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  • Clive At Five
    Sep 19, 02:08 PM
    As stated by others already, this bodes very well for Apple signing other studios onto the plan. I would not be surprised one bit if we see it by the end of the month, even.


    black ops map pack 2 survive. lack ops map pack 2
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  • snebes
    Apr 4, 11:51 AM
    seems a little excessive. Hopefully there were some bits to the story left out.
    Otherwise, yeah... a little excessive.

    Nothing was left out, if you read the story. Gun fire was exchanged. Obviously the mall guard had better training, possibly a moonlighting cop.

    Armed security guards are pretty standard in Chicagoland too.

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  • jholzner
    Aug 28, 12:18 PM
    Yeah for the portables, but Conroe for the desktop.

    Conroe cannot be dropped in to Yonah MB only merom.

    black ops map pack 2 survive. lack ops map pack 2 pictures.
  • lack ops map pack 2 pictures.

  • PghLondon
    Apr 30, 06:59 PM
    Very intelligent response.

    Give it a shot pal.

    I love internet tough guys.

    black ops map pack 2 survive. Black Ops Map Pack 2
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  • TemeculaMac
    Mar 23, 04:48 PM

    black ops map pack 2 survive. lack ops map pack 2 pictures.
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  • LagunaSol
    Apr 19, 10:33 PM
    How sleazy of you, Apple.

    Almost like stabbing in the back.

    Not nice, Apple, not nice.

    You know what's sleazy? Working with a partner while secretly copying that partner's work to create a competing product.

    Microsoft did this to Apple with Windows. Google did this to Apple with Android. And Samsung did this with their phone/tablet designs and their UI overlay.

    black ops map pack 2 survive. lack ops map pack 2 zombies.
  • lack ops map pack 2 zombies.

  • DVK916
    Sep 17, 07:56 PM
    OK. hang on. back the f&6king truck up.

    maybe we're backwards here. but i have NEVER, EVER heard of ANY kind of phone service where INCOMING calls are anything BUT free (excluding reverse-charge, obviously).

    Im sorry, but if you all accept crappy CDMA phones specific to a carrier, and paying for incoming calls, you are kidding yourself if you think you are anything but backwards. (i wont go into the whole metric thing :P )

    Sprint has free unlimited incoming calls. Also some providers have unlimited incoming and outgoing calls if you don't travel beyond your city.

    Also CDMA isn't crappy it offers higherspeed than HSDPA while using less spectrum.

    CDMA Rev A offers 3.8 down and 1.8 up in only 1.25 mhz of spectrum versus HSDPA of up too 14mbps down and 2 up in 5 mhz of spectrum. But with Rev B which is a software upgrade CDMA will have around 16mps down and 10mbps up in 5mhz of spectrum.

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  • munkery
    Jan 14, 01:11 PM
    Maybe theoretically you should do that, but I don't know anyone that actually does on Windows or OS X. In both cases you aren't actually running with your full powers all the time, and get prompted to escalate if something needs admin access.

    The default account created in Mac OS X has password authentication. Your password is the unique identifier. Most people use the default account created by the OS for day to day computing.

    Commercial software shouldn't be installing malware...I mean tons of it now has all kinds of DRM that is arguably malware, but...
    While I'd rather run something without giving it full access to the system, ultimately you're trusting the publisher either way.

    When the software is running with superuser privilege and connects to servers that can be controlled by anybody such as in many online games for Windows, the content downloaded from the server can be written anywhere in your system. This allows keyloggers, backdoors, and malware rootkits to be installed.


    Why! (

    I really doubt they double count things like that, given they're counted separately. I suppose there might be some validity to it if they did.

    They count the number of items in each vendors security releases. Mac OS X includes Flash, Java, & etc by default so vulnerabilities in those are counted for Mac OS X because included in Apple security releases. Often these items constitute the majority of vulnerabilities in the security release. It is only valid if Windows users don't install Flash, Java, various ActiveX components, codecs, etc, etc, etc...

    I'm not seeing why you're saying there's any difference. I don't use IE or Safari as my primary browser, though there may be some validity to including one or the other in the list of OS issues, but at any rate neither yet sandboxes plug-ins to my knowledge.
    There's a flag that can be set for that, but I'm not sure where you're getting it from that article. Regardless 'some' is better than 'none'.

    Except for Chrome which is sandboxed, all browser are susceptible to the security problems of the underlying OS but these issues arise in more than just the browser. An example of how they are different is Java has no security mitigations (DER or ASLR) in Windows (as shown in article) but Java has hardware based DEP and partial ASLR in Mac OS X as Java is 64 bit in OS X. Also, Mac OS X randomizes memory space into 4 byte chunks making it more difficult to defeat ASLR while Windows uses 64 byte chunks. Like you said, some is better than none.

    Security mitigations, such as DEP and ASLR, can be optionally set in Windows OSes for various reasons such as support for legacy software. A lot of software for Windows comes with weak security by default and will break if the user tries to modify its settings. In Mac OS X, apps have a standard level of security mitigations dependent on the type of process (32 or 64 bit) that are set at that standard level when the app is compiled and not modifiable as in Windows (Opt-in, Opt-out, etc).

    Which is different from Windows how?

    Because Windows has a history of malware that achieves privilege escalation and Mac OS X does not? Check out these from late November 2010:

    Security hole in Windows kernel allows UAC bypass (
    Nightmare kernel bug lets attackers evade Windows UAC security (
    UAC bypass exploit for Metasploit (

    black ops map pack 2 survive. lack ops map pack 2 pictures.
  • lack ops map pack 2 pictures.

  • direzz
    Aug 28, 04:15 PM
    On time? The other companies just announced, and are not actually shipping. Give apple time, I'm sure they'll be shipping before the others. :-)

    yea, with tons of problems to the machines.

    i love apple, but everytime i buy one of there laptops, they suck!

    black ops map pack 2 survive. lack ops map pack 2 pictures.
  • lack ops map pack 2 pictures.

  • kdarling
    Apr 20, 10:56 AM
    I was just about to post the same thing; the application says that it couldn't find the consolidated.db file. I even tried syncing my iPhone once more and it still didn't help. An interesting note though - I own a Verizon iPhone. I wonder if that has anything to do with it.

    You're right, they say that the Verizon CDMA phone doesn't keep the log.

    Okay, then it's a log of GSM cells that the phone sees and/or connects to.

    The question is, where does it get the location data from? Either the phone has a complete cell id database internally, or it's using GPS, or it has to go out on the network and ask Apple's cell id servers for the location.

    The researchers claim neither GPS nor network data is being used, so there would have to be an internal database, which I've never heard of. Something is missing.

    black ops map pack 2 survive. duty lack ops map pack 2
  • duty lack ops map pack 2

  • Dmac77
    Apr 25, 01:45 AM
    OP you seem like you are nothing but spoiled know-it all brat. You probably won't stop until you kill someone on the road. :mad::mad::mad:

    I wouldn't go so far as to kill someone. If I killed them, how could they learn a lesson?


    black ops map pack 2 survive. lack ops map pack 2 pictures.
  • lack ops map pack 2 pictures.

  • sord
    Sep 10, 09:11 PM
    Well here at work I could replace 4 PC draughting workstations with a Conroe based system. We already have 23" monitors so we are not going to purchase iMacs, and while Mac Pro's are nice they are too expensive for us... A $1500 headless system would do wonders! (and yes the mini is too little).

    If Apple cannot release such a system we will have to continue purchasing PCs... :(
    Depending on the applications you are going to use, you could cluster some minis.

    black ops map pack 2 survive. lack ops map pack 2 zoo.
  • lack ops map pack 2 zoo.

  • Eriamjh1138@DAN
    Apr 19, 07:48 PM
    This is just another pissing contest to result in a settlement and some bizarre technology sharing or nothing in particular.

    It's posturing.

    black ops map pack 2 survive. lack ops map pack 2
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  • dscuber9000
    Mar 30, 11:25 AM
    His name is Butters? :D

    black ops map pack 2 survive. cod lack ops map pack 2
  • cod lack ops map pack 2

  • rmhop81
    Apr 22, 09:40 AM
    And the other 14-16 hours of the day where I'm not at home, but at work, traveling, at coffee shops, walking, relaxing, jogging, etc.?

    You do realize iPods are portable music players right? Meaning they likely get most use outside of the home.

    you won't have access to it like pandora so you wont' have to worrry.....

    again, if you are unlimited or bigger data cap it won't matter.

    plus my work has wifi...i'm sure a lot of other people have the same.

    black ops map pack 2 survive. lack ops map pack 2 zombies
  • lack ops map pack 2 zombies

  • logandzwon
    Mar 30, 12:56 PM
    So if Apple losses can they just go and make a really, really crummy, crash prone application that sells MP3, that are encoded really poorly, and is just the most absolutely worst garbage ever and call it, "Da Amazon MP3 and AppStore for Windows and Office" ?

    While I do think Apple's TM should be upheld, I do wish they would change the name themselves.


    black ops map pack 2 survive. lack ops map pack 2 zoo.
  • lack ops map pack 2 zoo.

  • izzle22
    Oct 12, 08:28 PM
    Ultimately: who cares?
    Bono still sucks, U2 has always sucked, and, much as i like a) the color of the new iPod and b) fighting AIDS, Apple's weird extended relationship with Bono makes very little sense to me.

    P.S. Damn, Bono sucks.

    By the way what kind of music do you like? New Kids On The Block?

    black ops map pack 2 survive. lack ops map pack 2
  • lack ops map pack 2

  • firewood
    Mar 23, 04:50 PM
    The way to solve this is to put a sobriety test in the app that has to be passed before the user can view any checkpoints. That way sober drivers won't have to take a route that wastes their valuable time. And sufficiently impaired drunk should be locked out of the app.

    The app's sobriety test "login" can check a person's balance using the accelerometer and gyro, measure their reflex time, and maybe run a short N-back memory and attention span test that should discourage anyone who can't pass these tests from driving in the first place, maybe even display the length of the latest prison sentences doled out to people who drove impaired in their county.

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  • stagi
    Nov 16, 08:38 AM
    Yes, but only for Apple, because they own the infrastructure. We still haven't heard of a company that can really make a living with software for the iPhone/iPod Touch platform. So far, it's all just hype and even though there are hundreds of thousands of apps distributed through the AppStore, the only winner at this point in time is Apple.

    I have actually heard of lots of companies making very good money since the app store has been released, plenty of small devs that the app store has changed their lives as well as big companies making millions already.

    I actually think RA should have worked a little harder with apple to address their frustrations instead of just leaving the app store to make a statement and in the end are only hurting themselves.

    May 4, 03:34 AM
    I can't see how those of us wanting to hook things up to our 27" iMac could be a that small group. I'm more inclined to believe this limitation has to do with Apple protectionism. I mean, like I said in a post a few pages up, there are no industry standard input ports (HDMI/DVI...) and the TB port is limited to only a small fraction of a ppm of the input devices on the market.

    Sure hoping for a way to work arond Apple on this one, without going the usual Apple route - with a gazillion adapters.

    Yep- I agree. There should always be one legacy port on a device. Mini display port would be the one.

    May 3, 11:02 AM
    We finally agree on something! Been waiting for ability to hook up two ACD's to iMac since I converted to Mac in 2009. I hated the possibility of having to go Mac Pro for triple displays.

    At this price point and with these features - they may push even more customers away from the mac pro and towards the iMac. Even for some pretty heavy lifting, it's going to be a beast of a machine.

    I can say from experience that the i7 SB is a wonderful CPU. It competes with or beats the top end 6 core processors in apps that are not heavily multi-threaded.

    Check it out.. 2x 30" Dell's connected to the 27 iMac

    Image (

    It's pretty nice that those dell 30 inchers are almost exactly the same size as the iMac.

    Sep 10, 05:28 AM
    What ever Apple decides to do, the result will have to be better than any Vista
    Powered AMD set-up.

    The thing is that Apple has not only set a standard for performance, but also
    for QUIET that no other workstation in it's class has ever achieved.

    They won't be able to maintain that ground if they cut too many corners.

    Some of these quad core designs will be a success and some with probably fail
    to meet Apple's standards.

    Apr 4, 12:45 PM
    And that is precisely why people who have concealed weapon permits are trained in the legal ramifications of carrying a firearm in the public arena. We don't carry firearms to "save the day". We carry firearms to save our lives. Legally, I cannot get involved in a shooting that doesn't directly involve me.. I have no idea what is going on and could just as easily be shooting an undercover cop as a miscreant.

    I'm not a gun control advocate. I own a gun. But I laugh at the absurd notion of being a hero when threatened. These glorified stories of what would have happened in situation X if someone had had a gun are laughable. It doesn't work like that.

    Happens about 2,000,000 times a year. Check the FBI stats if you don't believe me. You don't hear much about that because (A) our media doesn't like to report "good" shootings, and (B) about 97% of the time no shooting is required, as the criminal gets the idea quick and stops threatening innocents in a hurry.

    And most of the time when you hear that in situation X, if only someone had a had a gun...

    When that right to life guy walked into the church and shot up the congregation, people said if the church goers had carried guns for instance. No way. He opened fire without warning.

    Or take the incident in Tucson with the congress woman. No one would have stopped that with a gun either. It doesn't work like that. Yes you may stop a crime but it is usually a criminal who never intends to actually kill. If someone intends to kill or doesn't care about killing, then forget it.

    Sep 20, 03:24 AM
    I would be exstatic to get a 720p movie, and like you, I would certainly have no problem waiting the time it would take to download it. I just want HD downloadable content from iTMS, which is why the iTV has me so excited. I may hold off on getting that HD-DVD player until I learn more about it.
    And the download, would be platform independent with regards to BluRay or HD-DVD. Cool.

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