may 2011 calendar canada with holidays

may 2011 calendar canada with holidays. may 2011 calendar canada with
  • may 2011 calendar canada with

  • Fearless Leader
    Aug 8, 12:35 AM
    go apple for having the 30" as cheap or cheaper than every one else. now the other models are getting better. most 20" are sub 300, 24" sub 800. if i had 2000 to spend the apple 30" is my choice.

    the 20 isnt appeal cuase i just bought a 19wide for 170.

    may 2011 calendar canada with holidays. may 2011 calendar canada with
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  • wagstaff
    Apr 15, 12:36 PM
    It's a rendering of a 3D object, unquestionably, and a poor quality one at that.

    may 2011 calendar canada with holidays. may 2011 calendar canada with
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  • Thomas Veil
    Mar 4, 09:37 PM
    Huh. They must've gone to the bullpen -- we're starting to see some relief bitching.

    Somebody has already tried that FDR quote. And I replied:

    Our labor unions are not narrow, self-seeking groups. They have raised wages, shortened hours and provides supplemental benefits. Through collective bargaining and grievance procedures, they have brought justice and democracy to the shop floor. But their work goes beyond their own job, and even beyond our borders. For the labor movement is people. Our unions have brought millions of men and women together ... and given them common tools for common goals. -- John F. KennedyAnyone else on the board, please feel free to borrow that quote whenever somebody invokes FDR.

    Now: corporate contributions are legal money laundering operations. If you follow the money, I pay for goods which go into company funds which are used to contribute to buy Republican candidates who are dedicated to passing corporate-friendly laws that make my air dirtier and my food unhealthier, and that lower my standard of living until they finally ship my job to another country. Nice racket they have going. Has anybody ever noticed that the well never dries of money to buy off our government? I just love watching them cry about regulation; very classy.

    The Wisconsin senators, on the other hand, are spoiled know, just like Abe Lincoln ( ;)

    may 2011 calendar canada with holidays. may 2011 calendar canada with
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  • dethmaShine
    Apr 16, 10:35 AM
    already exists - Amazon Cloud/Music Player

    What's go good about it?

    It's like dropbox but free for 5GB. :rolleyes:

    may 2011 calendar canada with holidays. may 2011 calendar canada with
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  • MacU
    Oct 13, 05:53 PM
    I have lived in 4 different rural markets and regularly travel between them. Currently, in NC, Verizon is everywhere since they bought out a couple providers like Rural Cellular and I forget the other one.

    When I left Verizon, they had full bar 3G coverage at my house. They had just upgraded about 3 months before I went with an iPhone. With AT&T, I need to drive almost 20 miles to even find 3G coverage.

    With Verizon, I had a Palm Treo 700 and it was very rare to see even the analog signal at all.

    If Apple would make the iPhone for Verizon, i'd switch back in a blink, even if I had to pay early termination, it's that bad. I typically lose between 20-40% of my calls. There is several dead zones too, that I can't even drive down without losing it.

    I have to agree with you there. I have an iPhone for personal use and a Verison BB for work. My iPhone works around 20% of the time at my house and it drops calls randomly elsewhere. My BB has full bars at home and I have yet to have a dropped call. We need Apple to take care of its customers by opening the market for Verison and TMobile.

    may 2011 calendar canada with holidays. may 2011 calendar canada with
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  • voicegy
    Jan 11, 07:03 PM
    I think people should just get over it. Although doing it while he was doing the talk was a little :mad:

    Well, eventually people WILL get over it, but for the moment, it's a hot topic.

    Over at Gizmodo's own site, the comment list on the story has reached 674 comments, 2 of which are my own. It's just about the most comments I remember seeing on a Giz story:

    I am once again feeling proud to be a MacRumors member - the comments HERE have been interesting, civil, and quite readable - even comments that I would disagree with. It's a madhouse over at Giz.:eek:

    may 2011 calendar canada with holidays. may 2011 calendar canada with
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  • bedifferent
    Apr 29, 09:49 PM
    Noticed that local snapshots is gone from "Time Machine"

    may 2011 calendar canada with holidays. may 2011 calendar canada with
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  • tribalogical
    May 4, 05:32 AM
    very. powerful. ad.

    one of the best I've seen recently.

    OK, so I've been using my iPad (v1) since a few weeks after they came out. I use it for business (note-taking, presentations, pages & numbers for document reading/generation, file access via goodreader/dropbox, and so on), for design (sketching, rendering, photo processing, wireframing, etc.), for music performance and production (that's my main gig... I compose, comp, and use some interesting tools for live performance), most of all, the iPad makes a great remote controller for music software (see Omni TR for Spectrasonics' Omnisphere, and TouchAble for controlling Ableton Live as two excellent examples).

    And of course, I browse news/web/social media (Flipboard, Zite, Twitter etc.), read books, watch TED talks, learn (e.g. I'm currently studying Russian, and can practice listening in the background while I do other things, which is very cool)...

    It becomes a shared reference during conversations... I use a translator, quick google searches, illustrate topics of discussion on the fly.

    And of course, the occasional game, my current favorite being Need For Speed, which is tons of fun on this platform...

    I use Apple's bluetooth keyboard together with the iPad for extended typing sessions, and it's a great setup. Basically the same functionality I get from a laptop arrangement... in fact, my MacBook Pro rarely leaves the house anymore.

    So, is it magical? Nah... ok sometimes, almost... check out the new (free) "Planetary" app for browsing your iTunes library... that's pretty magical! :)

    Is it useful? Productive? Entertaining? Yes to all...

    Really, what's not to like?

    Apple got it right. And this new ad nails it......

    my long two cents! :)

    may 2011 calendar canada with holidays. may 2011 calendar canada with
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  • quagmire
    Nov 14, 10:37 PM
    Actually a crappy story is held against many movies, tv shows, books, and etc. That's why we call them crappy and they fail. Case in recent point, the drubbing that Skyline is getting, besides it's spectacular trailer. It looks good, but it came in fourth in movies this week, and word of mouth may make that as high as it goes. The complaint? Weak stories, characters, and a truly stupid & frustrating ending.

    Like I said, most movies, tv show, etc has some sort of ridiculous illogical event going on to move the storyline along. Just as long as it isn't so ridiculous, they can get away with it. I don't think MW2 storyline had anything that was that ridiculous to make it bad.

    I pity anyone trying to figure MW2's story that hasn't played the original MW. I admit I was surprised to find out that MW2's story had something to do with the first one. Not because it was a clever plot twist, but because it was pulled out of thin air. There was no fore shadowing allowing the player a chance to figure things out, as usual stories do, it was just BAM!

    Why were you surprised? Black Ops was just a continuation of WaW with a focus on the Cold War this time. Why is it ridiculous to think MW2 would be tied to MW's storyline?

    The first MW was more stream lined with only two storylines, eventually dovetailing into one. Things were easier to follow, and the moments far more memorable. That race thru the tilted ship, the crawling thru the grass by the Russian army, holding them off later by yourself, and that final car chase were truly memorable moments. MW2 and now Black Ops are just one forgettable blur, that I only recall the trudging thru, not the fascination of what I saw.

    MW2 will be remembered for me at least because of the vivid battle scenes in DC since I am from the DC area and constantly passed by the buildings you see in the game. Then you have No Russian because of the shock of what that mission "made" you do( A) They gave you the option to skip it B) You didn't have to shoot to pass the mission).

    may 2011 calendar canada with holidays. may 2011 calendar canada with
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  • Symtex
    Oct 20, 08:15 AM
    As long as Sony will use MPEG2 for their blu-ray release, they will fail. The first BD50 release was done last week (Click) and the PQ is still subpar compare to HD-DVD. THere is no excuse for such a poor release.

    may 2011 calendar canada with holidays. may 2011 calendar canada with
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  • mauka
    Nov 24, 02:26 PM
    To access the Govt employee store go to, click on Stores, scroll to the bottom and look for "Visit other Apple Stores around the world", on the drop list choose "US Government". From here you have to click on the agreements that you are eligible to use that store.:D

    may 2011 calendar canada with holidays. may 2011 calendar canada with
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  • absolut_mac
    Jan 12, 12:41 AM
    Wow, I just watched the keynote and my god this guy is hard to stand....

    Don't take CEO's public persona's (or any public figure for that matter) too seriously. It's all about marketing and keeping Wall Street happy.

    may 2011 calendar canada with holidays. may 2011 calendar canada with
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  • spazzcat
    May 2, 11:46 AM
    I find it hilarious that Steve Jobs claimed Apple was not tracking users, but now all of a sudden we find Location tracking being completely removed from this version of iOS, that is honestly something that annoyes me..

    may 2011 calendar canada with holidays. may 2011 calendar canada with
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  • Yamcha
    Apr 29, 10:17 PM
    I just installed Mac OS X Lion DP2 on my Hackintosh, and I love it, its amazing, the experience is a lot better then Snow Leopard, only had the opportunity to use it for a while, still fooling around with stuff..

    may 2011 calendar canada with holidays. may 2011 calendar canada with
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  • bommai
    Oct 17, 09:41 AM
    That comment about not including the burner is interesting, and I'm at least trying to give it some more thoughtful consideration. Who really needs to burn 30 - 50 GB of data? For backup solutions, wouldn't just getting a huge external hard drive be more practical? Portability might be a factor there, but external drives aren't that cumbersome I don't think. I'm thinking that the majority use of those HD media burners would be to copy movies with illicit applications. Could Apple put in place some protection framework that attempted to only allow creative-works-originating software to burn HD discs, (ie, iMovie, iDVD, FinalCut and other pro apps that use full quality, large size files) therefore denying use of a program that takes a quick and dirty imported disc image and burn it to disc, so that you'd have to work around some long and annoying solution to make an illegal copy (ala burning audio CDs in iTunes and reimporting them to strip the DRM) that would deter any easy mass pirating?

    More simply, I'm curious of who out there needs to burn 30 to 50 GB chunks of data, too large for a dual layer DVD to hold, and why.

    If Apple wants to sell a lot of movies online and if the movies eventually become 720p or 1080p, users will need big discs like these to backup their movies. Right now I cannot even backup my iPhoto library into one DVD because it is about 11 GB.

    may 2011 calendar canada with holidays. may 2011 calendar canada with
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  • ctdonath
    Sep 29, 09:07 AM
    Thats not apart of what a home should be. Homes are for eating, sleeping, loving, and relaxing. A screening room is for... Well, none of those.

    Nicely put. I follow the "no TV in the bedroom" rule for similar reasons (that room is for two things); will now extend the rule accordingly and start planning for the next house with suitable layout.

    may 2011 calendar canada with holidays. may 2011 calendar canada with
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  • twoodcc
    May 10, 06:04 PM
    Seing your "adventures", no way I would ever try to do anything on a custom rig...

    well i wouldn't say that. it wouldn't be as big of a deal if i was at the machine everyday, then a quick change of a few settings and it's back up. but being away, this is not fun.

    may 2011 calendar canada with holidays. may 2011 calendar canada with
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  • solvs
    Jan 15, 01:33 AM
    Blogging isn't journalism,
    No, but there are some who are trying to be taken seriously. They had a press pass. As has been repeated multiple times, this hurts the entire blogging industry (and it is an industry) who cover things as journalists. This isn't some old lady down the street, this is a tech blog that's a business itself that has been built up over the years in an attempt to be taken seriously and get press access to just events and products to test for their articles. That's all been destroyed with one stupid act, which they're now trying to turn into an act of defiance. They made some interesting points in the last spiel, but it doesn't change the fact that if they want to be taken seriously, and they claim to want to be, at least more than those who are bought or don't ask the tough questions, this isn't going to help.

    So when they do try to post something serious, and they have, is it any wonder if we won't trust them or believe them, or even care?

    may 2011 calendar canada with holidays. may 2011 calendar canada with
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    Nov 16, 05:16 PM
    blatantly inaccurate.

    Oct 3, 12:40 PM
    With Apple focusing on smaller amounts of products at a time and with all the potential announcements, I predict record numbers of disappointed rumor fed drooling frenzy folk.

    I love seeing what Apple does with iLife and iWork. I passed on the iWork update last year, I wonder if ol' Steve will convince me this year. I really like iWeb in principle, but we have been juggling computers at home too much to have a good central place for all the pictures and movies... that's due to MacBook intermittent shutdowns... an entirely different issue. Still, we haven't skipped an iLife upgrade since the beginning. We probably won't this year, either.

    The good news (in a way) is that there is tons of room for improvement in iPhoto and iWeb. Maybe that was the plan.

    Ramble, ramble...

    Aug 13, 10:50 PM
    price cut? the displays still seem a bit over priced.

    May 4, 05:38 PM
    Guns are within my scope of practice (

    Couple this with the fact that the NRA has prevented any studies on guns and their impact on American society and I think we can all rest assured that we're heading towards a society ruled by the American Taliban. Heavy sarcasm intended.

    If guns are so important to society, why is it taboo to have an adult conversation about their impact on that society?

    Sorry, but whether I have guns in my house with my kids is not anyones business but my own.

    Jan 11, 10:32 PM
    At first, I got a chuckle when I read this on their site. Turning off a wall of display is one thing, but what they did to the presenters (especially Motorolla) is inexcusable. They took it way to far...

    To be honest with you, I can't believe they blogged about it afterwards..

    Mar 18, 04:13 PM
    Woman walks up to me and says "Is that the iPhone 4?" to which I reply "Yes, it is. Following that she responds with "Well I have the (something I forgot which one she said - I think HTC something) and it is way better than the iPhone 4!"
    My reply: "Good for you."

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