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  • iGary
    Sep 26, 06:21 PM
    November or December at the latest. It will simply be a Dual Clovertown Processor option added to the current BTO page with a new processor pricing lineup. It will be a silent upgrade.

    How do you know this for a fact? :confused:

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  • ShavenYak
    Sep 20, 12:27 PM
    Scenario B: Apple morphs its season pass feature for TV shows into a subscription service that is priced competitive to cable. Movies are available in HD for $3.99 for 24 hours.

    ... Scenario B gives me a way to drop my cable package altogether; it's similar to the way mobile phones allowed people to drop local phone service.

    Perhaps what Apple should do is have two types of TV "season passes" - one at the current price point (or perhaps slightly cheaper) that gives you the episodes permanently, and one that's substantially cheaper ($4.99 per season or thereabouts?) where the shows expire after a period of time, or a certain number of viewings.

    They'd also need to have the shows available to start streaming as soon as they are broadcast - a lot of people aren't interested in buying them after the fact because they want to be able to talk about the show areound the water cooler at work the next day.

    A setup like that, and I'd think about dropping cable like a bad habit. The only catch is live sporting events. Unless Apple could capture those broadcasts and begin streaming them to subscribers in real time.... imagine a season pass for your favorite team. The pro leagues would be tough negotiators, but colleges would probably jump at the prospect of having all their football games available on iTunes and getting a cut of the action.

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  • dialectician
    Aug 29, 08:46 PM
    IMHO, Greenpeace is not to be trusted. They are highly-biased activists who, like most activist groups (right or left), have the unstated, main goal of needing to justify their continuing existence. Greenpeace, in particular, is notorious for having blinders on to the point they don't have any perspective in the real world beyond the utopian fantasies. I'm all for having reasonable, workable policies that are responsible and benefit society, but letting Greenpeace be the dictator of what those policies should be is naieve and dangerous.

    Who says Greenpeace should dictate the policies? But if Dell can do it, Apple can, also...

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  • retroneo
    Oct 8, 12:34 AM
    All great things. People know the Android phones are made by google.

    Over here, they brand the Samsung and HTC phones as Google powered with the Google logo, and don't mention Android.

    Google has a comprehensive suite of services that no-one else can match as yet and I don't see Apple starting a 10 year effort to build up a similar suite of services or collection of information.

    Apple IMO needs to maintain a good relationship with Google.

    Bing/Microsoft Live and Yahoo are still not up to the standard of Google's services. MobileMe and cover such a tiny fraction of Googles services and are still very incomplete for the areas they do cover.

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  • AhmedFaisal
    Mar 15, 09:49 PM
    I still regard nuclear fission as the best option among fossil fuel technologies to get us over the hump until alternative energy sources can cover 100% of demand and/or nuclear fusion is ready for commercial use. I still would prefer us to phase out coal, oil, gas and trash burning plants before we shut down our nuclear reactors as they have better carbon footprints and the mining of their fuel is overall less damaging than coal strip mining. Do we need to quickly move away from Gen I and II technology and get to at least III+ technology for all of our reactors, absolutely, but exiting nuclear fission technology at least in the short to midterm seems like a poor choice to me.

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  • dudemac
    Mar 19, 07:51 AM
    As of this morning sometime it seems that it is no longer able to download, but still allows browsing and account login.

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  • aegisdesign
    Oct 26, 05:11 AM

    I've used one. Back in the 1980s, beginning of the 90s. The low end model had 1024 processors and the high end model 4096 processors. It was a pig to program. When drawing on the screen you split the task at hand up into many parallel threads each drawing a part of the screen. Not quite 1 CPU per pixel but you get the idea.

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  • digitalbiker
    Sep 12, 05:08 PM
    As an IT consultant, I recommend for anyone who's thinking of using an Airport Express for audio or a Mac Mini for a living room computer (or now this new iTV that will come out next year) to just spend the money on getting a wired connection. Ultimately, wireless will not be at the quality it needs to be to handle this throughput CONSISTENTLY. I still get skips on my Airpot Express when streaming from iTunes. When I had my Mac Mini wireless and I tried using Front Row to watch movies from other computers (similar to what iTV is supposed to do) it had a real spotty connection sometimes. The consistency and reliability of a wired connection is yet to be paralleled with anything else.

    I agree 100%. Wireless loses to wired everytime. In addition before too long there are going to be so many 80211 type devices, and phones that soon the bandwidth will get crowded and error prone.

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  • Bill McEnaney
    Apr 23, 03:42 PM
    The word translated "day" can mean various lengths of time, not just a 24-hour period.
    I think ancient Jews thought each day began at dawn and ended at sunset. If I'm right, they would have thought summer days were longer than winter ones.

    Our Lord died died on Good Friday and rose on Easter, but does anyone know exactly what time he rose? The Bible says he rose on the third day. Say he died at 3:00 PM. on Friday. Then a 24-hour day from his death would end at 3:00 PM on Saturday, and another 24-hour day would end at 3:00 PM on Sunday. That's only two 24-hour days. We say it's daytime when the sun is shining and that it's nighttime when it's dark outdoors. Even we talk as though the word "day" stands sometimes stands for less than 24 hours.

    Many of the Bible's atheistic critics oversimplify because the ignore the Bible's literary genres, the meanings of ancient expressions, cultural details, and other details. If you say something, your sentence, the string of words, differs from what it means. That's why you can translate a sentence from one language to another. When you translate a sentence from English to French, the French sentence needs to mean what the English one means, or there's something wrong with the translation.

    To know what, say, Genesis 1:1 means, you need to know what its author meant by the words it consists of. If you impose a 21st-century meaning on a sentence that meant something else when the author wrote it, you're misinterpreting what he said.

    You and I see three colored objects and three people. You tell me, "Bill, Green is the third one from the left." You're talking about the third person, a man named "Joe Green," when I think you're talking about the third colored object. Green is the color of the third object from the left. The word "Green" is the last name of the man who's third from the left. The proposition "Green is the third one from the left" is true in both cases, but the string of words means one thing when you talk about the man. It means something else when you're talking about the green object. To find out which truth you're telling me, I need you to tell me that you're talking about the colored object.

    You wake at 7:00 AM on Friday. The next calendar day begins at midnight, but there's only 17 hours between 7 AM and midnight. Truth is objective, but the meanings of words, phrases, and sentences depend on context. So do the referents of the words, the people, places, or things that words, phrases, and sentences denote.

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  • Thunderhawks
    Apr 13, 07:13 AM
    Ugh... you guys speak as if you are all full-time film editors...

    The new features are amazing! The hall that they presented at, well they were pretty much all "pros" in the industry. They were all pretty much PSYCHED about these features..

    For what it's worth, I'm a film production major...

    Bet you that guy doesn't even know what he is talking about.

    He just likes to rattle the (APPLE) cage:-)

    He is addicted to MR and Apple and has a hard time to approve of anything Apple does.

    Funny though he uses their products!

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  • ddtlm
    Oct 12, 07:52 PM

    Sheesh, I have no idea how Java is defeating C... and those scores are still bizzarre. However PCUser did get 8.86 seconds on an Athlon 1533 with the right compiler flags. Looking at that, I wonder if the compiler flags are the cause here. Since this whole thing is essentially sqrt(), I wonder if the newer x86 chips are packing some strange special sqrt() assembly instruction that makes this huge difference. Hmmm. Otherwise I wonder how an Athlon at a little more than twice my clock speed (compared to the Xeon) can post results that are more than 4 times as fast.

    Anyway this is it for me, since this is the weekend. I'll look for some x86 fast sqrt function Monday at work (I am pretty sure that such a thing exists, and if so it may be used in this test).

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  • bedifferent
    May 2, 04:45 PM
    "OS X more secure than Windows"

    There, fixed it for ya (and the "'s too) ;)

    OS X and Windows have their pro's and con's, no OS is 100% secure. OS X based systems are generally more secure than Windows systems. I could google "OS X safer than Windows" and find as many claims as you suggest, but that would be bias. Google " 'OS X versus Windows' security' ", you will most likely discover articles/studies with no bias/agenda. If OS X wasn't more secure than Windows OS systems, why aren't more users running anti-virus/malware utilities?

    However (and read my posts), working in the field I can assure you 75%+ of my clients have security/virus/malware issues with everything from XP-W7. Executable's are the equivalent to barfing into your system; they get everywhere and are difficult to remove.

    If Windows followed Apple and developed hardware to utilize their OS instead of coding an OS for a myriad of profiles (and ditching antiquated BIOS for EFI) it would allow for a better end user experience and for MS to focus on better security. Yet this would mean millions to billions for businesses to reinvest in new hardware as well as MS producing a good product (based on their industrial design team and product history, I wouldn't bet on it).

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  • Pants
    Oct 9, 04:18 AM
    Ive been using xp pro for 3 months here at work, and I have to say I'm quietly impressed. Its never crashed, nothing has unepectedly quit (and its running a bunch of custom pci cards, so if ever it was flakey, id have expected it to be so with this rig...). My only complaint is the 'look' of it - osX does look nicer, but then osX is a lot less snappy.

    So where does my money go to with Apple? I posses a bunch of apples, and each time I buy a new one i feel a little less 'happy' and a little more like a regular consumer. After all, the days of non proprietory hardware being used in apples are gone - its all usb and firewire (and not even cutting edge usb at that). Some of my reasons for disliking M$ are also beginning to surface with appl� - .mac for a start. What osX has done is open my eyes to using linux at home (or maybe x86 solaris) ...switching? hmmm....

    oh, and did anyone mention that apples floating point performance was good? no - its awful!

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  • bastiangatten
    Oct 7, 02:49 PM
    Ya if apple didn't further the iPhone OS anymore between now and then maybe. But you know they will come up with something great soon anyways. And I don't think apple is seaking to have the most sold product. They just want to have the best product. Look at the Mac Computer. It isn't the most. It's the best!

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  • vincenz
    Apr 15, 11:05 AM
    Personally, I think it's great. However, they should be careful. Moves like this have the potential to alienate customers. That said, props to the employees.

    Alienate? How so?

    I like the name of the project. It's very optimistic.

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  • awmazz
    Mar 13, 11:24 AM
    I'm all for nuclear power. It's the cleanest

    I guess it depends on your perspective of 'clean'. Yellowcake mining is one of the filthiest ugliest long-term polluting human endeavours ever invented. We have three uranium mines:

    The Olympic Dam mine owned by BHP Billiton in Roxby Downs here has so far produced over 60 MILLION TONNES of polluting radioactive tailings waste in just 23 years of operation. BHP plans a $5 billion expansion of this single mine. Not more mines, just this one, a whopping $5 billion to expand just one mine. It's very profitable and will become more so as reserves deplete. People in the northern hemisphere are prepared to pay handsomely to shat their energy pollution in other peoples' yards instead of their own.

    And then you have the other arseholes owners at the Beverly Mine going by the name of General Atomics who insist on using the ever so lovely even filthier acid-method known as 'in-situ leaching' mining technique, basically because they don't give a flying feck. Their radioactive particles, heavy metals and the acid used to separate the uranium is simply dumped into an aquifier and leaches into our groundwater. No commercial acid leach mine in the USA has ever been given environmental approval, yet here is an American company insisting on using it here as if our environment is their shareholders' own private toilet and spittoon.

    The third mine owned by Rio Tinto has just been one environmental or health and safety breach after another. Even to their own workers, exposed to process water 400x maximum Aust safety standards in 2004. Then there was the 2 MILLION LITRES of tailings containing high levels of manganese, uranium and radium which leaked from a pipe. Then there was the contaminated water containing high uranium cocentrations released into the Coonjimba and Magela Creeks.

    Depite having over one fifth of the world's reserves and the growing profitibility of yellowcake to the economy, the Australian govt has limited yellowcake mining to the three existing mines. Because it's just too damn filthy and polluting to open new ones.

    Cleanest? Coal mining is much cleaner. Why should you consider there's a whole production line of pollution to get that 'clean' energy into your home, not just the painted white-for-purity nuclear power plant at the end.

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  • TheRealTVGuy
    Mar 18, 01:41 AM
    Option 3; STOP trying to cheat the system, and START using your iDevice the way the manufacturer designed it and the way your carrier supports it. (Is it unfair? YES! Are all of us iPhone users getting hosed, even though there's now two carriers? YES)

    And while you're at it, knock off the piracy with the napster/limewire/torrent crap.

    (Yeah, I said it! SOMEBODY had to!)

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  • Mord
    Jul 12, 05:27 AM

    your all looking at the server specs which have no need for more than 8x pci-e, if that.

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  • NebulaClash
    Apr 28, 08:25 AM
    What are tablets going to overtake? I just dont get it... Desktops? Laptops?

    I can see hybrid solutions, like the ASUS EEE Tablet. But they are not NEARLY powerful enough to run certain applications. I just dont see large businesses, such as the government replacing laptop, and desktop with tablets!? not in th next 10 years DEFINATELY.

    Got it, it's a definite prediction.

    What are tablets going to overtake? Yes, desktops and latops. In 2020 the average person will buy a tablet as their dominant computer. Techies will still use traditional technology such as PCs, and specialists will continue to do so, but since there are FAR more average persons then such specialists and techies, the number of tablets sold in 2020 will exceed the number of traditional PCs. That's my prediction.

    Mar 20, 05:33 PM
    Likewise, the BILLIONS of songs "stolen" vs. purchased on iTMS speaks volumes about people's feeling about DRM, RIAA, and these laws you speak so highly of..

    I suspect it probably has more to do with the fact the music is free than it has to do with ideology. People were pirating music way before the RIAA and DRM became 'evil'. They're the justification for piracy, not the reason.

    Piracy is an economic behaviour. I can point you to plenty of impartial (ie not funded by anyone) studies on this. In order to stop piracy you have to compete with it. Both sides are dressing it up as some kind of moral war, but it (mostly) isn't.

    Apr 20, 08:52 PM
    Also try physical keyboards, NFC, OLED screens, WiFi etc. As far as making it through the day is concerned, I can show you how to drain iPhone's battery in 6 hours. What's your point? Use LTE when you need it.

    Gee, you can't make that argument about ANY other phone now can you :rolleyes:

    The point is that many reasons for not using LTE for the iPhone yet involve LTE-inflicted drawbacks because of its current, early stage in its life cycle, and battery life happens to be one of those drawbacks

    Sep 12, 07:46 PM
    Actually as a media advertising agency owner I can tell you that you've got it backwards. Cable and Satellite are all planning to go to a totally on-demand solution much like iTunes. Commercials and advertising will evolve, through viral marketing and embedded content, as it always has. The days of linear programming cut up with ads are nearing their end.

    You are right on track. I don't know if advertising is going the way of the Dodo but Verizon Fios was just introduced in my city and their on-demand content is instant and has the potential to far surpass anything that Apple can offer.

    - No rental? Why not. I'm much more likely to rent a movie than buy one. I'm more likely to value the convenience of renting quickly online vs. driving to a store. But to buy and keep forever, I'd rather get a DVD.

    I think Amazon stole their thunder...The Amazon offering at least offers rentals which competes somewhat with Netflix.

    Off topic, but how do you get your broadband internet? DSL? I guess DSL requires me to pay for a landline phone for another $20 per month, as I currently do not have a landline phone. Then, there is the DSL fee itself. Basic cable, broadband + HDTV is $62 per month right now. If I go with DirecTV, I would end up with DirecTV fees + $40 per month for DSL. Overall more expensive than cable.

    In my area, Verizon has unbundled the phone from the DSL. You don't have to pay for a phone to get DSL, it is just their gimmick to get you to pay for more. In fact, I'm not sure but I think the FCC might have ordered the phone companies to offer unbundled options...but that may be wrong.

    Apr 15, 10:04 AM
    The transsexual kinda kills the whole message though. "Learn to accept yourself for who you are, except if you can't, then deform your body to look like someone else."

    Homosexuality may not be a disease, but Gender Identity Disorder certainly is.

    Apr 12, 10:21 PM
    This is what iMovie after iMovie '06 should have been, if only because it has a PROPER FRICKIN' TIMELINE!

    Was really hoping for $199, but $299 isn't bad. I might just upgrade from iMovie '06 (I'm not really a 'pro' editor, but I love my timelines!).

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