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  • airforce1
    May 2, 12:03 PM
    The location collection opt-in is NOT simply tied to agreeing to your TOS/EULA. It's a fairly clear and concise dialog and entirely optional:

    Image (http://www.f-secure.com/weblog/archives/itunes_location.png)

    when was this implemented before last year or recently, the lawsuit filed over collecting emails and political views as well as location data was a year ago, only recently they have to respond over the allegations.

    If you cant show the date your full of BS, then again your also free to be naive and excused if crimes where committed by apple

    remember during last year there where many financial issues, companies collapsed, info like this which apple got hold off illegaly could of been the reason

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  • Doenertier
    Oct 3, 03:46 PM
    In case you haven't noticed, it's already easy to get DVD-quality movies and TV shows online for free. Yes, yes, I know, that's illegal, and we're all going to get sued by the MPAA and the RIAA and NCAA and AARP. Just let me know when I should actually start worrying about it.

    The moment you've got a life to lose if you're sued and you have your hds full of pirated movies, music and stuff would be a good point to start being worried. About that life of yours if you're having a job and a family and things like that. Could get nasty if you're having a criminal record and things like that, you know.

    Just my thoughts.

    And since when can you get a criminal record from a civil lawsuit? Since never, that's when.

    And how exactly would they know to sue you in the first place?

    Okay, you've got me. Pirating stuff is fun and nobody will ever get to you. And if they do it's still fun since you don't get a criminal record. And if you got one then it would be totally unfair. Man, I am a total idiot for even considering to buy stuff. You know, pay money for it.

    Let me just say the following: I do not like being restricted in what I do with the stuff I pay for. But I know what I am allowed to do in advance (that is before I pay money for it). Therefore I can DECIDE to pay or not. And to use it or not. And if I am not willing to pay for the package I get, I don't pay. AND DON'T USE IT. That is even if I do not like being restricted.

    But nevermind, that is just me. (I thought like you on this matter a few years ago)

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  • jephrey
    Oct 12, 09:32 AM
    iBeard, you're assuming that the only thing a larger screen is good for is movies/tv. With a 4" screen on the pod, you have a larger viewing area for more than movies/tv. You have it for games, pictures, chat(when available), text, better view of album artwork, and so on. It may not be for you because you may only use your pod for music, but you gotta admit there's a huge market for it.


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  • curmi
    Nov 24, 04:09 AM
    Huge saving on airport express. New Airport Ultra Express (802.11n) at Macworld!

    Confirmed! :)


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    Jan 13, 02:16 PM
    LCD Apple Cinema Display would be nice. Maybe a isight on it. I haven't gotten an ACD since im hoping they announce a new model.

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  • Joshuarocks
    Apr 7, 11:39 AM
    Also this just in... Windows 8 appears to be running off of a Unix like platform underneath the GUI interface.. this could be the beginning of a Unix based OS similar to MAC OS X itself.

    Ballmer has outdone himself this time.


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  • pivo6
    Apr 22, 12:57 PM
    That's why you need meta-moderation. Weighs the balance of votes in favour of those who rate sensibly, stops people from just burying personalities they dislike.

    So we need moderators for this? I thought the complaint was that there aren't enough of them. Plus I would find it difficult yo determine a legitimate -1, to one that was added for malicious reasons.

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  • twoodcc
    Jul 30, 04:01 PM
    well i still have 3 main machines for folding, but none are back up to full force.

    i don't have any of them running over 3.6 ghz (the fastest now is like 3.55 or so). so right now i'm just running -advmethods instead of -bigadv on 2 of them, and i'm actually using the other one, so no cpu folding right now.


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  • Bubba Satori
    Apr 6, 05:49 PM
    Who likes looking at ads?



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  • uNext
    Nov 24, 10:14 AM
    what a pitiful thanksgiving sale apple provided.

    nothing to wow about.


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  • InuNacho
    Mar 25, 01:42 AM
    This would NEVER Happen. but wouldn't it be an awesome treat if Apple added an emulator to Lion that could run (and was pre loaded with) each major version of Apple OS's from the Apple I on. ! (and heck while we're dreaming, how about all the Next Step OS versions too)

    It's in no way practical, but I'd truly geek out over it ! :)

    That'd be pretty cool! I really miss some of the little things about OS 9 and earlier versions of X particularly the pinstripes and dumb OS 9 sounds.

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  • Silverfist
    May 4, 01:53 AM
    Apple commercials are bright, uplifting and show how technology enhances the human experience. They show people using iPads, iPhones, MacBooks, etc in everyday situations. However Android Zoom, BB Playbook, Tab are dark, joyless with people abducted by aliens, enveloped and overpowered by machines, etc.

    You mean like that new one for the Droid Charge, where they have that futuristic setting, and with the one glowing white sphere representing the Android OS, and the red glowing sphere representing 4G, and the Droid Charge is the result when they collide?

    I can see the tagline now... "The all-new Droid Charge, by Samsung... it's like your two balls getting mashed together."

    Man, I should totally be in marketing.



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  • Full of Fail
    May 3, 04:14 PM
    I'd still argue that communism isn't really open because it's a top down government, but in theory it is more open than it is in reality.
    In Texas, people are so ignorant about different forms of government, I forget that other people are more educated.

    I am still referring to pure communism, with no top down government. You are referring to the Leninist theory that has become what we commonly think of communism as, which has a vanguard party lead the proletariat. Unfortunately this is not the right thread to continue this discussion.

    Back on topic... the bottom line is, does it suck to be charged twice for data? Yes, it does. Is it legal? Yes, you agreed to it, and if you were in the carriers shoes, you would do the same. As cited previously, it does make economic sense as the price for all of us would go up if they allowed it at no additional cost. Are you stealing when you circumvent paying? Yes, and whether or not that matters is up to you.

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  • runninmac
    Jan 5, 04:20 PM
    Great idea but sadly I don't have enough will power to wait :D


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  • Outsiderdude26
    Nov 25, 12:45 AM
    I got myslef a new 5.5gen Black 80GB for myself and a shuffle for my sister.... the discounts aren't great but aleast they're better than last year and what I saved on the iPods I used for the taxes

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  • applekid
    Apr 3, 09:06 PM
    My question now turns to this: how do I get Microsoft to give up this information?? The cops are not able to get any info, Microsoft is giving me a run-around. I'm open to any ideas, if anyone knows a phone number for someone higher up the food chain at Microsoft, that would be great. I'm just really pissed off that someone is still using my 360 and Microsoft won't do anything to help.

    For any realistic chance of getting Microsoft to help you, you need to carry out a lawsuit.

    So pawn shop people have been renting this home? Kind of odd.


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  • CaoCao
    Apr 17, 10:00 PM
    We should add left handed history ahead of gay history, before you bash me, let me explain.
    Left handed people are constantly shamed by language, the word sinister comes from a Latin word originally left, how does it feel to know that language thinks you are evil? Dexter comes from Latin for right and implies manual skill, left handed people are evil and right handed is skilled, aint life grand? Even the word ambidexterity hurts them, it while meaning skilled with both hands means you have two right hands.

    In English and other European languages the word right doubles for correct, proper, even justice! In ancient Middle Eastern languages left mean evil. In Chinese left implies improper and even immoral! We have a world hating left handed people!

    In modern society left handed people need to bring their own special tools because society designs only for right handed and doesn't give a damn about left handed people to the point where lefties get gouged. They're even screwed over with computer mice and keyboards!

    In many Eastern countries left handers are brutally forced to switch to their right hand which can screw them up mentally for life. In education basically everything is designed for right handed people, the tests have answers on the right side which causes painful discomfort for left handed students to learn.

    Because of these horrible things perpetuated on left handed people I request that left handed people are mentioned in history.

    How was that?

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  • Rt&Dzine
    May 6, 10:14 AM
    Here's a little knowledge. Try to empower yourself with it.

    I've shot guns.

    And yet ... somehow ... I'm not bewitched by the thrill of firearms.

    I know. How is that even possible? :eek:

    Me too. I've shot guns and was once shot at, and live with someone who's shot guns and is disfigured by being shot pointblank. Both of us are for gun control.

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  • chaosbunny
    May 4, 05:59 AM
    Except that there allready are lots of people that use iPad for drawing like the guy in this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufYOWA8HdFM

    So? A stylus still beats fingers for drawing, that's why it has been invented. ;)

    Apr 21, 11:14 AM
    Will we be able to see who voted on our posts? That would be very interesting!

    Al Coholic
    Apr 29, 07:26 PM
    It's really hard to screw up a simple UI "Button" but leave it to Apple to constantly assume their user base is stupid and can't manage a simple "click". Give us the ability to change themes if you want to the UI to look differently.

    We promise not to kill ourselves.

    Jul 21, 09:36 AM
    Show me another phone that can drop calls from just the position of one finger. Nokia have their problems at the moment, but their reception has always been rock solid.

    As for people being surprised at Apple's childishness, have you forgotten about the douchetastic "I'm a Mac campaign".

    I can't, but my iPhone 4 hasn't dropped any of my calls, my 3G use to drop calls 2 or 3 calls a month.

    Apr 27, 01:41 PM
    I appreciate that, I still disagree.

    The medical and legal community still is not on your side

    My birth certificate, my medical notes, and all my documentation is noted down as female, in medical terms I'm classed as a transsexual female, that's how we're referred to in scientific papers and similarly that's how I'm classified legally, bar the transsexual part as it has no legal significance.

    There are many kinds of female/male, as I pointed out, your oversimplified view is simply not applicable to the reality we live in. Everyone has female/male aspects, picking the ones you think "count" is as I've said a few times, naive.

    Ok, I'll agree with you on all counts. Still not sure where the argument is?

    Never did I say that no one should "count" as you have mysteriously attributed to me...

    Nov 23, 11:55 PM
    Oh nicee. The online Apple Store just went down right when I was refreshing. :DThat's a good sign. I want my sleep! *sob*

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