nike logo

nike logo. Nike 18
  • Nike 18

  • Lord Blackadder
    May 4, 07:07 PM
    Ok, I'll go first. E.I. = torture, and where is the line to hook electrodes up to KSM's balls?

    Good. Let's keep the language clear an unencumbered with euphemism. Too bad nobody in any official capacity will do so - it is highly disturbing that our elected officials choose to lie about something that is obviously an open secret.

    Now, the fact of the matter is, torture is unconstitutional, and the US is a party to a UN treaty outlawing torture. So I don't understand how it can possibly be legal under any circumstances. We are in breach of our own constitutional principles as well as international law.

    Torture is wrong. I cannot support it as policy. As much as I recognize the need to gather intelligence from all sources including prisoners, I simply cannot speak out in favor of torture. It's not something that our society should value or accept, even against our enemies. Furthermore, it sets a bad example both internationally and at home.

    nike logo. According the NYC Nike
  • According the NYC Nike

  • DiamondMac
    Apr 6, 12:31 PM
    I cut it off b/c it was irrelevant. Not because I was avoiding it...and come to think of it, what exactly was avoided? If some want to go to Verizon, so be it. It may cost them more money but some leave for the principal of it. If my unlimited got cut off, I would move to Verizon in a heartbeat even though it would cost me a bit more. I would not want AT&T getting my business anymore.

    You mentioned people hissy fitting (for whatever reason) and I mentioned that many do throw but many others are throwing them for legitimate reasons

    Oh, AT&T isn't doing this for money? What exactly went up cost wise with AT&T and the iPhone 5?

    nike logo. lebron james nike logo
  • lebron james nike logo

  • likemyorbs
    Mar 16, 06:05 PM
    Remind us all why murder is a crime in the first place?

    Because an innocent person is being killed (usually). Yes i know it has happened in the past with the death penalty, which is why i only support the death penalty in cases where there is no possible chance of innocence.

    nike logo. Nike Sunglasses are designed
  • Nike Sunglasses are designed

  • pgasnier
    Jul 2, 08:17 PM
    Trying to jailbreak my 3GS for hours and no sucess .
    it has the new ios 4 software , tried with pnwage tool 4.0 ,
    got a message sayig that firmware is not compatible .
    tried with redsnow , didnt work
    any suggestions ?


    nike logo. How to create nike fire logo
  • How to create nike fire logo

  • Perrumpo
    Dec 31, 10:05 AM
    Picture. Gallery.

    nike logo. Nike Logo
  • Nike Logo

  • zen97
    Dec 9, 12:03 PM

    A link to the original please :)


    nike logo. nike-swoosh-logo
  • nike-swoosh-logo

  • monke
    Oct 17, 08:06 PM

    nike logo. Nike logo grande
  • Nike logo grande

  • MacAndrew92
    Mar 31, 02:28 AM
    Hello, I got a mac mini running 10.5.8. When I boot the computer the file sharing between mac and widows works, 10 minutes later the sharing stops working, and I need to restart the computer to get it working again

    How can I solve this?


    Any idea, any help plz


    nike logo. Original Nike Football Shoes
  • Original Nike Football Shoes

  • Happybunny
    Feb 4, 03:11 AM
    I decided to have a complete set of Hayden



    MBA 13"

    nike logo. nike-logo-2.jpg
  • nike-logo-2.jpg

  • Frankydan100
    Apr 1, 11:14 AM
    Heres mine for April


    nike logo. a new contract with Nike.
  • a new contract with Nike.

  • rickvanr
    Dec 16, 02:07 PM

    Anyone have one of these for sale?

    Apple DVI to Video Adapter

    Use the DVI to Video Adapter to connect the DVI port on Power Mac G5 or Mac mini to any S-video or Composite enabled device.


    nike logo. nike sb logo
  • nike sb logo

  • spazzcat
    Mar 31, 01:07 PM
    As a professional photographer this thing is (and always will be) an "App Store" toy - nothing more.


    nike logo. Having a unique logo can help
  • Having a unique logo can help

  • dukebound85
    Apr 6, 12:00 PM
    12 petabytes? That doesn't seem like too much, actually. that's 1GB of storage for 12 million customers

    I think it is being used to hold media content, not for cloud backup type purposes for individual customers

    nike logo. Wierd Nike Logo. Nike is beast
  • Wierd Nike Logo. Nike is beast

  • wct097
    Dec 28, 09:33 AM
    I think all of the talking points have already been fleshed out. Bottom line is that Mac's simply are not an enterprise solution.

    * Can you integrate them into an enterprise network?
    Sure. I can also plug my home router into the network. I'm sure it'd work fine.

    * Can the be your standard?
    Not unless you're a small corp that doesn't use any real business applications. Then again, I wouldn't consider that to be 'Enterprise IT'.

    * Group policy is only needed because Windows machines are insecure.
    Can you honestly believe this if you actually have even the slightest amount of experience in an enterprise IT environment? That's the most ignorant thing I've read all day.

    * Applications are all going to be web-centric.
    Sure, that's the current direction, and from an IT perspective, makes the most sense. That's not a selling point for Macs though, that's a selling point for thin clients. If you want to talk TCO and use web-based applications as the justification, then you have to compare a Mac to a thin client..... and well, the results are obvious.


    nike logo. nike logo red. nike logo. the
  • nike logo red. nike logo. the

  • mdelvecchio
    Apr 4, 05:10 PM
    You are obviously missing the point. Apple's new subscription model is preventing choice from coming to it's customers. How is that not a bad thing?

    nope -- its GIVING users choice. why? remember, w/ iOS subscriptions, YOU get to decide who you opt-in to. you, the CUSTOMER.

    clearly, marketeers dont like this. theyd prefer we have NO CHOICE, as its been for decades.

    choice -- "That word you keep using, I do not think it means what you think it means!"

    nike logo. nike logo
  • nike logo

  • stridemat
    May 2, 05:17 PM
    I went to a Red Cross blood donation event that we had in my last workplace, but after they asked all of my medical history they weren't sure if it would be a good idea to take my blood. They took my contact information and said they would contact me later if I'm eligible for donating, but I never head from them since. Guess I'm no good.

    If you have time, look into making another appointment. Your contact details may have just been misplaced.


    nike logo. View More Wallpapers Of Logo,
  • View More Wallpapers Of Logo,

  • PCClone
    Apr 7, 09:01 AM
    Only issue I want fixed is wifi. Disconnects a lot.

    nike logo. NIKE logo restyling for Brand
  • NIKE logo restyling for Brand

  • Batman101
    Jul 8, 03:43 PM
    Like topic, is it possible? I know people can achieved this by using VNC, but this is not what i wanted. Thanks

    nike logo. wallpaper nike logo. kobe
  • wallpaper nike logo. kobe

  • Kristine
    Aug 3, 11:39 AM
    August desktop.

    Mar 20, 09:58 PM
    I thought we'd left the idea of horrible back in the dark ages. :rolleyes:

    At least some of us have.

    I saw the Swedish "Millennium series" films a few months back a couldn't help notice that when the protagonist was (wrongly) sent to prison, it looked more like a college dormitory than anything you'll see here in America.

    likemyorbs would be horrified to see prisoners treated so humanely.

    First off way to respond to the least important point in my post, i actually kind of expected that out of you. Treating them humanely and treating them like they're staying at a five star hotel are two different things. You're not supposed to make it so nice that people want to go there to escape the real world. Why should my tax dollars go to playstations and internet access for child molesters and murderers? That's beyond humane, that's just plain idiotic. Why don't we just provide them with their own butlers and maid service while we're at it? How about a cell phone too? :rolleyes: What a joke, this forum sometimes feels like the twilight zone.

    Despite what you, I, or a victim's family might want, incarceration is not punishment. Incarceration is the protection of the public.

    Of course it's for the protection of the public, but it's also not supposed to be a pleasant experience, it's supposed to suck. If you don't think that, i don't know what else to tell you, you're just too separated from reality at this point to turn back.

    Aug 8, 10:05 PM
    nice shot! what equipment were you using?

    Thanks. Nikon D60 with the 70-300mm lens.

    May 6, 05:40 PM
    Mac 101: Time Machine (

    Apr 6, 04:05 PM
    12 petabytes is mind blowing, i remember my first windows pc with 300mb of hdd space.

    My first computer stored data on audio cassette tape. Anyone know how much data that is?

    Apr 27, 05:01 PM
    ....because Apple says nothing and allows it to fester.

    It's been a week; a week is hardly enough time for anything to fester.

    Reacent Post


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