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  • supremedesigner
    Jul 18, 07:38 AM
    This is bulls***! IF they want to do that way, then it's their loss! That is really stupid. I'd rather buy DVD instead of renting their cheapstake movies!

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  • sachamun
    Nov 28, 07:44 AM
    Don't they already make one? Its called a 17" MacBook Pro... :)

    On that note...
    Does anyone else like the idea of a 19" or 20" macbook pro (/tablet?) as a true desktop replacement? Just small enough to fit a backpack.

    I could be mainly aimed at photo/video pros who don't often do thier work in tight spaces, but usually open up their notebook on a desk.

    There'd be much more room for additional internal hardware including battery, ram, speakers and hdd space.

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  • peharri
    Aug 19, 08:24 AM
    You step into your car. The bluetooth receiver in your dashboard automatically detects the presence of your iPod. The finger controls on the steering wheel switch from controlling radio stations to stepping through playlists etc. It "just works". No cables. No need to even take the iPod out of your pocket or bag.

    That's why I want wireless. Well, one of the reasons.

    Of course, the bluetooth feature's great and all, but it's the 802.11g support I love using. I walk into the office, and suddenly the playlists of all of my collegues who run iTunes appears on screen. Another collegue has his own wireless iPod, and his playlists appear too. It's just like iTunes's shared playlist feature, only it's on my iPod too. It's nice enough having everyone's iTunes playlists in iTunes, but this really takes it to a dimension where it becomes truly useful.

    That's why I want wireless, well, one of the reasons.

    But, you know, I have my own music tastes, and there are only two or three fellow classical music fans in the office. I could listen to the radio, but only the NPR station here does classical, and that's only part of the time. Still, there are a bunch of netradio classical radio stations, so I can expose myself to even more sources, and I'm not limited by the relatively conservative selection of my collegues and friends. I go to the root menu, Radio Stations -> Favorites -> Classical 24, and now I'm receiving streamed audio from across the country.

    That's another reason why I want wireless.

    To all of you saying "I can't see why anyone would want wireless", I can't see why you wouldn't want wireless. Small scale sharing. Automatic integration with music systems. Net radio. What's not to love? And for what, a couple of dollars in chips, some improved firmware, and probably the same amount of battery life (given you'll not be running the hard drive)?

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  • sbrage2000
    Apr 12, 10:19 PM
    Some definite improvements but I wouldn't go as far as to call it a "jaw-dropper". I was really hoping to see more about how it integrates with the rest of the suite.

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  • skunk
    Mar 20, 06:01 PM
    the object (tank?) could have exploded from the inside out.Please cite an explosion which happens any other way than from the inside out.

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  • gugy
    Sep 1, 12:54 PM
    You can already do that. The current iMacs support dual display, just not the 30"

    Really? I heard that you can connect and external monitor using a hack software for dual screen support . But it does not support the cinema displays.
    I hope I am wrong.:)

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  • JimEJr
    Apr 21, 02:06 PM
    Looks like a new ...gate is brewing.

    Let's call it TrackerGate.

    Let's not please. I'm so frickin sick of everything being ____gate. Man, I wish Nixon never made that mistake just because we have had to hear that grossly overused suffix for decades since.

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  • tbobmccoy
    Mar 23, 11:04 AM
    I'm surprised nobody's mentioned the blind. The Classic is the only iPod (other than the tiny Shuffle) that would be of any use to them. The 128,000 bps that's suicide-inducing for music is (sort of) OK for voice, and 220 GB would hold a LOT of Books on "Tape"�Hell, record your lectures too and you could carry a college education in your pocket! I expect quite a negative reaction from handicapped activists if they discontinue the iPod Classic.

    Very true. For some, physical keys are essential, and until they create a way to modify the screen to incorporate tactile buttons on demand, there need to be physical key devices out there for those that cannot see. I do think that they will discontinue the use of hard drives sometime soon, though. Flash memory is just the way of the future.

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  • johnnyturbouk
    Apr 10, 10:53 AM
    Maybe they are rare where you live. In the UK and the rest of Europe they are more common that automatics.

    lol, exactly

    the vast majority of drivers i know own and prefer manual cars

    i learnt in a manual, but my folks have am automatic so lost the skills a little, but i do miss driving manual cars

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  • timmillwood
    Oct 23, 09:34 AM

    That no longer exists. Go to the mbp page and click the core duo icon, and I get a page not found.

    This will probably change by the time anyone verifies it. :rolleyes:

    This is getting very annoying!!!

    It is old news, the page its supposed to link to

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  • HDnut
    Jul 18, 09:19 AM
    :eek: I guess we will all become big fat jelly fish at this rate, I like getting in my car and interacting with other people:D . Pay per pay is BS, look at XM and Sirus radio, a joke. Oh we won't have commercials, and now most of the channels do, and I can see this happening on downloads, you get the download and the first 10min is Ads. Plus I have better things to do than sit in front of my computer all day long, do that enough at work and when I am taking a break like now :rolleyes: What the Movie industry needs and music industry needs is a huge shot of quality not quantity, I can't think of too many movies and or music CDs that I would want to buy right now, or even rent.

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  • Digital Dude
    Mar 24, 02:49 PM
    [QUOTE=aiqw9182;12245523]You can upgrade to the latest 5870 card if you wanted to right now.../QUOTE]

    So, without using the supplied windows CD/Driver I can simply plug n' play the 5870 into my 2009 MacPro and it work?! Sounds very tempting.

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  • VPrime
    Jan 5, 01:58 AM
    To the BMW guys, how reliable is the E46 325i?
    I have a chance to pick one up for a fairly low cost (Less than $6,000 canadian). It is pretty much mint and VERY well maintained.
    Car has a bit higher miles (~125,000 miles/ 205,000km), but I am guessing well maintained they will last quite a while?

    I really enjoyed my brothers E36, and I just got rid of my project cars so I figure this would be a nice change.

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  • HecubusPro
    Sep 1, 12:04 PM
    If true, this is simply great news all around. The potential for updates, new additions to existing computer lines, iPods, iSight, etc. Was there ever a time where so much was happening in such a short span of time for Apple? I'm sure there was, but this is pretty impressive.

    I almost want to drop my plans to get a C2D MBP and get a 23" iMac. Almost.:)

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  • Gav2k
    Feb 24, 05:52 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    It's funny because neither GM nor Ford in Europe use their own Diesel engines, instead GM use Fiat engines and Ford use a Peugeot-Citroen engine.

    Wonder if this will be the case in this? Chevy in Europe is a very cheap and nasty brand of car, much like Kia (they are re-branded Daewoo's).

    I also wonder if Auto's v's Manual gears make a difference seeing as 90% of cars in Europe are manual v's the opposite in USA.

    Adanvtages of diesel here are: Better mileage, longer range on a tank, lower tax due to lower CO2 emissions, higher resale value, longer life.

    IMO European manufacturers have had much longer to perfect the technology (i.e. Common Rail Injected Diesel) so GM are up against it here.

    I wonder how it will fare against the likes of the VW Golf's Blumotion that gets 74mpg! Much more than the crappy Japanese cars.

    Take it you've never been down south where ford makes it's own engines?

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  • pjarvi
    Jun 23, 09:17 AM
    Since the iMac already has a camera built-in, they might just be jumping on the motion control bandwagon. That way you wouldn't have to physically have to touch the screen, and they wouldn't have to add any new hardware, just a software solution. Unless, they're adding additional sensors similar to Microsoft's Kinect device coming to the Xbox 360.

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  • dguisinger
    Aug 7, 07:45 AM
    I was kind of getting tired of Apple updating the iPods so often, but now that we've had all these recent updates to other hardware (laptops, iMacs), I'd be kind of excited now to see something really new and different from the iPod lineup. Here's to hoping for something with a huge screen and better video capabilities.

    I personally wanna see a full home entertainment receiver so I can throw out this sony pos....give it built in airport, video out (slideshows, movies, etc), and make it do your speaker amp, a/v selection like any normal receiver does.....heck, give it a 1394a (or b) port on front to hook up your video camera, and stream it to your tv, or to your computer, or record it onto the built in DVD/HD-DVD or Blueray burner or DVR HD :P

    If anyone can do it, they can.

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  • noisycats
    Apr 25, 02:55 AM
    Would feel the same way if it was Google or Microsoft or any other company?


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  • wonderspark
    Apr 21, 11:49 AM

    Sep 14, 10:17 AM
    I'm a satisfied iPhone 4 owner, but what CR is doing is perfectly reasonable/logical. Kudos to them.

    May 2, 04:59 PM
    MAS? The Muslim American Society? The Municipal Art Society of NY? Malaysia Airlines? Monetary Authority of Singapore?

    Confused :confused::confused::confused:

    Try MacAppStore (you know, the generic name with Mac in front of it)

    Mar 20, 04:57 PM
    Homeopathy does actively harm people, as it causes them to forgo medicine that actually works, possibly causing premature death from a curable ailment.
    25% of Amercans are evangelicals, and wouldn't consider this hate speech. This is a form of the love of god.
    No. Homeopathy does not require people to forgo medicine that actually works.

    Nov 26, 02:44 AM
    Ordered this off threadless today

    Sep 14, 11:03 AM
    Want to know an issue that actually DOES bother me about iOS devices? No? Well I'm bored so tough.

    I still want to know why I can't plug an iPhone into any computer and use it as a mass storage device for quick transfer of large files?

    Android can do this, Symbian can do this, it is not difficult. The thing comes with 32GB of space and I can't dedicate even 1GB of that to a mass storage mount? Really? It's one of the biggest business uses I have for the device. I shouldn't have to carry around a USB stick anymore. Hell with Symbian3 you can even plug a USB stick/drive DIRECTLY INTO the Symbian3 phone itself to move files.

    Screw you Steve. Seriously, screw you. That is one of the biggest reasons I will continue to jailbreak. That and a complete lack of quick access to my Wifi/Bluetooth/GPS/3G radio controls.

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