nike air force 1

nike air force 1. Nike Air Force One Sprm Max
  • Nike Air Force One Sprm Max

  • Porco
    Sep 6, 09:04 AM
    What do you mean by "G5"??? PowerPC is long gone from Macs.

    I think he's [quite obviously] talking about the iMac G5 exterior (as opposed to the 'sunflower' iMac G4, or the original G3-based CRT iMac), the form factor, which didn't really change much from PPC to intel. He even mentioned the intel chip in his post, I think no small amount of pedantry is involved in the "???"s :)

    nike air force 1. The new Nike Air Force 1 have
  • The new Nike Air Force 1 have

  • hunkaburningluv
    Mar 26, 08:28 AM
    If someone had come out with a console allowing for full-color 1024x768 touchscreen controllers the other consoles would be scrambling to catch up. Even if that controller cost $499.

    While there are some nits here (30fps isn't exactly ideal performance, the dongle connection seems too flimsy for real gameplay, etc) I think this is a huge step forward in gaming.

    Nintendo and Microsoft should be shaking in their boots right now.

    As a rather casual gamer, I'd love to see the bastard love-child of this and kinect.

    you think? I think no none would buy the $499 controller as it's too expensive for a controller.

    Ninty and M$ have nothing to worry about anything that apple does in relation to games will supplement the market as it is.

    Not really. Properly designed controls on touch screen will be just fine... You will see...

    Anyone who thinks that the long-term viability of the IOS ecosystem as a significant home game player because of the lack of hard controls is just missing the picture.

    I can't figure out why some people think you have to look at the screen of a touchscreen device to use it to manipulate things in a game world. Between rotation and movement of the device itself with properly placed buttons you can do a lot with it, none of it requiring looking at the touch screen.

    I suspect most people could distinguish between the lower left corner of their device and the upper right corner, for instance, without looking at the screen.

    There is still a vast difference in the tactility (sp) and force feed back that hardcore gamers won't take too - as much as I don't like modern warfare, but I doubt the metric crapload of players would prefer to play with touch controls

    but when you remove the need for look at a touch screen, then why need it? A simple touch pad would suffice. By removing the need to look at the screen, you remove the point of it.

    Hardcore gaming will never change to the extent it doesn't need a controller and as such the market isn't going to change. Sure I can't wait until I play starcraft or the like on an ipad, but I won't be ditching any of my consoles.

    nike air force 1. Nike Air Force 1
  • Nike Air Force 1

  • hollerz
    Feb 18, 11:38 AM
    It just gets better when the OP insists on quoting images after starting a thread with that very rule written in it!

    And posts the same picture of his setup that's in the last thread, in this one, despite telling everyone not to :rolleyes:

    nike air force 1. Nike Air Force One Mid : Nike
  • Nike Air Force One Mid : Nike

  • hansolo669
    Feb 27, 08:14 PM
    No offense taken anyway... I am more mature, I am not into Intel Mac stuff yet. Still find the challenge to keep this old machines working. And they worked fine with minimum upkeep.

    If ever apple will decide to switch to another processor I might find the interest to take on Intel Macs and collect... :D

    And it is not the only PPC machine that I have...

    hahaha, a true collector collects what is obsoleat for the simply fact of owning it. if i had more mony my room would be a mac musum :D

    nike air force 1. the new Nike Air Force 1
  • the new Nike Air Force 1

  • Link2999
    Sep 26, 11:41 AM
    Try using the griffin website. :)

    It isn't on there. Just as some of the Grip Vue colors are unavailable.

    nike air force 1. Nike Air Force 1
  • Nike Air Force 1

  • Mr-Stabby
    Apr 12, 09:10 PM
    Oh yes :) 64 bit! At last :D

    nike air force 1. Nike Womens Air Force 1
  • Nike Womens Air Force 1

  • PBF
    Mar 30, 10:33 PM
    Are you able to download System Voices in DP2?

    nike air force 1. Nike Air Force 1 25th
  • Nike Air Force 1 25th

  • Music_Producer
    Sep 7, 12:54 AM
    I hope hope hope that iTMovieStore becomes a super success.... and I hope that Steve will force them into a $9.99-Only model and not that stupid $14.99 hierachy..... they'll have to "submit" after it becomes super successful. haha.

    now seriously, movies here in new york are a blasted $10.50-10.75!!! ridiculous. I remember like "2 weeks ago" when movies were at most 8.75, but then when Star Wars Episode 1 came out and then Episode II, AMC 25 in manhattan suddenly bumped their prices up.....each time. "Oh, cause Star Wars, we must raise prices".

    And, they've kept it ever since. Movies are making huge returns, and yet we have to pay a boat-load of money.. Soon it'll be $15. And you know what, Hollywood is going to pay and so will the theater chains. I hope the online model takes over at high quality. I can see it now, I'll pay $50 for a "rental" ...i won't mind........ when i have a 54" iTunes-DRM-signed code for mass-viewing (This is the future, i think) and i'll have 10 friends over.... it'll be Theater-replacement baby!! Like boxing on PPV.... pay $50 and have 10 friends over. I'd pay.... i am talking about current releases. And, when they are 3 months old... $9.99 to buy. THank you Apple. Now, Do it!

    no more distribution costs. no more manufacturing costs. lower prices. right? Not if Hollywood has their way with ridiculous $19.99 prices... HELLO!! Hello!! that's DVD prices.... for a packaged DVD......!! HELLO!!! McFly!!

    This is why I'm getting into Hollywood myself. I plan to be part of the revolution. Sure I like money just like any other schmoe. But, there is something wrong with everythign right now. Especially since all movies are crap these days.... formulaic and tired. And they want to keep raising the prices!

    Rant over:confused:

    Dude, stop ranting. Do you even work in the movie industry? God damn price of milk is going up too.. why don't you rant about that as well? I hate it when people complain about rising prices.. sheesh.. do you know that the cost of producing a movie or a music album has gone up?

    If I don't like the price of a DVD, I don't buy it. If its a movie I really, really like.. then sure, I find the $19 price tag more than acceptable, because I know I will be watching the movie a couple of times. Nobody's asking you to buy a DVD of every single movie that comes out.

    nike air force 1. The Nike Air Force 1 Mid
  • The Nike Air Force 1 Mid

    Jul 19, 04:29 PM
    Most critical applications to be out in september? wouldnt adobe fall into this category???

    isn't he referring to Apple's own apps?

    but wait, what are the critical Apple apps that are yet not in universal binary?:eek:

    nike air force 1. Nike Air Force 1 Low GS – Nike
  • Nike Air Force 1 Low GS – Nike

  • takao
    Mar 5, 04:12 PM
    yeah diesels are more fitting to people who drive a lot of miles, especially when it's highway driving where no other current drive train beats diesel engines for driving constant speeds in the 100-130 km/h territory

    that's why the rule of thumb is for comuters: if you drive 40 miles each day on the highway to your work with few red lights on the way: get a diesel
    if it's constant stop-and-go and red lights traffic: get a hybrid or electric car
    if it's 2 miles or less: get a bike ;)

    regarding cars as very international affairs: the history is plastered with failed attempts at "world cars" .. even more so when a car makers call one of their cars a 'world car' in their PR before the release

    nike air force 1. Retail $250. Maharam
  • Retail $250. Maharam

  • twoodcc
    Feb 19, 09:59 PM
    Good question, I'm not sure at this point. Lets me see; the MP was doing a bigadv unit every ~46 hrs which would yield maybe ~25k per day, the i7 isn't doing so well with 3 gpu and win 7 on it, I would guess maybe 2k/day or less. It doesn't seem to slow down the gpu's fortunately.

    I wanted to ask you about oc'ing the i7, every time I tried to bump it up it started freezing or crashing, I have a water cooler on it which seems to do a really good job. I've just left it at stock but would like to try to get it higher sometime. I don't have any experience with oc'ing as I mostly stick with mac and Linux which don't have the tools/ability for oc'ing like windows does.

    ok. now do you have the 2.66 or 2.26 mac pro octo?

    for the i7, what most people do is run linux in a VM and do the bigadv units while also doing gpu units. but i wouldn't do this unless you're running at least around 3.3 ghz. i'm running around 3.6 ghz i think, and i have 2 gpu's going on mine. it slows down the bigadv units, but the gpu's make up for it.

    how are you trying to overclock now? just in the bios? that's basically just how i do it - in the bios. but that will depend on your motherboard

    nike air force 1. new Nike Air Force 1
  • new Nike Air Force 1

  • JGowan
    May 3, 01:32 AM
    i think this is the wrong way to go!

    Its pulling apart mac os into a waterd down version of itself they will continue to add this stuff untill there is no difference between ios and mac os!

    What we'll be left with is a powerfull but waterd down mac ios/hybrid platform with downloads through the app store like the iphone and ipad killing the powerfull features we have but running on every apple device!

    I personally think apple will kill the ability to download any content through safari in the future in mac os!

    So all apps will be vetted by apple and all music/films we have to be made through itunes no popping on to amazon or whever to make a purchase through a browser on your imac or macbook!

    I hate the direction this is going they are building a walled garden around mac os slowly and dont be supprised the ports start disapearing on the macbook soon for a 30pin dock!

    Bad move apple!f u d !

    nike air force 1. Nike Air Force 1
  • Nike Air Force 1

  • Kedrik
    Jan 12, 11:14 AM
    I figured out the secret air message!

    What falls out of the air? ... Apple (s)

    Who do they fall on? ... Newton!

    It's the new Newton :apple:

    I'd bet nothing on it!

    nike air force 1. 2009 Pro Bowl Nike Air Force 1
  • 2009 Pro Bowl Nike Air Force 1

  • henrikrox
    Mar 25, 07:36 PM
    Actually, I don't think there's any reason someone couldn't develop a way to use a PS3 controller with an iOS device. It would probably take some work, and Apple wouldn't allow it in the App Store, but I don't see why it can't be done right now. I mean, I use a PS3 as a mouse for my TV Mac Mini.

    Apple won't allow it. They see this as a touch device. They would thereof never allow s controller. Also if you did have a controller.

    Its not going to work on any game on the iPad. It's not written for it. So it will not ever happen.

    People? Wireless projection of a game to a screen? Really guys. Be reasonable. It would delay as hell

    nike air force 1. of the Nike Air Force 1
  • of the Nike Air Force 1

  • godrifle
    Nov 27, 01:10 PM
    It's about time Apple provided Mini buyers with a branded monitor option. :)

    nike air force 1. “The Air Force 1
  • “The Air Force 1

  • jagolden
    Sep 7, 09:25 AM
    A good idea, just poorly executed.
    Actually makes more sense than the system we have now.

    Yes, everything should be given to everyone, no one has to work for it.

    A good idea?! What, work hard so you can give it away to someone else who's to lazy to work hard? Wont give anything us shortterm for longterm returns?

    It makes no sense, period.

    Why do you think the roles of Welfare in the US are so huge? It's overflowing with the lazy ones who wont get off thier a###s therefore taking away from the the people who truly need that welfare.

    nike air force 1. Nike Womens Air Force 1
  • Nike Womens Air Force 1

  • iBookG4user
    Sep 6, 08:09 PM
    Dude, the MBP was updated in late April of this year, why would you think it'll be updated four and a half months later??
    A very slight upgrade to the processor hardly says anything about when an update will come to the MBP. But I certainly hope it comes before October.

    nike air force 1. nike air force 1
  • nike air force 1

  • ftaok
    Mar 25, 05:12 PM
    naysayers are probably more concerned with the fact that you can't look at the tv screen while fumbling for the touch controls on the ipad; physical buttons enable the player to just feel for the controls, without having to look down and miss the action on tv. the only games that would work for this are racing games, where you just tilt the ipad.

    what a world of difference some buttons would make <sigh>

    Well, couldn't someone make a BT D-pad controller and develop dual screen games for the iPad2?

    Other games that could work with this set-up are RPGs and strategy games where a second screen comes in handy.

    nike air force 1. Categories: Air Force Ones,
  • Categories: Air Force Ones,

  • firewood
    Jun 22, 10:52 PM
    I'm confident that you will not see any computers running both Mac OS and iOS.

    I see one every day.

    Just run a UIKit app in the iPad Simulator (from the free Developer SDK) on your iMac. There's even 3rd party code that will allow you to use the multi-touch on your iPad to control your app in the Simulator on the iMac. And some apps can run 10X faster and have a bunch more memory available when running on the Simulator.

    I have a couple experimental apps that look and feel better this way than their Mac native versions.

    It's even possible for a developer to package compiled Simulator apps for other people to run on their Macs, but Apple hasn't made that process easy (yet!).

    Jan 10, 03:57 PM
    That's about 700 pounds too much!
    ...Some day I may work on that problem. Once it's paid for and I have another car as a daily driver, the JCW could become a dedicated track car with a proper rollcage and bucket and all the unnecessary weight evicted.

    Mar 24, 02:17 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    That is exactly what I'm thinking! Seriously there is no need for that many GPUs in the Pro and IMac requires a custom card. So where would all of these cards go - XMac is my guess.

    Or it could simply be a sign of a unified driver from AMD. That would make sense as it is a smarter approach than the highly targeted drivers of the past.I don't see why Apple would want to start supporting older 5000 cards for said machine? *shrug*

    How is it silly ? We're talking about a GPU. Even at 1280x800, the Intel GPU sucks, why would it be silly to want to run games on high settings

    It outperforms the 320M under OS X. It certainly doesn't "suck" as much as you make it out to be.

    Don't fall for anandtechs crap. Those tests where designed to make Intels GPU look good. The minute you do anything demanding the GPU falls flat on it's face. By this I mean turn on all the latest features to get the best on screen results.

    For many other reasons I don't consider anandtech to be a credible web site. It has become an extension of Intels marketing team. A lot of people don't want to hear that but there is a trend in the articles that indicate that they have become a fan site and have lost the ability to report objectively.

    Jan 7, 12:43 AM
    There's a reason BMW says to use high-octane fuel. If you don't use the recommended fuels and fluids and the engine starts to get rough, you can't entirely blame BMW.

    I run my BMW and MINI on 91/93 always. My 70K miles 330ci purrs like a kitten.

    I wasn't blaming BMW. Just stating, but it looks like it was just the spark plugs going bad as when my brother replaced them the engine smoothed back out.

    Aug 24, 10:16 PM
    Update please! My brother will switch immediately.

    Sep 1, 12:27 PM
    I love my 20" iMac, so I can only imagine that with 3 more inches to love!

    I detect some "latent tendecies."

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