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  • Tmelon
    Apr 3, 08:42 PM
    Oh my god I was literally JUST about to post a thread on the no-quit-chrome problem when I saw this thread... hope you don't mind me hijacking, but I'll just state a couple of things that happened:

    ~woudn't quit, so I loaded force quit from the apple logo in the corner, which wouldn't even do it on the first try, but it quit on the second force quit
    ~reinstalling seems to solve the problem for the first couple openings of the app but then the problem arises again
    ~running the new beta, but I doubt that has anything to do with it cuz I saw THIS testimony, so....

    ANyway, I might just downgrade back cuz Chrome is my main browse, but maybe I'd just switch to safari... it DOES have some improvements in 10.7 :D

    I had that same problem yesterday. I had to force quit and then after restarting I never had the problem again (Mostly because I use Safari 5.1 much more often.) :D

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  • Kim-Kardashian-Shakira-Long-

  • applet
    Jul 4, 02:06 AM
    Just a few clicks away from ordering a G4, 1.25, single,
    512MB, 64MB ATI radeon, 80GB superdrive system...
    off the apple store advertised system

    A few questions before I say...."I Do".....Hoping until
    death, do us part.

    Please help me make the choice for the right configuration
    of the system, for the following uses.

    Home DVD

    Mostly want to use the apple as a digital hub...
    have 8mm tapes from 94 and now got a sony digital handycam
    for video....want to covert it all to DVD's.
    Will be going for an ipod (15GB)...
    Have a canon powershot g1 and want to organize all the pics
    from the zoom browser.

    Want to go with the 512MB memory.....need more? less?

    2nd DVD/CD drive.....does it serve any purpose..?

    Let's say about 50 hours of recording.....Would the 60GB
    hard drive be sufficient?

    do i need the 128 MB nvidia card that is standard on the G4
    advertised on the store system, ($1900+) or can i make to
    with the 64MB radeon?

    1 1.25GHz processor is sufficient for movie editing and
    DVD, or is the dual processor utterly necessary?

    Should I go with the apple monitor, (17 inch Studio) ...
    really steep price.....want to buy it later....will the G4 work
    with a normal crt monitor that i Have? wanted to shop around
    for a good LCD? how important is the power/usb/digital connection? what is so great about apple monitors? aren't they
    just OEM'ing? who makes apple's displays?

    .MAC? is this useful? any catches? what is the real benefit
    other than virus protection? does mcafee/norton offer similar
    services for mac?

    the apple protection? will i be using the $249? or is apple
    h/w really great that i would never need to use it? does this
    cover dead pixels on monitors etc? will apple replace under

    Help me make the switch.

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  • Jill1228
    Jun 20, 08:13 PM
    Eating, Sleeping, and Working

    Gonna be on this damn forum fantasizing about it...

    All of the above :D

    Too bad the person stung by the 2 hornets didn't already have his iPhone 4. I'm almost certain that the new iPhone would contain some kind of antidote that would have been very helpful. I guess we will all just have to wait for Thursday!

    Is everyone with an iPhone going to download iOS 4 tom and test I out or are you guys going to wait for Thursday?
    I am going to wait until Wednesday night or Thursday. As soon as the new phone is in my hand, I am going to ship my 3g to the new owner (they did not want the new software on the phone)

    So, I will back up my stuff on the phone, erase all my stuff on it and have it ready for the new owner. Then I will download the new software

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  • absolut_mac
    Nov 1, 11:04 PM
    I am interested in buying a new multifunction printer/scanner. I've seen a couple of posts talking about printers alone, but not together. The salesman at Best Buy was trying to get me to buy a EPSON Stylus Photo RX600. Has anyone bought and/or used this before?

    They just got all spanking brand new computer equipment at the school where my wife works, and the various departments were supplied with multifunction units.

    Guess, what? It sure didn't take too long for them to break down and/or malfunction. They never bothered repairing them, they just exchanged them for separates.


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  • nj-mac-user
    Mar 26, 01:04 PM
    Whats the different between these drivers and the latest and greatest that are available on the Canon website?

    I don't think there's a difference. I think this is simply a package with a bunch of drivers like how Windows does so that when you plug in a Canon printer the driver is there instead of having to install the individual drivers from the website or CD that comes with the printer.

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  • Kim Kardashian: She#39;s a known

  • Apple Hobo
    Mar 7, 08:29 PM
    • I knew of a good person in another online forum who died of cancer.

    • There's a threat of Alzheimer's in my family.

    • I leave my machine on 24/7 (screen turns off after a few minutes), so why not have it do something useful?

    • I like to tinker with scientific software and command line apps.


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  • Lovely Kim Kardashian Hair

  • chrono1081
    Apr 17, 10:48 PM
    For my programming books I use ebooks for being able to search, and access them from my various machines. Its also easier to have them on my screen beside where I am coding.

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  • Picture of Kim Kardashian Hair

  • hasek3139
    Jun 28, 03:19 PM
    Im getting at my local att store at midnight. Yesterday they said they were getting a shipment in at 8am and 11am. They dont know definite numbers but they said more than last year and they got over 100 3gs last year :eek:

    me to my friends and i r gonna campout around midnight! 7 hours of waiting but the end result will be worth the wait!


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  • kim kardashian hair color.

  • creator2456
    Apr 17, 01:06 PM
    I picked up the 3DS since I don't see the DSphat - DSlite - DSi revision cycle happening. It's relatively future-proof as is and won't see any major revisions beyond new colors IMO. And we all know how Nintendo is on price drops, so now is as good a time to buy as any.

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  • what is kim kardashian hair

  • Mobius 1
    May 4, 08:33 AM
    I purchased it 2 yrs ago is 8GB ok ? 2009 btw

    And will it work even if i use more than 6GB of the 8GB? Will it lag?

    Guy @ apple store said if you go over limit it will LAG not improve performance

    I'm so confused now:confused:


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  • Kim Kardashian#39;s hair looks

  • mcrain
    Apr 22, 08:09 AM
    Wouldn't this basically authorize sharia law?

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  • what is kim kardashian hair

  • farmerdoug
    Mar 29, 04:20 PM
    You have a loop. The "system" command is executed each time in the loop. So when you enter "Q" to exit the loop, all the commands are executed again. That's what the printf should have shown you.

    So what happens when you execute the second system () call? I don't expect it to work. I expect it to overwrite the output of the first system () command.

    I fixed how I exit the loop but overwriting was never a problem. The code that uses the file was not incorporated yet.

    Here, if you're interested is the latest (and still growing version). Thanks for your help.

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <string.h>

    int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) {
    char *star, *path, *simbad;

    FILE *file;

    star = (char *)calloc(30, sizeof(char));
    path = (char *)calloc(250, sizeof(char));
    simbad = (char *)calloc(250, sizeof(char));


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  • Langee
    May 4, 03:00 PM
    no. i tried that as i saw a lot of people had that problem on the 2010 version but no luck.

    The humming is constant no matter the brightness

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  • kim kardashian hair 2011.

  • xxBURT0Nxx
    May 4, 03:42 PM
    You heard wrong.

    guess you missed the sarcasm ;)

    i don't think there is ever a reason to wait for a new os to be released before buying the hardware....


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  • Kim Kardashian - Hair

  • madmaxmedia
    Feb 17, 01:37 AM
    What changes did you make with Camino? That's the one I use. I actually prefer that it is very simple looking, rather lots of fruity icons. ;)

    I am fine with Safari too. I'm looking forward to the Mac-optimized (Aqua) Firefox, although Firefox takes longer to start up than the other 2.

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  • When Kim Kardashian wears her

  • MacBytes
    Jan 9, 08:28 PM
    Category: 3rd Party Software
    Link: Firefox flaw raises phishing fears (
    Posted on (

    Approved by Mudbug


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  • kim kardashian hair updos.

  • After G
    Sep 15, 08:20 PM
    Haven't had experience with either kb; I heard mechanical keys are better for typing. Still, if you are looking for a nice keyboard, you could try the Kensington Slimtype. It's nice, and doesn't cost a lot.

    Sorry for the short post; don't know what else I could say.

    kim kardashian hair. Image of Kim Kardashian Hair
  • Image of Kim Kardashian Hair

  • arn
    Nov 16, 02:47 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)

    Is the screenshot you posted an example of it being obtrusive?

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  • kim kardashian#39;s hair

  • LeeTom
    Oct 16, 01:35 PM
    Yeah, what programs are you going to need that you can't run in OS X?

    Lee Tom

    Feb 15, 03:00 PM
    Oh, ok.

    How about designing a new packaging for tea bags, something that's unique and makes it easy to pull out a single bag without opening a box. While not necessary, I think it'd be cool to see a new design for that.

    Again, thoroughly random here.


    Jan 14, 12:45 PM
    Most likely to help promote being in the keynote attendance. Or it's out of MacWorld's budget. Or Apple said no, because they want exclusive rights to the video and want to put it online on their own terms. Sounds to me like the ladder.

    You mean "latter". But yeah I its still stupid. They need to put this stuff up live!!! They can afford it dang nabbit!! And they had better put up the freakin video that night........IN HIGH RESOLUTION TOO!!!! :mad:

    May 4, 06:50 PM
    BBB ratings are no longer very reliable. You can get rid of a bad rating by buying advertising from BBB. I never trust a BBB rating anymore.

    Jul 23, 02:07 PM
    You are quite mistake, this second preview is near feature complete. It needs some polishing, but for the most part it's nearly ready to be shipped.

    The first preview had a lot of major bugs. It may be near feature complete, but I agree that they need to spend time and ensure the IDE is stable before they make a GM.

    Apr 17, 06:53 AM
    I hope this is standard on ios5. It is pretty rediculous for the data to be there and yet the ipad doesnt use it

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