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  • Badandy
    Jan 10, 12:25 AM
    iphone with a better camera. that 2 megapixel camera is outdated.

    Who cares?

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  • dalvin200
    Jan 12, 03:53 AM
    Damn... that pretty much sucked for the Moto presentation..
    made the company look like a fool.. :eek:

    wonder what the outcome of this will be....

    and such a small apology on the giz article...

    as for banning from macworld - well, the guy who actually pulled the trigger on the tv remote thingy should get banned for real!

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  • Saerd
    Aug 4, 08:44 AM
    It would be sad if they'd decide to close them. :(

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  • tarasis
    Apr 5, 03:47 PM
    Not yet in the German app store, curious if it will appear there.

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  • MattSepeta
    May 4, 03:45 PM
    Sorry, during which year of medical school do doctors receive gun safety training? How many hours of coursework on home safety do they complete? The typical MD is no more qualified to discuss these matters than any bozo on the street with more than an ounce of common sense. If they really want to help their patients child-proof their homes effectively, providing a helpful checklist would far more effective than interrogating parents.

    My thoughts.

    "Do you have a firearm in the home?"
    "It should be locked up or have a trigger guard."
    "NO ****?"

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  • kiljoy616
    May 4, 06:21 AM
    very. powerful. ad.

    So, is it magical? Nah... ok sometimes, almost... check out the new (free) "Planetary" app for browsing your iTunes library... that's pretty magical! :)

    Well said, that app is magical for sure. Can't believe they did it for free, its just such a fun app to use. :)

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  • twoodcc
    Apr 21, 05:58 AM
    Ouch, I know how that is, I've had to replace things that I've broken trying to fix them; not that I would actually admit to breaking anything of course :p

    It would drive me nuts being away from my computers knowing they need worked on. I guess I'm addicted - maybe... oh, I put -advmethods in the linux machines and they took off with new wu's so all is well for now. I did lose a bigadv unit on the 17th, or 14th I can't remember, when they had a glitch in one of the servers :(

    oh yeah, it's driving me nuts being away. but at least i can go on the weekends.

    yeah i lost a bigadv unit also. but hopefully things are good for now. this weekend i know i'll be working on this

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  • tktaylor1
    Apr 11, 02:54 PM
    New glasses. I have to pick up another pair in 2 weeks.

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  • miketcool
    Oct 6, 10:25 AM
    T-Mo may have screwed the pooch on their 3G rollout, but my phone doesn't drop 30% of my calls. It'll be interesting to see how ATT, and TMo keep up with the 3G coverage, as Verizon and Sprint move forward.

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  • lazyrighteye
    Oct 6, 04:03 PM
    I have used every major U.S. carrier except Sprint. I have used every iteration of iPhone since the original's launch date - which also represented my 1st experience with AT&T.

    Until the 1st iPhone 3G, I had no issues with AT&T and their Edge network - namely because it's speed (or lack there of) was all we iPhone users knew at the time. Often calling AT&T my favorite service provider to date. And at the time, that was true. But once the 1st iPhone 3G hit, it started to become apparent that AT&T's network was not up to task. And as the popularity of the device grew, so too did my frustration with AT&T's network.

    Living in Denver, CO, my (and several other users I know) 3G experience has been so poor, my dropped call frequency so high, that I had (yes, past tense - I'm getting there) disabled 3G most of the time. Of the two places I spend 80% of my life - work & home - neither offered a scenario that allowed me to use my iPhone for sending/receiving phone calls (let alone data). Zero bars of 3G and maybe a nub of Edge. At best. And that's having a giant AT&T logo'd tower in line-of-sight of my house and STILL can't send/receive phone calls form home. And mine and my wife's iPhones our only phones, this has been a really big problem for us. and what's been almost more frustrating than dropping all of my calls has been that all along I have upheld my end of the bargain. Every month, in full & on time, I pay our 2-iPhone Family Plan. But AT&T has not upheld their end of the bargain. A major aspect of the device, 3G, is virtually unusable to users in Denver (and other major markets). Dozens of fairly cordial calls (yes, I've been told by an AT&T rep that I'm "always polite" and that "yes, we do denote callers' behavior") to AT&T yielded the same, "we're sorry" replies. One even crediting my account for a full month of service. Nice, but that doesn't make my phone work any better. Another call to AT&T, that dropped, saw the rep called back to leave me a 4-minute message about how sorry she was about my horrible experience. Saying, on record, that their network "sucked," that they receive "a lot of calls about this from their iPhone customers." Even offering me the option to walk from my contract sans penalty. And that's when it hit me... wow - if one of AT&T's contingency plans is to bad mouth their own network and then allow iPhone customers to break their contracts, then this was a much larger issue than I realized.

    And all of that set up was meant to paint a picture. One that many of you are all too familiar with. Same story, different city. So, with as much AT&T bashing as I have done over the past couple of years, I think it only fair/I'm happy to report that it appears AT&T has fixed their 3G issue in Denver. Monday morning, I woke to 5 glorious bars of 3G at home. I even shut down my iPhone & rebooted to make sure it was really there. Sure enough, glory! And from work I was able to make several phone calls with no issue. Confused by a functional AT&T network, I called AT&T and asked why everything was working. With a chuckle, the rep sad it appeared the network was upgraded in my area (seemed a canned line, but hey - I'll take it.). So here I am - day 2 of full 3G service at home, at work, all over town. Sounds silly, but it's really nice when your network... works. Considering my only gripe with my iPhone experience has been the service provider (yeah, a big gripe), it now appears the Denver's coverage is finally working as advertised. While the rep wasn't able to uncover exactly what "your network was updated" meant, I wonder if it's the new spectrum upgrade we've been hearing/reading about? Any other Denver (or other troubled markets) users notice the improved, read: functinoal, AT&T network? Pretty nice, eh?

    So when I saw the Verizon "Coverage Maps" commercial Monday eve, it was oddly refrehing to find I wasn't yelling "YEAH! STUPID AT&T!" while waving my fist at the tv and instead able to turn off said tv and call my recently widowed mother who lives 2,000 miles from Denver - something I hadn't been able to do, from home, in 2 years. Ahh the simple pleasures...

    Here's hope others' coverage improves as well.

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  • Doctor Q
    Apr 26, 12:23 PM
    P.S. The box surrounding the up/down buttons is baboon-ass ugly.
    Web-surfing baboons might not agree with your assessment, but I'm pretty sure humans would. Those boxes are not supposed to be there.

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  • JForestZ34
    Mar 17, 04:23 PM
    I feel bad for the kid who's not going to have a job because a costumer was too American to be honest and tell him that he did not pay the correct amount.

    What is American coming to? I think I'll move to Japan.

    If the kid didn't make sure he had all the money than it's all on him.. He's the one working the register.. He's supposed to make sure it's paid for..

    I don't feel sorry for him.. This is how you learn....


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  • MrMoore
    Apr 21, 12:32 PM
    I wonder if this will be like some other sites where a comments can be "ranked down to oblivion". If a post get s a certain amount of negative votes, you do not see the post by default. You would need to click something to see the quotes.

    I prefer to just put the person on ignore. :confused:

    P.S. Please don't vote me negative. My fragile ego cannot take rejection. ;)

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  • BJB Productions
    Mar 17, 10:57 AM
    I feel bad for the kid who's not going to have a job because a costumer was too American to be honest and tell him that he did not pay the correct amount.

    What is American coming to? I think I'll move to Japan.

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  • MacRumors
    Oct 2, 02:53 PM (

    Jon Lech Johansen, or "DVD Jon", is getting back into the ring with Apple's Fairplay ( according to GigOM's Liz Gannes. This time, however, Jon plans to replicate Fairplay so that other companies can sell songs in iPod-compatible formats (similar to what Navio ( and Real's Harmony ( have previously attempted). According to the article, at least one unnamed company is already on board.

    Earlier this summer, Jon joined with Monique Farantzos to create DoubleTwist Ventures, the company face to Jon's recent endeavor. Apparently, Apple's recently announced iTV ( has spurred Jon and Farantzos' entrepreneurial spirit:

    [Jon] and Farantzos were giddy about the prospect of Apple�s iTV, hoping companies will pay up to get movies on the set-top box when it comes out, after seeing the ill effects of being shut off the iPod. Spurned by Apple? Step right up.

    Jon has apparently already spoken to Steve Jobs on vague terms about his business ideas.

    Jobs apparently warned that while Apple was not a litigious company, other tech firms might not take kindly to whatever DVD Jon might be up to.

    DVD Jon had previously circumvented Fairplay's DRM in 2003 (, and since then multiple other tools have appeared to provide similar functionality for updated versions of Quicktime/iTunes. Jon is also credited for developing an algorithm named deCSS to strip a DVD of its encryption (called Content Scrambling System, or CSS), hence his nickname.

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  • macsmurf
    Apr 16, 02:01 AM
    Apple's success is in large part driven by the ecosystem that they have built around iPod/iTunes/iPhone/iPad. Good luck to anyone breaking into that anytime soon. The day I can buy a song on Mac/PC, synch it to my Android phone, then stream it around my home to HiFi or TV then we will have a competitor. Apple knows it, the record companies and studios know it, someone needs to tell Google.


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  • tvachon
    Jan 9, 01:39 PM
    What? What did he do? I almost clicked the youtube link, then i figured I'd read others' reactions. Is it a spoiler!
    Come OOON! Hurry up!

    Everyone else who is waiting knows exactly how I feel, it takes so much self restrain to not look. I'm going to watch another House M.D. episode (I have the DVDs)
    I recommend Watching TV to anyone who's trying to kill time lol.

    Becareful what you watch. CNN said they would be talking about it for a time after the keynote finished.

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  • eric_n_dfw
    Oct 28, 06:16 PM
    Apple doesn't sell operating systems for profit, they sell HARDWARE.

    Yep. And you can tell when Apple is selling software for profit like any of the Final Cut Suite app's. Not only do they require a HUGE key to be entered at install/first run, it also locks it with unique info to the machine where it was installed. (Just try migrating a Final Cut Pro installation from one machine to another.)

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  • langis.elbasunu
    Mar 17, 10:36 AM
    LOL, has anyone copied and forwarded this thread to their local FBI? I'm sure they have already obtained the court order to get his ip address. Then a few weeks will pass before he gets served!

    lol...youve got to be kidding me.

    better put him on the no fly list too just to be safe

    Oct 10, 11:01 PM
    What a shocker. Can this really be considered news anymore?

    I saw this on Engadget a couple days ago... it is seriously getting old. Engadget does not have any good sources at apple.

    Mar 17, 01:15 AM
    Haaaaaaa just shared a launch day story, and the majority of you would have hauled ass with iPad in hand for the price I paid. Haters lmfao

    I must say, terrific use of grammar. Flawless.

    You are so delusional. Not everyone lacks morals. What you did is WRONG, and you're trying to justify your actions. The poor guy you STOLE from is most likely going to lose his job. Bravo, you're a huge ass.

    iOS v Android
    May 3, 01:53 PM
    I have t-mo and their is tethering right on my phone OS. USB and Wifi. I use wifi all the time. I have to use the USB when my rig is in linux mode because I don't have the drivers for my USB wifi dongle for linux

    Oct 28, 05:44 PM
    Isn't a healthy chunk of OS X based on FreeBSD?
    Yes, big parts of it come from the BSD world.

    A free, open source Unix distro? In a sense, if they use FreeBSD and do not contribute back to the very open source community they're borrowing from, doesn't that make Apple a thief?

    The BSD terms specifically allow derivatives to keep their sources closed, as long as credit is given.

    Apr 9, 05:28 PM
    A lot of the 'rumours' you posted are nonsense. Windows 8 will not and will never be unix based

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