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  • FleurDuMal
    Sep 14, 05:36 PM
    One thing I noted on the old page 2 thread was the possibility of a REAL Photo iPod - more like my Epson P-4000. It could double as a video player for the new "higher res" iTunes video downloads.

    But back to the photo crowd. Wouldn't it be sweet to have a larger Photo iPod that was integrated into Aperture ...

    1. High speed internal CF and SD card inputs in this larger case

    2. Full support for RAW and RAW zooming

    3. Under a pound / 450 g in weight

    4. Large, bright 640 x 480 screen

    5. Killer feature: Aperture keyword / ranking / stacking functions on the iPod!!

    You're on the road shooting, and traveling light. During breaks you upload your CF/SD cards to the new "Aperture.iPod". When you're sitting in a cafe, back at your hotel, or taking a train home you whip out the Aperture.iPod and using the Keywords.plist you uploaded from Aperture before you left you start Stacking, key-wording, and ranking images.

    Next day you head to your studio, upload the new images from the Aperture.iPod to your MP 3Ghz (w/16 GB RAM and 3 TB of HDs!), and the first pass of your sorting is already done!

    Aperture is SUPPOSED to be about meshing cool software with Apple hardware to make the professional (and dedicated amateur) photographer's life easier. I'm 99% sure this press conference will be about how Aperture and Apple hardware let's you focus on creative shooting, not IT issues.

    That'd be very nice, but I think that's too niche for Apple to get into. Although Apple does take its photography seriously, it only really produces hardware that is versatile and can be used for many different tasks - i.e. although the Mac Pro is serious photograhpy equipment, it can also be serious movie editing or CAD equipment. Infact, I can't think of any hardware made by Apple that is specifically photography directed.

    Then again, there's nothing to say they won't break the habit of a lifetime.

    call of duty 3 ps2. Name: Call of Duty 3 PS2
  • Name: Call of Duty 3 PS2

  • charlituna
    Apr 11, 09:27 AM
    What I don't get is why can't Apple enable any iOS device (iPod Touch, iPhone, iPad) as an Airplay target device? Obviously iOS supports it as Apple TV can be a target for Airplay from iTunes.

    They could do it but AirPlay targets are supposed to have good sound and the speakers on those items do not. So it makes sense that they haven't cause the idiot masses would hear that lousy sound and think their whatever was busted.

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  • call of duty 3 ps2 cover.

  • unobtainium
    Apr 22, 02:25 AM
    I have no idea how this would be useful. Buffer times, connection loss, no WiFi around, these are all problems that will prevent this from working.

    What's wrong with storing music on hard drives locally?

    Yeah, my sentiments exactly. This seems pretty useless, at least for me. I can't get too excited about it.

    call of duty 3 ps2. Call of Duty 3 (PS2) Cover
  • Call of Duty 3 (PS2) Cover

  • blueflame
    Sep 5, 04:43 PM
    now make this device you speak of also abble to use time machine, and back-up your computer to it, and its a real winner!
    I'm not sure that this is an entirely novel thought, but I thought I would test my psychic abilities a little.

    The mac mini seems like the target for movies here, not iPods. There's a lot of talk about Airport express and how that might be the killer hardware, but there's more to it than that. Apple is competing against rental stores and netflix to watch movies. No one is just going to want to watch movies on an iPod, they are going to want it on they're TV. So why not have a network box that saves and plays the movies that is attatched to your TV? The mini is already positioned to do exactly that. No keyboard or monitor, maybe just a remote to run Front Row.

    Download the movie to the mini, watch it on TV at your convenience. Mac video on demand. Start doing that with TV shows and all of a sudden, Tivo has got a serious contender, too.

    The hard bit will be having full-quality movies sent to your home, VOD style.

    The new iPod is a phone. There may be a video ipod, but I doubt that it's a main target for the movies.

    I have this wonderful feeling that it'll be even cooler than this, but this is what I am expecting.

    Dr. Z.

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  • Call of Duty 3 - PS2 - Easy

  • tirk
    Apr 22, 05:03 AM
    Tell you what Apple. Make a 128GB iPhone and I'll pay *you* for it, rather than paying my service provider for the extra downloads (that I can't even do when I'm on the Underground, or in much of my office building, or abroad on holiday...)

    You can already buy 64GB phones ( Apple. Don't get left behind. :eek:

    call of duty 3 ps2. call of duty 3 ps2 cover. call
  • call of duty 3 ps2 cover. call

  • Ommid
    Apr 25, 01:15 PM
    What do you mean, "you people"

    Image (

    Lol, I was referring to the Ill wait for the new one to come out people actually. Haha

    call of duty 3 ps2. Call of Duty 3 (PS2) Screen
  • Call of Duty 3 (PS2) Screen

  • jclardy
    Apr 22, 11:59 AM
    Because they didn't redesign the MBP. It is the same 13" unibody MBP they have had since the first 13" unibody MBP. Because of that, everything is exactly the same as it was. It has nothing to do with the capabilities of the video chipset. Seriously the 13" MBP can run a 27" ACD.

    They could have still changed LCD panels without needing a redesign.

    I may definitely be looking into an 11" MBA later this year if they do come out with SB and thunderbolt. As long as the battery life is the same or better.

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  • Call of Duty 3

  • CorvetteZR1
    Apr 25, 06:47 PM
    Make it thinner and lighter like the Macbook Air and I'd be sold. It'll basically be a more powerful and more functional Macbook Air. I'd take it!

    call of duty 3 ps2. imagen Call Of Duty 3 [PS2]
  • imagen Call Of Duty 3 [PS2]

  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 4, 11:43 AM
    The problem with stolen Apple products would be no Applecare.

    Anyway, these mall cops should carry Taser Apps on their iphones.

    call of duty 3 ps2. call of duty 3 ps2.
  • call of duty 3 ps2.

  • drlunanerd
    Sep 2, 04:55 PM
    I think it's pointing to Apple not bothering with the Paris Expo anymore. Their disinterest started last year, and unfortunately I was there at the time, altough Mr Jobs did show up for a press conference and checked out the Sony stand, ha.

    I had a better time at the London Mac Expo. Apple should make product announcements here from now on :D

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  • Call of Duty 3 - PS2 - NTSC-U

  • steve_hill4
    Sep 9, 10:38 AM
    Now, I hate Windows and I use it at work because I have no choice. An there are plenty of bad things in it. But I don't get any BSODs. I really don't. Back when I used a desktop, I sometimes left the machine running for weeks and I had no problems.

    When was the last time you used Windows? Back in Windows ME-days?
    I have had a few BSODs in XP, but they are rare. Mainly I used to leave my tower on 24/7 and the worst I would get is switching my monitor on first thing in the morning or when I got home from work and see it had rebooted itself and was telling me it was an invalid system disc.

    Since Mac, never once has this happened, (even though I tend to power down on this more often, I still often leave running 24/7 if it is doing something that requires up time).

    Strangely enough, I am one fo the few that never had that many problems with ME.

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  • Call Of Duty: Finest Hour

  • airamerica
    Oct 27, 11:11 AM
    I know the planet is doomed and that we are all going to drown under super high sea levels BUT I just can't see the point in groups like Greenpeace.

    I mean, they bang on about this and that, looking for big companies to target. It just stinks... Have you seen that raft (boat) they sail around in - it is hardly a pin-up for ecological travel.

    Greenpeace you are a product of the 20th Century, turning to ever more desperate methods to get your message out. Take your tree hugging ideology and put it to good use somewhere else - fight Aids, cure cancer, help the disabled etc.

    Apple and it's partners or competitors crack on! Do your thing, if you can become 'green', go for it. If not, we're all doomed anyway!


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  • Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

  • peharri
    Oct 12, 02:57 PM
    Weird. Could have sworn I responded to this.

    Anyway, this strikes me as unbelievably cynical. I doubt Apple's advertising is usually below 10% of the revenue of the iPods, yet they're giving $10 (5%) of revenues to a charity in exchange for a feel-good factor and marketing from Bono.

    I'm all for AIDS prevention, but there's not a single aspect of this story that doesn't strike me as crass and exploitative.

    call of duty 3 ps2. call of duty 3 ps2 cover. call
  • call of duty 3 ps2 cover. call

  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 4, 01:03 PM
    If he had one he might be a live hero.

    Its actually easier to be the hero when the odds aren't so stacked against you. Its harder to be the hero when you know you will likely die. So in fact I'd say he was even more heroic for what he had done than if he had had a gun.

    call of duty 3 ps2. Call of Duty 3 (PS2) - Pre-
  • Call of Duty 3 (PS2) - Pre-

  • maflynn
    May 3, 10:52 AM
    Other then the CPU, there's not much to write home about.

    Its a nice and not unexpected speed bump. No complaints from me :)

    the wife has been wanting a new computer perhaps for her birthday I'll get her an imac

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  • Download Call of Duty 3 PS2

  • macklos
    Sep 26, 07:55 PM
    Cingular cellular service is only decent in a few areas and their customer service is the worst I've ever come across. If Apple wants to maintain/boost their image, Cingular will not help them in that area, not at all. Judging by this forum those things appear to be almost unanimous. I'd say it would be a bad move on Apples part to make an exclusive deal with Cingular for any bit of time. Anything longer than 6 months and Apple doesn't stand a chance succeeding. With competition mounting in the ipod arena, not updating their intel product fast enough and this. I'm afraid Apple will be hurting. Not something I wanna see.

    call of duty 3 ps2. Call Of Duty 3 Ntsc PS2
  • Call Of Duty 3 Ntsc PS2

  • segfaultdotorg
    May 3, 11:38 AM
    Great update� waiting for the usual suspects to come around to list any [unreasonable] cons :p�

    No coupon for a free Lion upgrade. Lame.

    call of duty 3 ps2. Call Of Duty 3 Ps2 Playstation
  • Call Of Duty 3 Ps2 Playstation

  • peharri
    Sep 27, 11:45 AM
    In conclusion, the Think Secret article claims Apple expects to sell 25 million of the iPhones in the year 2007 alone. If Apple can pull that off, they will indeed be eclipsing the sales rates even of the highly successful RAZR. Unfortunately for Motorola, SonyEricsson, LG, Danger, Helio, etc., these eye-popping sales figures will come at the expense of all the othe "cool" phones that consumers were paying a premium for (RAZR, Walkman Phones, Chocolate, Sidekick, Helio). And not because these products necessarily compete head-to-head in terms of features, but rather because each person normally owns only one phone. So once consumers prioritize what they want in a phone, I predict many of them will opt to combine their iPod and phone into the same device. 25 million people making that choice in 2007 is not that far-fetched...

    And yet 25 million is a drop in the bucket as far as world wide phone sales go, even phones with MP3 playing features. And, sure, when offered the choice between the free 2-gig MP3 playing phone and the $200 (subsidized) iPhone or the $600 (unlocked) iPhone, they'll go with one of the latters. Yeah. That's the way it works... Ahem.

    So the majority of MP3 playing phones at the end of this, the vast majority, will not be "iPhones". And they'll be made by people who will definitely be hostile to Apple. So the iTS will sell content for 10% of the MP3 playing market, not 50-75%. And Steve Jobs will go to the studios and say "Ok, time to renew. Same plan as before, 99c a song. Who's with me?", and all the studios will give him the finger. And Jobs will say "Hang on", and run out, and call Motorola, and Motorola will say "License iTunes from you? Three words: 100 song limit. You're not screwing us over a second time. Get lost." and hang up. And he'll call Nokia, and hear laughing in the background. And he'll call Samsung, and get the same response. And Sony-Ericsson... I doubt he'll even bother.

    And so tiered pricing will arrive on the iTunes music store. Meanwhile complaints in MacRumors reach an all time high. The iPhone is lame! Why the hell do I have to navigate to VeringulaWeb to download ringtones? How dare you call me a liar! What, the All-Mobile one lets you download it from "Mobile iTunes Store"? What's that? BTW have you guys noticed it keeps crashing, I've had this on Sprodafone for three months and it crashes every time I go to voicemail. I will never buy another iPhone! I will never buy another iPhone! The iPhone sucks! I will never buy another Apple! Apple sucks! I will never buy another Apple!

    We're taking the ThinkSecret story seriously, still, right?

    Apple is going into competition with the all the other cellphone companies. And it's bringing to the table the amazing technology of playing DRM'd MP3s. Something no existing cellphone manufacturer could possibly hope to do. Right.

    But we're taking the ThinkSecret story seriously, still, right?

    *bangs head on desk*

    call of duty 3 ps2. call of duty 3 ps2. Ludeman
  • call of duty 3 ps2. Ludeman

  • MrSmith
    Apr 22, 02:51 AM
    I have no idea how this would be useful. Buffer times, connection loss, no WiFi around, these are all problems that will prevent this from working.

    What's wrong with storing music on hard drives locally?
    They'll be able to remove the Flash drive from iPhones and use the extra space for wizardry.

    Apr 28, 11:06 PM
    I've always wondered what Windows's market share comes from pirated copies of Windows. There's a lot of pirated copies out there.. a lot..

    And they still managed to sell 350 million licenses of Windows 7 in 18 months. That's insane! I am telling you... I would like to sit in that room in either Redmond or Cupertino where you see the profit tote board being updated every second, or every minute or whatever. It must just make someone dizzy. It's like 45,000$ a minute. Of profit! Ridicurous. :)

    Sep 5, 07:19 AM
    I really wish the media device rumor is true, but i would highly doubt that Apple would bring out the successor to the iPod this early. May be it is a pilot program like the Rockr phone for music on cell phones that Apple wants to experiment with by throwing a media streaming device in the market!

    Also, i really wish the movies are priced at $4.99 rather than $9.99!

    Mar 29, 11:45 AM
    I think they need to learn how to do math. How can you have an 18.8% cumulative annual growth rate when your market share goes down from 15.7% to 15.3%?

    More people buy smartphones. So Apple could sell more iPhones and have a lower market share.

    Looks like they predict a 20% year on year growth for smartphones, which is quite high!

    Sep 5, 09:49 AM
    The store is updated but will show the new content on the 12th i guess, available the day itself.

    Apr 25, 01:30 PM
    I can't wait. I liked the materials and certain aspects of the current generation, but overall it never really did it for me. I'm excited to see what they'll do next.

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