hayley williams 2011 pics

hayley williams 2011 pics. Hayley Williams
  • Hayley Williams

  • Abstract
    Mar 19, 10:08 AM
    aah yes of course.. (slap on forehead). hmm.. then adding DRM on fly before delivering might be the workaround apple does... although as noted in my previous post, that can be defeated too.

    No no, I don't think people get it.

    If they put DRM on the track before you buy it, then everyone who buys that song will have the same song with the same DRM, which means that any computer can play it, as everyone has the same iTunes and a track with the same DRM.

    Adding specific DRM on the fly isn't what Apple has to do, either. Your iTunes still has to know that it IS the computer that you can play a particular track from, and not just any computer.

    hayley williams 2011 pics. Hayley Williams#39; Curtains
  • Hayley Williams#39; Curtains

  • Silentwave
    Jul 11, 11:32 PM
    i don't see a single pci express 16 x slot on any of the dell poweredge servers, what site are you looking at?

    even intel's reference 5000 series motherboards for woodcrest lacks 16x pci express.

    will be interesting to see.

    Why are you looking at servers? that would be XServe. We're talking workstations here. Go to Dell's Precision workstation series for the medium&large businesses.

    hayley williams 2011 pics. Hayley Williams Cosmopolitan
  • Hayley Williams Cosmopolitan

  • iJohnHenry
    Mar 13, 01:23 PM
    Where did you get that figure from? Cs-137 (one of the main long-lived dangerous compounds) has a half life of 30.1 years (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caesium-137).

    He obviously pulled it from where the Sun don't shine.

    You responded, where I could not be bothered. Thanks. :)

    hayley williams 2011 pics. Hayley Williams takes to
  • Hayley Williams takes to

  • strabes
    May 2, 04:05 PM
    I despise the "X is a file downloaded from the Internet" dialog introduced in SL. Really wish you could disable it.


    Basically just run this:
    defaults write com.apple.LaunchServices LSQuarantine -bool NO

    hayley williams 2011 pics. Hayley Williams Cosmo 2011
  • Hayley Williams Cosmo 2011

  • Cowinacape
    Aug 29, 02:45 PM
    Boo hoo. its a business, waht do they realistically expect?

    Basically I agree with you, who really gves a rats rumpuss what Green Peace has to say about anything any more, where do there ships dump their bilges when they have finished trying to save the world from it's self?

    Hard to take opperations like Green Peace seriously, when their primary motive for being in operation is making money. When they no longer spend about 85% of their budgets on administration, for their fancy corporate offices and top end wages, then maybe what they have to say might be worth something.

    The Green Peace, that exsists now in mearly a shell of it's former self, that started just up the coast from where I live, and acctually had purpose and meaning when it was founded. Now it is just a machine, like the rest of the corporate world.

    hayley williams 2011 pics. Sexy Hayley Williams in
  • Sexy Hayley Williams in

  • Huntn
    Apr 26, 10:49 AM
    Nope. Unlike Captain Kirk. God is a firm believer in the Prime Directive (http://memory-alpha.org/wiki/Prime_Directive).:D

    Anyhow, back on topic as why I'm religious? I don't see the need to reinvent the wheel. There's already someone who has perfected the moral system: Jesus. His moral system, IMO, is the best one. It's a hard system to follow, but if--big IF... no HUGE @$$ IF--everyone can follow that system of morals, the world would be a lot better place.

    If you take the big spiritual premise, an Earthly life (average 70 years) followed by a spiritual life (eternity +), then I'd ask, which is our real existence? Yes, if God exits as most human imagine it to be, I could swallow the Prime Directive. There is more than ample evidence that if there is a divine presence, it does little to intervene in daily affairs, especially keeping people safe, rewarding good, and punishing bad. There are too many examples of the contrary. This is not to imply that divine intervention is impossible. Nothing is impossible and it could be that intervention is so ingrained into the flow of life we really can't identify it. For example if you find yourself in an iffy life threatening situation and you survive, why did you? Your will/skills, luck/probability, or a nudge from heaven? We really can't say and it would be an assumption to pick any reason. It can also be that our life on Earth is the equivalent of living in The Matrix (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Matrix), and elaborate simulation followed by opening our eyes in the real spiritual world. I'm not proposing, just imagining. ;)

    As far as religion providing a good set of morals. In some cases yes, but this is completely a separate discussion and has no bearing, adds no weight to the possibility of the existence of God.

    Allah decided that, and Allah precedes Islam (Muhammad's father's name was Abdullah [slave/servant of God]). The God of Islam bears little resemblance to the God of the New Testament.

    But Allah is a great poster boy for Atheists as to why religion is the root of all problems lol

    Christianity, especially Catholicism has it's own colorful (blood red) history.

    I think there are two or more "God" concepts. For me, the question is, Which one is correct if any "God" concept is correct. Catholics, Jews, Protestants, Muslims, and others disagree with one another about God's nature. That disagreement shows me that at least one person is mistaken about it. If there's no God, then each theist is mistaken about that nature because there's no such nature, no such essence.

    For years, Protestants have astounded me with their "sola scriptura," doctrine, partly because many Protestants disagree about that doctrine. A Baptist friend of mine even agrees with me me when I say that today "sola scriptura," which means "scripture alone" is a mere slogan." However you define the phrase, most Protestants who believe in the sola scriptura doctrine tell you that here on earth, the Bible is the only infallible source of divinely revealed truth. Unfortunately, sola scriptura's defenders don't seem to see that their principle explains largely why there are more than 30,000 Protestant denominations.

    No, I'm not going to argue here for Catholicism because I've already told everyone that I needed to avoid discussions about it and discussions about homosexuality. I bring up sola scriptura because it convinces(?) many to ignore ancient extrabiblical documents that would help help explain what the Bible's human authors meant by what they wrote. Many people, even many Catholics, I'm sure, read the Bible as though it's a 21st-century book. They ignore ancient history, literary genres, anthropology, philosophical arguments for theism . . . Just you I need context when I interpret you tell me, I need much more context when I read the Bible, context I can't get from it. You and I can assume a lot about the context because we're contemporaries. But 2,000 years from now, when scholars read what 21st-century authors wrote, they probably will have much the same problem that many Bible-readers have now, i.e., too little context.

    I think God does miracles to support what he tells us. If you want me to give some examples of extrabiblical ones, I'll do that. But again, I'm not here to "sell" Catholicism. I'm trying to talk about Bible-related problems that can arise when people try to interpret many ancient documents.

    Would you agree that there is ample evidence of the imperfection of scripture, of the interference of church leadership to mold and shape the message of ancient scripture to suit their agenda, to manipulate and control the sheep? And that ancient scripture based solely on it's existence and the message of ancient man really adds no weight to the existence of God as described by these scriptures? The big question besides Does God exist? is Does it have the qualities, rules, and expectations, we imagine it to have? I've always asked was there this flurry of Godly attributed activity that ceased completely after the passing of Jesus? Fact, fiction, or superstition? We have no way on this Earth of verifying the validity of ancient messages.

    I'd love to hear of every day miracles, but my guess is we may disagree when it comes to the interpretation of such happenings. To reinforce, I do sense something I would describe as "spiritual", but I don't have enough info to address those feelings or assign responsibility for their existence. What is important for perspective is that I am not distressed to wait for the answer. :)

    hayley williams 2011 pics. hayley williams haircut 2011.
  • hayley williams haircut 2011.

  • edifyingGerbil
    Apr 22, 09:44 PM
    Proof sufficient for their own self, or for those they can convince of it.

    Insufficient for those who require some form of evidence.

    This same argument has been going on for thousands of years. No one has been able to provide tangible, testable proof that God exists.

    No one.

    It's believed that the Higgs Boson exists but as yet there is no proof of its existence. Despite this respected physicists continue to try and prove its existence.

    There are many things we believe in the existence of despite lack of tangible proof.

    hayley williams 2011 pics. Hayley Williams wears an
  • Hayley Williams wears an

  • silentnite
    May 4, 11:49 AM
    Safari is not set as a default for me & I only use it if Mozilla is stalling but this is only the beginning for apple with it's continued success comes a lot of security issues for the future.

    hayley williams 2011 pics. Paramore#39;s Hayley Williams got
  • Paramore#39;s Hayley Williams got

  • gopher
    Oct 9, 07:32 AM
    Originally posted by Pants
    oh, and did anyone mention that apples floating point performance was good? no - its awful! [/B]

    Oh really? Show me where PCs can do 18 billion floating point calculations a second!

    hayley williams 2011 pics. hayley williams paramore 2011.
  • hayley williams paramore 2011.

  • bluap84
    Mar 11, 03:25 AM
    The Guardian has a good updated feed here (http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/blog/2011/mar/11/japan-earthquake) if anyone wants to be kept updated

    hayley williams 2011 pics. Hayley and her Paramore
  • Hayley and her Paramore

  • dgbowers
    Apr 5, 10:59 PM
    Can't just hit Delete? Can't move up a level in the directory structure? Yikes.

    Ya know what? These may all be little things individually, but collectively as a whole I think they'd drive me nuts.

    I'm still on Vista... maybe going to Windows 7 might be the smarter move in my particular case.

    Thanks for your help everyone, I sincerely appreciate your input.

    Gotta do some serious thinking about this...

    As far as the whole delete thing, just do CMD+Delete, and BAM! it goes straight in the trashcan. Also, CMD+SHIFT+Delete empties the trashcan.

    Also the columns view in finder is the only view i ever use, it shows you all of the levels of the directory structure.

    hayley williams 2011 pics. Hayley Williams: 2011 Grammy
  • Hayley Williams: 2011 Grammy

  • digitalbiker
    Sep 12, 05:08 PM
    As an IT consultant, I recommend for anyone who's thinking of using an Airport Express for audio or a Mac Mini for a living room computer (or now this new iTV that will come out next year) to just spend the money on getting a wired connection. Ultimately, wireless will not be at the quality it needs to be to handle this throughput CONSISTENTLY. I still get skips on my Airpot Express when streaming from iTunes. When I had my Mac Mini wireless and I tried using Front Row to watch movies from other computers (similar to what iTV is supposed to do) it had a real spotty connection sometimes. The consistency and reliability of a wired connection is yet to be paralleled with anything else.

    I agree 100%. Wireless loses to wired everytime. In addition before too long there are going to be so many 80211 type devices, and phones that soon the bandwidth will get crowded and error prone.

    hayley williams 2011 pics. Hayley Williams Cosmopolitan
  • Hayley Williams Cosmopolitan

  • Lord Blackadder
    Mar 15, 07:40 PM
    I think it's more likely that being in possession of valid nuclear technology is of great import to the self-image of the German State.

    True, many European civil nuclear programs (France in particular comes to mind) were nationalistic ventures perhaps more than anything. I wonder how the politics will play out in Germany.

    hayley williams 2011 pics. hayley williams 2011
  • hayley williams 2011

  • sinsin07
    Apr 9, 08:50 AM
    Totally agree. The other day I was in the queue at the grocery store and some dude was playing some noob game on his iOS phone... I was like "dude, you should be playing that on a PS3" and he was all "yeah but where would I plug it in and set-up the TV?" and I was like "just use the NGP" and he said "Great, where can I buy that?"

    hayley williams 2011 pics. Paramore#39;s Hayley Williams is
  • Paramore#39;s Hayley Williams is

  • mpstrex
    Aug 29, 07:22 PM
    What about this:


    Cooling, warming, cooling, warming...Sheesh, it's almost like it's mother nature, NOT us. Doesn't she know it's US! And that little ice age in the 16th to 18th centuries? what's that all about?


    Again, sheesh. It's like mother nature is doing it herself!!! And jeez, how about the greenhouse effect? I thought it was bad until my college Blue Planet teacher told us that if we didn't have it, the planet would be one big snowball. None of the students knew what to think, after years of telling us greenhouse effects are bad. Thank god all those carbon dioxide emissions are breathed up by plants...

    hayley williams 2011 pics. hayley williams 2011 cosmo.
  • hayley williams 2011 cosmo.

  • Backtothemac
    Oct 7, 01:54 PM
    Originally posted by ddtlm

    Does it annoy you to know that even in Photoshop (gasp!) those 25-year old ISA x86 machines kick the snot out of the latest and greatest Mac? Sure seems to.

    2.8ghz, by the way.

    Don't know what chart you were looking at, but with both processors being used, the 1.25 kicked the "snot" out of the PC's.

    hayley williams 2011 pics. hayley williams 2011 cosmo.
  • hayley williams 2011 cosmo.

  • Bill McEnaney
    Mar 27, 04:41 PM
    Has he published anything in a peer-reviewed scientific journal of high (or even average) standing?
    That's your favorite question, isn't it, EH? ;) I'll look for a bibliography.

    hayley williams 2011 pics. Hayley Williams at the 2011
  • Hayley Williams at the 2011

  • ChrisA
    Sep 26, 12:08 PM
    What incentive does anyone ever have to buy if they keep announcing new chips?

    What incentive? Money. If you need to get some work out to a client you need to have some kind of computer. For example we bought a new Dual Xeon system with 4GB RAM and a set of SCSI disks because the old box was "way slow" now I can do many more Build/Test/Debug cycles every day. Yes there are now even faster boxes but I've gotten much more work done that had we waited would not have gotten done. The $4500 computer paid for it self rather quickly

    On the other hand if a computer is to be used as a game console and media player you can never justify the price. It's just a toy and you buy it with "disposable" income with no hope of a return on the investment

    But most of these Mac Pros are sold to people who at least hope to make more money with the machine than they spent for it. So for most users waiting is simply to expensive.

    Also solid state drives are needed to properly service the I/O needs. Why NOT put a solid state SATA drive in one slot on a MacPro so you can use it for a swap space?

    How many "page outs" per second does your system do? If you have enough RAM not many. Even those few writes DO go into RAM. There is likey a large RAM cache built into the disk drive. As for "page ins" they mostly come from your Applcations Folder, not the swap space. Mac OSX is smart enough to know that it does not need to write RAM pages to swap space if the RAM page contains only executable code. If you want to make the system go faster you would put your applactions in the solid state SATA so as to speed up page ins. But if space is limited a better way would be to put only the applactions you are currently using in the solid state SATA but to go even faster why not skip the bottleneck of the SATA interface and put the RAM that would have gone into the solid state SATA on your system bus. This is what modern computers do. They maintain a RAM cache of the disk(s). With the data (cache of the disk) in system RAM it need not even move. The OS simply does some "magic" with mapping registers and the data appera to move without need of any physical copy. A write to a register is more than 1000 times faster then moving data off a sold state SAYA drive.

    The ONLY cases where a solid state SATA disk could improve performance is (1) if you have already maxed out the computer's system RAM and need to add even more. So either your Mac Pro is at 16MB or you imac is at 3GB and you need more. or (2) You have a huge abount of dta to process and you put the data in the solid state drive. This means the drive will be hugely expensive. Cheaper to use something like a SAN storage.

    hayley williams 2011 pics. Hayley Williams covers Cosmo#39;s
  • Hayley Williams covers Cosmo#39;s

  • DeathChill
    Apr 20, 09:18 PM
    I don't. I just don't have OS/X. I just assumed that OS/X might not have it since some OS/X users here were confused about Windows hiding system files. :)

    So wait, you don't own a Mac or an iDevice but you post here constantly?

    Jul 12, 09:01 AM
    Name another consumer workstation with a XEON Processor in it. For XEON based machines, the Apple's will be a deal, much like the XServes were the cheapest 1u you could get with the power.

    the powermac/mac pro is not a consumer mac they are workstations and are priced and specced accordingly.

    Oct 12, 04:08 PM
    Originally posted by ddtlm
    OK, lets look at this code again. I'll write some x86 assembly to do it. Not the best in the world, but we'll get an idea whats going on. Also I need to do this to help my memory. :)

    Ok, lets do it the stupidest way possible in x86 NASM:

    I'll be back. Watch this space, I will write it up to make sure it runs.

    ddtlm: I didn't know if you downloaded FPTest.java, but basically the only difference there was it was done with 2x precision fp, and doing square roots. BTW: I think I mentioned this in one of my previous post, but for the Mac OS X version, I compiled it with GCC 3.1, then ran both tests on the iBook and PowerBook G4.

    C for Mac OS X:

    double x1,x2,x3

    Apr 28, 08:37 AM
    Yes. A very common sight even in 2011.

    I am one of the many people carrying them, but, sales numbers of those versus the iPod Touch, and iPhone are telling us that the fad is over. ;)

    I don't want them to stop selling classic iPods, however I am not blind to the fact that I am a member of a dying breed of classic iPod users. :(

    Aug 29, 03:36 PM
    Greenpeace is nothing but a group of eco-terriests in my opinion.

    Is that a logical or an emotional statement?

    Rodimus Prime
    Mar 13, 04:48 PM
    Wind would be fine as a back bone source if the geographical spread was big enough (it's always windy in one area or another) and in spite of people saying energy storage is a problem in fact it's not.(see for instance the Ffestiniog Power Station in north Wales which has been operating since the early sixties)

    wind is not considered fine. We can only count on about 30% of it at any one time. Biggest plus they provide us is that it reduces the stress on our other systems. They allow other power planets to run at lower points and not burn as much fuel.
    30% is not considered a good back bone.

    Energy storage is yes a problem. We can store some but it is not cost effective.

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