lonely anime girl

lonely anime girl. sad anime girl
  • sad anime girl

  • maclaptop
    Apr 10, 12:00 AM
    I believe Windows 8 will actually be Windows 6.2.
    As an Apple user, I'm thrilled that I'm not afflicted with the need to put down Windows in order to boost my ego.

    lonely anime girl. lonely anime girl. Mayu Lei
  • lonely anime girl. Mayu Lei

  • superfula
    Apr 29, 06:54 PM
    NT 4 and Windows 95/98 don't use the same kernel at all. They might share the GUI sub-system (actually, it's called the Win32 sub-system, which is probably what Windows Team blog is referring when referring to API versions, since Win32 is the Windows API) (and yes, I know the 64 bit version is called Win64, just like the 16 bit version was called Win16), but they do not share the same architecture/kernel at all, which Smitty inferred. So no, Smitty wasn't right at all, is use of the word kernel was wrong and confusing.

    Read my post. I didn't say he was right about them being the same kernal. I simply said he was right about the naming conventions.

    The version in question isn't simply the gui version number, but the code base version as a whole.

    Anyway, the only way it makes sense again is Windows NT releases. I doubt the Windows Team Blog are in on marketing meetings. ;)

    The only way it makes sense is by using the actual version numbers that MS gave us, which are quite easily found. ;) Not only in Windows but in several sources through the net. I'll believe the info MS gives us vs someone from macrumors.

    lonely anime girl. Liessa lonely anime girl
  • Liessa lonely anime girl

  • Aniej
    Jan 5, 02:44 PM
    it would be great if apple would put up a video feed of the keynote live.

    if not that, put it in the local apple stores.
    wildcowboy and I will go post on the apple site suggesting this idea, perhaps steve will then follow our idea 9 minutes latter and ubermac can thank him for it;)

    lonely anime girl. lonely anime girl - anime .
  • lonely anime girl - anime .

  • Darth.Titan
    Mar 17, 12:54 AM
    Nice. Too bad some kid is going to have $300 docked from his pay...

    Nah... they'll probably flat out fire the kid.

    But it's cool, because the important thing is that the OP got a great deal on his iPad! :rolleyes:

    Beware OP, because Karma's a b!tch.

    lonely anime girl. Seductive anime girl
  • Seductive anime girl

  • currentinterest
    Apr 15, 04:58 PM
    Yep, I remember all those fake, poorly photoshopped iPod Nanos and Mac Minis as well. These may very well be real, or could be an early version.

    lonely anime girl. Alone Lonely Anime Girl
  • Alone Lonely Anime Girl

  • synth3tik
    Jan 10, 05:17 PM
    Thats something that should stay at the hackers convention. not CES and most definitely not MWSF.

    lonely anime girl. Anime Lonely Girl - Lonely Sad
  • Anime Lonely Girl - Lonely Sad

  • nosen
    Sep 26, 09:15 PM
    After all of the comments about how great Aperture ran, and considering how crappy it was running on mine, I decided to take into the Apple Store.

    The video card is defective and they are replacing it. No wonder my experience with the program stunk.

    wow, that's good news (kind of)! hope it improves your experience... :)

    lonely anime girl. anime princess
  • anime princess

  • rotlex
    Sep 25, 01:50 PM
    Wow! This is VERY cool news! Pretty much everything they have listed as an update, are things I was looking for.....and FREE!!!!! :)

    lonely anime girl. cute anime music girl
  • cute anime music girl

  • Rodimus Prime
    Apr 22, 07:58 PM
    What exactly (specifically) is your worry?

    The fact that I can not opt out. That it tracking me no matter were I go and I do not get a choice in the matter.
    On top of that the more services that do this the more likely that it will be stolen as it already been shown Apple way of doing it is craptature as it is not even encrypted compared to Googles which is.
    This makes it very easy to steal. I know the cell phone company do it and when a hole was found in their system and it was reported to them they were very quick to plug it (got that little bit from NPR today) and I do not believe they are selling off the information to advertisers.

    It more I want to know what info is collect and what is done with it and also the option to opt out. Now would I chances are no I would not opt out depending on what it is. I trust Google to be more honest and open than I trust Apple to do but not like I trust Google that much in that department biggest difference is Google will be more up front about it. Apple will not say a thing about it.
    My guess Apple is collecting this information for iAd which seems to link up with when iAds was launched.

    lonely anime girl. Lonely Anime School Girl
  • Lonely Anime School Girl

  • iphoneIA
    May 3, 11:18 PM
    A great commercial. As a teacher who is getting 30 ipads for next years students I am super pumped. These truly are the future of education and I can't wait to have my students start using them.

    lonely anime girl. Lonely Anime Girl Colored by
  • Lonely Anime Girl Colored by

  • amin
    Sep 26, 02:19 PM
    I think this is fantastic news and can't wait to try Aperture 1.5. The only thing I don't like about Capture One is the lack of integration with iLife.

    lonely anime girl. lonely anime girl
  • lonely anime girl

  • TrulyYuki
    Apr 8, 03:06 PM
    http://img825.imageshack.us/img825/4150/photoapr0834035pm.jpg (http://img825.imageshack.us/i/photoapr0834035pm.jpg/)

    8GB of ram and a 1TB 2.5 HD

    installing the HD into your macbook pro? i'd like to know how that goes. i've seen some issues with the 1tb drives not fitting just right. (too thick)
    highest I've ever been able to install is a 750GB.

    lonely anime girl. Lonely Anime Girl
  • Lonely Anime Girl

  • FX120
    Apr 9, 12:55 PM
    Sounds like MS either is paying Adobe a small fee or they are done being scared. It is not like Acrobat reader is anything more than just a PDF reader. Something the OS as sorely needed built in.

    I think that all changed when adobe was forced to publish the specifications for the PDF format a few years back.

    My guess is that it has more to do with antitrust regulation, primarily in Europe. I'm surprised that they can even include a calculator as part of Windows and still sell it in the EU.

    lonely anime girl. X.x role-playing
  • X.x role-playing

  • Donz0r
    Jan 9, 03:40 PM
    Nice theory there, but out here in California, Pacific Standard Time, that wouldn't make a bit of sense as the time for the posting of the keynote.

    In fact 9:41am PST is nearly the exactly time during the keynote that Steve announced the ****.

    ...You suck.

    Honestly, you and the other person that mentioned it suck.

    Thanks for ruining this.

    lonely anime girl. is a very thoughtful girl,
  • is a very thoughtful girl,

  • noservice2001
    Oct 10, 04:45 PM

    lonely anime girl. Cute Anime Wolves.
  • Cute Anime Wolves.

  • dalvin200
    Sep 12, 07:42 AM
    They'll release iTunes 7.0 with "iTunes Store" in it's place and it will all come back online after the event.

    which is what I figured.. hehe

    lonely anime girl. Very Sad Anime Girl lonely
  • Very Sad Anime Girl lonely

  • Melrose
    Mar 6, 01:25 PM
    Apple doesn't invent. Apple refines.


    I think this is the key point for this argument. Apple, true, did not introduce the first touch screen phone. However, they blew the lid off the touchscreen phone market when introducing the iPhone.

    They didn't make the first portable music player with the iPod - but they refined what was there, gave it a good interface and changed the way the world transports and listens to music.

    They didn't invent tablet computing - but still they made the iPad and spread a once-dead market segment wide open.

    It's not that they invent, though they certainly are innovative, so much as they refine concepts that are already there. And as far as people saying, "everybody copies Apple!" there is more truth to that than you might think - building a tablet computer isn't necessarily copying Apple so much as jumping on the bandwagon once Apple invigorates the market. In that sense, they copy Apple. They ignore a market before because they cannot tap it successfully; Apple does, so then they jump in with drastically similar features.

    Apple has single-handedly plowed many technological roads; the roads were already there, but Apple more or less opened them up.

    lonely anime girl. Where we speak my mind and you
  • Where we speak my mind and you

  • petrucci666
    May 3, 03:39 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Love using tetherme cracked on iphone 4 to use personal hotspot with my unlimited data. :)

    Yeah, until you get a text saying that you have been upgraded to the capped tethering plan without agreeing to it.

    I have unltd data, a jailbroken phone and Tetherme and believe me, I'm ready to fire this puppy up any second to use with my iPad but I'm holding back from doing so because I don't want to be forced into the capped tethering plan which is more expensive and less efficient than what I have now. Carriers suck, period.

    lonely anime girl. It was minutes after the
  • It was minutes after the

  • Hazel
    Apr 29, 04:08 PM
    They still need to revert the faux leather on iCal. That's hideous.

    Jul 21, 09:28 AM
    Why are Apple on a witch hunt?

    Apple should concentrate on fixing their problem instead of finger pointing and deflecting the issue onto other companies. We already know the problem isn't as severe on other devices as the iPhone 4.

    We do? You've tested them all?

    Dec 13, 10:27 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Opera/9.80 (BlackBerry; Opera Mini/5.1.21052/22.401; U; en) Presto/2.5.25 Version/10.54)

    And why in the world would they launch after Christmas. Either do it before or wait until people recover financially :)

    Sep 25, 01:42 PM
    I'm running Aperture with 17k+ images on an iMac 24" 2.1ghz G5

    a 24" iMac G5, eh? is this a homebrew?

    Nov 16, 08:00 AM
    I go on how good their logo is...

    ...they must be way off.

    Yeah, it looks like the logo of one of those local computer stores that are packed to rafters with boxes in a tiny shop with opaque-coated windows and put out pricing brochures on coloured paper folded neatly in half down the centre.

    You know the ones of which I speak.

    Oct 4, 04:18 PM
    The inquirer is definitely wrong about this! OS X is a great OS with many features but it needs a lot of work with SMP compared to 64 bit windows and Linux.

    In fact, OS X is behind on being a full 64 bit OS as well.

    Besides, I wouldn't contradict Aiden if I were you. The man knows of that which he speaks.No kidding. The only time I contradict Aiden is always inadvertant use of my ignorant brain connected to my loose fingers. And Aiden is always happy to correct the error of my ways while I am glad he does.

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