2011 calendar indonesia

2011 calendar indonesia. This year 2011 Indonesia will
  • This year 2011 Indonesia will

  • mahonmeister
    Oct 19, 03:34 PM
    Open an account with a brokerage.

    Pick up the phone or go online and buy stock.


    As far as which brokerage, it's up to you. But I'd really steer clear of any full service brokerage (like Merrill Lynch or Morgan Stanley). They try to rape you on fees. I like Fidelity myself, but Schwab, etrade, etc. are all fine.

    Considering the very small amount your investing, fees are a big deal. Try to find one that offers low commision fees.

    Oh, and usually there is a minimum dollar amount you need to open an account. I don't know what it is, but it's pretty low.

    Finally, considering the small amount your talking about, unless your just doing it for fun, I wouldn't even bother with stock. Just buy an unmanaged S&P index fund. It's mindless and you'll outperform about 90% of the "experts."
    Hum. I'll look into an unmanaged S&P index fund. Sounds like a good start. Thanks macidiot.

    2011 calendar indonesia. Indonesia Vector Force
  • Indonesia Vector Force

  • leekohler
    Apr 22, 11:19 AM
    we'll see how france looks when the interest on their debt exceeds their GDP. Paid vacation has to end sometime

    Well, ours is not much better. We just never get anything for it. At least the French do.

    Oh wait. Sorry- corporations and big oil have gotten quite a bit of money out of it.

    2011 calendar indonesia. Vit bahasa indonesia guide
  • Vit bahasa indonesia guide

  • Stridder44
    Apr 5, 03:18 PM
    An app that brings all the things I hate together. Lovely. I know advertising is a necessary evil but an app that just displays ads? Biggest WTF of the year. I mean really, who the hell could this be marketed to? People that just enjoy looking at tiny, crappy advertisements? No one is that boring or unproductive.

    2011 calendar indonesia. Shots calendar 2011 and
  • Shots calendar 2011 and

  • FleurDuMal
    Jan 12, 05:10 AM
    Steve Jobs s***s on a stage and you all gather around to share the love.

    Steve Jobs released the iCrap? Cool. I gotta get me some of that.


    2011 calendar indonesia. kalenderdownload calendar
  • kalenderdownload calendar

  • twoodcc
    Sep 28, 12:41 PM
    what sucks is that academic ve4rsions are not allowed this free update.
    what bs. considering i just bought the freakin app not more than 3 weeks ago.

    man that does stink. i'm disappointed in apple

    2011 calendar indonesia. 2011 Celebrating the Joy of Indonesian Foods Calendar
  • 2011 Celebrating the Joy of Indonesian Foods Calendar

  • wlh99
    Apr 28, 10:08 AM
    By the way, what's with 3rd person reference? the OP? you can call me Nekbeth or Chrystian, it's a lot more polite. Maybe you guys have a way to refer to someone , I don't know.

    I appologize for that. I didn't recall your name. I was replying to KnightWRX, so I took a shorcut (original poster).

    I won't do that any further.

    I through together a simple program that I think does exactly as you want. It is a Mac version, but the different there is trival, and instead of a picker, it is a text field the user enters a time into for the timer duration. You will need to change the NSTextFields into UITextFields.

    The bulk of the code is exactly what I posted before, but I modified the EchoIt method to work with an NSDate. I implemeted it in the appDelegate, and you are using your viewController. That doesn't change the code any, and your way is more correct.

    I can email you the whole project as a zip if you want. It is about 2.5 meg. Just PM me your email address.

    // timertestAppDelegate.m
    // timertest
    // Created by Warren Holybee on 4/27/11.
    // Copyright 2011 Warren Holybee. All rights reserved.

    #import "timertestAppDelegate.h"

    @implementation timertestAppDelegate

    @synthesize window, timeTextField, elapsedTimeTextField, timeLeftTextField;

    - (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification {
    // Insert code here to initialize your application

    -(IBAction)startButton:(id) sender {
    // myTimer is declared in header file ...

    if (myTimer!=nil) { // if the pointer already points to a timer, you don't want to
    //create a second one without stoping and destroying the first

    [myTimer invalidate];
    [myTimer release];
    [startDate release];

    // Now that we know myTimer doesn't point to a timer already..

    startDate = [[NSDate date] retain]; // remember what time this timer is created and started
    // so we can calculate elapsed time later

    NSTimeInterval myTimeInterval = 0.1; // How often the timer fires.
    myTimer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:myTimeInterval target:self selector:@selector(echoIt)
    userInfo:nil repeats:YES];
    [myTimer retain];

    -(IBAction)cancelIt:(id) sender {
    [myTimer invalidate];
    [myTimer release]; // This timer is now gone, and you won't reuse it.
    myTimer = nil;

    -(void)echoIt {

    NSDate *now = [[NSDate date] retain]; // Get the current time
    NSTimeInterval elapsedTime = [now timeIntervalSinceDate:startDate]; // compare the current time to
    [now release]; // our remembered time

    NSLog(@"Elapsed Time = %.1f",elapsedTime); // log it and display it in a textField
    [elapsedTimeTextField setStringValue:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%.1f",elapsedTime]];

    float timeValue = [timeTextField floatValue]; // timeValueTextField is where a user
    // enters the countdown length

    float timeLeft = timeValue - elapsedTime; // Calculate How much time is left.
    NSLog(@"Time Left = %.1f",timeLeft); // log it and display it
    [timeLeftTextField setStringValue:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%.1f",timeLeft]];

    if (timeLeft < 0) { // if the time is up, send "cancelIt:"
    [self cancelIt:self]; // message to ourself.



    If you like, later tonight I can show you how to do this as you first tried, by incrementing a seconds variable. Or wait for KnightWRX. My concern is accuracy of the timer. It might be off by several seconds after running an hour. That might not be an issue for your application, but you should be aware of it.


    2011 calendar indonesia. Bang poster calendar 2011
  • Bang poster calendar 2011

  • mdntcallr
    Oct 18, 03:24 PM
    Please, this conversation is so 2005...

    Optware also plans to release a holographic disk product for streaming video that's targeted at the film and broadcast industries, and a consumer disk product that is about the size of a credit card with 30GB of capacity.

    hah, so funny, but then again, it has taken alot of time to make blu-ray hope this could come faster.

    but.... it all depends on pricing. will holographic storage be cheaper? more reliable.

    if so... sign me up. alot of us just want reliable storage.

    but... with turner movies using it. sounds like a professional tier product, not consumer yet

    2011 calendar indonesia. Bang poster calendar 2011
  • Bang poster calendar 2011

  • a17inchFuture
    Sep 12, 03:17 AM
    no, I wouldn't prefer osx media player, i'm not saying that I would prefer anything different, imedia would make more sense, but there's no way apple would change the name of there most well known software.

    Yeah, for the time being, I think iTunes is still safe. I can imagine some change at some point -- iLife was once just a bunch of individual applications, maybe they'll go a similar route, and start calling it the iMall or some **** (obviously not that), and just have the individual "stores" as subheadings the way the tv store is now.


    2011 calendar indonesia. month blank calendar 2011
  • month blank calendar 2011

  • Ommid
    Apr 25, 12:10 PM
    I don't think so... They skipped iPhone 2 and iPhone 3 and went right to "iPhone 4" because it was the 4th generation. Why wouldn't they call it iPhone 6 if it's the 6th generation?

    Because its Apple, and that is what they will do. Trust me, Ive seen the future

    2011 calendar indonesia. Commemorative Calendar 2011
  • Commemorative Calendar 2011

  • Snowy_River
    Jan 9, 04:21 PM
    How long does it usually take before they post the stream? I'm dying to watch it!


    2011 calendar indonesia. calendar 2011 indonesia
  • calendar 2011 indonesia

  • tigress666
    May 3, 02:03 PM
    I'm fine with the cell companies charging more for tethering. I'm also fine with them doing tiered data plans. Either one of those is okay in my book. Doing both, however, is robbery.

    I agree with this. AT&T at least got a little better once Verizon got the iphone by offering additional GB for the extra charge they charged for tethering so at least you actually got something for that extra money (vs. being ripped off for being charged to use the data you already paid for).

    But overall, if you are paying for the actual data (paying for a set amount), it should not matter how you use it. But I could see on a "all you can eat" plan where it would matter how you use it cause some ways you'd end up using it a lot more than they planned for (basically I think it is fair in an all you can eat style plan, food or data ;), to specify rules on what you can do. I mean even in all you can eat buffets they have rules like no taking home food or you're only allowed there for an hour or you have to eat everything and not just pick out stuff otherwise it is too easily abused to the point that they wouldn't make a profit. It is the same way with data use).

    2011 calendar indonesia. LSPR Event Calendar 2011
  • LSPR Event Calendar 2011

  • applemumba
    Apr 15, 05:30 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_1_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7E18 Safari/528.16)

    They fake! The next iPhone will be the same as the 3gs just in all the colours apple knows best. Give choice people will upgrade and buy more. They proved it with the iPods time and time again why not the iPhone too.


    2011 calendar indonesia. 2011 calendar uk with bank
  • 2011 calendar uk with bank

  • frjonah
    Apr 29, 10:12 PM
    This may be off-topic, but does anyone know if the recently purchased Mac products are "grandfathered in" for a Lion release? In other words, I just bought a new MacBook Pro yesterday... am I going to need to pay to upgrade to Lion?

    It would, of course, be nice if the upgrade was free for recent purchasers similar to what MS did with the release of Win 7, but I'm assuming that since I can't find anything out about it, there's probably nothing to be hopeful about.

    2011 calendar indonesia. Vektor Force Calendar 2011
  • Vektor Force Calendar 2011

  • snberk103
    Apr 13, 12:53 PM
    When was the last time a European or Japanese plane were hijacked before 9/11? That's an ambiguous statistic. Nobody was hijacking planes before and nobody's hijacked planes since.
    1980s - Aer Ligus Dublin - London; Air France Frankfurt - Paris; Rio Airways Killen, Texas - Dallas, Texas; TWA Athens - Beirut; Egypt Air Athens - Cairo; Malev Hungarian Airlines Prague - ?? ;

    1990s - Lufthansa Frankfort - Cairo; FedEx flight Memphis - ??; Air Malta Malta - Turkey; All Nippon (domestic flight);

    I've only listed those flights that departed from a European (and one Japanese) airport.... not European airlines that departed from non-European airports. After 9/11 there were still a number of hijackings, but the closest they come to European departure points are Nicosia, and Tirana. Though there was one from a Mexican Airport and one from a Caribbean airport. The Mexican hijacking was by a man threatening a bomb, but I don't think they actually found one.

    Nobody hijacks Israeli planes either, and they're subject to much more terrorist attention than we are.
    I'm not sure of your point. But the Israelis use a different screening model, plus they need to look after only a handful of airports domestically. At airports internationally they screen passengers themselves after the local authorities have screened the passengers.... so everybody gets screened twice, and in two different ways.

    In fact, TSA has twice failed to stop a bomber on a plane since 9/11. Both the shoe bomber and the underwear bomber were stopped by passengers.

    TSA's measures aren't working, but a measure of common sense can easily mitigate the damage of someone smuggling a boxcutter or knife on to a plane.

    And how may people have the TSA found? And how many people have not even bothered to try, because they were afraid of getting caught?


    2011 calendar indonesia. [101015] Kyochon 2011 Calendar
  • [101015] Kyochon 2011 Calendar

  • obeygiant
    Apr 25, 05:25 PM
    Same two girls at a burger king? (http://www.wjhg.com/home/headlines/Video_shows_spring_break_brawl_at_PCB_Burger_King_118505599.html)

    2011 calendar indonesia. 2011 Celebrating the Joy of Indonesian Foods Calendar
  • 2011 Celebrating the Joy of Indonesian Foods Calendar

  • weazle1098
    Oct 11, 11:50 AM
    I'd like to see this thing come out soon, but I'm not in the market for anything of the sort, unless it's more like a PDA than the current iPods. But, for now, let's all let it go, the prophecy will come true. Besides who's actaully going to buy that brick of a MP3 player anyway, it looks thicker than my Powerbook. Micro$oft hasn't gotten the whole elegance thing down yet, so no worries.


    2011 calendar indonesia. Calendar 2011 indonesia
  • Calendar 2011 indonesia

  • zooey91
    Aug 9, 12:37 PM
    OK, since the specs changed on the 23" but the model number stayed the same (M9178LL/A), how can I tell whether the monitor that I ordered from Apple is old stock or new?


    2011 calendar indonesia. Indonesia in the calendar
  • Indonesia in the calendar

  • bedifferent
    Apr 29, 07:30 PM
    It'll only happen if people put up with it. The only way to voice your opinion sometimes in a capitalistic society is to simply walk away and not buy/put up with the offending product.

    I wish more people understood this and voted with their dollars. We've seen BestBuy, Target, Walmart wipe away small businesses in the U.S. People complain yet shop at Target to save a few cents on pens? A friend used to own his own pharmacy in the 80's-90's. He left as he couldn't keep up with the prices of Walmart/Target that could afford to buy tons of merchandise in cheap bulk. Now he's working for Walgreens, after owning his own business and making $100k+/year. He's 65. So much for his retirement.

    If people want change, instead of complaining and fighting each other (even over something as silly in the grand scheme of life as an OS), work with one another. If Egypt can do it, why can't we?

    2011 calendar indonesia. Happy Calendar 2011 Slideshow
  • Happy Calendar 2011 Slideshow

  • Eidorian
    Nov 16, 10:40 PM
    At one level, a 386 and a Core 2 are identical...

    In spite of the mundanes, let's not pretend that a 386 and a Core 2 are actually identical.. ;)Oh wonderful legacy support and IA-32. :D

    Sep 25, 01:26 PM
    Great update, Great Feature-set, Apple IS listening, Thank you! Cannot wait to update 1.1.2 on my Mac! Thank you, thank you, thank you, APPLE!

    Oct 11, 06:55 AM
    It may kill the first iteration of the Zune, but MS has stated it�s a multiple years effort � they acknowledge it�s going to be hard to beat the iPod bastion, and if at all possible it will take time. But, I suspect Apple have plenty of different prototypes in their labs, ready to be launched to complement new market demands.

    And of course, multiple years effort is eufemism for pumping billions of dollars into the Zune withouth making profit until the market is flooded, and then abusing the monopoly.

    Oh no, there goes the market

    Apr 26, 05:26 AM
    As a developer, this will be pain in the ass!

    Retina Displays have exactly the double number of pixels with the same resolution, having a second resolution is a giant step to gain one of the crappiest features of Android. I really doubt Apple would do that.

    What if this isn't a bigger screen but a smaller device with the same screen on it? Hmm..
    How come people still keep picking up on this point, it surprises me, especially from a developer. A larger screen doesn't necessarily mean problems for apps, a change in resolution does. That, coupled with the previous rumors of a bigger screen with the same resolution mean that if this is true, it doesn't make any difference to developers because there will be the same number of pixels in the screen. All it means is that everything will be very slightly bigger.

    May 2, 11:35 AM
    Regarding iPhone 3G users, Apple will have to find a way of addressing this 'bug' via some form of update for the simple reason that this is a potential violation of the law and basic human rights (and Apple knows it).

    Having worked professionally in areas where information relating to location (past, present and future) can genuinely put lives at risk, I personally will not stand for this and I urge other 3G users to do the same.

    If this is not addressed for 3G users, I would say you have very good grounds to push for a replacement: Apple have violated their terms of service and as a customer, you do not have to accept it.

    Apr 17, 10:00 PM
    We should add left handed history ahead of gay history, before you bash me, let me explain.
    Left handed people are constantly shamed by language, the word sinister comes from a Latin word originally left, how does it feel to know that language thinks you are evil? Dexter comes from Latin for right and implies manual skill, left handed people are evil and right handed is skilled, aint life grand? Even the word ambidexterity hurts them, it while meaning skilled with both hands means you have two right hands.

    In English and other European languages the word right doubles for correct, proper, even justice! In ancient Middle Eastern languages left mean evil. In Chinese left implies improper and even immoral! We have a world hating left handed people!

    In modern society left handed people need to bring their own special tools because society designs only for right handed and doesn't give a damn about left handed people to the point where lefties get gouged. They're even screwed over with computer mice and keyboards!

    In many Eastern countries left handers are brutally forced to switch to their right hand which can screw them up mentally for life. In education basically everything is designed for right handed people, the tests have answers on the right side which causes painful discomfort for left handed students to learn.

    Because of these horrible things perpetuated on left handed people I request that left handed people are mentioned in history.

    How was that?

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