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  • monaarts
    Apr 5, 08:33 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Capacitive home button sounds believable as apple has gone away with buttons on the MacBooks trackpad. Apple likes touch, not clicking. Lol

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  • Jako7286
    May 2, 04:04 PM
    thicker thinner, is it really worth front page news? let us have news of obama bin ladens death!

    Um... This is MacRumors. So... front page news = new news and... yes?

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  • Mebsat
    Apr 12, 02:27 PM
    Office for Mac or Office for Windows? Easy decision.

    I haven't opened VMWare Fusion for months, since I installed Office for Mac.


    After dealing with the bugs in Excel 2011 for Mac, I have been running the PC version of Excel 2010 in Fusion ever runs far faster on the VM than Excel for the Mac runs. There is no comparison.

    I'll see if the update helps but I'm not expecting much.

    Plus a lot of add-ins aren't available, but you can get Solver for Mac now.

    To each his own, I just use the PC version because I can build large worksheets much faster in it. (using Fusion 3, Win7Pro, Excel 2010)

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  • wnowickiz1
    Apr 30, 06:48 AM
    Bought a Macbook Pro this past February, love it.

    I am becoming a heavy user of iMovie11 and have produced some cool movies. I have a Panasonic TM 700 HD video camera.

    I hosted a premier last night of a movie and was slightly frustrated with the video quality of the DVD. It is not HD, but looks OK. The sound is very good.

    I then hooked up my Macbook to the TV (HDMI) and viewed the movie (which was shared to media browser) through iMovie. I setup in preferences to ensure the output was 1080i. Video looked a lot better, but the sound of the background music overshadowed the voice on the people on the movie. Not sure why this changed.

    What should I do to maximize the video quality and have the audio match the version I edited?



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  • Ugg
    Mar 27, 10:24 AM
    Publicity stunt?

    I can't help but think that along with Steve's various email responses to customers, that Steve is morphing. Into what exactly, I'm not sure, but he seems to be more interested in responding to people. Maybe that new liver has something to do with it? At any rate, it's a very calculated move. Nothing he does is without a goal in mind.

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  • Abulia
    Aug 14, 10:53 AM
    Interesting article on how the Apple ads are turning off potential buyers in the recent InfoWorld. I blogged my thoughts on the campaign and WWDC here (


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  • SMM
    Nov 2, 02:20 PM
    Growing marketshare is a lot more difficult than some of you (not all) may imagine. If Apple had a sudden increase, they would not be able to support it. They would find some suppliers who would be unable to quickly ramp up for the extra demand. Their assembly plants would be overwhelmed, as would their transportation infrastructure.

    Growing their business must be performed in a strategic and systematic way. On the plus side, they have a solid cash reserve to this. But, they are extremely diverse and have new products coming down the line. The best thing they can do is increase sales in new markets, keep their profits high, maintain their lead in engineering and start increasing capacity.

    Many people have posted about having a mid-level tower, highly configurable, and placed between the imac and Mac Pro. I suspect Apple would like this as well. However, it takes a different kind of assembly line to make machines like this, and still keep the price low. It also takes more work in the sales to work order process to make it happen efficiently. I think this may be a possibility once Apple can get the infrastructure in-place to manage it. They most certainly need additional manufacturing capacity right now. This could very well be in work.

    Regardless, I believe Apple will end up with a significant market share and it will not be a linear growth. Going from 6%-12% will be the toughest period for them.

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  • jap1198
    Mar 10, 09:00 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    We're going to be at the Knox location, hopefully there isn't that many people.


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  • whoodie
    Mar 23, 10:19 PM
    Anything new to report guys?

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  • djltoronto
    Jan 7, 12:18 PM
    still waiting for facebook to sync actual information like phone numbers and email addresses... now that would be handy!

    Palm pre does this right outa the box


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  • Kingsly
    Sep 27, 01:30 AM
    Not sure if this has been shown yet:

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  • brucem91
    May 29, 12:14 AM
    You could get a beta key by pre-ordering the game at Game Stop. Although at this point I would confirm before doing it since the Beta won't be lasting too much longer. When I log in it says something about it expiring June 21st. So maybe they aren't giving keys anymore. If you did it in-store it printed on your receipt. Online they were supposed to e-mail it to you within a day.From what I understand they stopped giving out keys on the 17th of May.


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  • bartolo5
    Jun 10, 06:23 PM
    it is strange that they added a fourth band (VIII - 900 frequency) which is for more of europe, asia and also vodaNZ but doesn't open up anything in the US... even stranger is that i was just in NZ and my 3G[S] (which doesn't support VIII / 900 apparently) was on the vodaNZ 3G network the whole time. anyone with knowledge of this whole UMTS / HSDPA band and frequency thing, please tell me how this worked then?

    I guess Apple added the 3G in 900Mhz to support the 3G networks in Europe. 3G in Europe has been historically in the 2100Mhz band, but that band has poor propagation (poor in building reception) so since a few years there has been some refarming going on of regular GSM bands at 900Mhz to 3G in euroland. Most 3G phones these days in Europe are 900/2100 3G so I'm assuming Apple just wanted to be competitive in Europe in terms of reception.

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  • kainjow
    Sep 25, 11:41 AM
    I wonder why the iTunes store video downloads were upgraded in size recently but no current iPod can take advantage of this new format. I still speculate that we'll see a new larger format Video iPod that can do double duty for us photographers.
    All 5G iPods with upgraded firmware to 1.2 can play the iTS movies just fine.


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  • AndroidfoLife
    Apr 17, 02:20 AM
    Apple Ipad Replaces Computer... Computer required

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  • benji888
    Feb 24, 09:43 PM
    It would be nice if apple added "always require password for purchases" to the parental controls. Or a checkbox that says "keep me logged in for 15 mins" on the purchase window.

    I think consumers, and Apple, should solve this "problem" without the aid of the government.

    Simple common sense. Let's see if the people at Apple:apple: have this.

    I, personally, do not want to have to use my password for every single purchase or update, so I really hope that Apple makes this an option and the government does not get involved and make it so it HAS to be entered for every purchase, that would suck :(


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  • migsev
    May 2, 12:03 PM
    Where is everyone getting a key for this?:confused:

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  • jackirish
    Oct 6, 12:31 PM
    let's be honest, taking the 3GS out of the equation finally and replacing it with a lower-end or even just a smaller iPhone 4 with a larger size model would be nice change. a smaller model would appeal to many customers who are constantly outdoors, athletic, or would simply welcome the smaller size to fit in skinny jeans. plus a lower price point would make it accessible to many more customers who find the $199 and $299 just out of their reach. a larger iPhone 4 with a potential OLED screen, larger storage capacity, even better camera system (front, back, or both), higher quality and louder speakers, and maybe even a scaled down version of the iWork apps, would appeal to gamers, hardcore Apple fans, businessmen and women, families, and entrepreneurs. don't doubt the appeal of a little change in size...

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  • Bye Bye Baby
    Jul 12, 09:20 AM
    So can I put one of these new SDXC cards in the back and use that as my boot drive while maintaining the internal HD for data storage?

    Would that be better than an SSD?

    Aug 19, 01:32 PM
    I don't understand all the bad push back for this new feature.

    I'm walking down inner city and notice Jane is at the local coffee shop, I'll say hi. I'm at the concert with a buddy, and notice Brad is there too. I just entered this really neat cupcake place, I want to let my FRIENDS know.

    If you're freaked out a creeper may know your location, why are you friends with them?

    All the positive to this new, cool feature - and everyone says is - this will track your every move and people will kidnap you and break into your house, blah blah blah.

    May 1, 05:02 PM
    So riddle me this folks:

    IF someone is upgraded to the latest version of Snow Leopard (which includes that 'devil-spawn' of and App Store) and Apple is ONLY going to distribute LION thru the App Store - what the hell do you do after you down load it ?

    Seeing as how you cannot be running the primary OS while you are in fact upgrading it ?

    OR has Apple decided to run a full blown OS Upgrade like it does it regular updates now?

    Why is Apple still including DVD Drives in it's Products ? Why not just completely do away w/ them - they've done it before w/ technology ? Maybe there's a reason why the new laptops that recently came out still have those drives in them beyond just burning disks of your kids playing in a bathtub?

    Maybe - Apple will bring back Tape Drives - everyone gets a 50-pound case of Tape Media w/ an install of LION (that includes a free Tape Drive) w/ a Centronix to USB adapter and they will be delivered by purple elephants. Awesome.

    Oooooh - let make **** up until the last second before Apple does in fact release it's products on the world w/ an explanation of how and what they are going to do w/ said products.

    It will probably be an App Store product. And it'll probably tell you to restart. When it closes down, it'll install the update, and boot back into the OS. It's not rocket science.

    May 2, 12:08 PM
    For every terrorist killed, 10 more are created.

    It's a vicious circle, or no virtue.

    Dec 28, 11:29 PM
    No, I said and say nothing of the sort. What I said is that it sounds like the Counsumerist talked to a call center employee who didn't know what was actually going on. The Consumerist was not lying, nor was AT&T lying; the call center employee wasn't even lying...s/he was just talking out of his or her ass. Call center employees are underpaid and under-trained, and half the time I think they're just trying to BS their way through the day. It has happened many times before that a low-level employee who is not even close to the loop has said something that has to be walked back by management. Always such things become gospel and remain fodder for conspiracy theorists. This strikes me as one of those cases.

    This was the correct answer on the first page. The thread should have ended there tbh.

    Call Centre staff are given a set of answers to the most common problems that occur and they aren't paid enough to troubleshoot a problem (in fact their performance is usually judged by how many queries they can handle in a day). They will simply give the first answer they can find from their list that sounds like it answers the query.

    Dec 27, 07:19 PM
    Read the chat. They say online cannot be done. You can still purchase one in store.

    So in other words: It isn't banned.

    Interesting. I wonder if it's just a warehouse shortage for that area or carrier struggle?

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