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  • clintob
    Oct 12, 12:47 PM
    Why would a charity help women and children victims, but not men? Why not just offer help to "AIDS sufferers"?

    I'll probably come of sounding like a jerk and opening a HUGE can of worms with this, BUT...

    I'm glad somebody else was thinking what I was thinking! Why do we constantly have to place a line between men and women, black and white, American and everyone else. If we actually want equality and unity and all those wonderful things, I think it's about time we stop dilineating between groups of people.

    It can't be both ways... if women/minorities want equality in the work place, or government, or in society as a whole, there can't also be inequality in the world when it comes to things like this... men and women, black and white, straight and gay - they have to be equal across the board, or not at all. We can't have it both ways.

    That said, bravo to Apple, U2, and anyone else involved here. Anytime you can use your power and influence to raise funds and awareness - no matter the alterior motives - it's a good thing.

    black ops zombies ray gun. lack ops zombies guns.
  • lack ops zombies guns.

  • cere
    Apr 14, 01:24 PM
    Guys, should I buy now or wa......

    A Mac? Why not?

    black ops zombies ray gun. lack ops zombies ray gun
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  • Sabenth
    Aug 23, 05:39 PM
    I hope this eventually leads to Sound Blaster support for macs.
    dought that very much there are better sound cards on the market

    black ops zombies ray gun. lack ops zombies ray gun
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  • hglk
    Mar 22, 01:33 PM
    I don't know if they can make the iMacs look better, IMO. They look really nice. hardware improvements would be the best way to keep these machines alive. unless ofcourse they pull of something amazing like they always do lol.

    To each their own, but in all reality, these are the best looking "all-in-ones" that i have ever seen.

    black ops zombies ray gun. lack ops zombies ray gun
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  • hayesk
    May 3, 12:41 PM
    but i thought half the point of TB was that you would only need one output from the computer, and since we don't have any TB displays (or anything for that matter) how do we know that the ports are limited to one display?

    TB has two 10 Gbps channels. A display takes up one of them. To power a second display, you could use the other channel, but you'd need some kind of breakout box that housed a video card.

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  • steviem
    Apr 11, 03:47 PM
    How many pints to a league does your car do?

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  • cod lack ops zombies ray gun.

  • Yamcha
    Mar 22, 02:10 PM
    I'm hoping we don't see Apple adopting the HD Intel Graphics, cuz they are going to suck as far as gaming goes..

    black ops zombies ray gun. lack ops zombies ray gun
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  • techfreak85
    Apr 25, 09:28 AM
    Instead of increasing the driving age, what about requiring more logged hours with a parent whit a learner's permit, manditory quality driver's ed, and making it harder for unsafe drivers to get their licence? Then require a one year driving check up a year after the licence was attained?

    black ops zombies ray gun. lack ops zombies ray gun
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  • JobsRules
    Oct 27, 10:57 AM
    Shopping malls are private property, rented out in parcels at extremely high prices, so their tenants can run their shops with a perceived better shot at attracting passers-by than if they had a stand-alone store.

    If you owned your own shop and some people kept standing out in front of your store without your permission, handing out political flyers, you'd probably run them off, right? In this case, the owners of the shopping mall are providing a similar service to the merchants paying to be there. It's FAR from a "public space".

    You miss my point. My local town centre mall is a huge sprawling beast that was built on top of what used to be public streets. There are now moves to privatise publicaly owned shopping areas so you really do get severe erosion of genuine public spaces.

    black ops zombies ray gun. lack ops zombies ray gun
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  • HecubusPro
    Aug 28, 09:21 PM
    Sorry to crash the party, but it would seem a little strange for Apple to upgrade the MacBook and/or MB Pro's until sometime after the 16th when their current college promotion ends. Promotion = clearing out old stock (of notebooks & iPods).

    Keep your mom's credit card in her purse for a few more weeks.

    Hello Mr. Condescending, and glad you could join us.

    There are arguments agreeing with you and those that disagree with you for equally good reasons. It's been all over these boards for the last several weeks, so you're not telling anyone anything they haven't thought, said, heard, or argued for or against. While I can definitely see both sides to this worn debate, in all honestly, I have no idea when Apple will release the C2D systems. And neither do you (or do you? :o )

    But hey! That's why were here. To speculate, argue, and spread wild rumors based on tiny grains of truth.

    black ops zombies ray gun. cod lack ops zombies ray gun.
  • cod lack ops zombies ray gun.

  • ripfrankwhite
    Sep 5, 12:55 PM
    30 more shares. and dont be a dick. ;)

    Name calling? LOL! :rolleyes:

    black ops zombies ray gun. lack ops zombies guns.
  • lack ops zombies guns.

  • AdeFowler
    Oct 13, 04:22 AM
    It amazes me how people can't miss an oportunity to slam Apple, U2 and anyone else related.

    All I see here is at least somebody somewhere is trying a different angle to help others... is that such a bad thing?

    Why not capitalise on a bandwagon product such as the iPod in order to fund something positive?

    And those who say yeah yeah donate money directly and get the tax waiver on the donation.. brilliant a great idea but isn't that something that already happens and will continue to happen with or without the iPod.

    Oh and how much have those who raised this point donated to this cause?

    I really do struggle sometimes to understand some of the sanctimonious comments around here.

    All I can say is, kudos to Bono, Apple and anyone else doing anything they can to help people in need.... its more than most of us.
    Wish I'd said all that. Great post.

    black ops zombies ray gun. cod lack ops zombies ray gun.
  • cod lack ops zombies ray gun.

  • hondaboy945
    Sep 15, 06:42 PM
    Widgets would be a phone killer... Some of the widgets out there consume a lot of memory.

    what about enough built-in memory.

    black ops zombies ray gun. lack ops zombies ray gun. of
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  • ///mdriver
    Sep 12, 02:35 PM
    will search and quick scroll be in my ipod's next update?

    black ops zombies ray gun. lack ops zombies ray gun
  • lack ops zombies ray gun

  • Lollypop
    Sep 10, 09:56 AM
    I would love to see a mid-tower with these in it and there seems to be some demand for a mini-macpro ;) among forum contributers (based on what I've seen). However, with the release of the 24" imac it makes me wonder if we would ever see a mid range tower. The 24" imac provides the increased power and improved GPU. Also if the GPU does turn out to be replaceable, it makes for a harder argument for mid-tower no? The price range does seem to fit well between the regular imacs and pros...

    I agree that the expandability of the 24inch imac is impressive, but until I see ease of upgradability as well Im all for a mid range. Its also about the CPU, the C2D's are nice, but their not really a match for their desktop counterparts, there are some of us that want the power of a desktop but dont have the budget for the xeon range...

    black ops zombies ray gun. lack ops zombies ray gun
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  • zer0sum
    Mar 18, 07:06 PM
    It certainly has a huge amount to do with market share and therefore return on investment in creating malware.
    It all used to be done for fun and a little destruction and now its about the $

    Windows = ~87%
    OS X = ~6%
    IOS = ~2%
    Linux = ~1%
    Android = ~0.5%

    So...the malware authors can either put all the time and effort into an amazing exploit and payload that successfully owns 100% of the OS X devices in the world or they can bash something together that only needs to work out on a very small percentage of windows machines.

    Criminals are not generally the hardest working people in the world :)
    Which option do you think they are most likely to take?

    But there will come a time...simple as that!

    For now OS X is a nice place to be and with knowledge as an end user it is extremely easy to avoid being exploited.

    Certainly no need for AV unless you are situated in a company that mandates all end points must have AV regardless of OS and even then traditional AV is dead and should be combined with a complete endpoint security solution.

    I highly recommend getting your firewall and little snitch running on your mac to get some security and visibility of exactly what is happening under the hood.

    black ops zombies ray gun. lack ops zombies ray gun
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  • erikistired
    Sep 19, 05:02 PM
    As I stated in a few posts up I'm not that happy with the pricing of the iTunes Movies, but, if I were to buy any I would quickly run into a huge problem - STORAGE! I have an iBook with 60 GB drive and it's almost full from other stuff.

    Apple should come out with a home storage network server with RAID, etc.

    that's my hold back right now. i just don't have space for movies on my powerbook, and putting them on external media wouldn't make sense, at that point i could just toss a dvd or two in my backpack.

    black ops zombies ray gun. lack ops zombies ray gun
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  • cube
    Mar 30, 01:28 PM

    black ops zombies ray gun. lack ops zombies guns
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  • muzikool
    Aug 31, 01:25 PM
    I agree that $14.99 is way too high for a downloadable movie. Most retailers sell new DVD releases on sale for the week they are released, usually for $2 - $3 less than that -- and that's for a DVD! $9.99 is doable, but not $14.99. :rolleyes:

    Mar 22, 01:11 PM
    What about the Mac Pro? It's way past due, would that come first, before the iMac?

    Sep 26, 10:18 AM
    Been saying it on the forums forever.
    2007 Apple pulls iTunes from Motorola
    2008 Apple launches iPhone with Cingular

    Ya, that is why you just registered in April and have only 8 posts.:rolleyes:

    Apr 25, 05:57 AM
    I really hope that you look back on this thread in a few years time and realise what a fool you've been mate. Your attitude is horrendous and your disregard for human life and emotion borders on psychopathic. I'm sure it's just youthful arrogance as I can recall being a bit of a prick when I was sixteen but I don't believe I ever intentionally endangered someone's life to "teach them a lesson".

    A word of advice though fella: You keep that kind of behaviour up on the road and someone will "teach you a lesson" because I guarantee you that if you deliberately forced my wife and kid off of the road because you were acting like a dick whilst I was in the car, I'd have dragged you out of your car window by your throat and kicked the living **** out of you!

    Here comes the "But you'd never catch me in my super duper fast car and mummy and daddy will sue you because we're all so important and so much better than you all"

    Grow up dude. Seriously.

    Apr 19, 10:54 AM
    Apple should just buy out Samsung!

    Simplistic, I know.

    Sep 6, 03:16 AM
    I get it! They will is gonna maybe show it.:)

    Oh! Thanks for that... :D

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