munro chambers and thomas chambers

munro chambers and thomas chambers. munro chambers and thomas
  • munro chambers and thomas

  • cogsinister
    Aug 24, 08:07 PM
    Secondly, for those of you that are changing your "A" to "B" or "C", did you ever think that you might be taking someone elses valid serial # and are taking their battery away from them???

    I'm not bothered as long as i get mine..........

    munro chambers and thomas chambers. munro chambers and thomas
  • munro chambers and thomas

  • fblack
    Sep 12, 02:13 PM
    glad they brought back some colors. tech in U.S. sometimes seems color challenged. :)

    great that its up to 24hrs run time. 52% made me go gaga for a few minutes there too.:D

    I still want wireless headphones from apple tho, like the logitech I have for my ipod mini only better. :cool:

    munro chambers and thomas chambers. munro chambers and thomas
  • munro chambers and thomas

  • deconai
    Aug 3, 05:00 PM
    Something to take into consideration:
    If these guys didn't want Apple to be embarrassed, why did they go ahead and use an Apple computer? That was quite polite of them not to show how vulnerable the Airport card is...or just plain bull. I don't believe this for one second. It's all to easy to say something, but a little harder to back it up with actions.

    Not all drivers are created equal.

    munro chambers and thomas chambers. Munro Chambers And Thomas
  • Munro Chambers And Thomas

  • Dr.Gargoyle
    Aug 29, 10:40 AM
    Those prices are just crazy... Who the %&## will pay $250-$400 for a Win OS??? Especially since you know you will need additional anti-virus/spyware...
    If this is true, M$ just shot themselves in the foot. There are viable OS alternatives today that are both better and cheaper.
    This could be the fat lady's que for her her swan song.

    munro chambers and thomas chambers. munro chambers and thomas
  • munro chambers and thomas

  • otter
    Mar 3, 11:16 PM
    San Francisco Chinatown. (

    munro chambers and thomas chambers. If Munro Chambers asked you to
  • If Munro Chambers asked you to

  • Thunderhawks
    Apr 12, 01:50 PM
    People already piss and moan about it. If apple really wanted to have a low environmental impact they would build their products where they have Higher standards for environmental quality.

    They do. Changed their packaging to minimum needed as best as possible.
    Using material that can be recycled, pcb free cables etc.etc.

    If they give the production to FoxConn they can only get involved to a certain point. Too much demands on their partners and they won't get any production.

    The Chinese and other countries have and still are learning that at the end of the day, they need trees, clean water etc., so they do adapt.

    Because there is a lot of new technology out, they go through the environmental adaptation process faster than others in previous years.

    munro chambers and thomas chambers. Munro Chambers - News - Evri
  • Munro Chambers - News - Evri

  • Fotek2001
    Sep 6, 08:14 AM
    One less thing for next week!

    munro chambers and thomas chambers. Degrassi - Eli/Munro Chambers
  • Degrassi - Eli/Munro Chambers

  • ilovethisgame
    Mar 28, 11:00 PM
    Working in a retail shop (photo goods); I can say that margins on hard goods is so razor thin, requiring ad-ons makes sense. It also keeps scalpers away for the likes of the iPad 2.

    Thats fine and good - my only point was that I couldn't believe Apple was allowing this. They are very protective of their image and allowing Radio Shack to REQUIRE applecare and a case probably won't sit well with customers. This is why I think it is store managers or maybe regional managers pushing this? I would have to say I would really be surprised if Apple knew this and allowed it. I mean it's not like Apple needs Radio Shack here. It's more the other way around.

    munro chambers and thomas chambers. munro chambers and thomas
  • munro chambers and thomas

  • Hattig
    Aug 24, 06:04 PM
    Yup, my iBook's battery is affected. Shame, it hadn't really run out of juice, even though I've been running my laptop 24/7 (lots of sleep though) in the year I've had it (running off of the mains a lot though):

    graham@Phaedra ~/.bin$ ./BatteryInfo

    munro chambers and thomas chambers. dayum Thomas daaaaaaaaaaayum.
  • dayum Thomas daaaaaaaaaaayum.

  • Pallish
    Sep 4, 08:03 AM
    What exactly do you mean by that?

    Return the old (unopened) iPod and get a new one instead.

    munro chambers and thomas chambers. thomas chambersdoes munro
  • thomas chambersdoes munro

  • imutter
    Mar 25, 07:05 PM
    I had no complaints and the batterie drainage wasn't to bad well my DH said it was bad
    so I hope this update will not screw anything up was fine before ?

    munro chambers and thomas chambers. Tagged: Munro Chambers, Thomas
  • Tagged: Munro Chambers, Thomas

  • ChrisA
    Apr 12, 03:30 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    it's about friggin time apple build a serious volume manufacturing plant in the US! end of story!

    OK they build it. Would YOU work there? I think after screwing the rear cover into my 100,000th iPhone I'd go nuts.

    munro chambers and thomas chambers. munro chambers annie clark
  • munro chambers annie clark

  • crudsponge
    Aug 3, 03:59 PM
    Oh ya... he's something cheesie... this has been on my mind for a while. In january, Steve demoed GarageBand and showed how to make PodCast. He did that fake podcast and said 'Hi this is steve, and this is my Super secret apple PodCast' then he proceded to make jokes about the next iPod... he said the next iPod coming out would have a 10 inch screen and weigh 8 pounds.
    Well... Tuesday is 8/10

    Remember 2 years ago when Jobs demoed Spotlight... he searched for 'Paris' then searched for iMac. Sure enough... the iMac G5 was released at Paris.

    I just thought that was interesting.

    munro chambers and thomas chambers. munro chambers and thomas
  • munro chambers and thomas

  • Benjy91
    Mar 22, 05:33 AM
    Made me smile, I love random stories like these. :)

    munro chambers and thomas chambers. munro chambers and thomas
  • munro chambers and thomas

  • slicecom
    Mar 18, 01:52 PM
    I just bought a used 160GB iPod Classic last week. Having my entire music library in my car at all times: Priceless.

    munro chambers and thomas chambers. munro chambers and thomas
  • munro chambers and thomas

  • ripfrankwhite
    Sep 12, 02:22 PM
    I get iTunes error when I try to open iTunes 7 after installation. Don't know what to do.

    munro chambers and thomas chambers. munro chambers and thomas
  • munro chambers and thomas

  • tuftywhite
    Nov 24, 07:06 AM
    All this proves is that Beatles fans like to waste their money repurchasing music they already own just because it's available in a new format. I bet that most of the albums and individual songs sold were purchased by people who already own that album/song.

    I had about 6 albums on vinyl. I don't have a record player anymore and didn't want to buy CDs, that's why I bought the collection on iTunes.

    You can't guess everyone's reasons. Live and Let Live!

    munro chambers and thomas chambers. munro chambers and thomas
  • munro chambers and thomas

  • aaronb
    Sep 4, 08:04 AM
    So when are these Merom MBPs coming out? I really don't care too much for an iTunes Movie Store. Some of us have been waiting since January.

    munro chambers and thomas chambers. munro chambers and thomas chambers. munro chambers and thomas; munro chambers and thomas. Popeye206. Apr 16, 05:59 PM
  • munro chambers and thomas chambers. munro chambers and thomas; munro chambers and thomas. Popeye206. Apr 16, 05:59 PM

  • arksecktor
    Apr 12, 12:15 PM
    Just saying, our minister name is Alo�sio MercadAnte, with an A instead of E

    Oct 15, 08:25 AM
    Nice setup, and iMac! What did you do with the Cinema Display?

    BTW Your iMac has an ATI GPU, not nVidia ;)

    Laird Knox
    Mar 18, 05:49 PM
    :pReception to the original iPod launch was mixed. Our own forum responses ( are interesting to look back on, 10 years later.[/url]

    On that day Steve introduced ten years of fail. :D

    Aug 29, 08:50 AM
    who cares how much crap is?

    Is that a general use of the term "crap?" As in "all that crap?" Or is it specific to Windows as crap?" As in, "Vista is a singular pile of crap, left on my lawn by the next door neighbor's dog." :D

    Sorry, I just woke up.:o

    Sep 24, 08:18 AM
    Let's see here, they sell 40% of all DVD sales and they lose on them, and somehow losing those sales costs them money? Sounds like they have a plan themselves and are keeping the competitors at bay while they gestate it.

    Mar 15, 09:20 AM
    If you don't absolutely NEED it, practice a little self-control and wait. You'll regret you order if you place it and the new MBPs come out next weeek.

    Next week? How can you say that? Can�t we just all agree the�ll come out this week, maybe then it happens. Yes we can!

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