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  • andyblac
    Aug 9, 11:58 AM
    UK specs have been updated.

    :), just ordered myself a Mac Pro 2.66 with 20" ACD. shipping on the 15th August :D

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  • ozontheroad
    Nov 16, 10:45 PM
    I threw up in my mouth a little bit� for a month with the Intel switch.

    I may have to hospitalized if this actually happens.

    You can't TM that... I remember Jack saying that on Will&Grace like 3 seasons ago. :D

    also used in Dodgeball

    By the way I hope this rumor isn't true.

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  • OdduWon
    Oct 10, 08:41 PM
    yes, I hope it's true.
    I have the gut feeling that Apple is holding off until end of October to:
    • first, sell as many ipods as they can
    • wait for the Zune
    • have a special event for the Video ipod
    • have momentum for the Xmas season

    I look forward a 120gig drive nd a way to input data on the road ala PDA. that would be very nice.
    if apple dosen't let zune come out first, it will be funny. Ms is all counting days and hopeing apple has already show it's hand w/ 5.5, then a day before..bam. apple will release the wonderpod and all will be well.
    i agree also that this release would require an event. the new comming weeks may produce silent Mb Mbp upgrades with shuffle/ xserve if were lucky. so i dont think it will be october for wonderpod. before nov 14?
    also zune has a lot more going on in the device so people and developers will like it. ipod needs to add some pda conviences to "keep up" with the zune.

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  • vladinecko
    Nov 24, 09:15 AM
    Nike+ armband is actually discounted by $11, not $5 as stated on page 1. this brings the price down to $18 (or $19.26 after [7%] sales tax).


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  • Good Morning/Night

  • pondosinatra
    Apr 29, 03:12 PM
    Can anyone confirm if the stupid Help menu font spacing bug is still present?

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  • nosen
    Sep 28, 12:48 PM
    what sucks is that academic ve4rsions are not allowed this free update.
    what bs. considering i just bought the freakin app not more than 3 weeks ago.
    from the product page in the Apple EDU store:

    Aperture 1.5 - Academic

    Introducing the first all-in-one post-production tool for photographers. Built from the ground up for professionals, Aperture offers an advanced RAW workflow, professional project management capabilities, powerful compare and select tools, nondestructive image processing, and versatile printing and publishing.

    Free Aperture 1.5 Update: All current owners of Aperture will automatically receive the free upgrade to Aperture 1.5 via Software Update.

    Price: $149.00


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  • wrkactjob
    Apr 25, 12:17 PM
    It looks like a painting.

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  • aristobrat
    Jan 12, 07:24 PM
    Have not watched the keynote. Not going to bother.

    I'd like to see a bit more commitment from Apple (the company previously known as Apple Computers) on the computer side before I consider recomending any kind of Mac to people again.
    You didn't watch the actual source of all of this information, but yet you feel that Apple might not be committed to the Mac anymore? Oye. Watch the first five minutes of it. :)

    I think that those who think that SJ & Apple are beyond criticism merely confirm the excellent points you've raised in your post.
    I find that most folks here are very critical of Apple and its products and don't usually hesitate to criticize where they feel appropriate. Just because not everyone participating in this thread don't agree with the OP's opinion that SJ is an arrogant SOB doesn't mean that everyone worships him either.

    If all the iPhone mockups out there had missed the mark, the iPhone would be revolutionary, but there were quite a few that were based on the idea of a huge display and no keys.
    I missed the markup where the full-screen video iPod was combined with the iPhone into on device.

    The modest memory, for one, and for another the absence of 3G which is somewhat of a shocker - 3G has been a staple of top-of-the-line phones for years now.
    Welcome to America. We're just now getting 3G (in regards to GSM networks, anyhow).

    If not the business market, then who? It can't be kids, as it has no games, and allegedly no support for custom ringtones. It can't be business users, since they'll want Outlook or Lotus Notes sync, and possibly a navigator, and they'll most definitely not want to use frickin' iTunes to sync up. Which leaves, I dunno... Mac enthusiasts and 30-somethings who are hoping for 15 minutes of fame by the watercooler? He did say his goal was 10 million units.[/QUOTE]


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  • Very few opened the safe good

  • jellybean
    Mar 18, 09:03 PM
    Perhaps the word we should be using is "ignorance" rather than jealousy. Very often the rabid iHaters (in my experience) have had little hands on experience with an iPhone and are quick to dismiss it without having actually seen some of its strengths and what makes it so popular with so many people.

    And that goes two ways: Apple fans can be quick to dismiss Android phones for being "fragmented" or clunky or whatever, when in fact they do have some killer features which Apple could learn from.

    But then there's those who have owned or used one and genuinely don't like it for whatever reason, but I'd bet those people are a lot less quick to attack someone's personal preference like the more ignorant ones are.

    I once had a friend who disliked Macs, and when I asked her why, she said "because they can't run MSN Messenger or browse web forums." :rolleyes:

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  • andys53
    Mar 28, 04:14 PM
    Just give Apple & Stevie boy an award for the most tech headlines. Assure him ego boosting daily publicity to fill the insatiable need for attention, just like any 2 year old kid :)

    But what a 2 year old kid. To be able to take Apple to be the 2nd. largest company in the world in just a few short years!

    For my part as a consumer I like the App. store, if later that changes, I think public pressure will force Apple to reverse some of it's practises or watch trade dry up. :cool:


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  • Multimedia
    Oct 4, 03:43 AM
    Two things I would love:
    2: Octo-core Mac Pros BEFORE this happens! Like, you know, late october, early novemberish...

    I'm a dreamer :)Clovertown doesn't ship until November so I'm thinking Apple could add a BTO option for them +$800 for Dual Quad 2.33GHz Clovertowns in December without rocking too many boats. Then the choice will be between 4 fast 3GHz cores (12GHz) or 8 slower 2.33GHz cores (18.64GHz) for the same $3,300.

    FYI Each of those processors are priced precisely the same $851 - in case you thought 8 cores were going to cost more. They won't.

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  • altecXP
    Apr 29, 07:32 PM
    I just bought a 15" MBP
    I have to pay for new Lion? to upgrade

    This is just a release for developers to test, you can get it via paying $99 for a Developer account at It is full of bugs and other problems though. Unless you are a developer you probably won't want it right now.

    When Apple releases Lion to everyone else it will be a paid upgrade. It will probably be out later this year as the pace it is moving.


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  • Music-Man
    Jan 9, 03:33 PM

    Mum just rang me to see if I'd seen the new Apple *****!

    She TOLD ME!

    But at least I haven't seen it yet.

    Come on. Where is this video? 5 more mins.

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  • With quotes from best good

  • MagnusVonMagnum
    May 2, 04:12 PM
    Here is why gestures are great and will win out over mouse and keyboard use for almost all uses: they are a direct action and not an indirect action.

    Believe what you will. I have a MBP with gestures and I find some useful and some annoying. I can do fine artwork with a mouse and Photoshop (stylus is even more useful), but I can't do it with a piddly trackpad. I would not want to play 3D shooter games with a trackpad either. In other words, trackpads have their uses and are getting better for some tasks with gestures, but they're not the answer to life, the universe and everything either. Every task has its ideal tool. You don't throw out hand tools because air tools are available. They're unsuited for many tasks (particularly delicate ones).


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  • 124151155
    Apr 16, 11:58 PM
    If I lived in the states, I'd just buy it outright (Sign up then cancel) and move to a real carrier.

    In Australia you can buy iPhones outright from apple, unlocked. I'll probably be doing that.

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  • thefourthpope
    Mar 24, 04:47 PM
    Happy Birthday!

    I love how much smaller the boxes have gotten...


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  • Eidorian
    Nov 16, 10:36 PM
    I would.

    You see...ATi's integrated graphics solution is WAAYY BETTER than Intel 945 integrated graphics solution, so, it would be the perfect match for a lowcost laptop: Turion CPU and an ATi chipset.

    Here's a page with some IGP benchmarks: even spending an extra $1 on something from ATI would be well worth it. Almost double the performance over the GMA 950.

    funny good morning quotes. Good Morning!
  • Good Morning!

  • lordonuthin
    Apr 27, 09:34 PM
    heck, you know there's a motherboard out there that can hold 2 x i7 980x for $600 i think. now that would be awesome - but just 2 processors and motherboard would cost over $2600

    I thought about that, getting one cpu now and getting another one down the road, but the board was only $200 ( in this case maybe 2 systems would be better than one - if I get another one down the road or if Apple EVER gets around to making a new Mac Pro :rolleyes:

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  • georgethomas
    Apr 16, 11:56 AM
    i guess everyone wants a piece of the pie

    wouldn't be surprised to see competitors are going after it

    the law of big number suggests that a small fraction of the number can lead to a big sales. that is my opinion

    Mar 3, 08:02 PM
    WTF is wrong with Ohio? WTF is wrong with Republicans? Hey Republicans, guess what? You're signing your political death warrants, and you're going to contnue to drive jobs and people from Ohio.

    Folks in Ohio, get off your butts and fight this! :mad:

    BOWLING GREEN, OHIO -- The battle over a bill that some claim ties the hands of unionized public workers in Ohio has spread to the campus of Bowling Green State University.

    Members of the BGSU community held a walkout Thursday afternoon in opposition to Senate Bill 5.

    On Wednesday, the Republican-controlled Ohio Senate has passed the measure that would restrict the collective bargaining rights of roughly 350,000 teachers, university professors, firefighters, police officers and other public employees.

    The measure now goes to the state House, where the GOP holds a 59-40 majority.

    Republican Gov. John Kasich has said he supports the effort.

    Protestors at BGSU on Thursday said it's not fair to restrict the rights of union workers. The group said it supports their right to free speech as they gathered on campus in opposition.

    The bill establishes fines and jail time for those who participate in strikes. Unionized workers could negotiate wages, hours and certain work conditions - but not health care, sick time or pension benefits.

    Republicans have argued that the bill reigns in unions, which they believe make it difficult to balance the state's budget.

    Ohio currently faces an $8 billion two-year budget shortfall.

    Apr 11, 08:07 AM
    What are those features?

    What is that 'UI'?

    What kind of usability?
    Aero Snap. The new superbar. Expandable start menu. The Office ribbon. Stable as a rock OS. Just to name a few.

    I agree with Maflynn. Where as Vista was rather dire, Windows 7 beats Snow Leopard. Only by a fraction, which is why I'm still happy using Snow Leopard, but it is still better. Windows has matured considerably, whereas OS X still feels a little juvenile like XP does.

    Patrick J
    Apr 29, 04:26 PM
    I wish they would keep the slider buttons. I really really liked them :/

    Don't you think they were really unintuitive? It works on a touch screen. Not on a OSX device.

    Mar 17, 11:49 AM
    bunch of haters. In a society where our own government is the biggest crook of all , you all have the nerve to jump down this guy's throat because of someone else's mistake!?!?

    Plus, if you have ever been to a best buy, employees jump on and off registers all the time without logging off first. They will never know which employee did it.

    also consider that this was this guy's karma coming back to him. He did good and now he is getting rewarded.

    Plus if this cashier is dumb enough to mistake $230 for $500 plus tax then does Best Buy really want him working register and relying on customer honesty to save his job?

    I say, im glad you got an iPad2 for $230. ENjoy it because it will probably never happen again!

    I fail to see how your comparison to the government has anything to do with this particular issue. The mistake goes both ways. The employee erroneously accepted $230. The purchaser, and OP of this thread, didn't pay the balance, knowingly. Both are at fault. The purchaser knew he still owed a balance, and took it upon himself to exit without paying the balance. As far as I am concerned, there is a balance owed.

    Mr. MacBook
    Mar 26, 05:00 PM
    Your thinking too much about the worst side of things. Aren't you grateful they didnt steal umm... $10000?

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