semana santa malaga 2010 jesus cautivo

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  • indianindian2006
    04-09 12:56 PM
    So far he addresses only illegals.

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  • Semana Santa in Spain: Malaga

  • gcseeker2002
    11-05 01:01 PM
    Is there any basis needed for approving AP? Is it EAD ? If so my application is in deeps***. onceagain, is there anybody here with this kind of experience. Also since I already took infopass once, is there any use taking it again for my ead ?
    ^^^ bump ^^^

    semana santa malaga 2010 jesus cautivo. Semana Santa de Málaga
  • Semana Santa de Málaga

  • arnet
    11-07 12:53 PM
    difficult to classify which company are good or bad, based on each one experience or interest they may like or may not like the company. some struck in a company due to retrogression too. if you are planning to switch company, decide based on your interest/family situation and see whether your future job can give you those. get help from your friends/jobsites like to see the job oppurtunities.....good luck.

    Disclaimer: Use at your own risk...I'm not an immigration attroney so please consult for your situation as laws/procedures are changing.


    Can you all post the names of good consulting companies to work for. Let's create a list here.


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  • wizkid732
    08-26 07:50 AM
    Hi Thanks for the reply,
    I applied for on a labor substitution in mid 2005 which was denied as the same labor was applied to other cases (thanks to the employer). That was fraud and no fault of ours. Many of the folks int he same boat then have obtained their GC.

    I think I am the "Chosen One" for investigation :-)

    Did you ever had problem in getting VISA or your case was sent for further review because of security reasons? I just want to understand if there were any abnormalities in your any visa approval(s).

    All the best. Hope you become green and recyclable (job wise) soon :)


    semana santa malaga 2010 jesus cautivo. semana santa malaga 2010 jesus cautivo. Semana Santa de Málaga 2009.
  • semana santa malaga 2010 jesus cautivo. Semana Santa de Málaga 2009.

  • morchu
    05-08 04:29 PM
    Hei... when you have the opportunity for an earlier PD just take it. Nobody can predict how EB1 PD will be in future. You loose nothing.

    A more aggressive approach is to do concurrent filing for EB1-140 and another 485. But I wont do that.

    .... Since EB1 is current most of the times......

    semana santa malaga 2010 jesus cautivo. Padre Jesús Cautivo ante
  • Padre Jesús Cautivo ante

  • willwin
    05-21 10:00 AM
    The reason why they are not talking about EB is there is nothing to talk.

    The solution is straight and simple. to recapture and has been discussed enough. I am positive that should CIR happen EB reform will happen too.


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  • Ntro Padre Jesus Cautivo y

  • akred
    08-10 07:41 PM
    I was hired for a position that required Masters and I fortunately was in EB2, but a colleague of mine, who is doing the similar work, was put in EB3 because his manager created the position with a requirement of Bachelors. He had a Master's degree. Here employee suffered because of his manager's ignorance

    Wouldn't say it is ignorance on the part of the manager. Ignorance is easily abated by the employee talking to the manager. Plus any good lawyer will ask the manager if a master's degree is required for the job before proceeding with recruitment.

    More often there are other reasons such as ego issues ("I don't have a college degree so why does my report need a master's degree") or practical difficulties (necessity to raise the wage offered) that can cause an otherwise qualified person to be classified as EB3.

    2010 Semana Santa de Málaga semana santa malaga 2010 jesus cautivo. semana santa malaga 2010 jesus cautivo. semana santa malaga 2010
  • semana santa malaga 2010 jesus cautivo. semana santa malaga 2010

  • sbdol
    07-20 10:18 AM
    I got a brilliant idea guys, I am sure it is not new but it looks now is the right time to pursue it.
    Apparently it would be very difficult to fight FBI namechek delays. After USCIS was swamped with a pile of cases due to visa retrogression fiasco the processing times most probably will increase significantly. The visa retrogression is going to be reinstated.
    Also there is a great injustice to those who had to go through the BEC black hole.
    I think everybody agrees that the current green card process is a lottery where winners get everything in a couple of months and losers wait sometimes 10 years. (Yes I know such cases).

    So how to fix all this in a way that it would not affect negatively anybody?
    The answer might be very simple: Count the time spent waiting in the administration created lines towards citizenship. In other words the 5 year count starts not when one get the green card but from one’s priority date. After all it is not the immigrant's fault that he has the same name as someone who saw a suspicious person on the plane and was questioned by FBI as a witness.
    This would PARTIALLY restore justice without punishing anybody.

    USCIS will be happy as it would take off some pressure from their delays.

    Legislators are happy as more people will be able to vote for them.

    Immigration lawyers are happy as the measure would not take away their revenue, in fact it may even increase it.

    All those who say in numerous interviews on TV “.. we are a nation of immigrants and we support LEGAL immigration but we do not want amnesty…” are happy or would have to admit that they are happy to save the face.

    The current losers in immigration process would automatically catch up (almost) with the luckiest ones.

    Immigrationvoice will be happy as I am sure many current waiters and even those who already got their green cards would contribute to support the measure.

    Anti immigrants are NOT UNHAPPY since the measure does not increase the number of immigrants.

    Employers are NOT UNHAPPY since the measure does not affect them in any way.

    If immigrationvoice has desire and resources to suggest and support a measure to the legislature it better concentrate on this rather that on something like “… make FBI report namecheck results to the applicants..”.
    Of course it would require changes to the current legislature but I cannot imagine that somebody would come out with a sensible reason against it.


    semana santa malaga 2010 jesus cautivo. semana santa malaga 2010 jesus
  • semana santa malaga 2010 jesus

  • redgreen
    05-10 11:40 AM
    We are expecting some surprises in the July Bulletin. Remember July 2007 fiasco. This year also there are some situations like CIR as before. What about the expected spillover? However, can we expect positive surprises?

    Let us start the prediction, analysis, etc, game for the July Bulletin.

    hair semana santa malaga 2010 jesus cautivo. semana santa malaga 2010 nuestro semana santa malaga 2010 jesus cautivo. a Jesús Cautivo. Málaga.
  • a Jesús Cautivo. Málaga.

  • itsmesabby
    06-30 11:07 AM
    Hi Elaine... could you please address the question from mhtanim above..


    semana santa malaga 2010 jesus cautivo. Nuestro Padre Jesús Cautivo y
  • Nuestro Padre Jesús Cautivo y

  • bluekayal
    09-08 01:19 AM
    approving 2 I-140s , one based on Schedule A priority date - 2006-- and then another one using the prior labor date 2004. And then when it comes to adjudication, refusing to accept the 2004 priority date.

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  • semana santa malaga 2010 jesus

  • desi485
    03-17 10:43 PM
    afaik your date of first application is your pd. To recapture it, you need to have copy of approved i140 or atleast knowledge that it has been approved.


    house semana santa malaga 2010 jesus semana santa malaga 2010 jesus cautivo. Padre Jesús Cautivo (Hdad. de
  • Padre Jesús Cautivo (Hdad. de

  • indyanguy
    11-06 12:39 PM
    Sorry if a related question is posted elsewhere. I searched and didn't find any thread that answers my question.

    Any help is appreciated..


    tattoo Padre Jesús Cautivo ante semana santa malaga 2010 jesus cautivo. Padre Jesús Cautivo de
  • Padre Jesús Cautivo de

  • saurin
    02-10 08:02 AM
    Hi Ann,

    Yes I do have an EAD. Thanks for your reply.


    pictures Ntro Padre Jesus Cautivo y semana santa malaga 2010 jesus cautivo. semana santa malaga 2010 jesus cautivo. la semana santa de Málaga
  • semana santa malaga 2010 jesus cautivo. la semana santa de Málaga

  • sunilmn
    08-22 10:09 PM
    I have your request to join, we are indeed very active.
    My sincere apologies at not getting back to you so far- will redress that asap!

    Welcome...we are delighted to have you with us.....:)

    Hello I live in plymouth and I would like to join with you guys for DC.Could you please give me more details.

    dresses semana santa malaga 2010 jesus semana santa malaga 2010 jesus cautivo. Padre Jesús Cautivo (Hdad. de
  • Padre Jesús Cautivo (Hdad. de

  • sidbee
    03-17 10:43 AM
    Add you wife , 2 weeks before she comes, IE if she is coming on 16th may add her on 1st may.
    pay some extra premium.

    wouldn't that be common sense....


    makeup semana santa malaga 2010 jesus semana santa malaga 2010 jesus cautivo. semana santa malaga 2010 jesus
  • semana santa malaga 2010 jesus

  • sukhmeet
    05-11 02:08 AM

    My first 3 years h1b period started in oct 2006 but i got my h1b stamped in Jan 2007 (due to delay in getting dates at chennai consulate and a 221g), i entered country in Feb 2007.

    Since then I am working with a small size consulting company but it is not a typical consulting company where people do sub contracting, i am full time employee so instead of getting hourly salaries we get full time salary (bi-weekly). My employer is a partner to one of the top known IT organization (in Top 5 in US). The business model works this way that the top known IT company (product company) makes products and our company (being partner) provide service solutions.

    So generally speaking our projects depend upon how and when top known IT company client's gives small assignments to us to come and do work on-site, we get projects from 5 days on-site to 6 months and it is not known to us in advance, but yes we are payed always whether we are on-site doing a project or in office doing more research or learning things, so in summary my company is consulting but consulting to a specific product company's clients.

    So in Summary
    Client's of Top known (product Company), gives projects to top known company and the top known company passes it to our company (some time they do it internally too).

    Here are some of the benefits my company provides to its employees:

    1. Bi-weekly salary (we are payed always, no matter we are on client site or not)
    2. Employer contribution to 401 K.
    3. Payed Vacations, sick and personal leaves
    4. Medical and Dental Insurance Contributions (Major chunk payed by employer)
    5. Tutions and certification reimbursements.

    We just have strength of around 18-20 people currently half of them are US citizens and rest half are skilled h1b. My Employer is in business from last 15 years with less than 10 Million in revenue.

    My concerns:

    My first three years of h1b is getting expired on 30 Sept 2009, my employer have to file my h1b extension:

    a. Filing h1b extensionfor first time is a problem? can there be concerns?

    b. Looking at lot of posts at various immigration sites, i have watched a common trend that uscis is asking for client letter, project details etc for next three years in our case as i had explained we are not always sure what is coming our way and duration can be very short or very long but definitely we have assignments, so in this case if they come back to us asking for client letter or project details what should we be doing?

    c. If i get in worst situation where if i file my extension now and doesn't get approval by sept 2009, then after that if i get an RFE or something....can i file my h1b transfer with some other organization (after i-94 expires), or i can't file for h1b transfer after i-94 expires? please note: My employer will file regular h1b extension only and not premium
    h1b extension.

    d. Shall we file for my extension asap ?

    I really don't have any problem with my employer and really wants to stick with them since they are genuine consulting company who provides all benefits a good employer too.

    Any comments would be greatly appreciated.


    girlfriend Padre Jesús Cautivo de semana santa malaga 2010 jesus cautivo. Semana santa Malaga 2010
  • Semana santa Malaga 2010

  • pathmaker
    09-18 11:16 PM
    What if a person has active TB and is currently being treated? Doctors are saying it will take 9 months to complete the medication.

    Q1. Do we need to wait till 9 months to apply for I140 and 485?
    Q2. When will the medical records be opened and monitored? is it when my 485 is being processed or before giving EAD?
    Q3. If doctor says we have TB on the form, will i be queried by govt to get it checked again, or will i be rejected?"

    You should have no issues and your case should not be denied based on Medical grounds read more on the following 0e2

    contact your attorny


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  • semana santa malaga 2010 jesus

  • iwantgc
    09-11 07:35 PM
    I was hoping something out of IV's effort that SKILL bill be passed before end this year but it appears this organization's voices are not even heard nor included in the picture.

    09-19 04:26 PM
    Originally posted by fadingblack

    Anyway, do you think is that good to buy it or do you think you can do the same stuff with photoshop?? I'm afraid painter is much powerfurl in some aspects. What do you think, as owner of painter 6 and a manual???

    yeh, i've wonder the same thing many a time. havent really gotten to use it, just a few times here and there. anything you can tell us about it?

    04-29 04:11 PM
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