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  • daneoni
    Aug 8, 01:57 AM
    I think they should have dropped the Cinema Display updates now. We need adjustability. The drop in prices still won't make me consider one....Dells are still a better deal to be honest.

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  • dunk321
    Mar 17, 10:59 AM
    And I'm also a Microsoft Fanboy!!! Haaaaaaa Long live the Microsoft Zune the ultimate iPod Killer!!!

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  • Branskins
    Apr 29, 05:04 PM
    To stay ahead of the 6 in 10.6. When the XBOX 2 was released, the rumor was that it was called the 360, as to put it on equal naming as the Playstation 3. Microsoft did not want to be '2' and them '3', so they added a number that started with 3.

    And at the time the Wii was known as the Revolution, which is 360 degrees. So they tackled the PS3 with the 3, and the "Revolution" with 360. Kind of funny.

    Anyways, I really hope they bring back the sliders. They are/were one of my favorite parts of Lion! It was funny to press a button while holding shift to see it move very slllllooooowwwwllly!

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  • themadchemist
    Jan 12, 02:12 PM
    OK, this is funny. Yes, mean, but funny.

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  • afireintonto
    Mar 17, 01:42 AM
    What's up with all the [morality] in this thread?
    It's the employees responsibility to know how to use a register and collect the full payment. If the employee is too stupid to actually count the money handed to him then he should be fired. Dumb ass kid.
    I'd be ****ing thrilled if my iPad cost about half price!

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  • Much Ado
    Jan 9, 01:30 PM
    I accidentally just went on BBC News... spoilt one surprise for myself :(

    Yeah, i don't think the internet is a safe place until after weve seen the QT vid ourselves.

    Meanwhile, the whole world is going nuts about a 300Gb iPod with built in Sat-Nav and Intel Quad-Core processors and we're sitting here nervously going at the alcohol, refusing to be tempted.

    I love every minute :D


    Oh, and in reply to the guy who is going to give up at 8, please don't put spoilers on here if you do take a look. That would not make me happy after all this waiting! :)

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  • plinden
    Oct 19, 10:31 AM
    Although it's not spelled out, Gartner estimate 59 million computers were sold worldwide last quarter. Apple says they sold 1.6 million, so that makes 2.7%. This is up from 2.2% (1.2 million out of 55 million) last quarter.

    Still well behind the fifth placed Toshiba's 4.3% (according to Appleinsider (http://appleinsider.com/article.php?id=2158))

    So if they continue growing at this rate, they won't be in the top 5 for 6-9 months.

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  • fyrefly
    Apr 29, 04:50 PM
    They are currently sorted into the four categories first, and then alphabetically in those categories. It seems Lion is throwing everything together and doing away with categories

    I can go to View --> Organize Alphabetically on my SL MBA. Same result. All icons, no categories.

    I've never seen this before, but it's not new to this Lion build.

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  • brepublican
    Oct 20, 08:43 PM
    when CS3 ships, watch the marketshare explode.
    Definitely. Its amazing how the folks at Adobe seem to wield so much power... ? Or not, but its pretty interesting, especially now that Apple is just about almost in direct competition with them.

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  • firestarter
    Apr 21, 12:50 PM
    It works in Slashdot, but only because you have Kudos rating and meta-moderation.

    Without meta-moderation the trolls get equal voting powers to everyone else - and all hell will break loose as people vote up friends and down 'enemies'.

    I think it's a good idea in general though. It would be great to cut through a 30 page thread and see only the top 10 posts.

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  • roadbloc
    Apr 12, 08:58 AM
    It's certainly possible that the next version of iLife that will ship with Lion-based Macs will be ad supported and provide a link to MAS to get rid of the ads, but we aren't there yet. ;)


    I hope that never happens. Ad support apps on mobiles is fine. PCs, I think, is going too far.

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  • stevehp
    Jan 5, 04:16 PM
    great idea. thanks.

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  • mkrishnan
    Sep 8, 06:29 PM
    It was the french.

    hate the french.

    Sweeeeeeet! Thanks for clarifying! :eek: ;) :D

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  • shmlchr
    Apr 25, 01:25 PM
    The grain texture on the screen compared to the hand is a sign of photoshop.

    However, despite the probable fake picture, it could be a possible product since rumors of it were going around for a year or such. The bigger screen would make sense: borders are wasted space.

    I am curious when they will begin to limit the borders on iMacs. That chin has gone on too long.
    The first picture is fake, that's beyond the question. Look at the iCal icon � it's much too wide. From this angle, it should be rather taller than wider. The other icons look out of shape too.

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  • MorphingDragon
    Apr 29, 07:26 PM
    Just go Linux...

    Heck, just keep SL, and triple boot W7, and Linux. Best of all worlds.

    Linux has many, many worlds.

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  • dethmaShine
    Apr 18, 07:40 AM
    Wow, so the finder is finally giving us, what other OS' had for years. I wonder what the fanboys will say now, after defending this lack of a feature for years.

    I suspect along the lines that apple innovates again and creates a brand new feature :p

    I don't know which iPhone users were you talking about.

    Everyone wanted multi-tasking; there are hypocrites, but can't believe any body touting that multi-tasking is bad or could be bad.

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  • ankit
    Oct 28, 03:25 PM
    Whenever I hear the OSS crowd scream "Software should be FREE!" I translate that to mean "I refuse to pay someone for their work, thus I will STEAL it"!

    You have no idea what "free" means, do you? Free software has absolutely nothing to do with the money you pay to obtain it. Commercial software that you would pay thousands of dollars for can be a perfectly good example of "free" software.

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  • BJB Productions
    Mar 17, 10:57 AM
    I feel bad for the kid who's not going to have a job because a costumer was too American to be honest and tell him that he did not pay the correct amount.

    What is American coming to? I think I'll move to Japan.

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  • lordonuthin
    May 10, 08:04 PM
    well i wouldn't say that. it wouldn't be as big of a deal if i was at the machine everyday, then a quick change of a few settings and it's back up. but being away, this is not fun.

    It will be easier once you get moved.

    Apr 8, 01:00 PM
    I wonder what the special promotion is.

    No kidding. Seems fishy.

    And this doesn't change the fact that the practices mentioned in the other thread are not taking place. Or the fact that they will continue to do so.

    Apr 8, 07:12 PM
    Portenzo case finally came in as did my beats that I got for $80. Also got an element/atomic copy cat case from DX and a bumper from there as well. Lastly, ordered a new stylus for the laptop. It sucks, but I'm getting a free one because the one they sent was not working. It's a good pen/laser pointer/LED torch though, but that's not why I bought it. Oh I also get some some padded twisty ties, batteries, and air canisters for office upkeep. Funny thing is I'm almost as excited about the padded cable ties as I am with the other purchases :D


    what theme is that for your lockscreen .. looks great

    Jan 15, 02:34 PM
    Second MW in a row with disappointing new stuff that I have no use for and not a mention of stuff that I can use. I'll just wait out the next two or three weeks hoping for a silent MBP refresh.

    Sep 12, 03:03 AM
    I believe that an airport extreme, or 802.11g is plenty fast to stream High-def Video, and shouldn't apple change the name of itunes at this point, since it is now a multimedia piece of software?

    Would you prefer OS X Media Player?:eek:

    Sep 12, 07:41 AM
    I might be getting confused here - but isn't the music store just a web thingy and not part of the software? i.e. store and media player distinct, though interlinked
    It is built into the iTunes software. The store uses XML markup that looks a lot like HTML, but it's not.

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