah, but many people have TONs of time and energy put into USING their applications. Yes, I know, some people will, but the masses will think twice about it.

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  • AppliedVisual
    Oct 26, 03:46 PM
    You won't see a Clovertown Mac Pro until after Adobe announces the ship date for CS3. The reasons are simple -- a) most would-be Mac Pro purchasers are holding off until the native version of Creative Suite; and b) marketing-wise changing from a dual dual 3 GHz high end to a dual quad 2.66 GHz high end would be seen as a downgrade.

    There's a whole lot more in this world than CS3 and thousands of buyers who will gladly jump onto the 8-core bandwagon even if CS3 never arrives. Every decent 3D graphics package out there will benefit from having 8 cores as will many simulation and visualizations softwares, scientific applications, video applications. Honestly, the only application in CS3 that really needs multi-core support is Photoshop and like any individual piece of software, it's just that, a piece... A tool used along with several others to complete a task. Apple has nothing to lose and everything to gain by adding 8-core CPU options to their configuration page. And they will do so as soon as the processors are sufficeintly available to meet their perceived demand.

    royal wedding rings welsh gold. But with Kate#39;s Welsh gold
  • But with Kate#39;s Welsh gold

  • torbjoern
    Apr 24, 05:03 PM
    islam is unpleasant and, i guess for want of a better word, evil.

    That was a bit harsh, wasn't it? Not even I would go as far as saying that anybody's religion is evil. But it's definitely proves to be incompatible with modern Western values, which we began to see already in 1994 (Salman Rushdie). My only comfort is that those who have contributed to accelerate the conflicts by providing a lousy integration policy, will likely be the first ones to get stoned to death. I'm a male who doesn't drink alcohol nor commit adultery (and pork meat I can live without), so an islamic state wouldn't really be that bad for me to live in... I think...

    royal wedding rings welsh gold. band of Welsh gold,
  • band of Welsh gold,

  • Hisdem
    Mar 11, 08:36 PM
    how far is Sendai from Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

    so much radiation!!!:eek:

    I'm not sure, but considering the amount of reactors that have been failing, I'd say not far enough.

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  • a wedding ring: report

  • darkwing
    Aug 29, 11:51 AM
    These groups don't care at all about the environment. They only want to hinder businesses. These are the same groups that protest plans and lobby politicians to stop building power plants and refineries so the existing ones can be over worked (lower efficiency) and not allow for downtime for maintenance, further lowering efficiency. These groups have an agenda that has nothing to do with the environment. I believe that Apple does just fine, as do many other companies. I'll gladly buy my Merom MBP and sell my Rev E 17" pbg4 as soon as Apple makes it available to me. :)

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  • Clogau Gold Eternal Love Ring

  • Eraserhead
    Mar 26, 03:05 AM
    Love conquers all until it hits a rough patch

    If you really love someone, surely you don't want to be with anyone else? If so, then it would be pretty moronic not to ultimately work out your issues with the other person.

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  • wedding band of Welsh gold

  • diamond.g
    Apr 9, 06:19 PM
    The point is the line between these two camps is being blurred. It's a feature of the post-PC era. Look at what the App Store games section is evolving into - daily, monthly, yearly. It's pretty astounding. Soon, "hardcore gaming" will characterize other devices in addition to consoles. THIS is the real revolution that's going on when it comes to the gaming market. Apple is redefining it.

    The only thing I can see Apple redefining is our willingness to buy a game that we cannot resell. I am not seeing anything (game play wise) that couldn't be done on other platforms.

    royal wedding rings welsh gold. a Welsh gold wedding ring.
  • a Welsh gold wedding ring.

  • Multimedia
    Oct 14, 12:31 PM
    BTW Looks like Apple is way overcharging for the 3GHz Woodcrest upgrade. Only cost them $322 more - probably less off the published price list - yet they are asking for $800. That doesn't seem fair to me. Does it to you? I would think that $500 would be a more reasonable upgrade price for something that cost them about $300.I may have jumped the gun. Maybe it's not too much more. When I look at the published price of each 3GHz Woodcrest $851 and each 2.33GHz Clovertown $851, I can live with +$800 for either upgrade. ;)Maybe it is so when the quad-core systems come out Apple can keep the same price for the top-end while lowering the price on dual-core systems and still make a profit. The people that wait for the quad-cores will be happy they did and the people that don't care can get a Mac Pro for less because they waited. And each 2.66GHz Clovertown is published as $1172 so I'm surmising a + $1100 - $3599 - could be expected for top of the line Fall '06 8-Core Mac Pro - only $300 more than last year's Quad G5. :eek:

    Plus once Clovertown ships, seems like Intel would begin lowering the price of Woodcrest to their customers as well. So I think you may be right. Wouldn't hurt. :p

    Ain't technological progress astounding and fun? :D

    royal wedding rings welsh gold. Middleton, Royal Wedding
  • Middleton, Royal Wedding

  • Peace
    Sep 20, 11:05 AM
    eyeHome does not support HD and it never will. I got this in an email directly from Elgato. That is the biggest difference. Also, the general consensus is that eyeHome is not in the same league of robustness/intuitiveness as other elgato products or Apple products. eyeHome cannot even play back eyeTV 500 , eyeTV Hybrid recordings.

    EyeHome uses 480P and upscales to 720P..There is no high def in the EyeHome.

    royal wedding rings welsh gold. band of Welsh gold,
  • band of Welsh gold,

  • Peterkro
    Mar 13, 05:06 PM
    You all seem to be ignoring the elephant in the room.

    The spiralling demand for still more energy.

    Someone mentioned California, and their inordinate requirement for 'more power' <ugh, ugh ... thank you Tim>.

    How about we stop with the over-population, and working everyone 24-7?

    Farmers used to get up with the Sun, and went to bed when it set.

    If there is a lost tribe still somewhere that is flourishing, I hope that they never get "discovered".

    I hope you're not including me in that as I've posted several times on the very subject.I'm not a Malthusian but I agree that human population is something we need to look at,every child a wanted child and cared for child for instance.Why do westerners use so much energy?Because they are not in touch with their environment,airconditioning in cars and homes?wtf for there are technologies hundreds of years old that can deal with that.To me it appears a lot of people work harder and harder for less and less.Bah humans in general are eejits.

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  • Kate#39;s wedding ring made of

  • Bill McEnaney
    Apr 26, 08:11 AM
    Think Obama & Jobs the supreme power couple :)
    You mean "Obama and civil service jobs," don't you? ;)

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  • Clogau Gold Wedding Band

  • prady16
    Aug 29, 10:55 AM
    I sure do appreciate Dell for this!
    If only they had making better quality products as their first priority!

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  • on there wedding day

  • ddtlm
    Oct 12, 07:52 PM

    Sheesh, I have no idea how Java is defeating C... and those scores are still bizzarre. However PCUser did get 8.86 seconds on an Athlon 1533 with the right compiler flags. Looking at that, I wonder if the compiler flags are the cause here. Since this whole thing is essentially sqrt(), I wonder if the newer x86 chips are packing some strange special sqrt() assembly instruction that makes this huge difference. Hmmm. Otherwise I wonder how an Athlon at a little more than twice my clock speed (compared to the Xeon) can post results that are more than 4 times as fast.

    Anyway this is it for me, since this is the weekend. I'll look for some x86 fast sqrt function Monday at work (I am pretty sure that such a thing exists, and if so it may be used in this test).

    Sep 26, 03:50 PM
    Intel has a prototype CPU with 80 [yes Eighty] cores that they claim will be in production systems in 5 years (eighty cores each at 3.16 GHz)

    Sep 20, 10:52 AM
    With FrontRow on the Mini it can act as a hub for the other computers in the network and play the movies via iTunes streaming.

    Yeah but a Mini costs �400 (and up to �600 when properly equipped) and this will cost �200 or less.

    Mar 13, 10:08 AM
    More people have died in hydroelectric or coal generated power production. Nuclear is relatively safe and clean.

    Apr 15, 11:30 AM
    I feel sad at how many of you are totally distorting the message of Christ. The real blame goes on those who use his name to sully his very purpose. Those false Christians make me sick.

    Apr 9, 11:42 AM
    Velly Intelrsting. Did they start out making games from rocks?



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