seungri big bang

images Recently Big Bang left us all seungri big bang. Seungri~Seungri~Seungri
  • Seungri~Seungri~Seungri

  • green_mile
    09-21 06:01 PM
    apart from contributing 25$ a month? what is the action item? where the money goes and whom to donate?

    pardon my ignorance.:confused:

    wallpaper Seungri~Seungri~Seungri seungri big bang. seung ri big bang
  • seung ri big bang

  • h1_b_visa_holder
    05-23 03:41 PM
    What about those who try to speak English but sound like Hinglish (North Indian including Punjabi, Jath et al), or Bonglish (Bengali ) or Inglish (Gujarati -- "In evening I had heavy 'snakes' ).... are all of them (including you) just some "computer operator" ?

    You guys are funny..

    Here are some more I was enlightened in an accent neuteralization class
    SOUTH INDIAN enveee-ron-ment, es (Yes)
    NORTH INDIAN UP/BIHARI ishtylye, ishkool
    PUNJABI (Waalcome (Welcome))


    seungri big bang. Big Bang amp; Seungri#39;s solo
  • Big Bang amp; Seungri#39;s solo

  • NKR
    09-19 04:06 PM
    Why do you insist that I stop posting, since you don't like it. :confused:
    Never insisted you stop posting, was only hoping that you will post some sensible stuff

    If you don't want to hear the problems, you don't have to read these posts.
    It�s my mistake, I always thought that Mr NoJoke will post something nice but you disappoint me all the time. Henceforth I will stick to your advice.

    Since you think this is all my prediction - Today from washington post

    I am sticking to your advice, I am not reading that boring news.

    2011 seung ri big bang seungri big bang. Seungri a member of Bigbang
  • Seungri a member of Bigbang

  • sanjeev_2004
    11-21 11:12 AM
    I think there are more than 6500 people here who are suffering from this disease then, about time we find a cure for it?

    I am also among these 6500 people who are suffering but I still some time realize that its just a bad thing and should not be there in my mind. I know that its best country to live and best country to earn money and return to india but these are only excuses of remain sick. Sickness is sickness and being great, getting peace of mind, being honest is some thing else. Now dont comment me saying you thing you are great.


    seungri big bang. Big Bang member SeungRi and
  • Big Bang member SeungRi and

  • gkdgopi
    07-18 09:43 PM
    I don't think any July 2 cases are rejected,
    They are still processing June end filers and would not have reached July 2nd cases even today, My understanding is that even in case of rejection, they enter the name in the system for tracking purposes.
    Also when i called them on July 3rd they said all application received from July 2nd are on hold.

    So don't worry guys!! :)

    my 2 cents

    seungri big bang. seungri big bang.
  • seungri big bang.

  • ek_bechara
    10-15 03:25 PM
    I propose Non Co-operation Movement for another flower campaign. I know art imitates life and life imitates art etc. But imitates again and again irritates.

    Looks like you have a plan here. Yep.. lets go ahead and irritate the hell out of USCIS and every agency out there.

    I'm out of here guys

    All the best..


    seungri big bang. Seungri (Big Bang)
  • Seungri (Big Bang)

  • anu007us
    07-28 04:09 PM
    Never join Alphanet Corp (Alpha Net Consulting LLC ( Stay away from this fraud company... Immigration fraud..

    2010 Big Bang amp; Seungri#39;s solo seungri big bang. Recently Big Bang left us all
  • Recently Big Bang left us all

  • gc_on_demand
    03-10 04:46 PM
    >> Once they (USCIS) reached last quarter then they(DOS) will make EB2-I/C current and distribute those spill-over visas across EB.

    Thanks MDix.

    You have no idea. Have a good day, sir!

    US citizen of Indian origin

    This is another anti immigrant. Please ignore him


    seungri big bang. Seung Ri injured his ankle
  • Seung Ri injured his ankle

  • bigboy007
    06-30 05:57 AM
    Sorry didnt follow up this thread , i dont know why USCIS is asking for colored copies , Passport i dont know but i have seen in clearly through state of ILLINOIS website some where about ITS ILLEGAL TO TAKE ID COLOR COPIES i noticed this when i am taking photo copy color and fedex kinko's person and tore away the color copy and said we both will be at risk as its strictly illegal. I dont know about other states and hence said so , let the RFE come i will then send it for DL; i am sending the one for passport in color though. i enquired with my lawyer he said thats fine just to update you .They might be asking it for clarity in picture i achieved the same using color copier but B/W with light tone effect. It came really good. I hope that useful.

    hair Seungri a member of Bigbang seungri big bang. Seungri (Big Bang)
  • Seungri (Big Bang)

  • Aah_GC
    06-06 12:26 PM
    Received our cards today!

    Good luck to the rest of you waiting on your approvals!

    Best wishes and congratulations to you and your family!


    seungri big bang. that Big Bang SeungRi has
  • that Big Bang SeungRi has

  • ras
    07-12 11:38 AM
    am still unclear. Does it mean those who have PD prior to Jun 06 will get their GC? I cant believe it.

    At the personal end, I have my GC filed with Dec 06 PD. However, I have a previous I140 approved with Sept 05. I was thinking about porting the priority date. If I port it now will I get my GC based on the previous priority date?

    Ofcourse I dont intend to port it at this point of time because am planning to get married in another 3-4months. so can you guys let me know what would be the best approach. Is it porting the previous priority date now or wait till getting married and then port it? In such case will the spouse be eligible to file for 485 when it is current. am confused.

    hot Big Bang member SeungRi and seungri big bang. Big Bang SeungRi has once
  • Big Bang SeungRi has once

  • .soulty
    02-20 02:31 AM
    any progress on this?... i finally decided im not going to partipate.. seeing that other work needs to take priority but im still interested in peoples progression, and yes i know i said people should post before they are finished but hey the cats out of the bag already... so lets see them!!!.


    house seungri big bang. seungri big bang. Seungri (Big Bang)
  • Seungri (Big Bang)

  • Slowhand
    06-14 10:21 AM
    My wife came to US on L1. She got her H1 approved for this year and she resigned her L1 job. Now should we apply for H4 (dependent) since we have a few more months to go till her H1 kicks in or can she apply for an adjustment of status?
    Thanks and regards,

    tattoo seungri big bang. seungri big bang. seung ri BigBang
  • seung ri BigBang

  • rimagupta
    07-05 03:26 AM
    Not sure if our assumption of "only 100k already applied" is correct. In 2005, there were approximately 250,000 EB green cards granted - the numbers are close to 147,000 for both 2006 and 2007. I'm not exactly sure, but there were at least 200,000 more EB approvals from 2002-2004.

    There were 200,000 EB1 cases approximately from 2001-7 (In 2005, EB1 approvals were close to 40k out of a total of 250k GCs). If only 100k LCs/PERMs from 2001-7 were able to apply for 485 then it means 400k (250+147+147+200 - 200-150) applications that were adjudicated from 2002-2007 were from 2000 or prior to 2000 cases. Could this be true?

    In addition, many 2001+applications are still stuck at namecheck.

    Besides, all EB2 ROW cases filed under PERM were able to file for 485. These alone may contribute to at least 70k PERMS.

    others: various law firm sites, including


    Estimated new 485 filings. : 700K is conservative. May be wrong too.

    LC s certified from BEC: about 200K (from 2001 to 2005 filings)
    PERM Certifed labor: About 200K (from Mar 2005 to June 2007)

    Total LC: 400K. Let us assume 100K already appliled. Lets say 300K is affected by retrogression.

    The dependents for 300k will be 450K (1.5 times primary)

    So total AOS applicants will be 750K just based on LC. Excluding EB1.



    pictures Seungri (Big Bang) seungri big bang. SeungRi#39;s Promotional Pictures
  • SeungRi#39;s Promotional Pictures

  • gcformeornot
    08-15 03:59 PM

    dresses Big Bang SeungRi has once seungri big bang. Seung Ri BIG BANG by
  • Seung Ri BIG BANG by

  • greencard_fever
    07-28 04:54 PM
    Why do you need to close the thread............It appears to be the greatest stressbuster currently available on IV:D

    I agree that we need some stress release discussion but i disagree that this the topic which we need to discuss up any other thread which will give a healthy discussing like to discuss about the current market trend in US or open up a thread which will helpful to understand the recent N-deal of India-USA saying that how much india will get benifit with that and how?


    makeup Seung Ri injured his ankle seungri big bang. seungri big bang.
  • seungri big bang.

  • green_card
    07-05 12:56 AM
    if there is enough of a stink made over this, the law could be changed to get back the 'lost' numbers.... laws are there to cater to needs of the situation at hand anc can be changed. IV, AILA and the ombudsman are doing a great job in helping bring about a change in the law. even if congress decides to allow reclaiming of the numbers lost since 1992, there could be an end to this problem for the forseeable future until SKIL or another version of "the grand bargain" comes to the table.

    I applied for 140/485 concurrently in August 2004 before IV existed. I can tell you first hand that IV has made a HUGE difference. Our voice is being heard above the din of mostly bigoted and ignorant comments by right wing radicals and liberals that only care about illegals/unskilled workers.

    I am sick of the narrow minded comments of a lot of people that post here that only care about their particular scenario and dont take the bigger picture into account. We are all in this together and we will succeed only as a combined front and not as bickering individuals.

    All the IV core members, thanks for everything

    girlfriend seung ri BigBang seungri big bang. seungri big bang.
  • seungri big bang.

  • eeezzz
    02-15 02:57 PM
    Why are you in favour of per country quotas, having been born in an oversubscribed country? Are you a glutton for punishment? Do you enjoy waiting 6 years more than an equally qualified counterpart from another country who moves onto bigger and better jobs while you rot in the same position and pay grade for years?

    Per country rationing is discriminatory for EB migration. The best jobs should go to the best people, regardless of national origin, race, or religion - this basic principle is enshrined in employment law, but when it comes to EB migration, it is disregarded! It is not about "giving everyone an equal chance" - this is not a charity, this is a business, and in business, only the best and the brightest get those jobs.
    I believe HV000 is either favor of per country quotas, nor is he a glutton for punishment. He sees the concept and current rule of this country, not just himself.
    Your the other post said you just want GC in a shorter time. Can I ask you who want GC in a longer time or who doesn't want it in a shorter time?
    Who determine the best jobs are? and who determine the best people are?
    The "Equal Opportunity" word is really for Americans to read. Until you get your GC, that is not really for you.
    Think about this, if the annual limit is 100, the country limit is 7%. Because it has processed 7 people so it closes the door and you think that is not fair. Do you take a look at the others who have to wait in line because 100 limit is hit even thought there's not one single case is approved for his country? USCIS is not processing one for each country at a time. Do you know your line is actually might already taken advanatge on other lines?
    State this is not for fight something, but want to remind you the fair you think might not be fair to others. If you want to play the game, you have to follow the rules. If the rules are not clear, we fight for making clear rule. If you fight for rules to benefit you, that is taking advantage on others.

    Increase the annual limit and recapture unused Visa from the past years are what we should push right now. But it is just a solution for only resolve problem for people who are currently stuck in I-485. After run out of recaptured Visa, the pipe will get stuck again.

    I personally think the country limit will not change and if country limit is the policy, it should start at PERM, not just at I-485.

    hairstyles that Big Bang SeungRi has seungri big bang. /seungri-ig-ang-aprovado
  • /seungri-ig-ang-aprovado

  • ramus
    07-02 06:07 PM
    Thank you... Every drop in the ocean counts.
    There are 1200 members online... Once you contribute please put link of this thread in our main thread..

    Thanks a lot.

    contributed 100 just now, my drop in the ocean, I will try to add more drops in coming days.

    01-17 03:06 PM
    Sometime back I had read this book Inscrutable Americans by Anurag Mathur ( which is kind of hilarious story of someone like us duriing late 90s. I guess now your (many of our story) would worth another book :)!!

    11-04 09:29 AM

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