new york city skyline night

new york city skyline night. Brooklyn Bridge by night
  • Brooklyn Bridge by night

  • JobsRules
    Oct 27, 10:22 AM
    Say there was a stand 'Mac Users for Bush' at a show. I might think, 'That's odd' or I might have said, 'Bush is a ********' if one of them gave me a leaflet but I wouldn't try to get them booted out of the show because I don't have a problem with free speech and free debate.

    Let's not be naive - Greenpeace were ejected because certain elements didn't like an activist group planting negative images of Apple in the Mac market's heads and so had them removed. It was nothing to do with the leaflets - they were censored. It's fine if you take an authoritarian 'anyone can be censored on private property' stance but don't claim it's because Greenpeace caused any kind of unacceptable incident.

    new york city skyline night. new york city skyline at night
  • new york city skyline at night

  • dernhelm
    Sep 8, 01:59 PM
    Ok so in other words you DON'T need a Core 2 Duo to run Leopard, right?

    It isn't VISTA. I plan on installing on my 2 yr old PB as soon as it is released.

    new york city skyline night. stock photo : New York City
  • stock photo : New York City

  • Gasu E.
    Apr 22, 08:37 AM
    That's my point. You don't have to. Most of the ereaders have the ability to swap books as loaners. This is all still very, very new to our society and I am sure that as we progress this is the way it will become.

    You, sir, get it. The technologies create new capabilities that will adapt to the market. The luddites are only capable of seeing innovation as a loss.

    new york city skyline night. new york city skyline at night
  • new york city skyline at night

  • hyperpasta
    Aug 31, 02:28 PM
    Apple wants to extend the seasonal iPod buzz as long as possible. We know they will update both the iPod nano and full-size iPod, the question is when. I think it's safe to say nano first. Here's why.

    iPod video, then nano
    Everyone goes WOW at the iPod video, and the nano is a yawn in comparison. The buzz will explode but then fizzle out faster.

    Both at the same time
    Will create a huge buzz, but will then die out.

    iPod nano, then video
    The iPod nano will be considered pretty cool, and generate reasonable buzz. When it's fizzling out, the iPod video bomb will be dropped, keeping iPod buzz going all through the xmas season. Apple did this last year and boy did it work.

    new york city skyline night. new york city skyline night.
  • new york city skyline night.

  • SirROM
    Aug 31, 09:53 PM
    If Apple is planning to introduce a video iPod and movie service on the 12th, might it makes sense to release updates of some products, such as the MBP, the previous week, giving the full spotlight to the new products. There really doesn't need to be a special press event for an updated laptop, even if it does have a new case (as I don't expect it to be too different). It would certainly give Apple lots of positive press about the updates and fuel even more talk about what was coming the following week.

    Just my usual 2� worth....

    new york city skyline night. NY Skyline at night 2 PICT4661
  • NY Skyline at night 2 PICT4661

  • elgrecomac
    Mar 29, 12:31 PM
    First let mes start by saying I use and like Microsoft products: Office Visio, MS Project and Windows 7 (under Fusion...the Vista they SHOULD HAVE released). I also have an Apple MPB, 30" Cinema display, iP4(jailbroken, of course), iP2, airport express and extreme and , if we include my wife's computer, a 27" iMac.

    But when I see an article predicting MS will dominate the smartphone market in 3 years, well, I find it totally amusing given Apple and Android's overall adoption rate today and the the fact that Apple, more than any company on the planet, really understands the 'user experience'. People like the iPhone and iPad not only because Apple Marketing is extraordinary but also, the SOFTWARE is great and the App Store is not bad either. After 25+years of being force-fed a weak OS (Windows, Windows 95, XP and Vista) I am not one to bet the future on Microsoft's ability to write a great, wildly accepted OS on any platform.

    new york city skyline night. new york city skyline at night
  • new york city skyline at night

  • Silentwave
    Jul 14, 05:22 PM
    Wow, that seems pretty darn reasonable.

    I was considering putting a 2.16 Core Duo in my currently Core Solo Mac mini. But now I'd much rather put the 1.83 Core 2 Duo in there for less than $200!

    You can't, unless you wait for the Merom version later next month which will be more expensive. Conroe (Core 2 duo that is out now) uses a different socket from Yonah. Merom is the pin-compatible one.

    new york city skyline night. NEW YORK CITY SKYLINE

  • bedifferent
    May 4, 03:38 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    What has Apple done since the iPhone:


    I think I covered enough :)

    u mad bro?

    Seriously though. Most of that is just you being angry at apple. It has nothing to do with the Mac Pro. At all. Not including a blu-ray drive is a FAR bigger nuisance to consumers than it is to professional users, yet you list it because, what? You're angry?

    Apple has no reason to discontinue the Mac Pro.

    No "bro," not mad at all, are you? There are more important things in the world to be mad about. Was just agreeing with another members comments. Don't want to discuss it further as it seems to be making others mad that I expressed my opinion. My apologies.

    And yes, most of my comments are in regard to professional users. It is rather frustrating that new users to Apple who came onboard with the iPhone and iOS, etc get upset with users who carried Apple through the many years they were borderline bankrupt before Jobs returned. Most don't even know what RI means or the difference bet IPS and S-IPS panels or that graphic designers almost always use hoods with non-antiglare displays as anti-glare disperses the pixels making fine editing difficult.

    My only point now is that Apple has dropped us, prosumers, for the masses of Soccer mom's and fashionista's with iPhones, iMacs and iPads. Funny how even Annie Leibovitz has left Apple systems due to this and that many in the film industry who invested thousands in Apple pro apps and hardware have switched platforms.

    However, this isn't a topic a lot of the newbies know or understand, so instead of discussing it civilly they get obnoxious and defensive.

    PS when did I state that Apple may discontinue the Mac Pro? I stated their focus has shifted, you're over reaching and reading emotions that don't exist in my comment(s).

    new york city skyline night. the night (New York City
  • the night (New York City

  • cmcconkey
    Sep 26, 12:45 PM
    I'm sorry you feel that way. I could write the same exact story, but replace Cingular with Verizon (and vice versa), but I don't believe this sort of FUD is on topic..

    Agreed i am happy for Apple to pair up with a company that will get their product out to a large number of people. I have been a die hard user of Apple products since 1993 ( I am only 28) and I will be a user for as long as Apple is out there.

    I also know that everyone has the horror stories about cell providers, it is going to happen because there are bad customer service reps at all businesses, or CSRs that are having a bad day.

    I just hope that the launch of the iPhone when/if it comes will be a great success for Apple.


    new york city skyline night. York City Skyline of lower
  • York City Skyline of lower

  • macintel007
    Aug 28, 01:41 PM
    It's about time that Apple realize that people want to be in pairs with the rest of the PC world. To offer a 1,66GHz while PC computers are at 2GHz...well you know?

    Come on Apple, don't let us begging :-))

    new york city skyline night. New York City Skyline-Night
  • New York City Skyline-Night

  • brepublican
    Aug 23, 06:12 PM
    $100 million? Yikes. :eek:
    And thats getting off easy. This amount of money is nothing compared to the profits Apple have made off using 'Creative's technology'. And it bodes well for Apple cos they can continue using it :)

    new york city skyline night. New York City Skyline With
  • New York City Skyline With

  • ryantheredder
    Sep 19, 03:15 PM
    FWIW, the average size per minute of Apple's 720p trailers are 50MB. So a 120 minute movie would be around 6GB to download or about 2 hours on an 8Mb connection. Almost watchable in real time providing perfect network conditions.

    new york city skyline night. New+york+city+skyline+
  • New+york+city+skyline+

  • Rocketman
    Sep 9, 08:58 PM
    Any word on the difference between the C2D 2.16 and the 2.33? Is it worth the upgrade price?

    The benefit should be nearly linear, so not much. I suggest putting the price difference in a fund toward your next computer in 2 years, when something even more cool and hard top pass up will be available.


    new york city skyline night. new york city skyline night.
  • new york city skyline night.

  • cmaier
    Nov 13, 04:10 PM
    they are using the OS X API in the context it was meant to be used in. as far as i can tell these images aren't loaded into the iPhone application itself and are rather transmitted over-the-air as the application is being used, thus they are being called by the OS while the application is being run and are merely being displayed through the iPhone application, its like saying you can't see any apple trademark icons through a VPN client.

    Or like saying that if my app has a UIWebView, I have to prevent the user from navigating to lest he be subjected to seeing Apple's trademarked logos and pictures of Apple computers.

    new york city skyline night. new york city skyline night.
  • new york city skyline night.

  • PghLondon
    Apr 30, 07:10 PM
    I beg to differ, My iMac 7,1 looks like the new ones. I have had it for over 3 years.

    Similar, but not the same. The new design came out in October 2009.

    New sizes, new aspect ratio, removal of plastic from the enclosure, removed the outer aluminum bezel, etc. And new guts, of course.

    new york city skyline night. new york city skyline night.
  • new york city skyline night.

  • w00master
    Nov 13, 03:44 PM
    Please be more specific when you say "wrong", in what way?

    Apple owns the rights to their intellectual property, this includes images and icons of their products that they have created.

    Again, as I have said previously, the way these images/icons came about was USING OS X APIs.

    That's how they're wrong.


    new york city skyline night. New York City skyline at night
  • New York City skyline at night

  • Cheffy Dave
    Apr 22, 03:03 PM
    Every time I get ready to pull the trigger on the 11' something holds me back :D

    I don't really need one but I sure want one

    My wife and I each have a Refurb 11" MBA 4GB 64 SSD, and we are so in love with them, We each have a OWC 360 GB SSd awaiting the release of LION, we are each replacing 2007 /2008 BMB's, and each adding a 27" ACD when tethered. Wicked machines, make my /our BMB's look like model "T"'s:cool:

    new york city skyline night. Skyline of New York City with
  • Skyline of New York City with

  • mondesi43
    May 3, 11:47 AM
    So where do I buy a TB cable to hook-up my MBP to the new iMac so can transfer files, use the iMac as a second screen, and hook up my drobo to the iMac for storage? Or are all the peripheral and cables coming in summer?

    new york city skyline night. new york city skyline night.
  • new york city skyline night.

  • Some_Big_Spoon
    Aug 23, 08:36 PM
    So Apple pays $100mil, and it sounds like Creative may be getting out of the iPod competition biz... and into the iPod accessory biz (which is probably more lucrative).

    Apr 11, 11:27 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    The marantz one is, you have to pay $40 to uPgrade firmware to get AirPlay working at all. At least you did with early versions, not sure about current versions, AirPlay may work without upgrade with those.

    if you have marantz speakers...... you have 40 dollars.

    Apr 20, 01:18 PM
    This is a huge concern because of the use by law enforcement ( of the Cellebrite device to download and scrutinize the data in cell phones. Apparently, police departments in Michigan are using this device when pulling drivers on traffic violations. Here ( is another article on the use in Michigan.

    Cellebrite's widget is apparently able to download and scrutinize ( the data from a vast variety of mobile devices, including Blackberry phones and the iPhone.
    Isn't this illegal search and seizure?

    The ACLU is trying to get records from the Michigan State Police are using the devices under the FOIA. The MSP says that complying with the FOIA request would cost them money; they are asking for over $500,000 to provide the information.

    Read the articles I referenced above. I'd also recommend looking on the ACLU site to see what they have to say.

    cult hero
    May 3, 03:07 PM
    "Apple OSX" and "3rd party device drivers" defines a place that is not a "happy place"

    No. No it's not.

    Sep 4, 08:23 PM
    People have said that a media device that will bing the iPod to the home TV.
    but isnt this what the Stereo Connection Kit with Universal Dock and Remote.
    it was the cables to connect your video ipod up to your TV.

    Sep 10, 08:52 AM
    My computers will of course not be slower. But the apps, on the other hand, will become more and more demanding. For example, I cant run Aperture on my MDD (2*1.25/2GB RAM/128MB VRAM). Hell, I cant even run Civ IV on
    I think this fact will be more and more emphasized as the "core-war" replaces the "GHz war".

    Gotcha! That would get old quick, at least the old apps would work. It is kind of cool now that a G3 can still run Tiger. Oh well, can't have everything! :)

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