huntsman spider bite

huntsman spider bite. II - Huntsman Spider
  • II - Huntsman Spider

  • MacBoobsPro
    Aug 7, 05:50 AM
    An iPhone, not as a cell phone, but as a landline skype style wifi cordless phone to go with iChat. Wouldn't that make sense for Apple to make? Ties in with their computers & iLife, would work in all countries, and would be easy, and possibly cheap for them to make.

    Steve Jobs, would probably want want to make a phone that transitions seamlessly between indoor wifi and the cell networks.

    I was thinking that. Maybe thats why the iPhone pix look more like a house phone instead of cell phone?

    Hmmmm... ?

    huntsman spider bite. Huntsman+spider+uk
  • Huntsman+spider+uk

  • KnightWRX
    Mar 24, 01:36 PM
    Unless Apple gets clever and uses ThunderBolt for connecting external graphics cards, after all it is a PCI-E based connector.

    That's not clever at all. You'd still be stuck with the Intel GPU on the internal screen.

    huntsman spider bite. Huntsman Spider
  • Huntsman Spider

  • macgeek18
    Feb 23, 11:25 AM
    Handbrake comes VERY close to destroying my Macbook ha ha, the CPU goes up close to 90 degrees celsius! Terrifying!
    When I'm using Handbrake I have it going for 6 plus hours straight. So I just turn turn on Caffine, max my fans out at 6200 RPM with keeps it at a steady 70 degrees. :)

    huntsman spider bite. Is that a huntsman spider?
  • Is that a huntsman spider?

  • KnightWRX
    May 2, 04:26 PM
    Perhaps, though I suspect for some people, the MAS will be the only way they interact with apps on the Mac.

    Let's hope it doesn't give Apple any ideas. You know... lowest common denominator ideas... :(

    huntsman spider bite. Hand-Feeding Huntsman Spider
  • Hand-Feeding Huntsman Spider

  • boncellis
    Sep 6, 09:34 AM
    My first instinct was that Apple stuck with Yonah in the Mini because of something they're about to introduce next week. The "streaming video" device could very well fill the set-top box niche that the Mini does, only at a lower price for the same remote media functions.

    I was wondering which way it would go--I guess it's still up in the air. Basically I just see this as a $200 price drop, which is always welcome.

    huntsman spider bite. Brown Huntsman Spider
  • Brown Huntsman Spider

  • generik
    Oct 14, 07:03 PM
    Since I'm home for the evening and didn't see your post until now, I can't give you any specific side-by-side tests, but I can give you a rough estimate of the speeds.

    Overall, the Dual G5 is faster, not by a landslide by any means, but it is faster. Of course the G5 has 1.5 gigs of RAM vs. the mini's 512K, and the G5 has a 1Ghz BUS speed vs. the 667Mhz of the mini. If I were to slap in 2 gigs of RAM in to the mini then I'm sure I would see a little more performance, but I think the G5 would still be faster.

    But the mini is still very zippy, no beachballs or waiting on Apps, very fast and clean for average use. Now if I were to do some Photoshop or, say, FCP comparisons, I'm sure the G5 would clean up in those areas.

    I'm really happy with the purchase though, it's perfect for what I need it to do.

    Oh, I installed Windows XP via BootCamp and after having to burn an illegal copy of my legal disc (the retail disc was bad) I got it running with no problems. I must say, this mini is the fastest Windows machine I've ever had.

    Ok, that is not being very fair to the mini... at all.

    I have a Mini and did my own ram upgrades on it, the before and after results are very significantly different. The Mini is horrible at 512, and at 1GB it starts picking up, at 2GB it is actually pretty damned good.

    Perhaps you should strip 1GB of ram off the PM and redo the comparison, also bus speeds can't be quantified the way you did... the PPC actually needs more bandwidth due to the risc architecture.

    You talk about the price but I look at it this way. shore it might not be that great for the price and the difference between the hign end mini and the low end imac is not worth the hign end mini price but the point of the mini is to get people off the windows crap.I was going to switch back when the first intel mini came out but wanted something bettter for the price I ended up getting another windows one but now that the low end mini has due core and more ram I'm looking at selling my pc and getting a mac.I have been a fan of apple and the mac for many years and can see that it is not there hardware that sells the systems but there OS. I feel vista is doomed to fail and apple will be there to pick up the pieces when leopard comes out. I think Macworld 07 will be the best yet and will put windows and the pc on the down fall for good.Apple will be king in 2007 and we need to stop complaining and know apple will keep on putting the goods out.

    Not really, the cheapest iMac is $999 which is $200 more than the top end Mini, and even at that price the Mini wins out with a DVD-writer and the remote. At the expense of those you get a faster processor (probably not huge improvement) and a 17" screen. Displays are pretty cheap nowadays so if you need a DVD writer you have to shell out extra to get the next higher up iMac model.

    huntsman spider bite. Huntsman Spider, Holconia sp.
  • Huntsman Spider, Holconia sp.

  • kalsta
    May 2, 11:26 PM
    Well, considering the dialog box says "Are you sure you want to delete xxxx?" I think a "Yes" or "No" are the best possible choices.

    Weird. When I ask someone a yes/no question, I expect a yes/no response.

    Do you understand what I mean?

    huntsman spider bite. spider bite pictures early
  • spider bite pictures early

  • AppleNewton
    Mar 1, 06:02 PM
    Are the little glowing boxes hard drives? If so, how much space do you have sitting there?

    Yep all of them are hard drives, i have 2TB in each one and then a RAID-0 with 2x2TB. I keep most for back ups of Photos, Music and Movies and OS clones (i'm fairly meticulous with back ups and having them on more than just one drive..but most duplicated clones are taken offline and stored after back up).
    One is used as my external iTunes library as there isnt enough space on the SSD and the others are free space, diagnostic drives, work drives used to do audio/video or photo storage/editing

    huntsman spider bite. spider bite pictures australia
  • spider bite pictures australia

  • razzmatazz
    Aug 6, 11:43 PM
    Ok - I've been into Macs for a couple years now, so I don't have the history with the company of many of you do.

    That said, it seems to me that with these ads or banners for Leopard, that it is closer to being released than we all might think. Has Apple promoted a product this way -- bashing M$ -- with out releasing the product soon after?

    To me it just seems like real strong words to use if Leopard wont be out for a while, esp. if it will only be released around the time Vista will be next year.

    Anyone know what I mean, or feel the same way?

    They did they same thing when introducing Tiger...say things like "Redmond we have a problem" or "Introducing Longhorn"

    I don't think you'll be seeing Leopard till end of this year to beginning of next year

    Edit: Look at the pics above this post :-)

    huntsman spider bite. Huntsman+spider+facts
  • Huntsman+spider+facts

  • shackleb
    Apr 27, 07:41 PM
    Here is a snapshot of the website '' from Christmas of 2005:

    Note that it defines 'app' as "a computer program like a web browser or word processor", and then further notes:

    "A portable app is a computer program that you can carry around with you on a portable device and use on any Windows computer. When your USB thumbdrive, portable hard drive, iPod or other portable device is plugged in, you have access to your software and personal data just as you would on your own PC. And when you unplug, none of your personal data is left behind."

    Not sure when Apple's app store opened, but I know that I personally have (as others have) been using the term 'app' for many MANY years before even 2005 to refer to applications.

    Now I'm no lawyer, but it seems to me that if you can't own 'drug store', 'hardware store', 'grocery store', 'software store', or 'application store', it doesn't make sense that Apple, or anyone else, could own 'app store'.

    Just sayin'

    huntsman spider bite. spider Spiders do ite
  • spider Spiders do ite

  • andiwm2003
    Jul 19, 03:52 PM
    Where are all you "Apple is doomed" sayers now?:p :D

    Apples sells ~4 Million Macs per quater. That's ~16 Mio a year. Given a 4 Year Life time that's "only" ~64 Mio Mac's installed, maybe more. That should be enough to keep developers happy.

    So ADOBE, release those f#$%ing universal binaries NOW!!!!

    huntsman spider bite. spider bite.
  • spider bite.

  • Evangelion
    Aug 29, 12:36 PM
    .You think my post is spam? :confused:

    well, if you post the same thing in several threads (especially if it's unrelated to the subject of the discussion), then yes, i think it's spam

    huntsman spider bite. Spider Wasp paralyzes Huntsman
  • Spider Wasp paralyzes Huntsman

  • firestarter
    Mar 20, 06:03 PM
    And like I said, they dont have to be worried because homeopathy is not directly harmful to people. Ex-gay therapy is. This is not just an app based on christianity. Exodus International is an organization dedicated specifically to ex-gay therapy.

    Maybe Apple should ban all religious apps.

    In a way, religion is very like homeopathy, since it pretends that something non-existant has the ability to cure/help/heal etc.

    Like homeopathy, religion can encourage one to do nothing of value ('let's pray for Japan', 'let's try to cure cancer with just water') rather than something physical which actually has an effect. It could be construed as being dangerous and damaging in that sense.

    huntsman spider bite. AUSTRALIAN WOLF SPIDER BITE

  • Xero910
    Mar 31, 10:11 AM
    Regarding the launchpad... I can't remove applications anymore...
    When I click "option" the icons get to "shake" but there is not X sign to click to delete the app... they just wiggle and can't be deleted.
    Any of you the same?

    Also very difficult to move them around...

    In my experience launchpad was working better on preview 1!

    Yea it's a little buggy right now. You can delete apps the same as as before with some added frustration.

    1. Press and hold, CMD+OPT+CTRL (so they all wiggle)
    2. Next press and hold one app until they stop wiggling.
    3. Now click the apps you want once to delete them.
    4. Make sure you hold those 3 keys throughout all steps.

    The only thing I haven't figured out yet is adding apps manually. When I drag them to the LaunchPad icon, nothing happens.

    huntsman spider bite. Huntsman Spider
  • Huntsman Spider

  • SteveKnobs
    Apr 3, 01:29 AM
    Perhaps if you spent more time educating yourself and less time convincing yourself that a flawed product is acceptable, you would learn something. Try googling the issue.

    Based on the way you write, however, I am going to guess that you won't take the time to do so.

    Some people are just not interested in facing the truth.

    The way I write? This has anything to do with anything?

    And again, the "evidence" you keep suggesting exists does not represent what is actually the case. Even within this thread, there are several people telling you they have no issues with their device. I don't have any issues either.

    I hate to use the well known argument we often see on these forums, but you will almost always hear from the people who have issues with their products.

    You will almost never see threads or comments from people that don't really have a reason to exclaim to the world that their device is perfect. Thus, we see an inflation of negative threads as compared to positive threads, and ignorant people take this to mean there is a wide-spread and critical flaw with all of the devices. Also, the negative comment is more distinctive, and thus more memorable than the positive one- again adding to the illusion you seem to be buying into.

    huntsman spider bite. Spider Bite a Human?
  • Spider Bite a Human?

  • macintel4me
    Sep 1, 03:29 PM
    Ignore the name Mac Pro, People I give you the 23" iMac!!!
    That is soooooooooooooooooooo beautiful!!!!
    Except you forgot the FrontRow IR port and that's at 30" and a 23" according to the description. :p

    huntsman spider bite. spider bite pictures early
  • spider bite pictures early

  • PaperQueen
    Sep 20, 08:12 PM
    I have no idea haha.

    I was also looking at some 3g Leather Cases (those are my favorite style) is there any reason they wouldn't work with my 4g? For example, this one looks good:

    but would my 4g fit in there?

    The new iPod touch is more thinner and narrow compared to the 3rd gen. It's just gonna wobble around the cases if you did that.

    Unless my memory is off, things don�t line up correctly. I considered a couple of 3G cases as a temporary fix (until something irresistible comes out) while at the Apple Store. Everything I liked either made getting to the volume/power buttons challenging or they covered up something critical. Can�t recall in great detail, since each was such an obvious no-go the moment I slipped the 4G in.

    huntsman spider bite. white tail spider bite
  • white tail spider bite

  • BlizzardBomb
    Aug 29, 01:16 PM
    intel will sell yonahs for quite some time besides merom. why sell them when merom is better? answer: because they will sell them for lower price

    The pricelist from Intel themselves (PDF). (

    Core 2 Duo: Merom pricing.

    Yonah prices in normal font, Merom in bold
    1.66 GHz - $209/ $209
    1.83 GHz - $241/ $241
    2 GHz - $294/$294 etc. etc.

    They cost the same! Intel hasn't announced any price drops yet.

    huntsman spider bite. spider bite pictures early
  • spider bite pictures early

  • geek143
    Jan 13, 01:44 PM
    The wireless implication is too hard to ignore.

    How that may apply to products is to be seen.

    Wireless IPOD connectivity..possible.

    New I phone with less features..maybe.

    Hope apple redoes the Nano, it is now a bloated form factor.

    Mar 22, 01:08 PM
    (Emphasis added.)

    I reiterate my suggestion you take advantage of the educational opportunities available to you. Your nascent reasoning ability might benefit. ;)

    Got to love auto spell check. Nuisance sorry.

    Rodimus Prime
    Apr 12, 06:07 PM
    He's young. 16 if I read his other post correctly about the wedding. So his attitude towards driving is expected. I used to streetrace after I got my license and held similar disdain for autos and people driving autos (including my dad). Experience and age mellows attitudes..... sometimes.... hehe.....

    That explains a lot. being 16 means he has very little real experience in driving and a pure rookie at it. The joy of driving is still in his system. Now days most of the time driving for me is a way to get from A to B.

    Driving in traffic every day like i said really made me consider going Automatic. hard to do a low speed crawl in a manual.

    Nov 29, 03:09 PM
    I would say some obvious features that were not shown in the iTV demo but might make it onto the final product would include:

    - Web browsing
    - iPod games
    - E-mail
    - iChat/VOIP
    - iPod/iTunes music/video purchasing and sync (via wireless iPod or iPod cradle?)
    - Wireless N router

    There may be more functions that are related to Leopard or future Apple devices. Will it stream content to an iPhone like a Slingbox or Orb on the PC? Will it sync with a video iPod?

    It really depends on how Apple intends to position this device, either as a standalone wireless hub for media content or an accessory to other Macs.

    Apr 26, 07:57 PM
    Not "debunked." More like "skirted."

    Nonsense. I dare you to develop and release a word processing application for Windows called "Mattie Num Nums Word" and see how long it takes before Ballmer is on the phone with you.

    Google Word? Apple Word? These would never fly and you know it. Your argument holds no water.

    It's already been done.


    Oct 23, 04:32 PM ( (German) ( reports that MacBook Pro upgrades could take place as early as this week. Expected updates include Core 2 Duo upgrades as has long been expected as well as larger drives, FW800, and upgraded DVD drives.

    Meanwhile, product checks ( indicate that several European hardware distributers "ran dry" of MacBook and MacBook Pro inventory several weeks ago.

    Rumors of MacBook Pro upgrades have been ongoing for weeks. The last reported rumor from comes from an iBook update prediction ( in 2004. That rumor turned out to be true (

    and the rumor for this one will turn out to be true as well, and I'll be free from this waiting room. :)

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