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  • Calidude
    Apr 16, 04:58 PM
    Sure it is. I find your particular brand of narrow-mindedness offensive. Therefore it is an affront.

    ...and with that you have nothing to offer me anymore... Goodbye...
    Definition of AFFRONT

    obsolete : a hostile encounter
    : a deliberate offense : insult <an affront to his dignity>

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  • lordonuthin
    Apr 20, 07:36 PM
    thanks. things aren't quite working out right at the moment. i think i might have messed up the motherboard somehow. my homebuilt i7 just isn't working right. i'm away for work during the week, but i think this coming weekend will spent on this computer again. i might have to buy another motherboard i'm thinking though

    Ouch, I know how that is, I've had to replace things that I've broken trying to fix them; not that I would actually admit to breaking anything of course :p

    It would drive me nuts being away from my computers knowing they need worked on. I guess I'm addicted - maybe... oh, I put -advmethods in the linux machines and they took off with new wu's so all is well for now. I did lose a bigadv unit on the 17th, or 14th I can't remember, when they had a glitch in one of the servers :(

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  • Hazel
    Apr 29, 04:08 PM
    They still need to revert the faux leather on iCal. That's hideous.

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  • Rodimus Prime
    Apr 15, 04:54 PM
    Sounds like the Record companies are being their typical stupid selves. Only reason Apple is really able to get away with it is because they are Apple. It is not the closed system part but because they are Apple. I bet if the record company could they would say F you to Apple and pull out. I also would not be surpised if they regreat now making a deal with them when iTunes first launched.

    Amazon on it cloud stuff just said F-You to the record company and Amazon has enough sells like Apple iTMS that they can force the music company to bend over and take it.

    This stinks over all. It is not closed or open argument. This is a record company being record companies.


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  • OceanView
    Apr 15, 05:42 PM
    Can't tell if it's real or fake but the meta data showing CS4 is a bit of an issue.
    But I would love it if it was made from Aluminum.

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  • elctropro
    Jan 1, 01:26 AM
    My understanding is that AT&T is pretty far along in its upgrade from HPSA (3G) network to HPSA+ (faster 3G). They're doing this to maximize their existing investment in their infrastructure, and they should be able to employ LTE a little faster than Verizon has been, since LTE is a more streamlined upgrade from HPSA+. They claim that this is best for customers long-term, because when LTE (4G) coverage gives out, users can fall back on widespread HPSA+ coverage with similar performance. Whereas with Verizon, when you move out of an area with 4G coverage, you notice a HUGE drop in speed going to their ancient EV-DO technology.


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  • Lord Blackadder
    Aug 7, 12:31 PM
    I think the Volt is a technological dead-end given the steep US$41,000 price and the fact your car is lugging around a big bank of batteries as deadweight.


    There are rumors that a new generation of Euro 6-compliant turbodiesels being developed at Volkswagen, Mercedes-Benz and BMW will likely be offered in the USA as early as the 2012 calendar year.

    I agree. People are so eager to move on to alternative energy sources they are trying to skip the intermediate step - which is to make all internal combustion engines as efficient as possible so out global petroleum use can be stretched as far as possible.

    I'm excited about the large-scale introduction of diesel passenger cars into the US - by the time I'm ready to buy my next car I should be able to choose from new diesels by VW, Volvo, Merc, BMW, Alfa Romeo, possibly Fiat, and the usual Japanese suspects. The Big Three will hopefully follow along with this as well.

    Europe was forced to explore the benefits of diesel cars 40-50 years ago. The USA is only now beginning to face the same stark reality that fuel is scarce, expensive, and getting more expensive by the day.

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  • kuebby
    May 2, 09:35 AM
    No thanks.

    Seconded. It's such a PITA to re-jailbreak after each of these mini-updates.


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  • space1nvaders
    Jul 21, 10:00 AM
    Apple is basically saying that nobody has been able to solve this problem. Everyone wants Apple to fix it, but what if it can't be fixed. All phones drop calls. We are now maybe just finding out why some people drop more calls than others. Maybe it's that phone and the way they hold it.

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  • jaw04005
    Apr 9, 01:16 PM
    Ahh, I didn't realize it was intended that long ago. Now that it is an open standard, though, Adobe shouldn't really have much say in it now, right?

    As we've all read a lot about recently, open standard is not open source. I'm sure Adobe and Microsoft have an arrangement.


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  • zephxiii
    Jan 8, 11:04 AM
    Interesting that the original post in this thread states that it is indeed an LTE Verizon iPhone. That seems to coincide with the video of the parts that were leaked on youtube a couple days ago, showing a sim card slot on the new phone. I think I read somewhere that LTE phones require a sim card, and also, LTE is capable of simultaneous voice/data. The stars seem to be aligning.

    The sim slot doesn't prove LTE, if anything it proves international GSM/HSPA roaming.

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  • puuukeey
    Jan 9, 01:48 PM
    It refreshes the supposed page every minute!



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  • cult hero
    Mar 24, 09:26 PM
    Downhill since Tiger.

    I don't think I've ever seen such a consistent troll on any forum.

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  • Whyren
    Sep 7, 08:25 PM
    Jobs in 2008 is that what i am hearing. YAY president Jobs.

    Ha ha, well he's already got the Mac crowd. Advertise he's CEO of Pixar and you've got a good portion of the parental/Disney crowd too. :D


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  • quagmire
    Nov 14, 11:28 PM
    Fwiw, i do hold the flawed story against it. How can i be invested in a game that pretends one man can launch a missile just by strolling into a sub and asking kindly? Even games like Ratchet and Clank have stories that make sense (in context, of course), but MW2 was just too far for me to care about it.

    Just as long as it doesn't make me go, " Oh come on! That is just plain ridiculous", I don't mind some illogical events because it is a game. MW2 didn't do that so I give the storyline a B+. Black Ops is a C.

    IMHO of course. :)

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  • arn
    Apr 21, 10:51 AM
    Good feature! The look doesn't match much of the rest of the forum theme, though.

    Quick edit: what now? Can we filter a thread for only positive posts? Only posts above N points? Can we search for posts above a certain rating?

    we'll be tweaking things and seeing about using the scores in more useful ways



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  • TuffLuffJimmy
    Apr 26, 11:32 AM
    Am I missing something totally obvious here? But what's that slot above the earpiece speaker meant to be exactly?

    Like I say maybe I missed something as looking at their comparison images they seem to imply the current iPhone 4 has one already?!!?

    What gives?

    Sensors. That same slot is on the iPhone 4, although I don't have one handy to check if it looks the same. It's just harder to see on the black one because, well, it's black too.

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  • SuperCachetes
    Apr 17, 10:27 AM
    Because I am against classifying people by descriptors. The worth of a man or woman should not be defined by labels like black, gay, or what have you. Treat every man or woman equally, as you would wish to be treated, and I see no need for labels. Do you label your friends? i.e. "Hey, I'm going to see black Jim." Or, "I'm going to see Jew Bob."

    So someone like George Washington Carver should be treated as a man of indeterminate race?

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  • mcorf
    Apr 10, 01:08 PM
    I went to pick up my ipad yesterday(which I reordered) and asked if they had any more for sale. They said they had a lot of the verizon 3G(which I didn't want anyway), but were not allowed to sell them. I asked why and they said because of what happened at some of there other stores, but wouldn't tell me what.

    Jan 10, 05:29 PM
    Agreed that it was stupid, and may hurt credibility, but i still love reading gizmodo, and would not wish to see them banned from MW or the next CES. People do stupid things, if they do it again, ban them, but i say let them off the hook for this one.

    Mar 6, 07:02 PM
    The scary thing is is that you actually believe this nonsense.

    I think you're missing the forest for the trees. Offering near-identical features on cheap-quality devices has happened. LTD can be fanboyishly irritating (no offense) but the point stands - he didn't say there were no high-end handsets from the competition, he said companies flood the market with cheap electronics... which they do.

    Apr 22, 10:13 AM
    You gotta do better than that bassfingers. :rolleyes:

    whoops, I forgot america is slowly turning into france

    I mean ... Yay for gay people are special and the best :D

    Apr 27, 06:56 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Really? That doesn't matter? Well then why don't we have men compete in all the women's events at the Olympics? Oh wait, it does matter

    I'm not defending the attackers. I think it was terrible. Horrifying video. It's hard to believe people are like this.

    I do think this whole "biology doesn't matter, it's how you feel in your heart" nonsense is obviously nonsense.

    He has every right to dress like a girl. I don't even mind if he uses a female bathoom. But those things don't make someone female. The characteristics that allow doctors to assign genders to new-borns do not change as people get older.

    You are equating biological / genetic sex and gender as the same thing.

    They aren't.

    Jan 9, 12:03 PM
    really? do you have one or is this from a distance opinion? Asking, because I am on the verge...

    I wouldn't put much faith in the opinions of a person demonstrably unable to coherently express himself.

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