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  • kpchal2
    07-18 09:53 AM
    can some one call 1-800-375-5283, with ext 1,2,3,6 and talk to a person at USCIS and see what they know about the applications on july 2nd. i am on the pacific coast and it is still not 8 here. seems like they only talk between 8 and 6

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  • EdenMN
    02-19 05:04 PM
    As we know this bill won't surive due to current economic conditions...How about making it attrcative by adding 5k fees if person wants GC staying more than 5years

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  • delhiguy
    07-09 04:20 PM
    I am yet to see any legal basis in the case which states that DoS has to give notice of x days before changing the visa bulletin. All it says that they have "policy" of visa bulletin good for a month. Such policies, unless backed by legal basis, are not enforceable.

    Not a legal advice.

    Whenever i say this "Such policies, unless backed by legal basis, are not enforceable" Everybody starts bashing me up...
    So you be ready toooo.

    I would be very happy , if all the H1B guys get EAD , but i cant just give a statement against DOS/USCIS till i am 100% sure.

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  • rpuja
    07-28 08:03 AM
    Hi all,

    I am not sure whether I should add this over here or not but I could not resist and I don't know any other way.

    I went to a wine shop and was shocked to see cartoon of Ganesha used on the bottle of India Pale Beer. I am not a religious person but this thing made me nervous. Please let me know how this can be protested.



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  • GreenLantern
    02-15 09:19 PM
    Jesus man, that is sick!

    I don't think I can keep up with you guys.

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  • pappu
    04-09 08:43 PM
    Old wine tastes good. Does this VB tastes good to you?


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  • theperm
    03-15 05:44 PM
    i know ppl woth PD late Dec 2004 still waitng .
    please elaborate what ur trying to say ? or am I not catching on to something?
    -no offense.

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  • kumar1
    05-15 05:34 PM
    I also know cases where during the time of campus placement, all A grade companies required US citizenship/Green Card status. Imagine doing a 100K+ investment and then listening to this crap - ooops you do not have GC......right now we are not sponsoring H1-B...........

    The way I look at it - Unless I have GC and the freedom to move around in any job or any area, what is the point doing MBA? My hands are still tied with H1-B tag. It is like buying a race car and driving it on an unpaved road. Fee free to disagree.

    And I totally understand that GC can take 10+ year if not more.

    Sometime ago , I had seen Jack Welch's comments on this ( the last page in Business Week ) where he had mentioned that he respected people who have an online MBA bcoz of the fact that these people were handling a family , kids , a full time job and education, no mean feat ... and that he did not consider their MBA less than another MBA.

    To the person, who commented about their CIO being from Univ of Phoenix, I worked at a biotech where the CFO was an MBA from Golden Gate University ... You don't want to know where the company went.


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  • uma001
    08-02 08:40 PM

    Please dont talk without knowing the truth.
    I joined the company only for green card, I was a consultant for them before I became full time. They told me this 'We will sponsor green card, will you become full time' I said if you do green card I will join. But they did not keep their promise. Thatis give and take. They already gained from their investment, Thats y they dont want to sponsor anymore. They do green card for what we do for 6 years not for sticking with them for 20+ years.
    if I was in my company shoes , I would not take the documents, drag for 2.5 years and say 'We found candidates' . I would have either said in 6 months sorry we cant do or file green card.One need to have honesty. If I am that smart likemy employer I would ve started a company already and firing H1 guys left n right

    Although they promise a lot of things on paper, we generally skip reading the fine print. Fine print generally would include this clause (language will be a bit different)...
    "Although these are our policies, these might change at any time, with or without written notice".
    End of story to all 'You promised me gold in your agreement' arguments.

    Practically speaking, if you think from a company's perspective also, I don't blame them. Would you (Mr OP sir) be willing to invest in something that you are not sure that you will get profit from it? Like, you give me 100$, I may give it back+10%interest or may not give it back. If I want to give it back, I may give it back in 2yrs or even 30yrs, 100 yrs its upto me, depending on some citing of random comet I choose.
    Same thing in company's point of view, if they invest in endless lawyer fees, filing fees, humongous paperwork and easily these days GC process take 5-35 years and during/after this time, What is the guarantee that you will still stick with the company - after all this investment of time & money? Companies need visible & predictable ROIs.

    It is the age of cost cutting. If you don't like it, just quit it & start a company on your own and show them how to run it by sponsoring GCs left & right.

    It is an unfortunate truth we all need to get accustomed to live with.
    I guess it is in our Indian blood to expect freebies/extra perks from government, from employers (being socialist, a bit communist country and what not), and we forget it is the FREE MARKET that rules here. If your skills are in high demand, they will make you the king. If supply is high for your skills, they will go for someone cheaper..

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  • Kodi
    05-27 11:23 AM
    This happened to me in 2006, we went on a road trip from NY to Texas and wanted to visit the mexican border. On our way back they were stopping every vehical. We were on H1 visa at the time and he only checked our IDs and let us go. He was quite nice. I guess they were only looking for mexicans, we said we're from New York and our vehical plates said NY and he didn't ask any other questions.

    On the other hand, I know some people who over stayed and they fly within US all the time. They don't have ID but they show their passport but was never asked for visa status. Weired I guess. They don't even check the visa in the passport.


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  • Sandeep
    02-08 09:16 AM
    I beg to differ. As far as USCIS is concerned, it just forwards the security clearance request to FBI/Homeland security. It does not follow up unless you sue USCIS. As far as they are concerned, the "ball is in FBI's court" ( exact words of the representative). So NameCheck need to be a separate issue.
    So what you are saying is that since this goes to FBI it is an interagency problem. Or that is what USCIS makes it out to be. So what is it that we are requesting
    -FBI speeds up its operation?
    -USCIS has some follow up system to check with FBI if the number of days elapsed are more than ____ days?
    Since you are more knowledgable on this issue, please post
    1. Description of the process and the reasons for the delay
    2. Solutions that you think we can propose
    Remember that none of us are working on this full time and we depend on such info from you. In the end there is no such thing as a "separate issue" - these are all stepping stones to our objective of getting a GC.

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  • kittu1991
    03-17 01:56 PM

    Just commented on it since he has nothing better to do.


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  • gc_on_demand
    11-17 10:44 AM
    I think Senate is already there for lameduck,,,

    Come one folks from california.. We can do it..

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  • vshar
    03-12 09:59 AM
    Priyah Dosto,
    Visa Bulletin Gaand Mein Ley Lao Ab..... Kuch nahi hone waala.

    believe me I laughed for 2-3 minutes after reading your comment. Keep it up.:D


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  • immi_2006
    09-26 10:29 AM
    Check this


    Lets spread the message....

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  • abstractvision
    03-19 12:07 AM
    Nixstor did explained his actions and I concur... Controversial handles should be banned... Handle "TALIBAN" was banned and same member opened new handle "TAWLIBANN" saying his name is Tawlibann Foggs...

    Anyway we should close this issue.. I do find tawlibann's posts decent and non-offensive.. Only thing is we need to practice some respect to the communitity when chosing a handle... Its just not this.. there could be potentially other offensive handles.. So I'd say there should be a step/check in registration process to monitor/regulate handles... You won't like any handle offending your religious beliefs, dis-respecting your nation or humanity itself...

    Just my 2 cents... We should stop this discussion and focus on immigration issues...
    Trying to understand why Mr. Foggs was singled out...

    May be obscene name: Humm ..much better than existing F---GC,fuckadothead, chumki, chumma, xxxx, coolhokie, ussexy, saksibaby, funkycatspangky, faaltoo and plenty ..check the member list.
    May be obscene posts: No...his posts were very decent. He pleaded his case very politely. Never lost his cool even after being banned without being told.
    May be meaning of Taliban is wrong: No, It means..someone who is seeking religious knowledge. Nothing wrong in it.
    May be bad relation with US: Humm, US may not have good relations now, that was not the case earlier in late eighties and early nineties...not too far back..;)
    May be having political cause: What about existing handles like FREE_KASHMIR, us-alien...etc
    May be reference to terrorism: Having a same name "AbstractVision" as a terrorist organization somewhere in remote part of the world doesnot make me a terrorist.
    May be religious name: Humm...not like existing jaihanuman, saibaba,saint.. .etc
    May be country specific: Hum...Jai_Hind, JisDeshMeinGangaBehthiHai etc.. more than 500 handles have meaning related to India and in Hindi, Tamil etc
    May be phone call was not received by proper person: Humm..did someone tell him to expect a call..;) Being a member doesnot to be glued to phone 24 hrs waiting for someone to call. A private message with time would have been the right way.
    May be phone no. was fake: I had my previous cell number in my profile that I used 2 years back. I corrected this evening after this interesting post. I wasn't red flagged.
    May be handle name was a distraction: If handle names are distractions, I wonder how far can we go....no offense. We have got bigger problems to deal with.
    May be incorrect details: Why would I put my correct details on the internet. Didn't someone educate me about Identity theft..;)
    May be user was unaware of unpublished nomenclature: That sounds like the case. May be admins would like to publish the pool of words they are comfortable with and that may not be distraction.

    No offense, but without letting the guy know beforehand is definitely not up to the mark. Give this guy a break.... . Lets not apply any rules retroactively....more than 80% of the handle names are ridiculous and does not seem to be coming from intelligent folks and people with exceptional abilities.

    I agree we should respect other members and names should be decent..but I do not agree that names can be regulated by forum administrators with no set rules of engagement ....so many languages in the world...one decent meaning in one country/language can be offensive somewhere else.

    What wonders me is that SO MANY easily understood obscene words in memberlist as handle were allowed by admin (F---GC,fuckadothead,xxxx,ussexy etc ) and 'Taliban' got hit by a 800 pound gurilla..;)..got banned....

    I am looking forward to a REAL issue discussion and get over this handle issue. Lets move on...


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  • immigrant2007
    07-29 09:13 AM
    Yea sure, be scared of corporatiions and defamation suits and let them enslave you. Sheeple mentality.

    Add, the "now dead" Sun Microsystems to the list.
    They even give you an offer letter/appointment letter which says "We will file for your greencard", and then dilly-dally about it for 4 years.

    fuck em.
    Take control of your own destiny.

    Did the companies ever give in written that our gc will be filed? and H1 extension will be applied? If yes you have a case at hand otherwise frustration

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  • mbawa2574
    02-28 12:54 PM
    What a lovely change. Every time Obama and his press Secy opens their mouth, markets dive into red. In this country Main Street and Wall Street are in bed with each other :-)
    Obama with his sense-less economic policies, trying to separate Main Street from Wall street. Government needs to seriously lure the investors to the market , cut capital gains and taxes, take off protectionist hats and recover the economy. Then Obama can go with his socialist/populist agenda but certainly this is not the right time.:D

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  • mallu
    02-17 01:03 AM
    .... African slaves in US didn't become free because they fought with their owners. They became free since President Lincoln decided that slavery had gone on a bit too long.

    A better example would have been the civil rights movement by Dr. King .

    07-03 02:26 PM
    this does happen- for people in the US already. larger companies find it convenient to simply send the employee out for asactly 365 days and then transfer them back. and Viola! you are in the front of the line!
    all legal...but one of the various problems that cause the system to be clogged.

    I am not debating it whether it can happen at all or not, whether its right or wrong. I should have worded it better in my previous post. It can happen, but not many who are already in the US do this. If it were equally rampant like the labor substitution, EB1 cannot be current for long time. While some one can go this route, they are paying a significant amount of Salary (possibly Spouse's salary as well), Family upheaval for an year and many other things as a premium. Not all people have the chance to do so and can afford to do so, if they have a chance. We are not seeing any clogs in EB1. Are we?

    06-11 02:11 PM

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