erica mann

erica mann. erica mann. Erica Hubbard Actress Erica
  • erica mann. Erica Hubbard Actress Erica

  • Aerizon
    Apr 25, 10:29 PM
    wonder if they'll take a leaf out of the iPad 2's book and make a smart cover. Not a direct copy though, i don't think that would work. Perhaps something that you could just flip up with your thumb.

    erica mann. erica mann. Erica Houston; Erica Houston. sfwalter. Oct 24, 08:57 AM. IMHO--A solid upgrade. Same price point but more memory, more video ram, fw 800,
  • erica mann. Erica Houston; Erica Houston. sfwalter. Oct 24, 08:57 AM. IMHO--A solid upgrade. Same price point but more memory, more video ram, fw 800,

  • fluidedge
    Jan 14, 11:45 AM
    what the hell can you do with a 32 GB flash drive?

    The OS alone must take up 15GB leaving you with 15GB. 15GB. On a Macbook PRO. People actually do constructive work on these things. 15GB is about 10 photoshop files to some people. No music. No 'movies' nothing else can fit on 15GB. 15GB is about 1/5 the size of my itunes library.

    What is the fliping point of a 32GB flash drive in an Apple? I see absolutly no use in putting anything less than a 128GB flash drive in a professional class laptop. And thats not going to happen for a good 3 or 4 years yet.

    32GB flash drives would be perfect for the next gen Asus EEE PC though - just to store a bit of music and some documents and few apps.

    erica mann. Being Erica finale
  • Being Erica finale

  • jamieg
    Sep 12, 04:35 AM
    It's streamed to a room with selected journalists, no member of the public will see it until it's posted in full later on by Apple on their website.



    erica mann. Erica Zigelman is presently a
  • Erica Zigelman is presently a

  • maclaptop
    May 3, 08:40 PM
    For once Europe seems to be ahead of the curve to the advantage of the consumer when compared to the USA.

    I agree. Although I live in the USA, I spend at least 4 months each year in the UK. Overall my mobile experience abroad is superior to that in the US.


    erica mann. Aimee Mann (time machine)
  • Aimee Mann (time machine)

  • ThE.MeSsEnGeR
    Apr 25, 12:00 PM
    Looks good, I've been holding out since my first-gen iPhone.

    ...hopefully we'll see a Summer or Fall release? :)

    Wow! You're patient!

    he's not the only one still boasting a first-gen iPhone! ;)
    I'm still lovin' it!

    erica mann. Michele Mann. Ambulatory
  • Michele Mann. Ambulatory

  • Yakuza
    Apr 16, 07:34 AM
    This shell may be fake, in terms of design I also think it looks a bit archaic, "squared", but looking back at this last iMac and the iPad (with the aluminum back cover) i guess that's the way Apple will go with the next iphone.

    It'll look DAMN sexy :D

    Way to go Malim :). Can it be a first prototype?


    erica mann. erica mann. erica hubbard. erica hubbard. gnasher729. Apr 22, 07:21 AM. This settles it: Please confirm whether you are intentionally trying to deceive
  • erica mann. erica hubbard. erica hubbard. gnasher729. Apr 22, 07:21 AM. This settles it: Please confirm whether you are intentionally trying to deceive

  • KnoxHarrington
    Mar 25, 01:33 PM
    *rolls eyes*

    I'm gonna say this again: not happening. Lion may very well be the end of OS X in the sense that they give it a new version number and use new naming conventions but iOS and OS X are not merging in the sense that OS X will be locked down like iOS.

    General purpose computers versus what are still treated consumer electronics (phones, tablets, etc.) have different needs and their OSes are different. Are there rumors about Windows 7 being superseded by Windows Mobile? How about doing away with Ubuntu in favor of Android?

    There are a lot of components that the two OSes share. They will continue to share components and will continue to, more or less shape one another. It doesn't make any sense to lock down a computer. Developers are what make a platform. Locking down a computer like the iPhone and making it hostile to developers will KILL Apple.

    Take your tinfoil hats off people. If you think we're heading toward a day when I can only install Apple approved AppStore apps on my laptop, you're just being paranoid. It doesn't help Apple AT ALL to do that.

    I really *like* the fact that the OS X and iOS groups seem to be talking to each other and sharing ideas with each other, rather than being in squabbling little camps that snipe at each other like you see at Microsoft.

    erica mann. Erica Angyal is a nutritionist
  • Erica Angyal is a nutritionist

  • glocke12
    May 4, 07:53 PM
    I, on the other hand, am very anti-gun.

    However, even I got a chuckle out of the bumper that read, Guns kill people, like spoons made Rosie O'Donnell fat.

    But then I thought about it ... spoons are eating utensils ... perhaps we should call guns killing utensils.

    Are you truly anti-gun or have you just not been exposed to them so that you understand how fun it is:

    1) Use a shotgun to shoot clay targets;

    2) Shoot a rifle, pistol or revolver and realize how much fun it is to shoot a gun and hit your paper target, bowling pin or tin can;

    There has been a person or two that when I met them claimed they were very anti-gun, yet I was eventually able to get them out to shoot some of mine and they not only enjoyed themselves, but one of them actually took up skeet shooting as a hobby.


    erica mann. Erica Evans (Elizabeth
  • Erica Evans (Elizabeth

  • EiriasEmrys
    Apr 25, 12:15 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I feel like apple could be attempting to spurn the rumors this time around by feeding a lot of different and false trails into the rumor mill. After the gizmodo incident and the press it got, they might be likely to try anything to keep their baby under wraps.

    erica mann. Erica Mann - Qwiki
  • Erica Mann - Qwiki

  • kuebby
    May 3, 04:13 PM
    Oh god, the irony! The irony!


    erica mann. erica mann. Samuel L. Jackson, LA Italia Film, Fashion And Art Festival; Samuel L. Jackson, LA Italia Film, Fashion And Art Festival , Mann#39;s Chinese
  • erica mann. Samuel L. Jackson, LA Italia Film, Fashion And Art Festival; Samuel L. Jackson, LA Italia Film, Fashion And Art Festival , Mann#39;s Chinese

  • CorvusCamenarum
    Apr 17, 02:35 PM
    It's so refreshing to see that with their 1 in 4 illiteracy rate and 1 in 5 high school dropout rate, California really has their priorities in order when it comes to education. Well done I say.

    erica mann. erica mann. at The Mann Center
  • erica mann. at The Mann Center

  • donlphi
    Oct 4, 01:18 PM
    I heard this is all a rumor!!! (

    Coming as little surprise to veteran Apple watchers, IDG World Expo announced on Tuesday that Apple CEO Steve Jobs would deliver the opening keynote address ( at Macworld Expo San Francisco. The expo will be held at San Francisco's Moscone Convention Center from January 8-12, with the keynote on Tuesday January 9th at 9 am Pacific at Moscone West.

    Last year's keynote brought software updates including iLife ( and iWork ( 06 and Mac OS X 10.4.4 ( Also, the first Intel Macs were announced 6 months early in the form of the iMac ( and MacBook Pro (

    While still early, this year's expectations have already begun to gain steam, with obvious expectations of iLife ( and iWork ( updates as well as the formal launch of the "iTV". Also possible is Apple's long-awaited phone and similarly long-awaited "true" video iPod, although both products have seen several setbacks. Lastly, with OS 10.5 Leopard's release around the corner, Jobs will undoubtedly take the opportunity to highlight some already announced (and perhaps some remaining "top-secret") features of the new operating system.

    Digg This (


    erica mann. Laney Mann
  • Laney Mann

  • ramram49
    May 3, 11:02 PM
    - if you asked an iPad 2 speculator, it is $$$ and more $$$
    - if you asked an iPad 2 user who want to buy one from shop, it is queue up, disappointed, queue up, disappointed, queue up, disappointed, (endless)
    - if you asked the Apple Online shop, it is "Ships: Currently unavailable"
    - if you asked the retailed shop manager, "you need to buy this with a protected screen at USD70 and case at US60"
    - if you asked the retailed shop staff, "No stock....but we have reserved for other customer, do you really want one urgently? Take it, with the crap accessories at USD100."

    erica mann. erica mann.
  • erica mann.

  • Scott6666
    Apr 8, 02:45 PM
    I bet it is simply..."We have the iPad 2 in stock and no one else does. Come get one."

    If they wanted to hold stock, they could keep them in the warehouse until their special promo. It's weird shipping them to the store and telling them to hold.


    erica mann. Erica Mann, Rory Macdonald and
  • Erica Mann, Rory Macdonald and

  • BRLawyer
    Oct 4, 02:16 PM
    Thank god. My first MWSF (been saving up for it), with the primary reason being: Steve Jobs.

    To listen a keynote about his retirement? :rolleyes:

    erica mann. Mann Village Theater
  • Mann Village Theater

  • yellow
    Apr 13, 10:51 AM

    Looks like it should be the name of a cellular company in the US.

    "Asstel.. We screw you like no other." :)


    erica mann. Erica Mann (living our love song) on Myspace
  • Erica Mann (living our love song) on Myspace

  • charlituna
    Jan 5, 08:32 AM
    And why does no iPhone on Jan 4th mean nothing for the rest of 2011??

    Indeed. THe rumors were everything from Dec 27, 2010 to when pigs fly. It is not like Apple said they would tell us something by today.

    That said, I don't see it happening. Frankly I don't see Apple building a CDMA phone series. Just makes things messy. Now when LTE is mature enough that 90+% folks never have to use a CDMA fallback and the rest rarely do, maybe. When someone comes up with a GSM/CDMA/LTE tri chip that doesn't cost a small fortune, eat up battery by lunch time etc, maybe. But I really think that in terms of 2011 all this CDMA jobs etc is about the ipad, not the iphone.

    erica mann. Erica Durance Pictures Photos
  • Erica Durance Pictures Photos

  • hob
    Jan 9, 01:52 PM
    Very nice, my friend. But if you will allow me to improve your idea...

    Ha-ha. Mine's actually set to 10, but I thought I'd extend it so I didn't single-handedly cause the site to crash!

    erica mann. erica-durance-11
  • erica-durance-11

  • Warbrain
    Nov 23, 10:22 PM
    I guess it's just me, but none of the deals seem to be that great. No store has anything that seems to be getting me all excited, so meh, I guess I can sleep in.

    Oct 5, 05:51 AM
    Actually what many consumers want is DRM transparent downloads. They don't want to constantly be reminded of their restrictions and they don't want the restrictions to get in the way or have to know any of the technical details.

    Fairplay does a fairly good job at that, which is why it has been successful.

    Whom are you kidding? Nobody cares that Fairplay's DRM is better than other DRM. Do you think it being "successful" (and that word ONLY applies comparing it to other pay services, not overall downloads) has anything to do with the fact that 70% of all mp3 players are ipods, and only work with the itms? Gee, I wonder.

    And even if there's a causal relationship here (which is ridiculous), extend that out to all downloads. 5% of all music on ipods is from the itms. Sounds like the "successful" formats are the non-DRM ones, whether they be so-called illegal downloads or music obtained from CDs, or just copied from a friend's library of DRM-free music.

    Your average ipod owner could not possibly give a flying %^@$ about how Fairplay's DRM compares to other mp3 players' DRM. Talking about "DRM transparent" like its something that Joe Consumer has any clue about is delusional at best.

    Dec 14, 02:20 PM
    seems sketchy, Apple wouldnt put it all in VZ's hands at all to keep it secure, Apple does a fine job at that already.

    And i dont think itd be that much of a difference if they release att / vz iphone separately they do device updates for portables, desktops differently and the usual ipod updates etc.

    But the fact remains how are they going to exactly implement two separate phones for carriers that use different cell tech, and implement them properly

    I highly doubt there will be a vz iphone for as much as id like one...not until other 4g/lte services are out in the wild

    Mar 19, 07:36 AM
    Not that they need to change anything, obviously. Keep the same shatter prone design, horrible ergonomics, 3.5" screen and just bolt on the A5 chip and everyone'll still lap it up ;)

    This, actually, is my biggest concern: That Apple will just be smug enough to think they don't need to do anything with the design.

    Apr 26, 10:29 PM
    What if after pressing the start button, you create a timer and start it. Then pressing the cancel button invalidates and releases it. Then pressing the start button would create another timer, using the same pointer.

    Totally untested and probably broken code below, but should demonstrate the idea:

    -(IBAction)startButton:(id) sender {
    // myTimer is declared in header file ...

    if (myTimer!=nil) { // if the pointer already points to a timer, you don't want to create a second one without stoping and destroying the first

    [myTimer invalidate];
    [myTimer release];


    // Now that we know myTimer doesn't point to a timer already..

    myTimer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:aTimeInterval target:self selector:@selector(echoIt:) userInfo:myDict repeats:YES];
    [myTimer retain];

    -(IBAction)cancelIt:(id) sender {
    [myTimer invalidate];
    [myTimer release]; // This timer is now gone, and you won't reuse it.

    Update *** "I though it worked but the timer kept going on the background.

    crashed :confused:

    wlh99, do you get an exception in the invalid method " [myTimer Invalidate]" ?

    Aug 7, 05:48 PM
    The new educational pricing of the 23" makes it $899 now. That makes it much closer to the dell 24" price. Somewhere in the future (most likely far :p ) I want to buy a big display to go with my powerbook and use with my photography. I thought that display would be the 24" dell because the cinema was way more $$. However now, it's a much closer competition...

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