march 2011 tsunami in japan

march 2011 tsunami in japan. Japan, March 11, 2011-
  • Japan, March 11, 2011-

  • jonutarr
    Apr 13, 08:44 PM
    If i still lived in the city i would buy a TV-B-Gone
    they obviously work well :p

    march 2011 tsunami in japan. of Japan Tsunami March 11,
  • of Japan Tsunami March 11,

  • Queso
    Oct 19, 09:57 AM
    I'd like to see the figures just for the UK rather than "international". I'm a firm believer that it's the Apple Stores that are causing the upswing. Outside of the US, the UK is the only country where Apple stores are expanding their reach, which would confirm whether or not my thinking is misguided.

    march 2011 tsunami in japan. Japan on 11th March 2011,
  • Japan on 11th March 2011,

  • getalifemacfans
    Jan 9, 01:03 PM
    I wouldn't put much faith in the opinions of a person demonstrably unable to coherently express himself.

    This was a personal meaning and yes i use logic when i express myself, maybe you're iq is low and you must attack somebody to make you're higher thats youre personal meaning to(low iq as well - haha(dont take it personally).And yes i think the iphone sucks i have had so much telephones over the years and i think it's just a ipod halo effect(like much off apple is).Look at the ipod touch - go figure.
    And like allways some guys must have with a spoon.the membersname is ironic...put faith in what you want i dont care..(buddha ore jesus)thats your personal we go with that spoon - "dadda....
    haha...allways funny.. your sincerly
    best regards

    march 2011 tsunami in japan. march 2011 tsunami in japan.
  • march 2011 tsunami in japan.

  • CaoCao
    Apr 17, 10:00 PM
    We should add left handed history ahead of gay history, before you bash me, let me explain.
    Left handed people are constantly shamed by language, the word sinister comes from a Latin word originally left, how does it feel to know that language thinks you are evil? Dexter comes from Latin for right and implies manual skill, left handed people are evil and right handed is skilled, aint life grand? Even the word ambidexterity hurts them, it while meaning skilled with both hands means you have two right hands.

    In English and other European languages the word right doubles for correct, proper, even justice! In ancient Middle Eastern languages left mean evil. In Chinese left implies improper and even immoral! We have a world hating left handed people!

    In modern society left handed people need to bring their own special tools because society designs only for right handed and doesn't give a damn about left handed people to the point where lefties get gouged. They're even screwed over with computer mice and keyboards!

    In many Eastern countries left handers are brutally forced to switch to their right hand which can screw them up mentally for life. In education basically everything is designed for right handed people, the tests have answers on the right side which causes painful discomfort for left handed students to learn.

    Because of these horrible things perpetuated on left handed people I request that left handed people are mentioned in history.

    How was that?


    march 2011 tsunami in japan. march 2011 tsunami. Japan#39
  • march 2011 tsunami. Japan#39

  • Apple Shmapple
    Oct 11, 04:09 PM
    It's obvious that Steve Jobs was going to release the True Video iPod soon. I think they intended to release the true video iPod in October when they announced Movie downloads. Something must have happened that the iPod was just not ready, so they scrambled and made some minor upgrades that they intended to do anyways.

    Apple knows it has to get it right or it could be a big disaster. Their goal is to release it before the holidays, but if for some reason they can't, it will be released at Mac World. I think their main issues that have caused it to be delayed is the battery life and the screen cover. The battery life has to be from 4 to 6 hours and the screen has to have some kind of protection that won't be damaged if it is touched constantly.

    If it is going to be released it will happen anytime from now until the second week of November or during the first week of December. If it does not happen during these two time frames it won't happen until Mac World.

    Great post. I've been saying this all along. The widescreen iPod is a severly delayed product. And don't give me semantics about how an unannounced product can be delayed. That's just Apple's way to shirk around the responsibility that comes along with a deadline.

    This product will not drop during the holiday season. Who knows if it will even be ready by January.

    march 2011 tsunami in japan. Tsunami Hit Hawaii, after
  • Tsunami Hit Hawaii, after

  • flopticalcube
    Apr 15, 02:40 PM
    What is Gay History? History, while interesting, has always struck me as unimportant in educating Children for essential workforce skills. Leave history for Colleges or elective courses.

    Absolutely not. History is just as essential in building a rational model of the world as math or science is. It just has to be taught properly, without the rote memorization of dates and people. More emphasis on the impact of events in the shaping of nations and civilization.


    march 2011 tsunami in japan. Japan_Before_and_After_11-Mar-
  • Japan_Before_and_After_11-Mar-

  • 0815
    Apr 6, 07:52 AM
    An app that brings all the things I hate together. [... removed bashing ...]

    So why bother? If you don't like it, don't download it. There are thousands of apps in the store that I don't like or have no interest in. No need to comment everywhere how much I dislike them and how much every user of those is a brainless idiot. there is a very simple solution with basically two options:
    (1) if you (think you) like it -> download and try
    (2) if you don't like it, don't download it
    It is not that this app is forced to be installed on your phone. It is your choice.

    I always enjoyed the creative iAds, I downloaded the app and found to my surprise that it even shows me (in the US) some of the European ads which I otherwise wouldn't have seen.

    The only thing I wonder about is: is Apple getting money if people click on the ads? (my guess would be no)

    march 2011 tsunami in japan. march 2011 tsunami in japan.
  • march 2011 tsunami in japan.

  • OdduWon
    Oct 10, 08:41 PM
    yes, I hope it's true.
    I have the gut feeling that Apple is holding off until end of October to:
    • first, sell as many ipods as they can
    • wait for the Zune
    • have a special event for the Video ipod
    • have momentum for the Xmas season

    I look forward a 120gig drive nd a way to input data on the road ala PDA. that would be very nice.
    if apple dosen't let zune come out first, it will be funny. Ms is all counting days and hopeing apple has already show it's hand w/ 5.5, then a day before..bam. apple will release the wonderpod and all will be well.
    i agree also that this release would require an event. the new comming weeks may produce silent Mb Mbp upgrades with shuffle/ xserve if were lucky. so i dont think it will be october for wonderpod. before nov 14?
    also zune has a lot more going on in the device so people and developers will like it. ipod needs to add some pda conviences to "keep up" with the zune.


    march 2011 tsunami in japan. March 11, 2011.
  • March 11, 2011.

  • 9secondadidas
    Mar 24, 03:56 PM
    Here's to 10 more!

    march 2011 tsunami in japan. tsunamis on March 11, 2011
  • tsunamis on March 11, 2011

  • aafuss1
    Sep 12, 08:37 AM
    Paramount should offer on the iTunes store-the Nickelodeon movies will be family friendly and Nicktoons Nwtwork original series-Kappa Mikey could be added.


    march 2011 tsunami in japan. img 311 march 11 2011 japan
  • img 311 march 11 2011 japan

  • ianogden
    Oct 11, 09:32 AM
    I think this might be ready at MWSF. If they release MBP's, iPhones, and vPods before MWSF, what the heck are they gonna surprise us with there? Nothing.

    I think you are forgetting about the TOP SECRET feaures of Leopard, iWork 07, iLife 07 and the actual release of the iTV with a new name.


    march 2011 tsunami in japan. march 2011 tsunami in japan.
  • march 2011 tsunami in japan.

  • Stridder44
    Aug 7, 05:41 PM
    So is contrast ratio just mean it can be brighter (700:1 compaired to 400:1)?


    march 2011 tsunami in japan. Tsunami waves Japan March 2011
  • Tsunami waves Japan March 2011

  • Rozee
    Apr 15, 05:30 PM
    I hope this is a fake.What is the long slot on the side? Is it a spot for a memory card?

    march 2011 tsunami in japan. march 2011 tsunami japan.
  • march 2011 tsunami japan.

  • bselack
    Sep 25, 11:53 AM
    Look at the new requirements page...

    Apple must have tweaked it VERY much. Will make it available to more people based on the new hardware and expanded video support.

    Even the NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200 Ultra and Intel Mac Mini.


    march 2011 tsunami in japan. Tsunami+japan+2011+march
  • Tsunami+japan+2011+march

  • Jerry Spoon
    Sep 12, 07:31 AM
    I can't imagine why Apple would have an event like this if there was going to be only Disney content available.
    Remember that when tv shows were first made available, there weren't many to choose from.
    Even if it is just Disney right now, that along with new iPods is enough for this much hype, especially when they want the press before the holiday season.

    march 2011 tsunami in japan. By VOA. Ofunato, Japan - one
  • By VOA. Ofunato, Japan - one

  • sanford
    Jan 11, 06:27 PM
    Bloggers often struggle to gain acceptance as a valid and legitimate source of news, and with this stunt (see link) Gizmodo have helped to undermine those who have worked so hard to gain credibility within an elitist industry.

    I'm not without a sense of humour, but when Giz started screwing with a live presentation they crossed a line. This type of behaviour shouldn't be condoned in my opinion and a strong signal should be sent out to those responsible. Who's to say that they wouldn't interfere with an Apple event? What do you make of their actions?

    Games and gadgets, the concept of the fourth estate is a joke. Gadgets, it's primarily the online media. Games, it's both print and online, in general tone and especially in game reviews.

    A goofball walks into CES and does this, it's a practical joke, and he faces his own personal consequences. Find it funny or not, it's your own personal taste. Guys wearing press badges do this, anyone actively involved, they should all be fired by the parent company. Immediately. Period. No second chances. But Nick Denton is so afraid of not appearing cool and hip, he suborns what he probably thinks, or tells himself, is "gonzo" journalism, but it's really just a complete lack of respect for the profession; and he also panders to so-called "futurist" rhetoric as spouted by numerous thirty-year-old "cultural visionaries" with not so much as an undergrad degree in elementary education to their names.

    Not to mention that what they did is probably some state or federal higher-end misdemeanor; that is, a criminal act for which they could serve jail time.

    And no, I'm not a stiff or a prude: I love practical jokes. But members of the press *do not* interfere with events they are covering in their official capacities, while checked in under press credentials of all things. If Denton doesn't formerly apologize to the CES coordinators and the individual exhibitors affected, and then fire each member of his staff involved, he should not retain a single shred of public or industry credibility. Advertisers should boycott, and he should be put out of business, his whole operation.


    march 2011 tsunami in japan. Tsunami Survey in Japan
  • Tsunami Survey in Japan

  • ChrisTX
    Apr 25, 07:06 PM
    I seriously doubt Apple is going to change the screen size so slightly because it may require a lot of software re-writes (unless the apps are truly resolution independent).

    Perhaps, the screen only appears bigger because the borders will relatively shrink in the next generation????

    Notice the size the iPhone apps scale to on the iPad is significantly larger than the actual 3.5" of the iPhone and they scale just fine. I didn't read all of the comments, but I've never seen anyone ever point this out before.

    march 2011 tsunami in japan. march 2011 tsunami in japan
  • march 2011 tsunami in japan

  • Branskins
    Apr 29, 03:45 PM
    I wish they would keep the slider buttons. I really really liked them :/

    march 2011 tsunami in japan. 11st of March, 2011 − ever
  • 11st of March, 2011 − ever

  • Earendil
    Sep 25, 06:45 PM
    Well I guess what I am saying is that the graphics card really doesn't have the muscle that, say, four processor cores do. You should see what my activity monitor does when I crush some havy stuff - it might use two cores if I am lucky.

    And what I'm saying is that once you step down from a $4000 machine you see a much larger power ratio in the graphics card/processor image crunching.
    Take my set up, I'm betting that using my graphics card benafits me greatly.

    In your case though it would be awesome to hand more of that off to the extra procs.

    Mar 18, 11:46 AM
    I've had the opposite. A lot of my friends are Android owners and have flat out told me that they want to switch to iPhone after checking mine out. Most of them complain about battery life and smoothness of interface.

    My best friend was checking out my phone the other day (he's a Droid Incredible owner) and using my IMDB app, and I heard him mumble to himself, "I can't wait to get one of these." He hates that the scrolling on his phone always locks up and stutters. He also hates that he can't get through a whole day on one battery charge even though he is REALLY anal about killing processes.

    The office I used to work in was about half and half iPhone/Android. The sales guys all used the original Motorola Droid. They all swore by it. Once that iPhone 4 for Verizon dropped, I saw a lot of people changing their tune. About half of the Android users walked in with them in the next couple of weeks.

    I now work in downtown Chicago, and being a gadget lover, I often look at what people are using on my walk to the train station. (EVERYONE is carrying some kind of gadget or another). I see about 75% iPhones/iPods and about 25% of everything else. I have seen exactly TWO Android tablets out in the wild and about a zillion iPads. (Haven't seen any iPad 2s yet).

    A lot of people bought android stuff because they hated AT&T. I have always looked as Android as a me too product. It just depends on how you look at it and what you need. I am not even an Apple lover, but the iPhone 4 was the best phone I tried at the time.

    Mar 28, 03:16 PM
    In other words, it is now more fair to everyone because you just need to be in the App Store rather than having to submit your app specifically to be considered.

    In other words, it's less fair to everyone, because you have to fork over $0.30 of every $1.00 you make to Apple in order to be part of the Mac App store just to be in the running for the design award.

    It's going to be interesting to see if open-source products win any awards whatsoever this year. In the past, several have brought home awards.

    But I digress, as the new Big Brother on the block, I had almost forgot that "Apple knows best".

    Feb 8, 03:20 PM
    The article at the following URL explains "in great detail" how the Dell & Apple Flat Panels differ:

    Apple seals the panel and associated electronics inside of a case thus protecting these delicate components from dust. Unfortunately, the Dell Flat panel has vents on the top, back of the case which expose these components to dust. I would expect Apple's display to out last that sold by Dell.

    Who said anything about Dell claiming greater contrast. Which of my post said that Dell claimed greater contrast ratio and brightness?. I would never make that claim (The dell website claims that the Dell 24 inch is 700:1 contrast, same as the Apple panels, which just got that upgrade while the Dell panels where that for a while). As to brightness, Dell 24 inch is 400 cd/m2 while the apple 23 inch is also 400 cd/m2. I'm neither a Dell fanboy nor an apple fanboy (as i so fondly point out time after time, i have a apple power G5 mac with a 20 inch Dell monitor). I would never make claims such as Dell monitor is better than Apple monitor unless I knew that to be true.. I pointed out that they used the same panels. Yes, the size may be different but they come off the same manufacturing line. To see Dell specs, here is the link for the 24 inch

    They are the same panels except notice Dell has more features which puzzles me greatly. Apple wants to charge a premium for their monitor and that is fine with me but come on!!!.. have more features than the other guy please!!!.. you know how annonying it is for a Dell fanboy to come up to you and say.. hey, our monitor is the same but mine is better and cheaper (better in terms of more features, not brightness or contrast). If you think features don't matter, you are living in la la land. I like the fact that i can hook up more things to my Dell monitor than i could have with an apple monitor. If the apple monitor was more versatile and offered more features, i'd consider paying the premium but i am not gonna get an overpriced apple monitor cause stevie says so.. I don't see him offering me rides on his boat.. why the hell should i get trapped in his reality distortion field?. Give me something better and i will gladly hand over my money to Stevie so he can get a bigger boat (and without any complaints).

    As to my first glorius revelation, you must be a newbie. you should search for my name in other apple forums. I don't suffer fools gladly (or people who reply to a post too quickly). When i post, i do not expect an instantaneous response. It's ok to google the information before you respond. I can wait!!. If you don't know or understand, say so but do not try to make a point about something you don't know about. You replied to one of my post about how wrong I was that dell and apple were using the same panel and now you claim you don't know about the lcd production process?.. and you complain about me being mean?.. you leave yourself open to such an attack when you start making statements you have no idea are true or not.

    Google is a great resource.. I don't know everything either (i wish i did but unfortunately, time is finite and my brain only has so much capacity).. but I always research stuff on google before posting. It helps (also helps to view the company you are bashing website to see their monitor specs before posting).

    BTW, since the apple 30 inch is definetly a better value than Dell 30 inch (although i am sure Michael will not take that lying down.. watch for dell to suddenly drop prices on their monitors) i am soliciting funds to my "get a apple 30 inch monitor" foundation. I get the feeling i will not be seeing your dollar. Oh well. Maybe I haven't antagonized everyone in all the forums and i can get some donations to my wonderful foundation (whoose sole purpose is to get me a 30 inch apple monitor).

    Sep 29, 02:09 AM
    Wow, pretty crappy design. Rooms all in a row? What are those, military barracks?

    Even the iphone has finally forgone the too simplistic approach of Apple, this house should learn from the iPhone.

    Mad Mac Maniac
    Apr 26, 10:55 AM
    P.S. The box surrounding the up/down buttons is baboon-ass ugly.

    I agree. What browser are you using? IE at work has the ugly boxes you are describing, but Safari at home, doesn't. It looks MUCH better.

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