boston marathon finish line map

boston marathon finish line map. the finish line. BOSTON
  • the finish line. BOSTON

  • technicolor
    Oct 12, 12:38 PM
    And all my classes are cancelled tomorrow, so I can stay home and watch Oprah. :D

    boston marathon finish line map. oston marathon finish line
  • oston marathon finish line

  • davelanger
    Mar 30, 01:47 PM
    You'll find Microsoft's reason to sue Apple is here ( Guess Microsoft is protecting itself from a legal butt kicking by being preemptive.

    wouldnt app hub (store) be ok since its not just appstore?

    boston marathon finish line map. Finish Line: Mile 26.2
  • Finish Line: Mile 26.2

  • MattInOz
    Mar 22, 08:21 PM
    More surprising than this rumor is the fact that it's the first actual MAC rumor (beyond "we've found that the Early 2011 MacBook Pros have quirks" posts) in weeks. None of that is surprising though. I wonder if there will be any surprises with this refresh? I'm guessing no Blu-Ray, which means I'm not buying one. Though I'm still curious as to what'll be under the hood.

    Ummm... you do realize that rumour volume doesn't equate to Apple's interest levels or efforts in any particular product. They are almost entirely driven by web traffic and ad views numbers. If Mac News/Rumours generated the sort of traffic that iDevice rumours did I'm sure we would see the same level of "Making @^#^ up" oops sorry, I'm mean In depth analysis about the Mac as we see about iDevices.

    boston marathon finish line map. oston marathon finish line
  • oston marathon finish line

  • MattyMac
    Sep 26, 08:00 AM

    boston marathon finish line map. marathon+finish+line+
  • marathon+finish+line+

  • MacVault
    Sep 14, 08:31 AM
    Anyone know when we might see an update to the MacBook (not MBP)???

    boston marathon finish line map. oston marathon finish line
  • oston marathon finish line

  • DCJ001
    Mar 22, 02:54 PM
    Better idea: add an ExpressCard slot so I can put eSATA or USB3 on my iMac. Or you know...put USB3 & eSATA on my iMac for me *hint hint Apple*

    You can have an eSATA port added to an iMac through OWC for $169:

    boston marathon finish line map. oston marathon finish line
  • oston marathon finish line

  • mightymike107
    Aug 29, 03:08 AM
    the MB keyboards are ugly, they remind me of some fool proof keyboard for military laptops. They reek of industrial utilitarianism.

    It's starting to get early on the east coast; the apple store is still up, are these bad signs?

    boston marathon finish line map. oston marathon finish line
  • oston marathon finish line

  • tundrabuggy
    Dec 30, 09:50 AM
    Yes, this sticky obtrusive and uninstallable piece of junk that constantly plagues people in the PC world (not to mention it radically slows your machine down. I recently installed Flash player on the PC side and without my permission McAffe was installed....ARGGGHH. Now they want to infect the Mac world....PLEASE NO!

    boston marathon finish line map. oston marathon finish line
  • oston marathon finish line

  • eleven59
    Apr 25, 01:43 PM
    Guys they've already told us what the next update will be. Remember the MBA commercial, "the future of MacBook" or whatever the actual words were.. Which means no optical, a ssd, and a core2duo with 320m..

    Ahhh the future


    boston marathon finish line map. Boston Marathon 2011
  • Boston Marathon 2011

    Sep 19, 02:32 PM
    couldn't apple develop something into itunes that lets you watch while it is downloading? is this possible?

    You can watch while downloading.

    I was able to begin about 5 minutes into download -- barely enough time to get the snacks.

    boston marathon finish line map. Finish Line: Mile 26.2
  • Finish Line: Mile 26.2

  • lmalave
    Oct 27, 10:12 AM
    Exactly. There was no violence, no rowdiness. This is how the current mindf*cks work. People hear that a group or activist with views counter to the needs of govenrment and big business and their heads immediately fills with images of extreme millitancy. As I said - they handed out leaflets. That's it.

    It's the same when the intelligence services and police stage 'terror raids' on houses where the inhabitants have no connection to terror. People immediately think 'Ahh, they've got those terrorist scum...' When the suspects are released without charge no one asks how zero evidence can possibly lead to an armed raid.

    No, in the case of Greenpeace, most people's experience is probably formed from *first-hand* experience of being approached on city streets. I've certainly been approached dozens of times here in NYC. Personally, Greenpeace doesn't bother me. But Greenpeace reps usually *are* quite insistent, and that behavior is legal on a city street, but does not have to be tolerated on private property.

    I mean, it's easy for me to brush people off here in NYC because I'm used to it (constantly get approached by panhandlers, palm readers, political activists, etc.). But at a convention, people whoe weren't used to that probably allowed themselves to be stopped and then had their ears talked off for a few minutes, because they were just too nice to brush off a pretty young girl (which most Greenpeace reps are because they know that people will be much nicer to them on average than to, say, a young punk-ass male). So these people probably didn't say anything to the Greenpeace rep's face, but then turned around and noted a complaint with MacExpo. MacExpo probably received a few of these complaints and decided enough was enough...

    boston marathon finish line map. oston marathon finish line.
  • oston marathon finish line.

  • CEAbiscuit
    Sep 27, 09:32 AM
    There's a nifty mock-up of an iPhone at

    Geez, I hope it doesn't look like that. Rotary looks kool, but imagine trying to text or dial without looking.

    boston marathon finish line map. oston marathon finish line
  • oston marathon finish line

  • ChrisA
    Sep 14, 11:57 AM
    I doubt Apple will introduce new hardware at this photography show. OK maybe a C2D MBP but that is a minor upgrade, basically just a speed bump. You don't send out invetations to a "special event" and then anounce a "speed bump"

    I think it will be software. First will be Aperture 2.0 that addresses same of the issues. Remember months ago when Apple disbanded the Aperture software team? What we will see on the 24th is the work done so far by the new development team. I expect to see some new ideas, better performance and better RAW processing.

    But a special event just for one version release? They will have to have something else. A "One more thing..." item. My gues is a new software package. A l photo editor. I doubt Apple will try and compete with Adobe's CS2 or CS3 but they could take on Adobe's "Elements". or more narowly, PSE's editing abilty. There is room for a pixel editor that has a better user interfacethan Adobe. Apple could have looked at Nikon's "Cature NX" and how it uses "control point" and does not destructive editing.

    Apple could also do something to make color managment simpler and easier. Wouldn't it be realy nice if the ACD had a built-in color measurement ability. Self monitoring. Or maybe an abient light color measurement so it would "know" if the room was lit with window light or flourecent. This kind of thinng would give people a reason to by ACD rather then Dell or whatever is cheaper. It wuld be revolutionary and worth of a "special event"

    boston marathon finish line map. oston marathon finish line.
  • oston marathon finish line.

  • BlizzardBomb
    Jul 14, 12:39 PM
    Yes, but to the average consumer. These things aren't very important. They will be looking at Ghz, and Apple's "X times faster" looks at the processor. That is what Apple is marketing, not FSB.

    Yup, I know Apple's marketing loves to be ridiculous. :p 95% of customers* wouldn't notice the difference. I'm one of the 5% who will notice it but its not like I'm buying one, my iMac G5 will keep me happy for another 2+ years.

    *75% of statistics are made up on the spot ;)

    boston marathon finish line map. oston marathon finish line
  • oston marathon finish line

  • ericinboston
    Apr 28, 07:56 PM
    Microsoft is DEAD.

    This is all you ever say and is a waste of text/space on this site. do we ban this guy?


    boston marathon finish line map. oston marathon finish line
  • oston marathon finish line

  • Macnoviz
    Sep 5, 02:28 AM

    What is this....

    comes up with


    You don't have permission to access /movies on this server.

    What might this mean is where they keep the movies that stream on the site (like the get a mac ads)
    you normally can't browse to them, but if you look at the page info using Firefox, you can see on a page where the media is located. That's how you can download those movies withouth getting quicktime pro

    boston marathon finish line map. oston marathon finish line
  • oston marathon finish line

  • Counterfit
    Apr 25, 03:06 AM
    Because I am going to. I'm a completely safe driver (even when doing 90 or above) until I run into some dunderhead who has to enforce the speed limit themselves. Had that woman just moved like everyone else did, I would have never had to cut her off in order to punish her. And yes I did have to punish her, because she needed to be taught her dang place on the road.

    EDIT: @adk - yes I am 16, however in this situation my mother was in the car and actually encouraged me to cut the idiot off. So it's not just an age based thing.

    Okay fine, you're an ******* and your mother's an ******* too.
    Come back and talk to me when you have 5 years under your belt.

    Remember one thing Dmac. YOU ARE A CRAPPY DRIVER and will be consider a crappy driver until you have 5 years under your belt. At that point then we can start judging you on how you drive.
    The studies may say it, but I see plenty of people with over 5 years of experience that still don't know wtf they're doing.
    You deserve a bad rap:rolleyes: There is nothing illegal going 5 under. It is illegal to be going 20 over. If you get caught, that is like an auto revocation of your license to give you an idea how serious it is
    Depends. I've been pulled over for 20+ on the highway and gotten warnings (and sometimes a ticket). Now, do 20 over in a school zone, and you won't get off so easy...
    The simple fact is that I should not have to obey a 70mph speed limit if I don't want to.
    Fine, go over. I do all the time. But remember that you do so at your own risk, and that you need reaction time in case some idiot (i.e. the minivan driver or one such as yourself) doesn't check before changing lanes.

    Why would I even bother driving a car that can hit 186mph (with the speed governor removed, with the governor top speed is 155mph) at 70 mph? A Ford Fiesta can hit those speeds, what's the point of fast cars if you're going to follow the speed limit in them?
    They're called track days. You get to flog a car with little worry about random pedestrians or people being in the wrong lane. And where the **** do you expect to hit anything even close to 155 on a public highway, especially in an area prone to potholes? US Highways are not designed with 100+ in mind, they are not maintained with 100+ in mind, and they are not enforced with 100+ in mind. Also, read this ( TLDR: Guy drives his Enzo on a public road at almost 200mph (the road was closed for a charity event he was participating in). He hits a bump and goes airborne. Smash crash, now he has several broken bones, bruises, and probably surgery on his thumb. And this is in a car that produces north of 500lb of downforce at those speeds (1700lbs at 221mph). Plus, it's built with a carbon fiber survival cell, which an M5 does not have. Keep that in mind before you try to test the limits of a vehicle on public roads.
    I really don't think it is necessary to call me or any member of my family "pathetic." There's nothing wrong with manipulating the system to your advantage, if you do it for a valid purpose (such as teaching a crappy driver a lesson).

    It's completely necessary to call you and your family pathetic. Your mother caused a collision, and then lied about it in court. Now she encourages you to do the same. And OF COURSE there is something wrong with manipulating the system to your advantage, no matter the reason. Plus, that you think having a judge for an uncle gives you sway is incredibly unethical, especially if he does indeed help you out, he would be in violation of the Michigan Code of Judicial Conduct. Specifically: Canon 2
    A Judge Should Avoid Impropriety and the Appearance of Impropriety in All Activities
    A. Public confidence in the judiciary is eroded by irresponsible or improper conduct by judges. A judge must avoid all impropriety and appearance of impropriety. A judge must expect to be the subject of constant public scrutiny. A judge must therefore accept restrictions on conduct that might be viewed as burdensome by the ordinary citizen and should do so freely and willingly.
    B. A judge should respect and observe the law. At all times, the conduct and manner of a judge should promote public confidence in the integrity and impartiality of the judiciary. Without regard to a person's race, gender, or other protected personal characteristic, a judge should treat every person fairly, with courtesy and respect.
    C. A judge should not allow family, social, or other relationships to influence judicial conduct or judgment. A judge should not use the prestige of office to advance personal business interests or those of others. A judge should not appear as a witness in a court proceeding unless subpoenaed.
    Oh, and I have to guess that your uncle is one of these people (,_2010#District_Courts). He's not anonymous, we just don't know which one he is.
    You're also the guy that will wreck his car because I force you to, and you're also the guy that I will then sue to pay for my deductible and any applicable medical costs. And I'm the guy that will laugh in your face and say "gonna move for me next time?" as I walk out of court and you cut me a check.
    I can guarantee you, that if you tried this **** on me. Not only would we BOTH wreck, but you wouldn't even get the chance to sue me.
    Why should I care what people think of me.

    It's generally people with this attitude that have it come around to bite them in the ass.

    I can only say that I hope, when you wreck, you not only kill yourself, but your mother too.

    boston marathon finish line map. the finish line to win the
  • the finish line to win the

  • Bertmg
    May 4, 11:00 AM
    No Blue Ray, no 30 inch monitors, no new OSX (yet), Bootcamp still requires re-start, no new included software like Pages, and prices did not come down... Waited several years to replace my TI laptop and my 30 inch external monitor (yup I still use them and they work really good).

    Very, very disappointing. :(:(:(:mad:

    boston marathon finish line map. oston marathon finish line
  • oston marathon finish line

  • EagerDragon
    Sep 14, 06:19 PM
    Don't cry - a tablet would be the absolute worst interface for edit digital photos, so there's absolutely no chance that'll be happening at photokina.
    Would it?
    How is it different than using a Wacon Tablet?
    Would seem like there would be a lot more control. But maybe I am wrong. Still would love to try it.

    Sep 19, 08:20 PM
    this moel apple is using is fine, but 2 things need to happen, 1, much teh same as netflix, they should send you a blank dvd with case for each order, and secondly, like the music, all cover art should be given as well. it should be burnable, I would pay 9.99 for movie with the convinience of download, for this proce, even with the less quality if I could burn my own dvd, put it in any dvd player and watch it. but I want all teh artwork as well, so i can FEEL my dvd library growing,
    andreasIt's a simple equation, really,...

    Netflix account + $5.99 Used DVDs = comes with Plastic Box, Free Shipping and Original Artwork!

    Aug 23, 05:23 PM
    Well for a company that's almost bankrupt I guess this was a worthwhile event for them. Now Creative can continue to make "adapted copies" of the iPod and lose money all over again.

    Judging by their past business practices it's only a matter of time before they teeter on the edge of insolvency then I guess they'll have to come up with another reason to sue Apple all over again. what was apple a few years ago its only cause of ipods and reacently a lot of folk taking a keen eye in a comptuer system that can dual boot osx and windows sorry aint read all replys to this 100 million is not pocket change but it sure as hell aint as bad as it could have been thats my opinion on it at least

    Mar 30, 11:25 AM
    He will need to be a 'cunning linguist' to assist Microsoft.


    Apr 22, 11:58 AM
    Now there's 100GB BDXL. There's plenty of time for Blu-Ray to keep on living on notebooks.
    Err... and how is that relevant? I'm sure Blu-Ray will live on in other notebooks, but Apple's? Unlikely.

    There were 100GB BDXL when Apple refreshed the MacBook Pro's this year.

    Apr 25, 06:06 PM
    Suppose it is liquid metal? How do you suppose the currently 0.50 stock LQMT (Liquid Metal Technologies) will react?

    Soon it will be well over $300 per share. Buy now.

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