orlando bloom tattoo lord of the rings

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  • irmongoose
    Jul 12, 07:59 AM
    Padraig: Damn, that would be quite a blow, nice business plan... for Microsoft.

    I hate their goddamn tactics. :mad:


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  • Abstract
    Apr 18, 06:12 AM
    I don't play games, and even I don't want integrated graphics. :confused: You can say that an MBA isn't really purpose-built for games (obviously), but I don't know how some people can fervently defend a graphics downgrade.

    I owned a rev B white MacBook, and it had some sort of crappy integrated graphics (the first type Apple used). It could easily play videos.......until HD movies and larger format videos became more common. After a year, it couldn't keep up with Youtube. I don't know what changed, but the fans ran like crazy, especially when watching movie trailers at any size above "SMALL". I realize that laptops are never going to be able to keep up with the future, but with the Intel IG being rumoured, you'd be at the cusp of being obsolete. It's already at the bottom-rung of the ladder, so there's no leeway when graphics demands move half a step forward.

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  • splashnader
    Jan 27, 07:36 PM
    $9.99 taxes in, couldn't say no to that.


    I missed seeing it in theaters. That's a great deal for the price.

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  • rmhop81
    Apr 26, 01:38 PM
    It'll be a pathetic excuse for a cloud if it'll only stream in the US (which if they continue with this 1 datacenter model will be the case). Amazon will beat them here, hands down. Have you seen how many datacenters they have?


    ^ That vs 1 datacenter...lets think...who's going to get the better performance...

    Also, the point of the cloud is redundancy. What happens WHEN the 1 datacenter goes down (e.g power problems, network problems, natural disasters, etc)? Apple's will be wiped out in one move, Amazon just fail over to another DC location.



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  • mygoldens
    Mar 31, 10:35 AM
    WOW! It looks like wIndows 3.1! :eek:

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  • tjsdaname
    Dec 4, 10:58 AM
    Why not .223?

    My choice for a 22LR would be the GSG-5. And for the AR platform... the DPMS LR-308 :cool: hell of a gun.

    well, im only 17 and .223 is just to expensive for me to shoot...

    and I dont know why I like the sig so much, I was at gander mountain the other day, and was feeling out all of the other .22's and it just feels the best to me...

    it's going to be ether the sig, or the smith and wesson M&P 15-22. that is a nice gun also...


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  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 11, 06:20 PM
    Is "TB" going to be the abbreviation for thunderbolt?

    It will be cumbersome when speaking of drives. "I bought a 2TB TB drive".

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  • iSee
    Apr 16, 06:27 PM
    Why would you need 64 bit for a MBA? To fly off those huge sample libraries that the processor would lock up over?
    64 bit is only for massive memory allocations and a MBA doesn't even have the CPU to pull it off... :rolleyes:

    At this point I think it's mainly a matter of keeping the platform unified. Why support two kernals longer than you have to? The sooner Apple makes 64-bit the default, the sooner they can dump the 32-bit kernal altogether.


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  • Mherm88
    May 3, 08:21 AM
    Hopefully the ifixit teardown will reveal if there is a 2nd bay accessible for manually adding an SSD if I choose the 1TB option, I want to just put a 128GB or even a 64GB SSD just for applications and the system and store music/movies/photos/docs on the 1TB. I have my windows desktop setup this way with a 64GB and it is wonderful, I don't want to pay $600 to get a 256GB SSD plus 1TB.

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  • Hobbes.
    Apr 13, 07:59 PM

    I'll believe it when I see it. I mean, yes this could delay the iP5 but then again i'm still betting that this wont happen.

    It would be a TOTAL embarrassment for apple to release this alone. They made a joke of it at the iPad 2 event and putting it out alone so randomly would just further publicize that they failed to do it 10 months ago.


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  • vincenz
    Apr 15, 02:44 PM
    Summer can't come soon enough...

    I NEED that new version of Mail.

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  • ChrisA
    Nov 4, 12:31 PM
    Maybe I need more RAM, but I was dissapointed to be reminded of Virtual PC, the way it totally slows the rest of my Mac down...

    If you are going to run two operating systems then your computer needs to have the resources for the sum of the two systems. So if Mac OSX needs 1GB to run well and so does Windows XP then you need 2GB of ram. Same for the CPU. If a 2Ghz is needed for Windows and a 2Ghz chip for MacOS then you need either a 4Ghz chip or a two core 2Ghz chip. You don't get anything for free. If you want to run two computers you need twice the hardware.

    I'll bet this runs great on a Mac Pro


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  • Eidorian
    Apr 29, 03:41 PM
    From my own experience the PS3 and the Nintendo DSi all read iTunes purchased music, albeit with some metadata weirdness.Metadata weirdness is what I have encountered trying to use files that I have in iTunes. It does not occur when importing into iTunes though, only exporting elsewhere.

    I know that I have plenty of .songname files in my folders as well. Why iTunes, why?

    Zune HD for one.

    The Sansa Fuze+ line too. Creative Zen, Archos, Sonos, Squeezbox.I might have to get a Fuze then. I need something for the car for the times when NPR just is not up to par. I am looking at you weekends...

    I am quite happy just buying used CDs and using LAME.

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  • diamornte
    Apr 12, 11:04 AM
    omfg i am never going to buy apple products again because of this, how dare they, no way, the world is going to end



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  • seanpholman
    Mar 13, 06:07 PM
    At 10:30 this morning Bristol had a few white Verizon pads and a few black 16GB WiFi pads. Neither was what I was looking for. I went to MV, Spectrum, Fashion Isalnd, called Brea and Cerritos - all sold out. I am going back to Bristol for opening time tomorrow.


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  • Cloudane
    Jan 30, 05:50 PM
    You can trade online from an e-commerce firm, such as this one--


    Thanks, will take a look :)


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  • penter
    Jul 25, 01:06 PM
    is this coating as strong as it claims to be? i dont think a plastic could handle steel sponge scratching...

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  • Ridley
    Apr 17, 10:25 PM
    It was a video released on 4/8/2011.
    I cant link it since CNET doesnt actually show URL for videos.
    Go to Cnet, Videos, Apple Byte, and it will be the second video on the list.

    Yea, I have been corrected in that, but the argument on GPU still stands.

    Awesome, thanks! Again, really hoping for the June release. I posted before that in my biased opinion, I think it makes a lot of sense to get a new Air in time for the college discount program (i reckon the college demographic is aware of Intel's core duo vs i5 / i7 marketing) especially since i'd imagine the the Air has much higher margins than MBPs.

    Regarding the graphics capabilities, you can't use the Samsung as a benchmark because of how differently OSX and Windows behave. I'd be really surprised if Apple didn't have some sort of trick, either hardware, or drivers to beat the current graphics capability at least on paper or some obscure benchmark. Even if they didn't, the amount of time you'd benefit from a better GPU over better CPU would be miniscule in almost all tasks like iLife programs, 99% of applications and even Photoshop (despite being gpu accelerated). If you are playing games... i might be able to see the argument.

    Though personally if I were really into games or encoding stuff with badda boom or cuda or something I wouldn't be interested in an Air. I know a lot of people still are it seems from these boards, that's fine, i'm just weighing my personal opinion on the matter and would MUCH prefer better CPU.

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  • peapody
    Jan 31, 11:36 PM
    That just looks ... well not like something I'd stick in my coffee.

    That tamper actually looks very comfortable to use. :p

    hahah so wrong...

    Anyways, just picked up mass effect 2 for ps3 for my brother who has been good the last few weeks helping me out with my ebay biz.

    *And typing this post on my last purchase - an HP mini 1030nr that I just hackintoshed...everything works great! A little macbook air for $90 bucks! Very happy right now!

    Apr 22, 05:28 PM
    I don't mind the looks of it. I have the iPhone 4 and after getting the iPad 2 feel like the 4 is too boxy. Love the curved sides of the iPad 2.

    Wondering where the antenna is on this mock up. Is it the entire back? What is the outline around the side view? A clear covering? Or just artwork?

    Apr 11, 04:32 PM
    Why no Thunderbolt cards for MacPro users?

    Dec 4, 03:50 PM
    Personally I voted no, not because I am ignorant, but because there wasn't a more appropriate answer. It is my job to be concerned about all aspects of computing, but I am NO MORE concerned because of this "month of kernel bugs" than I was before the month of November. I also I find it highly unlikely that I will be nipped by any of these bugs shoehorned into malware before they are wiped clean by a security update.

    Apr 12, 11:58 AM
    Ever since the iPhone came out I've said that it will eventually replace the iPod. That day may be coming sooner than we guessed.

    Someday the iPhone will be just like the iPad. There's no 'iPod Touch,' just an 'iPhone' that you buy with or without a 3G or 4G chip. And it's up to you if you want to buy service to go along with it or not. (They could still call it the 'iPhone.' The chip-less one would come with a booklet telling you about Skype and Viber and other wifi phone services.)

    Such a device would naturally go on sale before the holiday season, so maybe we're close to that happening. I don't think it'll be this year, but maybe they're getting us ready for the year when it does happen.

    Does it really have to be one or the other, why can't both products exist happily.

    Look the iPhone and iPod Touch are almost the same thing, and when the iPhone was introduced it was described as the best iPod ever. With that in mind it makes sense for them to be released at the same time. As for the other iPods they do exactly what you expect from a music player, they play music. Oh and they are still selling tones of them!

    Nov 11, 09:36 PM
    Yes indeed, I think I will have the lowest point day I've had in a long time :eek:

    wait, surely something is wrong with EOC folding stats? it didn't count my last bigadv unit

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