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  • philstubbington
    Apr 20, 11:37 AM
    If you tie this story to the recent news from Michigan that cops there are able to suck the data off of your phone at a traffic stop, then this is really frightening.
    You can get sucked off at a traffic stop by a cop in Michigan? Must make sure I never go to Michigan!:D

    las vegas map 2011. las vegas strip map 2011. las
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  • hobo.hopkins
    Apr 4, 12:10 PM
    Only in America.... Bad form unless it was in defence. How about non lethal take downs, fair courts and appropriate justice, such as jail with community service, get criminals doing something constructive for society and trying to get them back on track?

    The right to carry guns and to kill absolutely baffles me. Surely shooting and killing is a worser crime than stealing? The threat of being shot/killed sounds too authoritarian/totalitarian for me.

    I can't believe the mentality of people on these forums sometimes! Each to their own I guess... Democracy and all...

    It was in defence. And no one has the "right" to kill, it's a necessary evil that has to be allowed in certain instances. You'd have to be a dunce to not see that lethal force is sometimes required.

    las vegas map 2011. las vegas zip code map 2011.
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  • patseguin
    Sep 12, 02:16 PM
    Are these enhancements in software, so my existing 5G iPod video will reap the benefits of games, gapless, movies, etc.?

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  • Daghis
    May 3, 02:57 PM
    I thught was strange as well at first, but I believe that the comparison is between i5 1st gen vs 2nd gen and i7 1st gen vs 2nd gen.
    Almost... From the footnote, the comparison for the first chart for the i5 model is a new (2011) 21.5" 2.7 GHz i5 iMac versus last year's 21.5" 3.2 GHz i3 iMac. The i7 chart is a new 27" 3.4 GHz i7 iMac versus last year's 27" 2.93 GHz i7 iMac.

    las vegas map 2011. las vegas casino map 2011.
  • las vegas casino map 2011.

  • bdj21ya
    Oct 12, 01:14 PM
    Granted, this is a good thing.

    But does anyone else find it ironic that the iPods in question are being made by people who according to media reports could use this type of financial subsidization as well?

    It's not really the same. They are poor and struggling to improve their lives, but their entire people is not being wiped out by a disease that they don't have the resources to understand, much less combat.

    las vegas map 2011. las vegas hotels map 2011. las
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  • Flyinace2000
    Sep 26, 07:27 AM
    As long as i can buy one on ebay then i am happy.

    las vegas map 2011. las vegas strip map 2011 pdf.
  • las vegas strip map 2011 pdf.

  • MagnusVonMagnum
    Apr 16, 11:21 AM
    God forbid you carry around an inch long adapter in your laptop bag. Is that too much for you?

    You keep talking about a non-existent adapter that costs $10 and comparing mini-display port adapters that merely convert signal paths isn't even in the same realm as converting to an entirely different interface. In other words your 'adapter' prices are 100% BS and you know it.

    LOL, are you kidding me bro? Do you think USB 3 peaks out at it's max 5 Gbps? YOU are the one dreaming if you believe that. Here's some more evidence for your FUD:

    USB 3 would completely choke in that situation let alone in a simply hard drive speed comparison. Give me a break. Here's another example for you to look at for some REAL WORLD USB 3 speeds:

    Don't tase me bro! :eek:

    Seriously, you going to compare a demonstration with a professional mass storage array that isn't available to the public yet and which I said at the bottom of my last post is a perfect use for TB (i.e. with professional editing software) with the Lacie consumer grade 5200 RPM SLOW USB3 drive? Dude, you have to compare apples to apples. You're comparing a race car to a Chevette.... That neither proves nor disproves anything about the full capability of USB3. The ad on that box is marketing BS about the "interface" not the drive they're selling (which is a slow 5200 RPM SATA drive which all top out between 40-60MB/sec PERIOD, regardless whether they use SATA, USB3, Firewire 800 or Thunderbolt). Show me a 7200 RPM (or better yet a 10,000+ SCSI rated) drive connected to USB3 AND TB (or even FW800) and then compare their actual speeds. OR find an array that goes fast like the one Intel was using that also has USB3 on it and compare their actual speeds 1 to 1. Showing me Steak Diane on one plate and a hot dog on the other doesn't prove the cook who made the hot dog doesn't know how to cook. It simply proves he was given a hot dog to cook.

    In reality with USB 3 you get about 480 Megabits as opposed to the promised 5 Gpbs meaning Thunderbolt will be even faster than two times.

    In reality, you need an actual hard drive test that makes sense not comparing a Porsche to a lawn tractor.... :rolleyes:

    So you are just ASSUMING that they will cost $250 more than USB 3 drives.

    No more than you assuming you're going to get a $10 USB3 adapter. At least my assumption is based on Firewire statistics and early adoption rates. Yours is based on dreaming.

    LOL, words can't describe how wrong you are. You think HDD speeds cap out at 480 Mbps? Maybe in your 'practical world' where you enjoy using inferior

    I think the 5200 RPM 2.5" drive that came with my MBP capped out around 50MB/sec using a SATA II interface (or 450mbps). Does that prove my SATA chip set SUCKS? NO, IT DOES NOT. When I replaced it with a 7200 RPM Hitachi, it now caps out around 110MB/sec (or 880mbps, well above FW800's theoretical cap even). Even my PPC G4 gets 105MB/sec caps with its 1.5TB 7200 RPM Seagate Barracuda drives (and SATA does eat CPU as well; if I try to run two of them at the same time I still get a total of around 100MB/sec with the CPU pegged at 95-100%. The older PCI bus is also in the way. Thus it's not the SATA interface there that's the problem either, but you might think so if you make assumptions based only on one test number and no idea what's in the computer being used or any statistics about the CPU or Bus while its being used. Your YouTube videos comparisons are absurd in that regard. Cheap mass storage devices (like the Lacie) aren't made for performance. Show me TB making that same drive do over 100MB/sec. It won't happen.

    Your 'practical world' when you were just talking about how no one will pay a premium for USB 3.

    I never said any such thing. I said they won't pay a premium for Thunderbolt for every-day use. If you're just going to lie and change what I said, I won't bother replying anymore.

    USB 3 won't be a premium over anything. It's going to be dirt cheap and a simple performance upgrade for everyone. It already is cheap for new computers and a pretty cheap add-on for existing ones; you cannot add TB to existing computers so there's another problem it has to contend with, especially trying to get a large user base in any reasonable length of time. The longer it takes to get a large installed user base, the longer the prices will stay high on any TB products. It's plainly obvious that TB is going to be a high-end niche product just like FW800, at least for the forseeable future. While Intel's demo is totally cool, it doesn't remotely represent the AVERAGE PC user in any shape or form. Most people aren't editing 4 simultaneous streams of 1080p video on a mega-buck professional high-speed drive array.

    I have NO problem with TB technology or its usefulness in certain applications. I do contend that most people aren't going to give a crap about it one way or the other since their computers will not have it or need it for their everyday uses. More to the point, most computers (save maybe those from Apple) will have ALSO have USB3, allowing the user to make the best possible choices for their needs. USB3 will not fail or go away simply because it is a cheap upgrade to USB2 that is fully backwards compatible. Computers will have it just for that reason alone even if the user doesn't make good use of it.

    IF TB ever achieves mass acceptance, it will be years into the future. It takes time to build a user base on a totally new technology. USB3 is a simple dump and replace and still works with everything USB2. TB works with NOTHING that already exists (save a few Mini-display port monitors and that's only because it carries Mini-display port video signals). The fact that Intel plans to do USB3 alongside TB on their next chipset shows even they understand that TB is going to be high-end/niche product for some time to come.

    I have said in the past that IF Intel had used the USB3 style connector and essentially had USB compatibility + MORE bandwidth THEN they might start appearing on everything. But they chose instead to use a connector that is hardly on anything (but newer Macs) and that isn't much different than starting over with a totally new connector and no compatibility with anything (outside breakout boxes that are essentially PCI cards in a box). When it comes down to it, TB is basically the entire PCIe bus on a single external connector.

    las vegas map 2011. las vegas zip code map 2011.
  • las vegas zip code map 2011.

  • felt.
    Apr 4, 11:50 AM
    ****** buzz.

    las vegas map 2011. las vegas zip code map 2011.
  • las vegas zip code map 2011.

  • zepharus
    Mar 22, 06:26 PM
    They better not have a major GPU update or Im going to punch a small kitten...

    las vegas map 2011. las vegas hotels map 2011.
  • las vegas hotels map 2011.

  • Lollypop
    Sep 10, 06:36 AM
    Powerbook G5 tomorrow!!! LOL ok, ok.. before someone shoots me .....

    I would really like a mid range mac, and kentsfield would be ideal! Everyone is worried about such a machine taking away sales from either the Mac Pro or the imac, but I still say apple should just be smart enough and feature it so that people either have to to imac, mac extreme or mac pro. 2 pci express slots, single optical drive, smaller amount of total memory, instead of having people have to go for the mac pro why cant apple make the mac pro the real high end workstation and have something smaller be a the mainstream workstation?

    las vegas map 2011. las vegas zip code map 2011.
  • las vegas zip code map 2011.

  • Peace
    Aug 28, 09:57 PM
    Will an Apple Retail store upgrade your cpu? What's the cost to have this done without a warranty void?

    The Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 Conroe 1066MHz will work in an imac intel? newegg sells them for $369

    Core 2 Duo Extreme runs at 2.93GHz

    Think you'd need a new logic board for that.The current Intel iMac's have a 667MHz FSB.The E6600 has a 1066MHz FSB.Compatability problems there.

    las vegas map 2011. las vegas strip map 2011. las
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  • zombierunner
    Apr 22, 02:53 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-gb) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I dont get it .... Why is every device other than the iMac getting these rumours ..... Hardly anything about iMacs since that Brian tong rumour ... Pfft

    las vegas map 2011. las vegas casino map 2011.
  • las vegas casino map 2011.

  • acslater017
    Sep 13, 12:00 AM
    did anyone notice how he called MahJong "May-Hong"?

    las vegas map 2011. las vegas casino map 2011. las
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  • kettle
    Oct 27, 10:21 AM
    Exactly. There was no violence, no rowdiness. This is how the current mindf*cks work. People hear that a group or activist with views counter to the needs of govenrment and big business and their heads immediately fills with images of extreme millitancy. As I said - they handed out leaflets. That's it.

    It's the same when the intelligence services and police stage 'terror raids' on houses where the inhabitants have no connection to terror. People immediately think 'Ahh, they've got those terrorist scum...' When the suspects are released without charge no one asks how zero evidence can possibly lead to an armed raid.

    They're playing the 'game' like everyone else. It's about leverage from one group over another and today's parameters are the environment and how we agree to perceive change.

    If enough faces on the media can say "there is a consensus amongst scientists" then the easier science 'theory' can become science 'fact' and there we have the the most valuable tool known to man - "A bigger stick to beat people with."

    Admit it, greenpeace are playing the 'game'

    The problem came to a head when one woman complained that they had placed an apple in her child�s pram and were taking photographs of him without her permission.
    Macworld UK

    las vegas map 2011. las vegas hotels map 2011. las
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  • prady16
    Sep 5, 08:48 AM
    Probably just a minor update.....Don't expect a biiiig update without any formal announcement or a press conference!

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  • dolph0291
    Mar 30, 01:11 PM
    Interesting. Microsoft calls these files "Programs" and always has. Nothing called an application exists in Windows, it only has programs. Seems maybe MS is a little late to this game, and they're gonna piss all over it for everyone else.

    las vegas map 2011. las vegas strip map hotels.
  • las vegas strip map hotels.

  • wnurse
    Sep 18, 01:47 PM
    Who in their right mind would want a microsoft phone :eek: :eek:

    90% or so of the rest of the world that uses windows. Why do you ask?

    las vegas map 2011. las vegas casino map 2011. las
  • las vegas casino map 2011. las

  • fetchmebeers
    Sep 12, 03:07 PM
    Looks like the iPods are still at 5G with some tweaks, which is weird considering they had a whole year. I feel no urge to upgrade my current model no major difference for me. Search functions would be pretty sweet though. Wonder why they didnt just give the current 5G iPods that feature with a software update.

    The new nanos look really tempting. a 4GB silver would go nicely with my PB.

    my thoughts exactly... there aren't that much of a difference, right??

    anyway, hey, are the search functions gonna be attainable for the last 5gen ipod as well ? with the software update??? i wish that's the case......please

    i've been desperately looking for the reasons as to stick to the old 5gen which i bought just yesterday

    las vegas map 2011. las vegas casino map 2011. las
  • las vegas casino map 2011. las

  • nevir
    Sep 1, 10:41 AM
    The way I see it is why buy a product when it is being improved (no matter how little or much) and should be the same price or lower... most likely within the next few weeks?

    Aug 23, 06:02 PM
    I hope this eventually leads to Sound Blaster support for macs.

    I hope not. We've been down that...well, it wasn't even a was a road construction project.

    Creative created a Fourpoint card, priced it like the DD5.1 card, and didn't work on the drivers past the initial release at a time when Mac OS X was becoming important, so it was never Mac OS X-compatible or reasonably good.

    As far as the patent debates went, the filing system and visual access were patents that seemed all too generic.

    Mar 30, 12:07 PM
    Just for those that insist Microsoft only ever uses the term 'program' . XP dates back to 2001.

    Sep 5, 07:24 PM
    Apple will release new iPods AND a movie store on the same day that nintendo releases the black DS lite for the states?

    Go-go gadget debit card.

    Eh, funniest post I've read in a long time. Thanks. :D

    Sep 19, 02:30 PM
    jeez, thats about 10x what i would have expected.

    a lot of people I have talked to thought that it was "crazy" to expect people to wait 30+mins to download a movie.

    couldn't apple develop something into itunes that lets you watch while it is downloading? is this possible?

    Oct 12, 11:57 PM
    I'm glad this isn't in an 8gb variety... because I will definatly start to regret the purchase of my black one.

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