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  • swingerofbirch
    Oct 12, 09:52 PM
    I have to pay an extra $10 and that goes where?

    The extra $10 comes out of the $50/month wages of the iPod oompa loompa workers in China and goes to African AIDS relief.

    It makes it so much more convenient for the Chinese to donate directly in this way.

    new york times building. New York Times Building,
  • New York Times Building,

  • HecubusPro
    Aug 28, 12:51 PM
    wake up then, because it won't happen for awhile.
    The current enclosure is very nice, so why change it?

    I do agree that the look of the current enclosure is great, and it's doubtful we'll get a change to the look of the enclosure anytime soon. However, I can see them changing the enclosure to match up more with what the regular MB allows, i.e. easy access to the HDD bay so users can swap out hard drives ease. Now that would be nice.

    new york times building. new york times building.
  • new york times building.

  • Chimera
    Oct 12, 12:21 PM
    Red in the aluminum would be nice I guess, although 5% isn't much to give away.

    new york times building. The New York Times Building,
  • The New York Times Building,

  • BobbyCat
    Apr 30, 03:08 PM
    OK, we're all expecting SB and Thunderbolt, along with better GPUs. We can reasonably take these improvements for granted.

    But the big question as always : what prices we're gonna get? I surely hope Apple doesn't increase the price on all 4 models like they did not long ago.
    Please please Steve, no increase this time, and even better, a slight drop would be mostly welcome.
    After all, the financial results have been terrific several quarters in a row, isn't it time to give a little back to the fans? Like a 100$ drop accross the line :D

    I know I know. What the heck ... :o

    new york times building. When the New York Times
  • When the New York Times

  • steve_hill4
    Sep 9, 08:06 AM
    The fact that the new iMacs can't address more than 3Gb of memory and are therefore operating on a 32bit logic-board makes me doubtful as to whether or not these systems are really 64-bit capable... It seems like some kind of hybrid 32/64bit system.

    Will the C2D iMacs be able to run 64bit code, despite not having the 64bit address space (and being able to access over 4Gb or RAM)?
    Well, wasn't the iMac G5 restricted to 2GB, yet it was a 64-bit processor? A 32-bit computer can take up to 4GB, but due to the hardware Apple was/is using, they can't even take this.

    What i find odd is that it appears to allow 1 or 2GB in either slot, but no more than 3GB in total. That is obviously the maximum the board can take, but it would have made a little more sense to allow 2GB in each. This will not really effect it's ability to run 64-bit software, just restricts how much memory can be used. Remember that you have been able to get AMD systems with 64-bit processors for some time now. They won't take more than 4GB, but will allow you to run 64-bit OSes and Apps.

    I'm hoping by the time I'm after an iMac, it will take at least 4GB, have Blu-Ray as an option, (although I may opt for standard Superdrive if it is an option and buy a Mac compatible external later), include bigger hard drives and stick to a similar price point to now.

    I'm tempted by the 20" now, but am not buying yet and would want about 320-400GB in there for the same price, perhaps even 2GB RAM. I've got time to wait however.

    new york times building. New York Times Building
  • New York Times Building

  • macintel4me
    Sep 4, 07:05 PM
    I'm confused. Movie downloads for $10?!? What happened to the whole "Jobs is hammered by the movie industry into movie rentals only" ?!? This CANNOT possibly mean renting a movie for $10!! :eek:

    My bet is that it's low-res/iPod quality video for purchase. Apple/Steve Jobs have yet to get into the home theater business. So far it's been the mobile entertainment business only. Movie rentals (or purchase for that matter) at home theater quality is a whole other enchilada.

    Watching 320x240 movie on my 42" plasma would sort of suck and not be competitive as others have metioned. Would I buy a $10 movie to watch on my iPod? mmm....probably a few to keep me entertained on the treadmill and my son entertained on roadtrips.

    new york times building. quot;The New York Times
  • quot;The New York Times

  • rtheb
    Apr 30, 01:28 PM
    Kind of makes you feel really sad for Steve and Bill...

    $5,000,000,000.00 :eek:

    new york times building. The New York Times Building
  • The New York Times Building

  • linux2mac
    Mar 23, 03:26 PM
    As a long time PC user who is just getting frustrated with the windows experience, I am looking forward to seeing what Mac has to offer in the coming months.

    I picked up an Iphone 4 last december and when I had a problem, being able to go to a retail location where they looked at my device for 5 minutes and then gave me a new one was great.

    My wife is a mac user, and being able to go to a retail location for problems just can't be beaten.

    Now I must say, I have been a Dell person all my life, heck I am currently typing this on my 6 year old dell laptop that still works fine by me. Hell, she will still be fine for fitting my laptop needs. I have been using her primarily has a desktop hooked up to many many peripherals as well as a 2nd screen for dual output.

    In replacing her I have been eyeing the smaller Imac for some time now, hooking up a second screen output, and grabbing a magic trackpad that I enjoyed playing with at the Apple Store.

    Anything larger than 22 or so inches would be overkill for me, as I am planning for at least two screens. Heck I think I am just using a 19 inch crt monitor that is 11 years old and my 15 inch laptop screen right now.

    So a nice high quality screen with a 2nd monitor for surfing and chat room utilization would be all I need. My backup thought is a mac mini with two screens, but the Mac Mini's appear to be much lower specs when compared with the Imac.

    *1st post

    I converted to Linux in 2007 and Mac in 2009 after using Windows since version 3.1 and don't miss a thing! It's true what they say "Mac's just work."

    new york times building. New York Times Building
  • New York Times Building

  • the_ki
    Sep 26, 08:55 AM

    The only way the iPhone market even makes sense is via an Apple MVNO.

    Since when does Apple NOT want to "control the whole widget"? I don't want Apple controlled by the nutjob mobile providers.

    As much of an Apple fanboy as I am, I would never use Cingular. But beyond that, it signals that the Apple iPhone will be incredibly lame -- just another music phone (basically an Apple ROKR/SLVR), because that is pretty much all that Cingular trades in.

    I'm with you. As a MVNO, Apple could kick Helio's ass. Maybe they are becoming an MVNO and they're leasing their network time from Cingular? That makes sense, don't it?

    Think about it...

    .Mac mobile

    The cellphone connects to your .Mac mail, your iCal calendar, and your Address Book.

    iChat and text messaging would become one and the same. I could use iChat to talk with a friend on his iPhone, and vice versa. The iPhone has a camera, right? Video conference from the train, anyone?

    Buy ringtones at the iTunes store, or just use any song in your library as your ringtone, or write your own ringtone in Garageband.

    Download your podcasts from anywhere.

    The photos you shoot automatically go into your iPhoto photocast. Your videos sync up with an iTunes playlist. Everything automatically appears on your dynamically-powered iWeb. It's moblogging for the masses.

    And since they'll need to sell them to Windows users, lots of folks will have .Mac mobile accounts, but they can't really use them to their full advantage unless they use iLife on a Mac, which they'll just have to buy.

    Yes, this is all conjecture, but it's the only thing that really makes a full-fledged Apple iPhone make sense to me in their overall plan for world domination.

    Your thoughts?

    new york times building. Human fly says New York Times
  • Human fly says New York Times

  • cult hero
    Apr 25, 06:28 PM
    Maybe this MacBook Pro update will incorporate a retina display which the high resolution wallpaper in Lion hints at.

    Guys... seriously. Retina displays aren't happening on anything larger than your iPhone for a while. I don't care what size icons or wallpapers have been spotted. The cost for screens of that resolution at that size would be absurd.

    new york times building. new york times building renzo
  • new york times building renzo

  • DavidLeblond
    Aug 28, 02:47 PM
    Unfortunately, cats are known liars.

    They're purposely getting our hopes up just to let us down. It weakens us. Humbles us. After hearing no announcements tomorrow all we will do is sulk around, giving us more time to give them more dried food.

    They're still pissed about the MagSafe connector... that ruined things for them.

    new york times building. New York Times building#39;s
  • New York Times building#39;s

  • redvettez06
    Apr 28, 03:29 PM
    Apple "beats" Microsoft?
    But who has the strongest dad? :rolleyes:

    ROFL! I totally see what you're saying. Why can't people just avoid fanboyish behavior? Both companies make some great products. Both companies make bad products too. *shrugs*

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  • New York Architecture Images-

  • iGary
    Sep 14, 10:55 AM
    That's cool, I was told I was delusional when I said that Meroms would ship in mid-2006 and the eMac would be replaced by an iMac with GMA950 too. :D

    Me too, when I said iMac would never get a Conroe chip. :D

    new york times building. The New York Times Building
  • The New York Times Building

  • X38
    Apr 15, 01:00 AM
    This is most unfortunate. Now that TB is a reality, it would be far better if Intel just kills USB 3.0 completely as fast as possible. There is absolutely no advantage whatsoever in having USB survive past 2.0 at this point. With 3.0 barely entering the market, there is no value in letting it get a foothold. It is pathetically obsolete compared to TB.
    What is with the comments about wanting USB 3.0 on Macs? What a huge waste of time and money - you should be wanting TB on more peripherals. Even if Intel is going to be dumb enough to keep USB 3.0 around, hopefully Apple will hold the line and refuse to put it in Macs. With Apple's resurgent strength in the computer market while everyone else is tanking, that would be enough incentive to get the peripheral makers to adopt TB.

    new york times building. New York Times Building
  • New York Times Building

  • j800r
    Apr 22, 10:06 AM
    If the cloud is left as just an option, then i'm all for it. So long as the iTunes store also exists in the format it is today. I have a massive music collection currently sitting at around 140GB and constantly growing. I like owning copies of the music. Not to do anything illegal with, but I like being responsible for the music. I can already take my music collection with my wherever I go. It's called my iPod Classic. I already have my entire iTunes library backed up. It's called Time Machine. I think SYNCHING via the cloud and having it there as just an option is a great idea, for people who want it, but if they made it cloud only, and took away the ability to download then that would only increase the level of piracy in time. Very much like DRM did. Record companies thought this was a great idea to restrict usage and prevent piracy. Turned out more people were turning to pirated music because of the restrictions that had been placed on them.

    To sum up. The cloud should be an OPTION, not compulsory.

    new york times building. New York Times Building: Model
  • New York Times Building: Model

  • rileyes
    Mar 29, 03:47 PM
    Oracle's lawsuit against Google is airtight. Android's use of a non-compliant virtual machine (the Dalvik VM) is a clear violation of the Java license agreement. And there's legal precedent: Microsoft paid Sun $20 million back in 2001 when Sun successfully sued them for trying to "embrace, extend, and extinguish" Java.

    Google will lose the lawsuit. And nobody has ever accused Larry Ellison of being Mr. Nice Guy. He doesn't want money this time. He wants to protect the intellectual property Oracle acquired from Sun. He wants all copies of Android to be "impounded and destroyed" (a direct quote from text of the suit.) Because if Google is allowed to plagiarize and distort Java, others will follow. Ellison is making an example of Google, and it's going to be a law school textbook IP case study for the ages.

    Soon Android will be off the market while Google is forced to retool their JVM to be 100% Java compliant. Google is already scrambling to get rid of their non-compliant Dalvik VM. They actually hired James Gosling, the "inventor" of Java, so they've got religion now.

    And, although money isn't the motivating factor behind the Oracle lawsuit, it is a factor nonetheless. Google will end up paying Oracle a license fee for each and every generic me-too Android iPhone clone and iPad clone that their hardware partners can mash up. And that erases Android's only advantage over WP7. Android will no longer be free.

    So, when Android is off the market, Nokia's WP7 phones will have a chance to avoid becoming KIN 2.0. There will be a window of opportunity for Nokia and Microsoft to build up a little market share. Some corporations and consumers will buy Nokia WP7 phones just because Nokia and Microsoft are "too big to die." (And just when Google thinks it's safe, when they've implemented a 100% compliant JVM, Apple can sue them for GUI patent infringement. But that's another story...)

    In the meantime, both WP7 and Nokia will have zero market presence. For all of 2011 and part of 2012. That's an eternity.

    Even if Google loses any patent lawsuit, the phone wont go off the market.

    new york times building. The New York Times Building
  • The New York Times Building

  • cube
    Mar 29, 12:22 PM
    Seems believable...all those people that bought Nokia phones obviously did not care that Symbian was outdated. Why will they not buy Nokia with a much modern OS under the hood?

    I bought a Symbian Nokia because I wanted a cheap 3G phone which was open and with an acceptable OS.

    Obviously, that's going to be my first and last Nokia now.

    I want a phone with real Java, so my most likely candidate next time is QNX, if RIM makes a good inexpensive smartphone.

    new york times building. new york times building.
  • new york times building.

  • DVK916
    Sep 17, 07:56 PM
    OK. hang on. back the f&6king truck up.

    maybe we're backwards here. but i have NEVER, EVER heard of ANY kind of phone service where INCOMING calls are anything BUT free (excluding reverse-charge, obviously).

    Im sorry, but if you all accept crappy CDMA phones specific to a carrier, and paying for incoming calls, you are kidding yourself if you think you are anything but backwards. (i wont go into the whole metric thing :P )

    Sprint has free unlimited incoming calls. Also some providers have unlimited incoming and outgoing calls if you don't travel beyond your city.

    Also CDMA isn't crappy it offers higherspeed than HSDPA while using less spectrum.

    CDMA Rev A offers 3.8 down and 1.8 up in only 1.25 mhz of spectrum versus HSDPA of up too 14mbps down and 2 up in 5 mhz of spectrum. But with Rev B which is a software upgrade CDMA will have around 16mps down and 10mbps up in 5mhz of spectrum.

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  • New York Times Building on

  • hulugu
    Apr 11, 12:13 AM
    Is all relative. If you take my home country, it'll be around $1.32/hour pay for minimum wage. You get 2 weeks vacation and equivalent pay. Oh and down there they treat you like crap because of the infuriating high 35% unemployment rate. So everyone looks out for their job even if it means sucking up.

    Here in the US you can fight it. So yeah. Also Europe has more taxes than the US. Consecuently we get taxed even lower than the US. But still $315.50 a month is barely covering cost of living even for my country.

    Care to complain now?

    Sure, regardless of the situation in other countries�South America?�the question is whether this is a problem in the U.S. and I think it is, and the comparison of a Swedish company using the US like the US uses Mexico, for cheap labor, should be a wakeup call to the US that our current economic policies are making us Mexico to Europe.

    This sounds like IKEA is the one being a bitch.

    I can't see how this is "the right's" fault. If so, why doesn't "the left" step in a help out?

    As Ugg pointed out, the 'right' has pushed for anti-union policies, including 'right-to-work' status for states like Virginia. That said, I don't think this is a 'right' or 'left' issue per se, but rather a gleeful removal of worker's rights to garner jobs�regardless of the health of a community funded by low-wage, short-term positions.

    Sep 9, 08:49 PM
    Nice Core 2 performance-just what we need.

    Apr 19, 10:56 PM
    Keep listening to corporate run media which lies and doesn't tell the whole story.. my friend, unemployment and the economy aren't getting any better.. in fact, very soon it will collapse.. as inflation starts to settle in.. and if you wanna know the truth, look at BBC and other non-corporate run media for the truth. I know in my home state its like 7.9 percent and most of the jobs are health care and IT - no industrial, no customer service, nothing else.
    While I agree with not listening to corporate run media, you are severely misguided if you believe the BBC is quality journalism.

    Watch John Pilgers "The war you don't see" to see just how they think they should report what world leaders say. It's shocking.

    Sep 13, 09:18 PM
    Is this really a page 1 item?
    The real news would be a release date, or an upcoming event.
    Still, I want one!
    agreed. I've come to the decision that whatever apple releases with regards to a phone-like object will probably knock my socks off. The question is WHEN?!?!@?#

    Blue Fox
    Jan 1, 03:22 AM
    Wasn't there supposedly a "virus" going around for the Mac on Facebook a couple months ago? And it was supposed to be all doom and gloom for the Mac (so I've read in the forums from doom-sayers)......but, I haven't heard anything about it since, because nothing happened......this is pretty much the same thing.

    Apr 19, 10:52 PM
    Those who believe in making children obese should be put up against a wall and shot in the head...

    That would leave an awful lot of parents dead.

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