naruto shippuden characters akatsuki

naruto shippuden characters akatsuki. Naruto Shippuden Ultimate
  • Naruto Shippuden Ultimate

  • wlh99
    Apr 27, 11:34 AM
    I see where you going wlh99, and don't worry.. my full intention is to learn, not to get code from all of you. Many people in this thread underestimate my knowledge of objective C (and I understand why, I got lost with the pointers). I have 2 1/2 months since I started development and had 0 idea of the language or programming (I was a Pastry Chef actually :D, which is the name of my first app).

    Believe me when I tell you that I know what's going on with my code. I'm aware that If you release an object that it doesn't exist you'll get an exception every time.

    Making it work is a lot less important than knowing how to do it, for future work.

    Back to the Code, let me go give it try.. b-back


    Ok, it doesn't crash now but timer still won't restart. I'm going to create another timer object (not pointer, I'll use the same pointer). I get this idea that I can't reuse or reset the same timer over again (invalidating and releasing it only pauses the timer). Wish me luck :)

    Good luck.

    Post your echoIt: method. If you are displaying elapsed seconds or something, the code to calculate and display that might be your issue.

    naruto shippuden characters akatsuki. naruto shippuden characters
  • naruto shippuden characters

  • 840quadra
    Nov 24, 01:51 PM
    what a pitiful thanksgiving sale apple provided.

    nothing to wow about.

    You are correct!

    I should go back to the Apple store, and give them $101 + the extra tax associated (making it $107.56) for the MacBook I just bought. Only because this sale is lame! :rolleyes:

    naruto shippuden characters akatsuki. Naruto Shippuden Akatsuki
  • Naruto Shippuden Akatsuki

  • NAG
    Jan 12, 07:43 PM
    The issue here is that bloggers and online journalists are still a fairly new medium and haven't been fully accepted yet. This would happen with any sort of group that didn't have a history.

    I would bet that no print media journalist would ever pull crap like this, either. He/she would have been fired on the spot and the publication itself would have issued a real apology, not post a video online and issue a half-hearted apology to one group.

    Whoa. You honestly think that there isn't anyone in the print media that pulled stuff like that? You haven't read a lot of the more satirical magazines.

    And by saying "haven't been fully accepted yet" you really mean "the big print media guys are still in their transition." They all know print is basically dead, they've been trying to transition for years. Some morons with a blog turning off tvs at a tech conference are not going to stop this transition. If anything it will lead to conferences learning how to properly vet online media like they do with print media.

    naruto shippuden characters akatsuki. Awesome Naruto Wallpapers!
  • Awesome Naruto Wallpapers!

  • BoyBach
    Jul 26, 04:48 PM
    A funny article about Zune's new software etc, and what it means for PlayForSure:

    Switched On: The next PlaysForSure ad (

    Microsoft. Your products. Our prerogative.

    naruto shippuden characters akatsuki. Naruto+shippuden+akatsuki+
  • Naruto+shippuden+akatsuki+

  • prady16
    Oct 17, 10:15 AM
    I had already posted this on my blog a couple of months back:

    Analysis of the pros and cons of Blue-ray vs HD-DVD reveals that Blue-Ray disks have higher capacity (about 50GB), are more expensive, and blue-ray players can burn disks. On the other hand HD-DVD is comparitively cheaper, little less capacity (about 40GB), but cannot be burnt by commercial players.

    Hence, I belive that the cheaper HD-DVD disks would be used instead of the traditional DVDs for distributing movies, games, music and other such applications. Whereas the Blue-Ray disks would be used majorly for storing data off a computer in a home or office setting. So, in the future laptops would come equipped with Blue-Ray drives and home theater systems would come equipped with HD-DVD players.

    naruto shippuden characters akatsuki. eyes of NARUTO Shippuden
  • eyes of NARUTO Shippuden

  • womble2k2
    Apr 26, 03:08 AM
    Why is there multiple vanishing points!?! I believe it is a fake.

    naruto shippuden characters akatsuki. NARUTO Shippuden Legends:
  • NARUTO Shippuden Legends:

  • Stella
    Mar 16, 11:32 AM
    Because when he focuses on one device, Apple 'win'.

    And when he can't justify that.. he then lashes out on the consumer for buying the product . For example - Kinetic being the fastest selling tech product ever - I think he called consumers something like "MMO loses"...


    What difference does it make if one Android device outsells the iPhone? Many of the features are in the OS, not the hardware.

    Yes.. exactly.

    Additionally, one size doesn't fit all... the combination of the hardware and the software.

    Want an Android physical keyboard qwerty layout - there's an Android phone for that!

    naruto shippuden characters akatsuki. Min characters how rating
  • Min characters how rating

  • solvs
    Jan 12, 04:14 AM
    Everyone is making comments that suggest that the Gizmodo guys are professionals and have broken some code of ethics.
    They were there as professionals at a professional event, and as said, given press passes. They presented themselves as professionals, and wouldn't have gotten in for free and to the presentations had they not. Even worse, they bring the rest of the community down with them. Some bloggers actually fight hard to try and be taken seriously. Stuff like this just makes it harder for them. And since they're making money by covering this, they may get a small bump in the short term, but it could hurt them down the line when companies decide they aren't worth doing business with.

    Statement from the CEA (

    We have been informed of inappropriate behavior on the show floor by a credentialed media attendee from the Web site Gizmodo, owned by Gawker Media. Specifically, the Gizmodo staffer interfered with the exhibitor booth operations of numerous companies, including disrupting at least one press event. The Gizmodo staffer violated the terms of CES media credentials and caused harm to CES exhibitors. This Gizmodo staffer has been identified and will be barred from attending any future CES events. Additional sanctions against Gizmodo and Gawker Media are under discussion.
    It's not quite as funny when there are consequences.

    naruto shippuden characters akatsuki. naruto shippuden sakura
  • naruto shippuden sakura

  • bushido
    May 3, 03:18 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; de-de) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    lol america

    naruto shippuden characters akatsuki. naruto shippuden characters.
  • naruto shippuden characters.

  • Carlanga
    Mar 19, 11:57 AM
    ...I personally have an iPhone 4, I've had it for ages and love it. ...

    and the way you express yourself practically shows me why people 'diss' all your gadgets.

    naruto shippuden characters akatsuki. art, Naruto
  • art, Naruto

  • rtdgoldfish
    Apr 16, 08:47 AM
    From my original post:

    Funny thing out of all of this: I had a set of Monster Cables for the 360 which force the system to run in HD. Whoever took it will have a nice surprise when they get it home and find out they can't run it on their SD set. (Kinda assuming they won't have an HD TV if they are stealing a 360...)

    I'm pretty sure this is why they haven't been able to play any games on the system. They keep logging into Xbox Live but since they get no video output from the console, they cant even see that there are friend requests, voice chat requests, messages, etc.

    naruto shippuden characters akatsuki. art, Naruto
  • art, Naruto

  • mgamber
    Oct 13, 04:12 PM
    Wonder if he'll let me crash on his sofa!

    his sofa will probably crash on it's own.

    naruto shippuden characters akatsuki. Naruto Shippuden
  • Naruto Shippuden

  • iVoid
    Sep 28, 10:53 PM
    Too many folks think just because you have wealth that you have to build a oversized Gaudy McMansion as some kind of totem to prove your wealth to the unwashed masses.

    I myself like smaller well built with high quality material and nice architecture with a large lot/waterfront.

    Actually, this seems like a McMansion to me. Very narrow to fit into a tight lot.

    Except the lot is much bigger in this case than a McMansion lot typically is. :)

    I wonder if the design was made when they couldn't tear down the old house and they thought they'd have to squeeze it in. :)

    naruto shippuden characters akatsuki. Naruto#39;s Biggest Adventure
  • Naruto#39;s Biggest Adventure

  • wnurse
    Aug 7, 09:00 PM
    If Dell uses the same panel, how do they fit the 23" panel in the 24" enclosure without an inch border? Or how does Apple shrink the 24" panel to fit in a 23" frame?

    Also how does Dell claim higher contrast ratios and greater brightness?

    Dell and Apple may use the same panel manufacturer, but clearly they are NOT identical panels.

    Yes, obviously a 23 inch and a 24 inch cannot be the same panel. You are such a genius. But I wonder.. can a 30 inch apple and a 30 inch dell be the same panel?.. how about a 20 inch apple and a 20 inch dell?.
    But forget all about that.. Are you saying the manufacturer gives apple the superior panels and leave the rejects for Dell?.. So cause Dell panel is 24 inch, they suck compared to apple 23 inch cause logically, since they are not the same size, it implies the Dell panel sucks!!!...

    We must all get together and donate a nobel prize to you. You are such a genius, you make Einstein pale in comparison.

    I don't want to leave you hanging but here's what happens.. The manufacter makes the panels. They cut a panel to apple specs and then the make the exact same panel (or one like it, hopefully, this manufacturer has quality control like every other company and can reproduce panels to exact specifications) and cuts the same panel to 24 inch to dell specifications.
    Simple enough for you Einstein?.

    naruto shippuden characters akatsuki. Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate
  • Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate

  • CalBoy
    Apr 15, 04:21 PM
    As I said, I understood the point you were trying to make. But.... you can't take two non-TSA incidents and use those to make a case against the TSA specifically. All you can do is say that increased security, similar to what the TSA does, can be shown to not catch everything. I could just as easily argue that because the two incidents (shoe and underwear bombers) did not occur from TSA screenings then that is proof the TSA methods work. I could, but I won't because we don't really know that is true. Too small a sample to judge.

    Well actually we know the TSA methods don't work because both of the incidents were from European airports that mirror what the TSA does. Added to the number of weapons that make it through TSA checkpoints, it's easy to see that the TSA does in fact not work to the extent that it is expected to.

    Did you not read my post above? Or did you not understand it? Or did I not write clearly? I'll assume the 3rd. Past history is that bombs are not put on planes by lone wolf fanatics. They are placed there by a whole operation involving a number of people... perhaps a dozen, maybe? The person carrying the bomb may be a brainwashed fool (though, surprisingly - often educated) - but the support team likely aren't fools. The team includes dedicated individuals who have specialized training and experience that are needed to mount further operations. The bomb makers, the money people, the people who nurture the bomb carrier and ensure that they are fit (mentally) to go through with a suicide attack. These people, the support crew, are not going to like 50/50 odds.

    I understood your rather simplistic attempt at game theory just fine. The problem remains that one side is not a rational actor. The command portion of terrorists have virtually nothing to lose with a botched attempt, and neither does the fanatic patsy. A 50/50 ratio isn't good enough for our security because the downside for both command and patsy are much smaller than the upside (from their perspective). The chances of failure need to be much higher in order to effectively deter terrorists.

    You are right. There has been a cost to dignity, time and money. Most of life is. People are constantly balancing personal and societal security/safety against personal freedoms. In this case what you think is only part of the balance between society and security. You feel it's too far. I can't argue. I don't fly anymore unless I have to. But, I also think that what the TSA (and CATSA, & the European equivalents) are doing is working. I just don't have to like going through it.

    Sacrificing these things is appropriate when there is a tangible gain. There hasn't been much of a tangible gain with TSA, and this is coming from the head of Israeli Security. We're paying a lot and getting almost nothing in return. Every year there's a new "standard" put out there to make it seem like TSA is doing something, but time and again security experts have lambasted TSA and its efforts as a dog and pony show.

    Your own opinion of flying should be an example of how ridiculous things have gotten. If people now become disgruntled and irritated every time they fly, for perhaps marginal gains in security, then our methods have failed.

    Give the man/woman/boy a cigar! There is no way to prove it, other than setting controlled experiments in which make some airports security free, and others with varying levels of security. And in some cases you don't tell the travelling public which airports have what level (if any) of security - but you do tell the bad guys/gals.

    It is difficult to prove, but you can make an educated guess about what the cause is. Other than the correlational evidence, there is no other good data to suggest that TSA has actually been effective. In no field is correlation enough to establish anything but correlation.

    I cited a sharp drop-off in hijackings at a particular moment in history. Within the limits of a Mac Rumours Forum, that is as far as I'm going to go. If you an alternative hypothesis, you have to at least back it up with something. My something trumps your alternative hypothesis - even if my something is merely a pair of deuces - until you provide something to back up your AH.

    No, that's not how it works. If you want to assert your idea as correct, the burden is on you to show that it is correct. I am going to try to poke holes in your reasoning, and it's up to you to show that my criticisms are invalid on the bases of logic and evidence.

    So far you've only cited correlation, which is not sufficient evidence for causation. You ignored my criticism based on military intervention, changing travel patterns, etc, and only want to trumpet your belief that correlation is enough. It's not. If you don't want to do more on Mac Rumors, then don't post anymore on this topic concerning this line of discussion.

    naruto shippuden characters akatsuki. Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate
  • Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate

  • Benjy91
    Mar 28, 03:33 PM

    Ooh the arguments are getting heated up in this thread :D

    Thought I'd offer a light refreshment.

    naruto shippuden characters akatsuki. Naruto
  • Naruto

  • kirky29
    Apr 25, 12:24 PM
    Looks nice actually.
    iPhone 4S has a nice ring to it too.

    naruto shippuden characters akatsuki. Naruto Shippuden: Kizuna Drive
  • Naruto Shippuden: Kizuna Drive

  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 29, 04:09 PM
    I heard microsoft is making some changes to its next OS release too. Apparently the blue screen of death will be a black screen of death in Windows 8.

    btw- does anyone know why the current version is named Windows 7? Why 7?

    As for Lion, I am looking forward to having the ability to switch to an iOS appearance for apps. It will be nice to organize then like that. The idea has grown on me.

    naruto shippuden characters akatsuki. Shippuden Characters. to
  • Shippuden Characters. to

  • bigandy
    Oct 17, 08:52 AM
    I'd rather see Blu Ray win this. It's clearly the better product on paper.

    However, as history shows us, this doesn't mean it will win :(

    Apple supporting both? I think it's a good option to give the customers - it's us who'll decide... But a hybrid drive will be the best bet.

    Oct 29, 01:08 AM
    Say good bye to programs like InsomniaX/Sleepless and other hacks.

    I mention the two first apps because they were relying on the 10.4.8 source code to see what has broken the software from 10.4.7

    Apr 29, 03:55 PM
    Yeah, I preferred the iOS scrollbars, and the slider buttons.

    Why Apple did it?

    Jan 9, 03:02 PM
    OK, i dont know if this is a problem, but the URL of the keynote itself happens to contain a spoiler. Could be an issue.

    Nothing a couple sheets of paper can't fix.;)
    is there anyway for someone to copy the video to a different server? Exclusive to us MacRumorians? and post the link?

    Apr 6, 05:11 AM
    iAd Gallery is a free download.

    Would not surprise me if Apple Inc. thought about charging for it…

    Who wants to go out of their way to see ads? What's this world coming to?
    Luckily technology has enabled me to now have a virtually ad free web/television/film viewing "experience".

    Apple think differently, of course. :)

    Sep 12, 02:56 AM
    3.00 am! I don't think I'll be up then. I love to sleep. I guess getting up at around 6 won't matter though. Hopefully the new products if any will be on the apple site. If not I"ll check out macrumors to see the latest news on the conference. I can't wait! Yahooooo for apple

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