animal cell undergoing mitosis

animal cell undergoing mitosis. In animal cells, each
  • In animal cells, each

  • apb3
    Aug 18, 07:42 PM
    I wish they would make wireless ipods soon. But I just dont think that it's gonna happen.

    You can guess my feelings on this from the above discusssion but why do you want the wireless? I have seen one (maybe two) ideas that caught my eye; but not enough too change my opinion on the negative cost/benefit impact including wireless as envisioned by many here would have on my beloved device. I'm just curious as to your possible ideas or is it just cuz wireless is the latest buzzword - regardless whether it is actually useful, beneficial, effective, having a positive impact on the device in question?

    So, why do you "...wish that they would make wireless iPods soon,"? What would you like to see in particular, why and how would it work technically?

    I know I'm new here and I must seem a negative ass, but I just don't get why many of you would want this, let alone be frothing at the mouth. Do you not see the negatives (or, if not "negatives," at least the redundancy, bloat, PR Hype to get a few extra bucks out of you for something IMO not really worth it, etc? See my voluminous comments above). I really do love apple and it's all I really use when posible in my line of work (that must sound like the "I have black friends," line but it's true in this case). When I'm home, I won't even allow my wife's lab PC to sound the startup/shutdown chime. It's muted or it goes out the window...:D

    I've even made inroads with one of the most resistant to change institutions as noted above and an SOB CO who at first laughed at apple then nearly shite himself when I presented a REAL analysis of apple's price/security/abilities/etc benefits vs the crap PCs we're forced to use backed up by my real world work product that he had praised to no end, had officially commmended me for in the past and had no clue the praise was due to the fact that I was skirting the current sec reqs by using my own machines and apps (apple) to blow him and others away at briefings.

    Anyway, would you mind sharing why you want it so bad as I asked above?

    animal cell undergoing mitosis. Cells of the microsporangium
  • Cells of the microsporangium

  • r.j.s
    Jan 3, 02:30 PM
    With or without integrated M249s? :D

    Not mounted, but they are in the toolbox, along with a M2 that someone can operate while standing in the bed. :D


    animal cell undergoing mitosis. animal cell going through
  • animal cell going through

  • evilgEEk
    Sep 9, 09:04 PM
    Can you put them side by side and run some comparisons?
    Since I'm home for the evening and didn't see your post until now, I can't give you any specific side-by-side tests, but I can give you a rough estimate of the speeds.

    Overall, the Dual G5 is faster, not by a landslide by any means, but it is faster. Of course the G5 has 1.5 gigs of RAM vs. the mini's 512K, and the G5 has a 1Ghz BUS speed vs. the 667Mhz of the mini. If I were to slap in 2 gigs of RAM in to the mini then I'm sure I would see a little more performance, but I think the G5 would still be faster.

    But the mini is still very zippy, no beachballs or waiting on Apps, very fast and clean for average use. Now if I were to do some Photoshop or, say, FCP comparisons, I'm sure the G5 would clean up in those areas.

    I'm really happy with the purchase though, it's perfect for what I need it to do.

    Oh, I installed Windows XP via BootCamp and after having to burn an illegal copy of my legal disc (the retail disc was bad) I got it running with no problems. I must say, this mini is the fastest Windows machine I've ever had.

    animal cell undergoing mitosis. CHAPTER 2 SECTION 5 CELL

  • slffl
    Apr 26, 09:17 PM
    OMG you should see how many people here in Seattle refer to all Android phones as 'Droids'. Verizon better start protecting that ***** as it's already become the name for all Android phones for the 'think they know what they are talking about' android fans.

    animal cell undergoing mitosis. Cells within the sporangium of
  • Cells within the sporangium of

  • batmccoy
    Jun 24, 01:03 PM
    I think people are getting confused with an iMac and "workhorse". The iMac was always intended to be a consumer-level device and the consumer desktop segment may be evolving to apps that are touch-friendly (kitchen/TV). Essentially an even larger screen iPad. It also makes sense that the touch capability would help characterize/define the iMac line as different from the Pro line. Even though I'm a professional designer, choosing an iMac over a Pro has been a somewhat confusing decision. Making all the iMacs touch-enabled, would clarify that.

    Pro users/developers who generally don't use iMacs, would still make use of a non-touch desktop system.

    animal cell undergoing mitosis. Cellulose cell wall is present
  • Cellulose cell wall is present

  • wordoflife
    Nov 23, 05:43 PM
    Blackberry Tour is both GSM and CDMA, like the Bold on Sprint. You can pop in any simcard overseas and it will work.

    Ahh okay ... I just saw the Sprint logo

    animal cell undergoing mitosis. In a typical animal cell,
  • In a typical animal cell,

  • toddybody
    Apr 19, 11:56 AM
    Just because 256 is 'perfect' for you does not mean it is perfect for everyone else. I need 500GB SSD. External drive solutions are just way to slow compared to internal SSD. The SSD upgrade on my Laptop was the best upgrade ever, now I want an 27'' iMac with 500GB SSD and lots of memory.

    500GB of SSM ? Holey Moley Daddy Warbucks.

    PS: you should check out the new PCI SSD (, when they start making external PCI enclosures for "ThunderCat"...youll be golden buddy:)

    animal cell undergoing mitosis. cell division (mitosis or
  • cell division (mitosis or

  • stcanard
    Nov 28, 02:15 PM
    It may not be true that they broke even, it's just something I thought I heard on a tv interview...

    I suspect its all in the definition, I'll bet the "Xbox Division" broke even, which would be a very different thing because that would mean the video games and licensing made enough money to balance the losses from the console. Of course make those games for the PS2, and they would have been profitable instead of break even, but that wasn't the point. The point was to gain foothold in a new market.

    Sony is selling the PS3 at a loss as well, Nintendo I'm sure is making money on the Wii...

    I don't think I'd hold up Sony as an example of how to innovate and market -- they lost their focus decades ago. Aside from the walkman, let's see what products has Sony pushed in the last 30 years...

    Memory Stick

    Now we sit back and see if the PS3 and Blu-Ray follow the recent trend. If we're comparing Microsoft to Sony that's what you have to look forward to.

    animal cell undergoing mitosis. Animal Cell Mitotic Spindle
  • Animal Cell Mitotic Spindle

  • iLucas
    Apr 14, 09:12 AM
    I have drove stick since i was 16. I had an automactic for 3 months after i got my license then bought a stick shift mitsubishi eclipse. Have drove it since. I am now 18 years old

    animal cell undergoing mitosis. animal cell going through
  • animal cell going through

  • macidiot
    Jul 20, 04:36 PM
    You are probably nursing those MS shares you bought at $90, hoping for a better day. It is not coming anytime soon sorry to say. Buying is about momentum. Apple has it and MS does not. Vista already has a great deal of bad press and it has not even hit the street. eWeek and other journals are already writing about Vista security vulnerabilities. That is not a good sign. Vista features and functionality has been scaled back numerous times. That too is not a good sign.

    Somewhat true. Momentum buying is generally for fools. Unless your a money manager with dedicated stock research, your always going to be late to the party. While you can still make money doing it, you can just as easily be the one without the chair in musical chairs.

    Who would have imagined that the common view. amongst the informed computer community, was MS was trying desperately to draw close to even-up with Apple? About the time MS established Windows 2000, they were at the top of the computer world in just about every SW market there was.

    Microsoft has never been technologically superior to Apple. At best, they were kind of close, with Win2k. At worst, they were about 7-10 years behind with DOS. They have always been catching up technologically. Microsoft dominance is due to a host of factors. Superior technology isn't one of them.

    The second thing that happened at MS is best described in a quote "When Alexander looked at his empire, he wept for there was nothing more to conquer." Instead of continuing on the path of R&D, they tried to find "new worlds to conquer", secure in the knowledge they had indeed subdued all competitors who could challenge them. Sun had tried to mount a charge in the early-mid 90's. Fortunately for MS, Sun's CEO lacked the wherewithal to do more than file lawsuits. Linux suffers from the exact problems that have plagued the Unix community; they cannot unify because they have no leadership.

    Apple has been the sleeping giant. They have made their mistakes, taken their lumps and paid their dues. After 20 years, I finally bought a Mac. That was mainly because my boss gave me ~ $15K to buy any personal technology I wanted (bonus type of deal). I was learning video production/editing and using the cheap PC stuff. To make a long story short, I can now boast the purchase of:

    animal cell undergoing mitosis. Meiosis Germ cell division
  • Meiosis Germ cell division

  • roadbloc
    Apr 1, 10:13 AM
    Guess why they are the only two removable apps?

    Were them two apps downloaded via the Mac App Store by any chance?

    animal cell undergoing mitosis. phase may undergo mitosis
  • phase may undergo mitosis

  • MacMan86
    Apr 23, 12:03 PM
    It's fun reading about people who try to justify privacy invasion because Apple does it but would be raising a ruckus if it was Microsoft or anyone else. The double standard and blind following is funny.

    If that is your idea of fun, you really need to get out more.

    See my post above for innocuous reasoning behind all of this. It's nothing like as sinister as you would like to believe. Data is not being sent back to Apple.

    animal cell undergoing mitosis. Insight on wonder of cell
  • Insight on wonder of cell

  • Creative One
    Mar 6, 06:35 AM
    I'm almost there! 50k left to go!

    animal cell undergoing mitosis. The stages of mitosis and
  • The stages of mitosis and

  • xraytech
    Apr 2, 08:38 PM

    The BlackBerrys/Samsungs/Motorolas of the world just don't get it.

    animal cell undergoing mitosis. Thispdf meiosis division may
  • Thispdf meiosis division may

  • TerryJ
    Jul 14, 10:28 AM
    First of all, Blu-Ray discs are a completely new material and fabrication process, so highlighting the fact that they've only made 25GB discs (which were stable-ly created long before almost ANY HD-DVD's) and can't produce a disk which is far above the specs of the competition, is like saying screw the russians cuz they're space program hasn't sent a man to mars (nobody's done it yet, anyway). You can't blame Blu-Ray for not being able to deliver 50 GB yet, the meat of the war is just beginning anyway.
    It is true that we don't know what will be delivered in the future. I am sure 50gb+ discs will be available at some point. How soon, however, is important, especially considering there is a format war. If Blu-ray can get those discs out fast with good yields, then obviously that changes things. But reports are they are not at this point, with no timetable on when they might. Add to this the fact that it is a new fabrication process... this can only mean that prices most likely will stay higher longer, as opposed to a cheaper/easier fab process for HD DVDs.

    Secondly, what was said about the VC-1 codec is very wrong. Microsoft's VC-1 codec is far worse and more difficult to work with than MPEG 2 or MPEG 4 that sony will probably offer in later versions of Blu-Ray. All this malarky about artifacts doesn't really make sense when you consider that we've been USING MPEG2 IN DVD'S FOR YEARS NOW! There's no way that the algorithim could be to blame for the artifacts! Sure it's fatter, but it's a lighter compression, and as Sony has shown with their PCM Audio on Blu-Ray, sometimes light compression on a bigger disk is better than heavy compression on smaller disks. It will be a lot easier to change to a more efficient codec down the line (which is what we've done with computers time and time again, as well as professional video) so we can get Ultra HD on Blu Ray when it comes out as well.
    Watch HD DVD content on a Toshiba HD DVD player vs. BD content on a Samsung BD player... HD DVD content (using VC-1) is consistantly better than BD content (using MPEG2). Not sure what is wrong with the BD stuff exactly, but something is going wrong. And if it's MPEG2 issues, then all those BD discs out now are just stuck being crap. They'd have to reencode and rerelease new versions of the same movies later. That does not help the BD cause.

    Remember, HD is over 4x the resolution compared to SD. MPEG-2 was good for SD DVDs. Not sure how good it is for HD if your disc is maxed at 25gb capacity.

    I'm sorry, I understand people really want HD-DVD to win because it's easier and cheaper right now, but since when has the easiest option been the best?
    If it's cheaper, looks better, sounds better, and has more available titles, then why shouldn't HD DVD win? If BD used a more efficient codec, or at least had 50gb dual layer discs now (so MPEG2 could have a high bit rate at least), and the all the backing studios pumped out more titles, I'd buy it. But that isn't what it's shaping up to be right now. If they can get their act together, this could be a fight... but they are behind.


    animal cell undergoing mitosis. Animal cell organelles and
  • Animal cell organelles and

  • Rt&Dzine
    Mar 23, 01:52 PM
    VERY disappointed in Apple, but hardly surprised.

    Not saying its a "Good" app, as it is clearly ridiculous and ignorant, but hey, so is "Angry Birds" and half the other apps on the store. This one is simply politically incorrect, and Appl once again proved that they are at the beck and call of the PC special interest hootin n hollerin, just like porn-app-gate.

    You don't like the idea that businesses can choose what they want to offer or not offer.

    animal cell undergoing mitosis. Stages in Mitosis (Animal Cell
  • Stages in Mitosis (Animal Cell

  • Multimedia
    Sep 7, 11:10 AM
    Now that iMac is Core 2 Duo, the Academic $899 17" iMac is a mini killer config.Except that I want to use my 24" monitor...Exactly. And because the 17" iMac Supports External up to 1920 x 1200 24" Second Monitor Spanning you not only can, you gain the benefit of an additional 1440 x 900 desktop space almost for FREE @ $899. It's still only Intel 950 IG, but it's cheap and doable like from the mini & MacBooks only with 3.5" SATA HD inside etc etc. It's a miracle. :eek:

    animal cell undergoing mitosis. Cell division. Observing
  • Cell division. Observing

  • nostaws
    Jan 11, 11:22 PM
    If this notebook has no optical drive and no cables (as 9 to 5 mac suggests), how will customers hook up the optical drive? How will they reload/upgrade os x?

    How about 10.5 on a flash drive? or a 4 gig sd card. Prices are cheap enough now. (not that I think they really will, but just floating an idea). and can't time machine work over airport?

    But just for convenience, there has to be a port of some sort usb, firewire, etc.

    I read that induction charging stuff. Wow, if that was the case, and it was functional, that would be cool.

    I am looking for something revolutionary this time around. A la ipod, or iphone, a new product, more than just a "mini laptop."

    animal cell undergoing mitosis. Initial cell takes place
  • Initial cell takes place

  • yukio
    Apr 12, 10:11 PM
    Supposedly the guy behind this new version is also the criminal that destroyed iMovie a few years back.

    Randy Ubillos is brilliant, and a really good guy to boot.


    steve jr.
    Jun 22, 06:13 PM
    Hmmm, I see this being the next step for the iPad, not an iMac. A few people here have said the iPad needs more productivity - programming, word processing, etc, and I think this is it.

    About it being too difficult to make the Mac OS completely touch ready, ehh, it's all tap, just a lot of elements to make tap ready.

    End of the Mac? Not hardly! They're looking to make portable computers more powerful - not replace really awesome machines with less productive ones. The desktop will always exist in some form (with the nintendo 3DS - they achieved a "3D" holographic display that doesn't require glasses - my prediction, the next Mac UI), just how we use portable machines is changing because they are becoming more powerful.

    Jun 22, 12:00 PM
    Then what was the point in the iPad?

    Nov 27, 12:16 AM
    People on the internet use blatant trolling and flaming so easily, but I can tell you that they would never do it in actual person given the chance. It's easy to act badass on the internet. They're pathetic and still talking about it pages later.

    Hold your head high and be proud of your case; most of these morons treat their gadgets/etc like they're toys with no regard.

    Don't loose faith in the internet, some of us are decent people.


    Do you have friends? Because if one of my friends walked in with that thing and told us it was his new sunglasses case, we'd be all over him. Yes: in person. It's all in good fun...... at least it is from me. Lighten up, Francis.

    That being said, if you need a case for your bitterness, I'm sure Benguitar can PM you the name of a place to buy one. :D

    /lose faith

    May 2, 07:13 PM
    I guess that's way easier than dragging it to the trash?

    People may have already been over this, but dragging an app to the trash doesn't always clean up the mess it leaves. There are preferences files, cache and other things that may be sitting in the User or System libraries, and not in the "package" hidden behind the app icon.

    Apr 26, 01:14 PM
    Pet Store was trademarked but later abandoned:

    Pet Store Trademark (

    These things are commonly done. It may be a new concept to you so perhaps you should research the subject a bit.

    Pet Store, the trademark, was not a word mark but a Typed Drawing mark. Hence it's the logo itself that was trademarked, not the phrase.

    Try again.

    Anyway, didn't Apple again use "We have the largest App Store" in their financials just last week, implying other "App Stores" weren't as large but that the term App Store is quite descriptive and generic ?

    Too bad for them they keep diluting their own trademark. Anyway, until the USPTO is done with their opposition phase, it's not decided yet.

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