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  • BRLawyer
    Sep 12, 04:41 AM
    So, let me see...for those of us NOT living in the US, what do we have?

    Movie Store - NOT available (downloading movies is not my cup of tea anyway);

    Streaming device for movies bought in the iTMS - NOT available as well

    New Nanos with SAME capacity?? - No, thanks...

    I was going to receive a (female) friend tonight, but she postponed for this means I will have instead a big "yawning" session tonight at Apple news/rumor sites, with few things applicable to people outside of the US...move along, citizens... :(

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  • japanime
    Nov 23, 11:07 PM
    I hope AppleCare will be on sale.

    Next time you're buying a new Mac at an Apple Store and they try to sell you AppleCare, walk up to one of the floor models that is connected to the Internet, show the salesperson the LA Computer Company website's low, low prices for AppleCare, and ask them to match it.

    They did for me, though YMMV.

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  • Mac.World
    Apr 16, 09:05 AM
    Um if it wasn't for a gay man you might not be speaking English and the computer as we know it would likely not exist.

    Umm, hate to burst your bubble, but in December 1932, the Polish Cipher Bureau first broke Germany's Enigma ciphers. Five weeks before the outbreak of World War II, on 25 July 1939, in Warsaw, the Polish Cipher Bureau gave Enigma-decryption techniques and equipment to French and British military intelligence.

    So in reality, if it wasn't for the Polish, Turing wouldn't have had the techniques to continue the Enigma work during WWII. Not taking anything away from Turing, but don't pretend if it wasn't for this one man, we wouldn't be speaking English now.

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  • Hattig
    Aug 2, 08:27 AM
    Despite what a couple of posters here seem to be saying, it is good that some countries have a mechanism for protecting consumers from bad situations.

    In terms of Apple's DRM however, I think you'll find that each type of DRM is a platform. Much like CDs, cassettes, and so on. I can't play vinyl in my CD player, however I can make a recording of the output, much as I can burn a CD from iTunes of iTMS purchased music.

    Also it is not restricted to iPods. You can play it on every Apple Mac and Windows based PC using the freely available software from Apple. You can even play them on a couple of Motorola phones. This will weaken this part of the case against Apple. Apple can say they've taken reasonable measures to ensure that purchased media is available to the purchaser. They'll also state that there is no "No DRM" option available, this is mandated by the music companies. Also they'll state that they're not selling the music under false pretences, and people aren't forced to buy music from their store.

    However I hope that the terms and conditions of use are made more consumer friendly. There are laws about terms and conditions when they apply to consumers in the EU - basically they have to be easily understood - i.e., plain english (french, german, etc), and have no unreasonable clauses, and the ability to alter the terms and conditions is an unreasonable clause.

    In the past Apple has used that clause to reduce the number of playlist recordings down from 7 to 5 - I don't remember if this happened before iTMS was available outside the US however.

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  • KnightWRX
    Apr 28, 10:17 AM
    If you like, later tonight I can show you how to do this as you first tried, by incrementing a seconds variable. Or wait for KnightWRX. My concern is accuracy of the timer. It might be off by several seconds after running an hour. That might not be an issue for your application, but you should be aware of it.

    No, it very much is an issue, but I think this is an issue we should look into after the "timer" portion is working.

    If we have a skeleton of a "timer" application working, with start/stop/resets going and a display that updates properly, then changing variables we increment based on the NSTimer firing to variables we increment based on the system clock is a trivial change.

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  • alfmil
    Apr 14, 05:56 PM
    Hasn't anyone noticed that not a single US plane has been hijacked in the past 10 years? A quick look at Wikipedia shows 7 US planes hijacked in the 1970s, several in the 80s and 90s. Four planes were hijacked in 2001 (all on the same day....) - and then not a single US, European, Japanese plane has been hijacked.

    Something is working.....

    Homer Simpson: Not a bear in sight. The Bear Patrol must be working like a charm.

    Lisa Simpson: That�s specious reasoning, Dad.

    Homer: Thank you, dear.

    Lisa: By your logic I could claim that this rock keeps tigers away.

    Homer: Oh, how does it work?

    Lisa: It doesn�t work.

    Homer: Uh-huh.

    Lisa: It�s just a stupid rock.

    Homer: Uh-huh.

    Lisa: But I don�t see any tigers around, do you?

    Homer: Lisa, I want to buy your rock.

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  • jellybean
    Mar 18, 06:59 PM
    What gives anyone the right to put down another person's passion or something they're enthusiastic about? If a friend of mine buys an expensive new car and it didn't suit my own personal taste, I would at least try and be polite about it and not belittle them by saying "what a pile of crap! you spent all that money on that piece of junk?" It's damn rude!

    A friend of a friend of mine who once visited my apartment made a snide comment about my iMac. I immediately replied "your t-shirt makes you look fat and ugly", which was met by a very awkward moment of silence. I followed up by saying "don't be rude about my personal taste and I won't be rude about yours."
    Needless to say he probably left thinking I'm some nutter who has an unhealthy relationship with my computer, but I'm glad I made the point.

    But I do agree that a lot of it is just jealousy. I've known many people who were once very vocal about their hate for Apple and the iPhone, who have since become iPhone owners themselves and now love it.

    And perhaps you could remind those who smirk that you've spent �500 on your phone that they too will likely be paying a similar amount for their smartphone over the course of their contract, but with an unlocked iPhone you also have the added benefit of being able to take advantage of much cheaper "sim only" tariffs which you're not locked in to.

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  • quagmire
    Jul 28, 12:37 PM

    How do you figure? A comparable gas powered car is in the $30,000+ range. Hybrids have always been higher priced than equivalent gas powered cars. Electric even higher priced than hybrids. Besides, a early adopters are paying for the development cost in addition to the production cost.

    Anyhow, I'll only be interested once it hits the road. I've been hearing a production model is coming next year for a few years now.:rolleyes:

    They have always stated the Volt would be coming by the end of 2010 ever since the program started back in 2007.

    Also remember, the areas the Volt will be sold in first( DC, New York, etc) are affluent areas where people can afford the Volt.

    And even at $41,000, GM is still taking a loss with the vehicle.

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  • flopticalcube
    Apr 13, 11:00 AM
    Airport security is on a downward spiral, they really need to rethink the approach. Basic human dignity is being trampled on, the costs involved are skyrocketing and the whole approach just adds to making air travel unpleasant.

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  • g7by08believeit
    Oct 3, 05:02 PM
    apple phone - no
    Motorola already has iTunes on the SLVR (only 100 songs, but with a removeable mini sandisk chip you can switch anytime you like!)
    I'm betting that motorola was smart enough to hold the market for iTunes on phones for at least a year.

    MBP - updated either before holidays or nothing until santa rosa

    iWork/iLife, of course.

    OS X 10.5- hopefully, but i would'nt be surprised/dissapointed if not

    iRetire - no

    iTV - yep
    i believe this will be the big announcement - but i believe as far as hardware releases go, not a lot... this will be mainly for software updates/releases.

    ipod touchscreen - doubtful

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  • cool backgrounds for ppt. Now I found a cool stuff if; Now I found a cool stuff if. dalvin200. Sep 12, 07:40 AM

  • macalig
    Oct 28, 04:22 PM
    Hello guys,

    I found some more info about open source 10.4.8 kernel. :D

    Check it out...

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  • habibbijan
    Nov 16, 11:46 PM
    I'm all for this.

    For years AMD and Intel have played "leap frog" with one another in terms of performance. It's only recently that Intel has taken the lead after a lengthy duration of AMD dominance. Now that Apple has moved to x86, I see nothing wrong with Apple offering a choice of processors based on whatever brand can offer the best price/performance ratio. Say what you want about Dell, but they've recently starting offering AMD-based computers, and in my opinion this competition is good for the consumer.

    And for those of you stating that AMD processors run too hot, wake up and smell the coffee. You're about 4 years behind. Ever since Intel introduced their 90 nm "Prescott" core, their temps were blisteringly hot compared to comparable AMD processors. Of course, things are different now, and both AMD's and Intel's offering run quite cool in comparison to their previous generations.

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  • Fearless Leader
    Aug 8, 12:35 AM
    go apple for having the 30" as cheap or cheaper than every one else. now the other models are getting better. most 20" are sub 300, 24" sub 800. if i had 2000 to spend the apple 30" is my choice.

    the 20 isnt appeal cuase i just bought a 19wide for 170.

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  • 63dot
    Mar 4, 06:26 PM
    I'm not sure if this is true. According to investigative reporter Alexander Zaitchik's biography of Beck, he's not a very likable person. He went into the project thinking Beck would be sort of like Limbaugh, who even some liberals like when he's not doing his schtick.

    In his early days, the guy could rant a long time, but in such a weird persuasive way as to not hit the audience with an obvious barrage of conservative garbage like older pundit Rush Limbaugh. This was however before Beck came crashing out of the conservative closet. Now he's all about being a conservative bully, but I don't know how many people remember when he was the likable type of guy who pretended to use reason in his arguments.

    His star rose so fast that now he's bigger than the politicians he criticizes (or at least makes multitudes more) and he knows it.

    I hate to think how many people who were on the fence got influenced by Beck, but I am sure it's far more than previous commentators were able to do. The guy is kind of like a cult leader and while some may listen to Limbaugh or Savage, they worship Beck and keep on asking him to run for president. Though he's certainly not qualified, he could move to some states, run for governor, and easily win. He's kind of like a movie star, and we all know how obviously unqualified movie stars have been able to run for governor in a state and win. I hope he stays out of politics but I have a feeling he has an ego, helped greatly by his mass fan base, which may convince him to go into politics:mad:

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  • maclaptop
    Apr 16, 10:56 PM
    And different browsers didn't appear for a long while I thought.

    True. This is due to Apples desire to confine users to Safari.

    Their dictatorial approach worked for quite some time. Finally user push back was too much, and Apple caved.

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  • spicyapple
    Oct 3, 12:20 PM
    Leopard secret features are what I'll be waiting for. :)

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  • MattInOz
    Sep 29, 01:21 AM
    Does Stevey know feng shui?

    Clearly not there is nothing to stop the evil spirits flying in when you open the front door.

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  • Stridder44
    Aug 7, 05:41 PM
    So is contrast ratio just mean it can be brighter (700:1 compaired to 400:1)?

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  • citizenzen
    May 6, 10:08 AM
    Go to a firing range and learn about guns, citizenzen- even if it scares and repulses you. Trust me, you'll be all the better for it, and you might learn something about yourself you never knew was there. After all, knowledge is power.

    Here's a little knowledge. Try to empower yourself with it.

    I've shot guns.

    And yet ... somehow ... I'm not bewitched by the thrill of firearms.

    I know. How is that even possible? :eek:

    Mar 24, 08:07 PM
    Is there an emulator, so I can run the Original Public Beta on my 11" MBA?

    Oct 6, 07:55 AM
    How so. Please elaborate?

    The decryption keys are everywhere and not top secret. Each iPod and iTunes has access to them. If you can get your hands on them you have something like hymn or FairKeys. Where does one get the encryption key?

    EDIT: BTW I'm quite serious, if I got it wrong please help me understand where you're coming from.


    No, you are WAAAAY off base.

    The encryption key is public, the decryption key is private. The decryption key used in iTunes is hidden away to the very best of Apple's ability from the eyes of prying hackers. (at least, one assumes so - it's illegal for me to even try and confirm that.... thanks DCMA)

    If I want to exchange confidential information with someone, I am going to need their public key. They can send this to me unencrypted (normally as part of a "certificate" to prove who they are at the same time...). I then use this key to encrypt the secret message, and send the encrypted message to them. They in turn can decrypt this message by using their private key....

    Normally, the messages exchanged in this manner are actually symmetric keys (keys that can be used for encrypting and decypting a message). This is certainly the case for iTunes, which uses AES, a symmetric encryption system to encode it's media files.

    Contrary to what you seem to think, the keys in iTunes are not freely available. Both the private assymetric key, used to communicate with the server (to obtain the symmetric keys) and all of the symmetric keys, used to decrypt the actual media files, are hidden inside iTunes. Try looking for them on your harddrive, I promise you that you won't find them (unless you are an expert pirate with a few months of your time where you have nothing better to do....)

    BTW, that article that you linked earlier about FairPlay has internal consistency problems. If what it says about retrieving keys from the Apple Store is correct, then what it says about VLC can NOT be correct. one or the other is wrong. My money is on the info about retreiving keys is wrong. I do this stuff for a living, and it's certainly NOT how I would do it....

    Apr 26, 08:40 AM
    People can be so disgusting. Seriously, how would it have hurt those girls in her using a stall? It wouldn't have. Just like it wouldn't hurt a guy if she went into the Men's bathroom to use a stall.

    The poor girl was a waif too. What could she have done to those girls?

    Whilst the company shouldn't say 'if you see any fights, jump in the middle of them', those employees should know full well that it isn't ok to watch and laugh as someone is getting the tish kicked out of them! Who was the man in the Blue shirt at the start of the video? he tried to break it up at first but seemed to then let it carry on.

    Nov 23, 06:55 PM
    The dicount is around $100...the highest end model is $2059...the 24" iMac with wireless keyboard and's a configuration they stock in the stores.

    Thanks for the clarification. :)

    *gets credit card ready*

    Apr 29, 02:34 PM
    And people kept telling me that OSX and iOS weren't going to merge in any meaningful manner for years ahead, if ever. Yeah right. I'd bet the one after this has them nearly fully merged and I mean towards iOS for the most part. OSX will be dumbed down to the lowest common brain cell and you won't be able to get free/open software anymore. It'll have to come through the App Store or not at all. Wait and see. That is the point I'll be moving on.

    That's impressive. You've shown you don't understand business, software engineering, or computer engineering, all in one paragraph.


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