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  • Blocko
    Nov 19, 09:01 PM
    Yikes! If TJ Maxx and Marshall"s do try it, prepare for the trampling�just sayin'.:eek:

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  • Doctor Q
    Nov 11, 02:21 PM
    I wanted an app that would show me the current month and following month's calendars in a small window, for when I'm planning the next couple of week's activities. I found it as CalendarCenter ( from It's not elegant but it does just the one trick I wanted. Freeware. versiontracker page (

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  • yoyo5280
    Jul 22, 08:58 PM

    Just want to share my first remix that I have ever posted online! (My other NIN one was posted on my website, but that gets like a total of 1 view every year so that doesn't count)
    If you could give me opinions I would really appreciate it.


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  • ozontheroad
    Oct 31, 01:34 PM
    The battery life point is a good one. I hadn't thought of that (battery life has never affected me since I charge up whenever I get home). They could increase the battery life for the next revisions. So battery life and storage.

    And I guess increased storage could be used as a USB key. I'd like to see them get rid of the dock and go back to the Shuffle plugging right into your USB port. (I think this used to be the case? Never owned a Shuffle.) So useful for file storage. In that case, basically any size Shuffle could be useful.

    maybe a 3rd party company will design a cable/adaptor/thing that you can conveniently carry with the shuffle to use as a flash drive without the need of the dock

    out of the box the 2gen shuffle capabilities as a flash drive are almost useless IMO


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  • wafl iron
    Apr 7, 02:59 PM
    That's only 1,258,291.2 gigabytes ... If each customer gets, say, 500 megabytes allocated, that's enough for 2,516,582 customers.

    To be safe more like enough for 2.5 million customers @ 500 megabytes (which isn't very high, I would hope for more like 5000 megabytes/5 gigabytes, but then that's only enough for like 251,658 customers).

    Point is, they better have another 10+ Pb along the way ...

    You really think they allocate storage per user like allocated real estate per home owner?

    deduplication + thin provisioning + compression applied to all that storage and your calculations are way off!

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  • zedsdead
    Nov 11, 12:42 PM
    It better be 64-bit, and be multi-core and thread aware. Open cl support too.

    It also needs a severe makeover, and avchd native support.

    The performance of FCP also needs some serious attention. I think apple needs to move away from using QuickTime 7 as the base for the program.

    Using the same exact media on my Drobo S, the playback performance is like butter on Avid MediaComposer 5 when compared to Final Cut. The difference is really pathetic actually. Apple better have something good this time. The last update was mediocre at best.


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  • andiwm2003
    Mar 25, 01:01 PM
    Also, what is so bad about the iOS notification system? I just hit "Close" if I don't care about a notification at that time.

    Let's say I'm driving in my car through a city. Every 20 yards a huge window pops up blocking the view onto whatever I do (mostly Google Maps because I try to find my way) just to tell me there are 5 new Wifi Hotspots in my vivcinity and I have to close it while I'm driving. This is the reason why I have to constantly go to Settings/Wifi/Off and then switch Wifi on again later.

    Also every stupid text comes up with a huge blob that blocks the view and I have to have a hand free to close the window.

    At the same time when my Phone is in a dock there is no way to easily see what and how many messages are waiting. I have to slide, type my pin, navigate to home screen and look at the little red indicator on various apps.

    It's just ten years behind what others have.

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  • iSee
    Apr 13, 12:15 PM
    thanks for continuing to screw us 3gS owners over Apple...

    My phone is on its last leg, dropping calls all of the time, have to charge it 3 times a day. If I had known this, I would have already bought a 4...

    Yeah, my 3gs is slowly dying a similar death. The battery is dying. My guess is the other problems I have (spontaneous shutdown under certain conditions) are related to the battery since they seem to happen with > ~40% remaining.

    I really don't think I can make it until September with this phone since I already can't alwaysy get a full day's use out of it without recharging and the battery seems to get worse daily. I'm not a heavy user either.

    Been curious about Andriod for a while now... hm...


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  • Paix247
    Jul 6, 09:23 PM
    :apple: Stores:
    Mall of America

    Anyone in MN? I may just go to an AT&T store...

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  • Benjy91
    May 1, 01:06 AM
    Also, if the updated website is any indication, I'd bet the Apple schema will be 3-tiered:
    [I]1. All users-free 3Gb cloud storage with 150MB/file and adverts.
    2. $50/yr-25GB, 150MB/file, NO advertisements.
    3. $100/yr-100GB, no limits on filesize, no ads.

    I thought Apple folks found choice confusing? ;)


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  • Pika
    Oct 9, 07:33 PM
    Wasn't this supposed to have push notifications?


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  • Che Castro
    Apr 28, 08:53 PM
    You guys understand my question ?


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  • Peterkro
    Mar 2, 04:39 PM
    ^^ Israel 80,that chart I suspect jests.The numbers between U.S. and R.F. are about equal although both have only mothballed those they say have been decommissioned and could be brought back into service at any time.

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  • Chase R
    Oct 11, 02:54 AM


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  • MacBytes
    Jun 27, 11:55 PM
    Category: Mac Websites
    Link: Caf� Macs officially debuts its Mac community website. (
    Posted on (

    Approved by Mudbug

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  • seashellz
    Jul 27, 02:11 PM
    Dont count HD out as of yet SONY has recieved 2-3 pieces of very bad news.

    1. A High Court in the UK has ordered SONY to disolve its merger with BMG.
    Fighting this could cost valuable resources.
    If they lose, the cost of breakup could well put SONY under. Remember BETAMAX. Yes, I know SONY/BMG is the music arm of the company-but it will be a drain on the whole company.

    2. The chipmakers for the PSP3 are having a bitch of a time making any that are worth using in the player-they have a 1 out of 5-6 usable chip ratio.
    The rest get used in other less demanding hardware, or get tossed out-. SONY still pays for them-good or not-talk about bleeding.
    They are very expensive.

    3. Poor PQ reviews, the lack of BR2 (yes folks youve been had-the current discs -or BR1- are not the 'final' version, those COULD be out by November, optimistically-they were rushed out so they could say "Were first!"

    They are said to be 'fine tuning' the "real" BR2 disc spec and manufacture.
    Translation-it isnt working very well, like the PSP chips.

    Briefly king of the world, suddenly things dont bode well for SONY or the BR disc.


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  • oMc
    Feb 1, 08:30 PM
    sherlockaled, original wallpaper please ?
    Thank you.

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  • jkop720
    Aug 1, 02:44 PM
    Inspired by the new Tron Legacy Trailer and all the stuff out of comic-con. Can't wait for this movie!

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  • jsw
    Feb 13, 07:40 AM
    My sincere congrats to all of the new Mods...
    Well, first, I need to point out that that was the single most obvious brown-nosed "welcome" I've seen yet. A true work of art. ;) Yes, I'm sending them all cookies, but you won't see me posting that here. Er... whoops!

    Second, welcome back - truly - I know you've been worked to the ragged edge of oblivion, and I hope things get better soon. Please let us know if your interview (I missed the original posts about it a few weeks ago) ends up in an offer. If not, I know one of the next ones will. It's easy to get caught up in wondering about why you're working 72-hour weeks now, but it is just a short phase to help you appreciate even more the much better job which I am certain you'll have very soon.

    Apr 25, 05:16 AM
    Fail poll is fail.

    The most obvious reason people are not going to get the white iPhone 4 -- "I'm waiting for the iPhone 5" is not even a choice.

    Full of Win
    Apr 20, 07:39 PM
    LOL. Marginalized. Maybe you forgot the smiley?

    Let's see, largest mobile software store. Most profitable mobile software store (for developers). Most profitable mobile device.
    Surely it's marginalized when the other companies are giving away their products for market share (and losing money in the same time).

    Of course Apple is having great success today with its iOS ecosystem. However, I think we are near their zenith of market dominance and it will soon be downhill - eventually leading to stagnation and marginalization. We can see this happening with the iPhone; its market share is going down, not up. I think we will see the same trend come to the tablet market in the next year or two.

    Aug 7, 03:34 PM
    I don't recall where the WP came from but it would be easy enough to crop I'm sure.

    Apr 7, 10:57 AM
    This had better fix the battery drain. Had enough of it now.

    Turn off ping - it's on by default. You can turn it off in the restrictions. I never used it but it was turned on by default. Did wonders to my battery life.

    Apr 30, 08:51 AM
    Other then those barcode scanners are there any ios apps that will scan the picture or item without barcode to tell me what the item is?

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