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  • sakasune
    Dec 14, 09:18 AM
    Macs, since they are built on Unix, run processes at night that clean up logs files, optimize the drive (Windows term is defrag), etc.

    I don't know if this would be the cause of the noise but I've noticed before sometimes my processors would be up in the 40-50% region when I'm not doing anything, and a look at the Activity Monitor would reveal the Unix processes that were running in the background.

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  • Tribal Scorpion Tattoo Design

  • PBF
    Mar 28, 09:52 AM
    Well, it says a preview of iOS and Mac OS X. We've already seen a preview of OS X, so it's not unreasonable to think we will also see a preview of iOS before this.

    Gotta love your logic.

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  • Padraig
    Nov 2, 10:12 AM
    I wonder if this increase is an accurate reflection of the market. PC sales always tend to drop off hugely in the run up to a new windows release.

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  • Rt&Dzine
    Apr 9, 12:24 AM
    I am all for getting rid of those too. This topic was about PP, so I expressed my feelings for that colossal waste of money. I didn't want to stray too far off topic.

    The PP issue wasn't about cutting the budget for the right wingers, it was about pushing their agenda. Boehner got his pet project included for federal funding of private school vouchers in DC (read religious).


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  • rednano74
    May 2, 09:08 PM
    Over the weekend I was in the Philly Walnut store to see just how much thicker the white was over the black. You can instantly notice the white phone was thicker and my friend said, "wow and it feels heavier too."

    Basically what Phil is saying people, it's all an illusion. Don't trust your eyes or any other measurements. :confused:

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  • shawnce
    Nov 21, 05:17 PM
    I haven't read the whole article yet, but from the sounds of it, it seems as though a laptop can be charged without plugging in it. That is the processor that converts heart to electricity could either charge the battery or provide it's own power to the laptop. That would extend battery life, not sure by how much, but if it is a decent amount, this technology would be great for laptops.

    Then again there's the heat issue. While the heat will provide electricity, your going to have to have a decent cooling system, which hopefully wouldn't suck to much power. Or maybe the converted power can be used only for the cooling system leaving the rest for the battery, thus conserving power anyways....just thinking aloud here though. :)

    It needs a heat differential to generate electricity... that has to come from some place... when the company talks about it being used as power source for running the laptop it requires the use of a small heat source (microburner) that burns a combustible and portable fuel source (ethanol, propane, etc.). This is a feasible product.

    In the case of using waste heat given off by the CPU it remains to be seen just how much energy they can recover...


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  • WestonHarvey1
    Apr 12, 02:29 PM
    After I had to write a paper on "Myth America- How The American Dream has been and always will be a Myth" I conveniently forgot to sign up for the next semester's classes.

    Great title!!

    That kind of stuff changed my views on a lot of things. I never could understand. I've been beat down a lot in my life. I started with zero - paycheck to paycheck household, nobody saved anything for my college. I got loans. I've gone into debt a couple times, but pulled myself out of it and put together a pretty good career.

    I thought I did all that myself, but apparently it's my "white advantage" (first heard that used by Al Gore). That's just distasteful to me. Now, maybe if my skin had been a different color I would have had a harder time and not been given a fair shake in interviews and such. I can accept that. But would it really have been *impossible* to overcome, or just an additional challenge?

    It just depresses me to see people living their lives with the belief that absolutely nothing is within their control, and the only way to succeed is to wrestle the property of other people away from them by massing political power. That's just a damn depressing way to live - thinking you've got no chance, no hope, nothing to contribute or gain on your own.

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  • GeekLawyer
    Apr 21, 01:28 PM
    4S. I like the name, and it makes sense to keep continuity with the previous naming scheme (3GS). I guess we'll see a true iPhone 5 next summer.But then they would have to call it the iPhone 6.


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  • newagemac
    Mar 24, 06:00 AM
    This would greatly improve the usability of airplay, in my opinion.

    Imagine you had your TV on some random channel, while surfing the internet on your iPad. If your TV supported AirPlay, then you could just click the Airplay button on your iPad, and the random channel would be changed to the Airplay content. You wouldn't have to change the tuners over to Apple TV. Much more convenient.

    I absolutely agree with this. The funny thing though is ever since we got the new Apple TV, we always keep the input on the Apple TV. And that's all because of Airplay. The ability to stream any TV show, music, or movie on my computer at will is a very powerful and rewarding home entertainment experience. Even Air Video works with Airplay for formats that are not normally supported by the Apple TV.

    My most recent favorite 3rd party Airplay app is Vevo. Music videos streamed to your TV over Airplay on demand. Just search for the one you want and even set up playlists. That is very cool.

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  • Mhkobe
    Mar 2, 12:23 AM
    In-app purchase can be disabled using parental control. This is stupid. I expect my tax to be used by my government to tackle bigger problems, oh maybe like jobs and the economy, not to appease some idiot "parents."

    You are completely right. I would also like to say that the distinction between in app purchases and in game purchases is very clear, the only step that must be taken is for parents to teach their children the difference. As time goes on it seems that more and more people believe that the solution to all their problems is government action. There are many cases where government intervention is required, however, when there is such a simple solution it is illogical for government to get involved.


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  • TrulyYuki
    Mar 31, 04:37 PM
    Up here in Washington State. and I don't like going to chevron. I usually go to shell. (

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  • ellyka112
    Nov 21, 03:11 AM
    Good luck to that kid. He'll need it seeing Apple's recent track record with cases like this.

    Lam's success has not gone unnoticed, however, as he has now received a letter from a purported private investigator claiming that Lam is trafficking in stolen goods. Lam intends to secure the services of a lawyer to defend himself against any possible action.


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  • pmz
    Aug 19, 11:35 AM
    If you use this, you're an idiot. Plain and simple. No debate or discussion.

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  • kaielement
    May 5, 07:30 PM
    Really this is stupid. Think about it buying a mac is like buying a high end sports car and buying a windows machine is like buying a low end junk car. Now don't get me wrong they both get you from point a to point be but let's face it it's funner and sexier to drive the sports car. NO I know fixing the sports car may be more prier but lest face it you really won't need to fix it very often and in most cases you might get comped on the repairs. Now the low end car over time will need to get fixed and I know it may be cheaper but all the little stuff adds up. I am just saying.


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  • pashazade
    Sep 25, 10:57 AM
    And I just picked up a copy of 1.0 on eBay for �72 :D

    I was going to bid for that but called away to a meeting!

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  • DeeGee48
    Nov 17, 05:57 PM
    Kinda wonder if this "PI" is even real...

    Since the story broke, the guy's website has been posted across every tech news site around.

    Fact of the matter is that I am sure that this situation has netted him a few more sales.

    I'm sure it has too. But you just KNOW it won't go on. Apple people read all those tech sites too and know all about it now!


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  • AhmedFaisal
    Apr 12, 02:19 PM
    Most political interest groups or whatever you may call them tend to sooner or later be a hindrance to integration that a benefit. It is in their very nature as their mission is to watch out for the interest of their constituents. Sooner or later that will lead to trying to carve out special privileges.
    Also most of these interest groups do not truly represent the majority of the people they claim to represent anyways.
    Doesn't matter what group that is, racial, ethnic, religious, industry, social etc.. Politics would benefit most from banning all of them from the political discourse.

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  • twoodcc
    May 3, 08:43 PM
    I just joined anonymously, but I used the MacRumors team number.

    thanks for joining our team! any reason you didn't want to choose your own username?

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  • Scorpio tattoo designs

  • Takeo
    Aug 14, 04:15 PM
    Worst Apple ads ever. You attract more flies with sugar than vinegar, and Apple's all about the vinegar.

    Actually... that's not true at all! I made a fruit fly trap last week with a small dish filled with balsamic vinegar and covered with saran wrap with little holes poked in it... I caught a whole SLEW of those buggers!!!

    May 2, 09:28 PM
    This is so cool

    Dec 1, 11:34 PM
    The website just displays a domain placeholder for me. Maybe the gig is up?

    Sep 27, 10:41 AM
    Yep, sounds good. I likes me some OS updates.

    Rack up another one (10.4.9) in December followed by another just before Leopard (10.4.10) and I reckon we'd be done.
    No, no, no! Don't you know, after 10.4.9 Apple has run out of numbers! It'd have to be 10.5.0!


    Couldn't resist...sorry!

    Dec 22, 04:21 PM
    I don't understand why anyone gets so upset about who should be Christmas Number 1? Don't be daft! Whoever is on the top spot...we don't get anything out of it!!! Rage or Joe? Who cares...I like them both. 'Killing in the name' reminds me of my Youth, it is an old good tune and its nice to have it back. Saying that Joe is a lovely young singer under the Simon Cowell claws, forced to sing a totally unsuitable song. Before they even started x-factor finalists live shows they already declared that song being xmas number 1. I am glad that they were wrong in a way. Simon Cowell is still laughing though as it totally boosted Joe's song sales as everyone who actually liked it (or was brainwashed to like it) bought it! So there we go...all it did was creating publicity! Lets be happy that we get so much choice of music and if we don't buy it we can still listen to it on spotify!

    Old Muley
    May 5, 11:06 AM
    Move along citizens, nothing new to see here...

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