ellen pompeo pregnant pictures

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  • cav23j
    Mar 29, 01:51 PM
    You don't get final versions of the software they release in the dev program.

    The Gold master will not get software updates post release date.

    you are able to get access to developer builds of each software update and the GM of each of those

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  • twoodcc
    Oct 20, 12:22 PM
    My MBP is up and running 24/7 now, HP laptop working during business hours, and my CD iMac is running at night. I should be back to my "normal" output.

    Now I am itching to buy a MP :p

    glad to hear it!

    hey. mac pros are really nice! ;)

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  • DavidLeblond
    Jul 25, 09:25 AM
    Huh, I notice "Wireless keyboard and mouse" is no longer an option for BTO iMac... thats odd. You'd think they'd at least keep the regular bluetooth mouse there until they figure out what to charge for the BTO bluetooth MM.

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  • Michael383
    Apr 29, 01:50 AM
    Seriously, why not an Imac with touch-screen right now? Will we need to wait for the next iMac update to see this technology implemented?

    Based on experience with my Gateway all-in-one touch screen PC, Apple would be wise to keep avoiding it. Touch input on a desktop computer screen is not needed IMO.


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  • Badger^2
    Apr 25, 08:46 PM
    LOL. love all these posts.

    Can I start a post thats about how Im anxiously awaiting the END of all these "when is the new iMac coming out" threads?

    I really really want to get onto the next set of never ending threads that will go something like this:

    "should I get the 21" X.XX Ghz i5 or the 27" X.XX Ghz i3?"

    And then everyone will get to ask "what are you going to do with it?"
    and then all of the "I love the large 27" screen" and of course "I had to return the 27" screen it was too big!" And the "more cores is better" or the silly goofball with the "I think a larger Ghz number means its faster".

    and then we can move on to all of the "Is 4 gigs of ram enough or should I get more?" threads

    Oh, and lets not forget all of the "I wish it had a larger drive/better video/more SSD options/matte screen/full sized bluetooth keyboard/USB 3/eSATA/24" option!!" posts. Those are my favorite. Wishing, LOL. You get what you get and you dont throw a fit?

    please lets move on...

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  • ChrisGonzales90
    Jun 6, 09:05 PM
    As usual American's (yeah I'm American) love to blame someone for their own responsibility. It's so weird how people on here fight for freedom from the lockdowns that Apple puts on it's developers, freedoms from the limitations and restrictions Apple puts on the iPhone (hence why people jailbreak). Yet when a parent doesn't take accountability for their absence of judgement and legal obligation to be responsible for their child, everyone goes off on Apple for not having the protections in place to prevent this?

    There are so many hypocrites in this country, probably because nobody wants to take accountability for their own actions. What if it were a gun. If the parent left it on the night stand with a bullet in it, and the kid picked it up and shot & killed someone, would you all be blaming the maker of the gun? No, you'd be going after the parents for failure to supervise their kid which led to actions causing someone's death.

    So why is it different here?

    IT'S NOT.

    I always love to bring that up at those Mcdonalds debates.


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  • belovedmonster
    Jul 11, 03:49 AM
    For all of those people who are saying "Once it adds X I can finally remove MS from my computer..." have you not considered Open Office? I find its actually better than MS Word in many respects and being open source its totaly free.

    A year ago I would of said Apple would never package iWork free with Macs, but the more I see that iWork is hardly setting the world alight the more I think it probably would be a better business model to package it with systems. Im sure they will offset the cost with selling more Macs in the first place but more importantly getting people hooked into buying the update each year ala iLife.

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  • briankeith513
    Apr 18, 10:40 PM
    Correct. Xcode is the Mac OSX development platorm, so naturally it only runs on Macs.

    Ok, well, that's cool. I found a very quick and simple way to enable multi-touch gestures on a pc, without Xcode or jailbreak:




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  • Full of Win
    Apr 11, 03:03 PM
    I have a feeling the next version of FCP will be more affordable, something a bit more expensive than FCE is. And then Apple will K.O. FCE.

    Haven't heard of any official live streams but maybe a rouge one will pop up on Justin.tv or ustream or wait for something official on Apple's site.

    So basically, the new FCP is becoming the next FCE for prosumers and Apple is abandoning the professional market.

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  • Dont Hurt Me
    Oct 18, 07:29 PM
    Step 1: Buy Mac mini.
    Step 2: Repeat mantra "Mac mini is the new Cube, and I don't care about the integrated graphics" 5000 times.
    Step 3: Enjoy!
    Allready have a Mini but Im going to stick with this chant ,Apple will build a consumer tower, Apple will Build a Consumer Tower,APPLE WILL BUILD A CONSUMER TOWER!:)


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  • saving107
    Apr 14, 01:39 PM
    @#*(&$(# and I bought Xcode to get those features a few weeks ago. But they are sweet!!!! I use em all the time.

    Why did you buy XCode, all you needed to have done was go to developers.apple.com and sign up for a free Dev account, once there, just download the older version of XCode (v3.2.5) and install. The older version works fine and will enable the Gestures, you only need to buy and download the newest version of XCode if your an actual Developer, then you would want to have the latest version for developing purposes.

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  • kiiso
    May 3, 08:59 AM
    The top 3.1 Ghz 27" iMac has a cheaper i5-2400 CPU, than the low-end 27" and high-end 21.5", with both have i5-2500S processors!
    (The i5-2400 is 184$ (http://ark.intel.com/Product.aspx?id=52207) and the i5-2500S is 216$ (http://ark.intel.com/Product.aspx?id=52211))

    + the 2500S can do 3.7 Ghz in turbo, and the 2400 can only 3.4 Ghz in Turbo Mode!!!??? :eek::confused:
    Am I wrong?:confused:


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  • Surely
    Jan 26, 11:12 AM
    Wish I could get my taxes done, worked 3 jobs last year and only got my W2 for one of them :( didnt make much though...probably about 4k so maybe a $200 refund if that. Anyone have a guess? I always mark no dependencies or whatever so they take all the taxes out.


    Seriously dude, you're in the wrong thread.

    This isn't the "What Is Your Wish?" or "Random Thought For The Day" thread.

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  • alhedges
    Apr 28, 01:48 PM
    There is no way that Apple's model can compete on absolute sales to the multi-device approach of their competition. But that's only a tiny part of the picture.

    Why not?

    What's more they are likely to hold on to the upper end of the demographic, just as they do in personal computers. Their customers will be high earners who will buy music and apps and other content. They'll be invested in the ecosystem in a way which Android users will not be.

    I'm really skeptical of this point - I'm not really sure that Apple has the upper end of the demographic now when it comes to phones. Everyone who buys a smartphone is paying ~$2,000 over the life of their contract for service, and the phones are roughly comparable in price to each other, particularly when you factor in the total cost of ownership. Meanwhile, the vast majority of apps cost less than $5, with most being 99c. (I would also suspect that people in their 20's making less than $30,000 per year would buy more apps than lawyers in their 50's making $300,000 per year.)


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  • Orng
    Apr 26, 01:22 PM
    Why do people get so angry about the hypothetical details of a rumoured service? It's all conjecture anyway!

    I'm hoping for a service that includes video; so I can store any purchased video as well as any home videos I upload and stream them to iphone and appleTV. Tack that on to MobileMe and cut the price a bit, and I'm in. I'd pay more than 20 for that. I might even buy an AppleTV2 to go with it rather than go to the trouble of hacking my AppleTV1 to work with the service.

    But hey, if it doesn't happen, no biggie. I've been meaning to hack my AppleTV1 to work with an external HD anyway. If they provide the service and it's good, I'll pay for it and buy a new AppleTV, if they don't I'll be hack-upgrading the ATV1.

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  • notjustjay
    Mar 31, 11:13 AM
    Can someone confirm there isn't going to be a to-do list in Lion? This is ridiculous!

    Before I scare everyone, maybe I need to get my facts straight... is there one? I certainly couldn't find any on the iOS version, which is why I bought a program called Todo (by Appigo) to handle that functionality on my iPad. Since I'm on the go far more often than I'm at my desk, this is where I've been keeping my to-do items. That and Google Calendar.

    So I guess what I'm really asking for is integrated to-do list support on the iOS calendar.


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  • twoodcc
    Sep 19, 12:10 PM

    Everything we need is there. Just way over my head.

    i see a lot of thread titles with the word "problem" in there

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  • iBlue
    Jan 26, 10:59 AM
    @jessica. http://upc.edesignuk.com/uploads/smilies/hug.gif

    No one has a monopoly on threads and as such no one should really feel too possessive about them. The last purchase thread was about due for a reincarnation after surpassing 2000 posts. (Page numbers don't matter as much because posts per page are user customizable.)

    I bought some chill pills™ and I'd be happy to share. :)

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  • coolbreeze
    Apr 28, 03:56 PM
    First, the volume switch issue, then this. I feel sorry for case manufacturers. What a nightmare.

    Apr 24, 10:23 PM
    I hope stoked's daughter is more open that stoked himself.

    Apr 29, 03:10 PM
    Apple pays 70% straight to the record companies, which would be $0.90. If Amazon pays the same, then they have $0.21 loss before they even start. Or Amazon gets different prices than Apple, which would need some explaining.

    My thoughts exactly. Reeks of collusion and I could see lawsuits flying over this.

    Apr 26, 02:46 PM
    Drive arrays can easily exceed 10 Gbps - today a 2 drive RAID 0 array can hit 10 Gbps.

    Single drives faster than TBolt already exist - 12 Mbps SSD drive (http://www.fusionio.com/products/iodriveduo/).

    TBolt devices haven't even hit the market, but TBolt is already too slow for many uses.

    12Mbps? you sure you didn't mean 1.5GBs?

    Jul 25, 10:08 AM
    oh, I forgot to mention one good thing about this mouse. Presumably it will work correctly with the option "allow bluetooth devices to wake this computer." 3rd party mice wake the computer up over and over ever since 10.4.6 when that option is checked. Of course, it would be nicer if apple would just fix their stupid OS version so that all BT mice worked correctly and not just their own... :rolleyes:

    Apr 12, 03:11 PM
    I heard the iphone 5 is delayed because the HTC Sensation has sent Apple back to the drawing board.

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