poems for him

poems for him. quote poems or songs
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  • wmmk
    Aug 14, 09:44 PM
    Hey guys, when did we stop talking about displays and start the communism discussion?
    in posts 135-139. still, this is related to the price of the displays, so we're not totally off topic.

    poems for him. Next is a poem written by
  • Next is a poem written by

  • MacToddB
    Oct 6, 06:43 PM
    Getting back to the actual advertisement. What self-respecting advertising professional would use someone else's tagline like that.

    I had a few friends watching the football game (where we saw the ad) and half of them thought it was an iphone commercial because they were only half paying attention and heard "there's a map for that".

    Pretty shoddy work in my opinion.

    Seems like it worked. Got a lot of people talking about it, razzing on AT&T and saying good for them (Verizon). On an Apple forum no less. Mission accomplished.

    poems for him. romantic poems for her.
  • romantic poems for her.

  • TheNewDude
    Nov 8, 02:09 PM
    Yeah, pre-ordered mine at Best Buy. Will go there tomorrow and pick up my copy!! A busy weekend coming up!!!

    poems for him. love poems for him that rhyme
  • love poems for him that rhyme

  • asphalt-proof
    Jan 10, 07:09 PM
    I go to Gizmodo's site regularly and saw where they had admitted to their prank. I really didn't think much of it and even thought it was funny. However, i never read past the headlines so i didn't know they screwed with someone's presentation. That's just bad form and extremely inconsiderate. These presentors put a lot of time and energy preparing for that 10 miinutes or so that they have to spotlight. Yes, some are very lame, stupid, whatever. But for the most part, these people work very hard to do the best job they can. Not to mention that their job may be put in jeopardy if their presentation tanks.

    I imagine that the Gizmodo staff were seriously CES-fatigued, over-stimulated by the flashy lights and loud, continuous noise, and slightly drunk. Fine. Most of the other bloggers were in the same state of mind. But none of them (at least as far as we know) didn't ******* with someone's presentation. I think they should be banned from CES next year as a punishment. Macworld? Not so much. It didn't happen there. Well, it didn't happen there. But I think that Apple would very carefully interview Gizmodo before giving them a press pass then make them sweat. Maybe even frisk them in public, before they entered the convention center. THat would make a lot of bloggers and vendors smile. Really make them sweat. But let them in anyways. Gizmodo is a very popular tech blog and for the most part, a very well done blog. Their coverage is important to Macworld. This way, Apple can ensure they get coverage but also get some karma points from other bloggers and vendors when they see how Apple deals with Gizmodo.


    poems for him. In Love Poems For Him. love
  • In Love Poems For Him. love

  • Full of Win
    Apr 29, 04:45 PM
    I heard microsoft is making some changes to its next OS release too. Apparently the blue screen of death will be a black screen of death in Windows 8.

    btw- does anyone know why the current version is named Windows 7? Why 7?

    As for Lion, I am looking forward to having the ability to switch to an iOS appearance for apps. It will be nice to organize then like that. The idea has grown on me.

    To stay ahead of the 6 in 10.6. When the XBOX 2 was released, the rumor was that it was called the 360, as to put it on equal naming as the Playstation 3. Microsoft did not want to be '2' and them '3', so they added a number that started with 3.

    poems for him. poems for him. love poems for
  • poems for him. love poems for

  • Dr.Gargoyle
    Aug 2, 06:53 AM
    Loosing Denmark, or Norway or both, doesn't matter one bit. It is a courtesy that Apple even allowed these small and meaningless countries to join in on the fun.
    Since you claim you work in Denmark, you should know Denmark, as well as Sweden, is a part of European Union (EU). If you had done your homework, you should also know that EU implies that all non-nation specific laws should be idential for all countries in EU (very much the same as in US). That is, if the French and the scandinavians find that Apples DRM violates consumer rights, it has a very good chance to become accepted all over EU. Furthermore, since EU has about 460 million people whereas US only have 296 milion people, it should according to your argumentation about minor markets imply that Apple rather should dump the US market than the european market. :rolleyes:
    You should know by now that a company sole purpose is to make money for the shareholders, and nothing else. I very much doubt that board of Apple or its partners even would consider dumping a close to half a billion potential customers.


    poems for him. poems for him. for him poems.
  • poems for him. for him poems.

  • DoFoT9
    Sep 13, 05:47 PM
    damn twoodc that sucks :( buy some solar panels

    Yep. I feel lonely here on MacRumors regarding distributed computing...

    Seti is down since a couple of days...
    I am now with Milkyway. Anyone else ?

    i stopped doing SETI a while back. i got over it. i have stopped doing F@H of late :( damn power bills.

    poems for him. love poems for him that rhyme.
  • love poems for him that rhyme.

  • Abstract
    Sep 7, 10:00 PM
    The croud in that event didn't care for his performance and for sure wasn't in their taste, as I havn't see a jurnalists go "Yo, Yo, wut up dude?"

    I've never heard myself say "Yo, Yo, wut up dude?" either, and yet I still like Kanye West. And you can't assume peoples musical tastes just because of their job or race. Computer people and reporters could have enjoyed the music as well. You can't say that they didn't with any certainty. I enjoy all sorts of music, and I'm sure many other people do as well.

    You mean from iTMS? Did you get it pre-order?

    No, I downloaded it from somewhere else.

    *wink wink, nudge nudge*


    poems for him. love poems for him
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  • ivladster
    Mar 28, 04:20 PM
    Welcome to 1984.

    You know there are plenty of other platforms and OS, so no it's not 1984, it's 2011!

    poems for him. love you poems for him.
  • love you poems for him.

  • MacRumors
    Nov 16, 12:31 PM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com)

    Digitimes claims (http://www.digitimes.com/systems/a20061115PR207.html) that according to Taiwan component makers, there is an increase in orders for certain capacitators that are intended for use in an AMD-based Apple notebook. Few other details are provided.

    The rest of the article remains speculative, pointing to comments (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/09/20060922105414.shtml) by AMD CEO that he felt that Apple would eventually come around to working with AMD.

    Readers should note that Digitimes remains notoriously inaccurate (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2003/09/20030917033706.shtml) with their rumors.


    poems for him. Love Poems 44 - Love Quotes,
  • Love Poems 44 - Love Quotes,

  • nsbio
    Aug 8, 06:39 PM
    The apple store at Southpoint (Durham, NC) has no new hardware yet:( . Worse, out of the four (maybe five - might have missed one) 23'' displays two are obviously pink. I even pointed that to one of their geniuses about a month ago. She had responded, "yeah, I see that", but the same pink displays are still there to see... Is that ignorance or arrogance, I wonder.

    Hopefully, they will soon be replaced with defect-free ones from the new iteration.

    poems for him. i love you poems for him. love
  • i love you poems for him. love

  • j-traxx
    Apr 15, 06:22 PM
    I love Apple but these are bad news.
    The more competition there is the better products get for the end user! :mad:

    and FAIL.

    iphone needed nor had any competition to debut as a smash hit.

    ipad needed nor had any competition to debut as a smash hit.

    apple do stuff well and make good products because that's what the heck they frickin do!

    they dont need anything to prod them on but their own imagination. companies that innovate by imitation because they got caught with their pants down arent about better products for end users. that's why their stuff sucked in the first place.


    poems for him. i love you poems for him.
  • i love you poems for him.

  • Osarkon
    Nov 28, 03:11 PM
    It does take too little killstreaks to gain really. But at least the killstreaks top out at 11 on this one, which I think makes it better.

    The attack dogs really do my head in though!

    poems for him. love you poems for him
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  • soosy
    Aug 7, 03:29 PM
    Unfortunately they are still seriously lacking in ports. Digital DVI only...no VGA, S-Video, etc with input toggle switch. No easy way to hook up an Xbox 360 for instance. Or to give the monitor a second life as a tv if you upgrade to larger displays.

    I hope they change their stance on this because it's a deal breaker for me.


    poems for him. Valentine s Love Poems for Her
  • Valentine s Love Poems for Her

  • Surely
    Apr 8, 01:32 PM
    As I said above, they will probably use it to sell something they can't move. My guess, "Purchase a Windows 7 phone, we will let you buy an iPad 2."

    Yeah, I don't see Apple approving a promotion like that with their current flagship product.

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  • 8CoreWhore
    Mar 24, 03:42 PM


    poems for him. love you poems for him. love
  • love you poems for him. love

  • kalsta
    Apr 30, 12:31 PM
    I positively loathe the look of the "new" iCal and Address Book. It looks like a design from the mid 90's. I cannot comprehend how a company who goes for a clean, smooth, modern aesthetic could produce a faux leather interface and think that meshes with that aesthetic. This is something I would expect from Palm or Microsoft. But Apple? I'm amazed by how off the mark this is. :confused:

    Where were you through the whole brushed metal saga? I was so glad when that finally died in Leopard!

    Don't worry… Apple does its fair share of kitsch. Just look at the bookshelf UI of iBooks. Meanwhile, Microsoft did some pretty slick design on the Windows Phone 7 UI. What's the world coming to, right?

    But you know, it's kitsch done pretty well at least, and it's kind of fun if you don't take things too seriously. And thankfully, OS X still looks a damn site better than Windows Aero. Gosh, most backyard Windows skins look better than Aero! We still have a lot to be happy about. :)

    poems for him. Love Poems For Him
  • Love Poems For Him

  • Criticalmass
    Apr 16, 11:17 PM
    Mac O.S X is better here, someone mentioned that Windows is better at security.

    I disagree. Botnets like Zeus and Coreflood still infiltrate windows systems daily and anti-virus has yet to be able to stop them and remove them.

    poems for him. why i love you poems for him.
  • why i love you poems for him.

  • I WAS the one
    May 4, 07:11 AM
    Finally... They realized the word "Magic" is childish.

    Apr 6, 07:41 AM
    The bigger problem is that Apple rejected an app that served just this purpose (but was surely less pretty), as was already mentioned. This is a cool app, but they should be giving all of the money they earn from it to those that tried to submit this app long ago. I love Apple and have been converting slowly since my first iPod several years ago, but this is absolutely lame of them, even if it only effected a few people.

    And what was the motivation of the third party app makers? To make a fast buck out of serving ads to people more interested in the ad than the product. That is bad for advertisers and probably the real reason the app was rejected.

    Who know whether clicks inside this app count as regular impressions? Unlike any third party, Apple is in a position to refund any advertisers for clicks on these ads. If they are doing that then I don't see anything wrong with them releasing this niche product.

    Mar 28, 03:36 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPod; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-gb) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    How about Cydia apps? ;p

    Mar 4, 11:00 AM
    Firing incompetent teachers sounds like a great idea, but it doesn't require unions to be disbanded to achieve.

    Unfortunately, it does.

    It does not.

    Nov 16, 12:53 PM
    Moving to, or simply including a 'budget' line of AMD powered Macs wouldn't be a big deal at all.

    The vast majority of everyday computer users don't know the difference between AMD and Intel, anyway.

    AMD is more than capable of meeting Apple demand, by the way, considering that if Apple were to include an AMD option, that option would likely only represent a portion of an already small market share.. and more than likely in a low end 'budget' machine.

    What Apple has learned over the years, is it's best not to box yourself in with a single part manufacturer like they did with the PPC. Their migration from ADB to USB, from NuBus to PCI & AGP.. Apple has really been making the transition from proprietary hardware for some time.. the actual CPU was really the last piece in a much larger puzzle.

    As mentioned earlier, many people in the 'osx86' camp have successfully installed OSX on AMD powered machines, and in many cases, with great results rivaling that of the higher end Intel powered machines. The only stumbling block appears to be that Apple has been using specific Intel motherboard chipsets, which aren't overly AMD friendly.

    It would be easy for Apple to include AMD processor support in 10.5, and release it along with a line of sub $500 iMac machines.

    Although I suspect Apple probably enjoys a nice price break on the Intel hardware, a price break that very well could hinge on Apple being an 'exclusive' Intel customer.

    I personally have never cared for AMD processors much.

    Jan 12, 02:11 AM
    You could make the argument that all of Silicon Valley is smug.

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