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  • Ommid
    Apr 25, 01:09 PM
    No. 4s is reality. 5 next June/July. Then every June/July after. :apple:


    indian gods wallpapers. Hindu Gods Wallpapers
  • Hindu Gods Wallpapers

  • ulbador
    Apr 25, 03:01 PM
    What is "timer" set as and where does it come from?

    I think from there you can see where your problem is.

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  • indian god wallpaper. all gods

  • NewSc2
    Oct 28, 05:13 PM
    Logic Pro 7 has yet to be cracked, so Apple has people who know how to do copyright protection. I suspect Leopard will employ very strong TPM integration compared to Tiger.

    yeah, but Logic Pro requires a dongle.

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  • god wallpaper. Hindu Gods

  • LagunaSol
    Apr 6, 08:16 AM
    This smells like Google. :(

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  • jonharris200
    Jan 5, 04:34 PM
    guys don't forget also to quit your chat aps.

    u wait 3 hours for the stream and then...
    an ichat message pops up...
    "Hi buddy. I just went down to the apple store and now I'm writing to you with my new iPhone. Yeah.
    Wanna come over and check it out?"

    Also switch off mobile, unplug landline, wear iPod, raise volume, close curtains, disconnect TV, put head under pillow, sing loudly ... and retreat to a remote Hebridean island until the keynote is posted.

    Alternatively, if you're feeling more extreme...

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  • hindu god wallpapers.

  • ZenErik
    Apr 15, 06:22 PM
    Bad news. I would love Google to make a nice music player, personally. I couldn't care less about buying music from their store as I prefer physical discs. Something with the speediness of foobar and a similar GUI to itunes without all the crap like Ping would be great. Itunes runs perfectly fine on my MBP but often crashes and takes 10 seconds to load up on my ThinkPad even with a SSD.

    indian gods wallpapers. Dancing Ganesh Indian God
  • Dancing Ganesh Indian God

  • patseguin
    Aug 8, 08:24 AM
    I hope this means that they have eliminated the pink cast (and other issues) in the 23" ACD.

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  • The Indian God wallpapers

  • camsd85
    Mar 17, 12:53 AM
    I am a reward zone member, the receipt said I paid $530.00 cash. I also received my reward zone points for purchase believe it or not. Funny thing is the kid looked like he was having a crappy day to begin with and probably had it with the madness in the store and looked like he didn't know how to take 2 different forms of payment.

    I'm not usually one to preach, especially if it was just Best Buy's loss--but the guy who rang you up might very well have lost his job for having $200+ cash missing from his register(since you mentioned that your receipt said $530 cash paid).

    indian gods wallpapers. image : Hindu God Ganpati
  • image : Hindu God Ganpati

  • Angelo95210
    Mar 9, 05:48 AM
    they aren't

    Could you elaborate on this? Useless reply at this point...

    Actually there are some pretty innovative companies around. We here on this forum are just a bit too much focused on Apple. Apple is good to innovate on design, not that much on technology. There are some companies like Archos, Sony, LG that release interesting products too.

    indian gods wallpapers. Hindu God Wallpapers.
  • Hindu God Wallpapers.

  • aswitcher
    Sep 12, 08:14 AM
    3am for the four hundredth billionth time.

    I see the cracks of frustration are showing...or should that be showtiming... :rolleyes:

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  • thejadedmonkey
    Sep 28, 11:56 AM
    It looks so long and narrow...

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  • Hindu Gods Wallpaper Narayana

  • bruinsrme
    Oct 6, 11:35 AM
    It was a good message until they stated "Before you pick a phone, pick a network." That would be valid in an iPhone-less world. They would still be selling us phones based on a spinning CGI rendering of a phone's outer shell. "Look! A plastic candy bar! You like candy, don't you? Then you'll love our rectangular phone! Brand new features like rounded edges and three colors!"

    Apple changed the game. The device should now be the focus. The service should be an afterthought in the background.

    Why would anyone by something as expensive as an iPhone if the coverage is not as good As another carrier or existan at all? Yeah I want to pay $90 a month for a phone that doesn't work well in the area I spent most of my time in.

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  • wallpaper download god.

  • leekohler
    Apr 17, 09:24 AM
    You completely missed the point. Let me be more specific for comprehension purposes. There is no way to teach the persecution of all peoples throughout the history of our planet with the way the school system is today. So where should the line be drawn? You never answered the question. Do gays deserve more attention than say slavery or the holocaust? It appears to me that you feel that a select few individuals, that may have been gay, deserve more attention than the plight of entire civilizations or race of people?

    No one is saying it is, except for you. Nothing is being placed above anything else. There is no order of importance.

    And this is not ignorance. Pointing out the sexuality of a person that made a contribution to society is irrelevant. Completely and utterly irrelevant! Do people remember Einstein for being a Jew or as the father of modern physics? You would prefer he was remembered as a Jew first?

    I'd prefer he be remembered for both, as they were both part of him. It's important for gay kids, like other kids, to know there are people just like them who have done great things. They're called role models. Why that bothers you is beyond me.

    As for me afraid of learning? Don't presume anything about anyone. I can make an educated guess by your spelling and grammar that you have an education. You are intelligent. We simply view this differently.

    Yes indeed. But why we differ is puzzling to me.

    indian gods wallpapers. Hindu God: Hindu God Photos,
  • Hindu God: Hindu God Photos,

  • mkrishnan
    Jan 5, 02:34 PM
    Feel it people. A million geeks, all achieving orgasm at the same time. It's such a thing of beauty. :)

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  • unlinked
    May 4, 11:07 AM
    Are you talking about this link?

    If so, I'm not sure how you came up with your statement. It's not even a misreading / misunderstanding. Your statement is just plain wrong.

    Maybe so, I don't have as much patience for reading as I once did. My scan says Bulletin Healthcare send out daily briefings via email. About 30% of people access from a mobile platform (phone or tablet I presume). Mobile share is split 79% iPhone, 14% iPad , 6% Android. The movement from iphone to ipad is interesting considering other reports say only 25% of ipad owners have an iphone but nothing here sounds revolutionary or magical.

    indian gods wallpapers. indian god wallpaper.
  • indian god wallpaper.

  • aeaglex07
    Apr 29, 03:52 PM
    I noticed most of the criticism stems from the changes in iCal and Address Book which are both disgusting. Sadly they havent changed yet

    indian gods wallpapers. Hindu Pictures, Hindu Image,
  • Hindu Pictures, Hindu Image,

  • Branskins
    Apr 29, 05:59 PM
    Considering the Finder, where a slider had 3+ options to select, the user would eventually get frustrated. They could have kept it and added the same blue colour to the text or option being selected.

    Why do we assume that the person using it is an idiot? What was so confusing about it? It takes two seconds to get use to it.

    I think inverted scrolling has the potential to confuse people more and is probably harder to get use to.

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  • hindu god wallpapers. hindu

  • robecq
    Apr 25, 12:49 PM
    Fake, the hand looks all wrong. He has creepier thumbs than Megan fox!!!:eek:

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  • hindu god wallpapers. indian

  • elctropro
    Jan 1, 01:26 AM
    My understanding is that AT&T is pretty far along in its upgrade from HPSA (3G) network to HPSA+ (faster 3G). They're doing this to maximize their existing investment in their infrastructure, and they should be able to employ LTE a little faster than Verizon has been, since LTE is a more streamlined upgrade from HPSA+. They claim that this is best for customers long-term, because when LTE (4G) coverage gives out, users can fall back on widespread HPSA+ coverage with similar performance. Whereas with Verizon, when you move out of an area with 4G coverage, you notice a HUGE drop in speed going to their ancient EV-DO technology.

    Apr 21, 11:49 AM
    Apathy would be not clicking anything.If I want to revert to apathy from a previously engaged stance, I can't. I have to actively disapprove or actively approve.

    Jul 27, 03:36 PM
    I agree that as priced that the majority of people getting this car would lease it. Keep in mind though that if you have a daily commute of less than 40 miles, you'll seldom need to purchase gasoline, so compared to a regular car or even a Prius, those savings will add up faster.

    Either way, at this point this car seems to be at an early-adopter stage where you would expect to be paying a premium until it becomes more of a commodity or there's more competitors in the space. Kinda like how a 5gb iPod used to cost $400. ;)

    Mar 10, 11:01 AM
    In case you haven't noticed, they've redefined computing almost overnight.
    What was the "old" definition of computing, and what is it now?

    Aug 7, 08:15 PM
    Here comes my 23" display.

    Apr 8, 04:24 PM
    Glad to see not everyones an Apple sheep..

    Apple Sheep Rule!

    That's sarcasm in case you don't get it.

    I imagine your declaration that there are "apple sheep" and that you are not one of them makes you feel very good about yourself. A respectability self injection! LMAO

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