laksa sate

laksa sate. Laksa
  • Laksa

  • showtime
    Jun 23, 01:39 PM
    Hey guys, I want to buy a blackberry curve. Doesn't matter if it's the 8300, 8310 or 8320. The cosmetic condition is not important either as long as everything is in perfect working order. I'd prefer to buy a very scratched up curve if it means a lower price so here's a chance to get rid of a beat up blackberry. Please post or PM me what you have. Thanks!

    laksa sate. mkn laksa kat
  • mkn laksa kat

  • troop231
    Apr 6, 11:43 AM
    How much is that?

    12,000,000 GB I believe roughly? *Actual Formatted Capacity May Very Haha

    laksa sate. laksa curry
  • laksa curry

  • FX4568
    Apr 4, 10:24 PM
    Phew. Thanks for clearing that up for us. Until you explained it so well I was really worried.

    Well, this is macrumors and i try to stay away from economic theories, but you asked for it, so here we go:
    Monopolies cause "allocative deadweight loss" (although its main argument applies towards state-owned enterprises)
    What does that mean?

    In a competitive market, producers dont have the freedom to set a price because the rival can always undercut them until the point where lowering the price will cause in a loss.
    BUT the monopolist firm can decide the price it charges by varying the quantity it produces, so it will produce only up to the quantity where its profit is maximized. UNDER NORMAL CIRCUMSTANCES, the level of output is lower than the socially optimal one, which is where the max price a consumer is willing to pay is the same as the minimum price that the producer requires in order not to lose money.
    When the amount produced is LESS than the socially optimal quantity, it means not serving some consumers who are perfectly willing to pay MORE than the minimum price that the producer requires but who are unwilling to bear the price at which the monopoly firm can max its profit. The unfulfilled desire of those neglected consumers is the social cost of monopoly.

    So basically, monopolies will start losing more money when they start raising the price since consumers will either 1) not be able to access such services (since they will only make the MIN amount for MAX price and by using calculus, you would rather spend a little more in the amount produced and make a little less profit rather than having an EXACT amount although you would make the best profit IF you sold ALL items) or 2) consumers will just stop using it since cell phone devices are not a NECESSITY but instead a WANT. do you think you will pay whatever cellphone company if the price exceeds a certain comfort zone in your income bracket? you wont.

    Furthermore, I will take it one more step. Monopolies can be good. If you look at the Mexican carrier, Telcel. The year Telcel was monopolized by Carlos Slim (riches man in the world now) coverage in Mexico grew more than it did in the hands of the state. According to the "monopoly=bad" argument, service in Mexico should have dropped in every other city that is not important in Mexico's economy while service should have exploded in cities such as Mexico City and Puebla. No, it exploded in the main cities while it also exploded with the whole country

    In conclusion, monopolies are only dangerous IF the monopoly is a necessity based. i.e. lets say one man owned the whole united states food supply. Then yes, monopolies would be the worst. But not cell phone companies, cmon if monopolies were SOO good for the company why would Bell even break up his own company? just for the lulz? I dont think so. Because the government told him so? I certainly dont believe it since Bell probably would have had the power to lobby his way out and in case nothing worked he couldve just brought it up to the Supreme Court.

    Anyways, enough with the economics jargon. Enjoy your economics class :P

    laksa sate. laksa goreng
  • laksa goreng

  • mpw
    Sep 26, 11:07 AM
    ...You can check out the age of consent for most anywhere in the world here (
    Sorry if this repeats but I've just scanned through the first couple of pages and am about to go back for 3-5 but I'll agree with the general feeling so far;

    Once the son is 18 the parent can't allow or not on this issue. As for the argument '..while you're under my roof...' depends on the lease, but in the example raised the guy isn't going to be under the parents roof so that's moot.

    As for the site in the link above, that makes interesting reading. I particularly like the US Traveling citizens being 18. Does that mean if I were to sleep with a 17year old American girl who was on holiday here I�d be breaking the law of America without even being there? Would I get prosecuted next time I visit Disney, how would that work?

    What do people think the age of consent should be? I think that if we have to put an age to it it should be no more than 16 probably 12/14 but I think a change to the way the subject is dealt with in the education system would/should also be required.


    laksa sate. laksa images
  • laksa images

  • neut
    Feb 23, 10:06 PM
    Hopefully <snip> we can but our money where our typing is. :D

    :) im waiting for the hiatus to be over ... and my paycheck. :p

    peace | neut

    *oh yeah, and the new mods are doing a good job too.

    laksa sate. Sarawak is a largest state In
  • Sarawak is a largest state In

  • yadmonkey
    May 2, 04:55 PM
    You're only making excuses for the discrimination.

    I'm sorry I engaged you because now you're just being unfair.


    laksa sate. The famous otah and laksa
  • The famous otah and laksa

  • macsaregoodmkay
    Apr 27, 06:04 PM
    We need finer control over location. All we get to decide is yes or no. We should be able to decide what an app is going to do with the info.

    Example: I'd like my maps app to use my location ONLY to tell me where i am. NOT share my location.

    These broad agreement terms are the reason i have never installed an application on facebook. the terms are like "allow this application to access all your files, post to your friends walls, share your info, access your friends' info, etc. By clicking agree, you are allowing it to become your new spam bot.

    In this new era, clicking agree should not be legally binding. Every time I want to update safari or itunes or install any new program I need to read 120 pages of legal speak? I'd have to hire a lawyer full time for years to get thru it all. I challenge anyone to read and understand every agreement in every app on your computer. For all we know there is a clause in there that says they own your firstborn. This is not directed at apple, this applies to all companies and developers.

    laksa sate. and Damp;L#39;s Nyonya Laksa
  • and Damp;L#39;s Nyonya Laksa

  • SimonTheSoundMa
    Nov 20, 07:44 AM
    Its also law. They are legally not allowed to refuse a manufacturers warranty based on which shop you bought it from (At least in the UK - it would be mind numbingly idiotic of any government to allow them to refuse it).
    In the UK, you are contracted to the retailer you bought it from. They are responsible for the product for six years. We have good laws in place to protect the consumer. I find it hard to understand why people never use their rights under laws such as the Sales of Goods Act.

    A warranty is an insurance policy. Apple Care in the UK is not a policy from Apple, but a third party insurance company that they are contracted with. Can't remember the name of the company.

    Apple are pretty good at repairing out of guarantee/Apple Care products, even when these times have lapsed. Had a power supply and logic board in my 4 year old iMac replaced for free. Sales of Goods Act is your best friend. :)


    laksa sate. Ada sate, mihun, laksa,
  • Ada sate, mihun, laksa,

  • outlawarth
    Apr 25, 07:42 AM
    Apple really wants to squeeze out all potential sales of the iPhone 4 up until the last minute because they lost big time in 3GS sales for nearly 2 months after the leaked/stolen iPhone 4 incident.

    I really hope that they will still push out the iPhone 5 in June despite all the rumors that it will be postponed to September.

    That's what I'm hoping too for when my 3GS contract expires this summer.

    But a white iPhone 4? No thanks Apple.

    laksa sate. laksa pesto
  • laksa pesto

  • Doctor Q
    Oct 31, 05:31 PM
    This is one of the 4 first-round voting pools in the 3,000,000 Post Apple Advertisement Contest "Best Apple Video Ad" competition.

    Vote for your 1 favorite in each of the 4 "Best Apple Video Ad" pools (and your 1 favorite in each of the 8 "Best Apple Print Ad" pools).

    This poll will be open through the end of Wednesday November 1, closing at midnight EST. The entry with the most votes will move on to the final round.


    laksa sate. resepi laksa siam. laksa
  • resepi laksa siam. laksa

  • jrko
    Apr 4, 11:19 AM
    Thanks for the replies guys.

    Unfortunately it panics even without the cards - turn on bong, them white screen with apple logo then grey screen with power symbol saying you need to restart your computer and over the top of it all some script about the 'unresolved kernal trap(cpu0)

    Would it help if I posted the script or anything from it?

    btw the ticking seems to be coming from the back of the power supply near the inlet. Non of the fans are twitching etc

    laksa sate. Curry Laksa at Hare amp;
  • Curry Laksa at Hare amp;

  • cloroxbleach4
    Feb 7, 09:27 PM
    Originally Posted by Matthew M. View Post

    Thumb resize.
    nice! Can you please post the original wallpaper?



    laksa sate. Join Date: Apr 2007
  • Join Date: Apr 2007

  • shartypants
    Mar 25, 11:51 AM
    Google Maps is the gold standard, but Apple has been known to overthrow standards :)

    laksa sate. laksa pesto. laksa pesto
  • laksa pesto. laksa pesto

  • troop231
    Apr 6, 11:55 AM
    12 petabytes is mind blowing, i remember my first windows pc with 300mb of hdd space.


    laksa sate. laksa flower
  • laksa flower

  • knew2mack
    Apr 29, 06:33 PM
    I am trying to attach a photo to an email and all of a sudden, the window is too big and I am unable to make it smaller OR choose the pic. I am able to get the photo but on the bottom, where it says cancel or 'choose' or is it 'open', I can't see that part.

    I know this is super easy n whoever is reading this is probably giggling to themselves, 'this girl hasn't learned a damn thing'.....I'm trying folks, I'm trying.

    I appreciate your help, as always!!


    laksa sate. Lily#39;s Nyonya Laksa,
  • Lily#39;s Nyonya Laksa,

  • antman2295
    Feb 11, 09:00 PM
    First i would like to say, The family messaging plan does qualify for the needed "messaging plan". Second i have found this to be a great money saver, we were on a 1400 min plan, and were able to drop to the 700 min plan, and still get the same features, but save $20 a month :) Also if you have A list on your 1400 + plan you don't need it because this does cover everyone :). Just thought id share my information, have fun with your new savings!


    laksa sate. laksa goreng
  • laksa goreng

  • Shigatsu
    Apr 17, 05:52 AM
    I photoshopped most of the things out and im using it, but i would love the original please :)

    This is just the detail of an image I've done for some contest. It's not over yet so I can't give the original. When it's finished I'll post it.:D

    This is how it looks like:

    laksa sate. laksa udang
  • laksa udang

  • tag
    Oct 4, 08:29 AM
    Speaking of tv shows... so excited that Chuck is back on; hence this month's background.

    laksa sate. before eating Sate Celup!
  • before eating Sate Celup!

  • chadrob30
    Dec 25, 10:52 PM
    Oops. Never mind.

    Apr 7, 11:35 AM
    So posting faults makes one a troll?

    Nice place, this (was better and less abusive before Apple released the iDevices). :(

    . . . and get off my lawn!

    Dec 25, 01:37 PM
    $125 gift card to go towards Apple Keyboard, Magic Mouse, Mini DP - HDMI, and HDMi Cable
    3 $25 BP Gift cards (Used one already.. Whoops)
    $50 American Eagle Gift Card
    And so I had something to unwrap, Black and Decker Ratcheting ReadyWrench.

    Jan 13, 07:14 PM
    Two points:

    1. I agree about the electrics, to an extent. Years ago, my old man bought an '88 Jetta, and it had two main problems - the electrical systems were horrible, and the body was not properly galvanized. It rusted before our eyes (hole in the floor after just 5 years) and most of the major electrical subsystems needed replacement within 5 years. However, it's worth noting that the Mexican-built VWs and the German-made VWs are quite different in quality. I may be wrong, but I believe that US-market GTIs are still made in Germany, and are the most reliable of the bunch. Several other VW-owning friends of mine have experienced a couple electrical gremlins here or there, but in terms of quality I'd still put VW's cars over the American Big Three for the most part. The interiors especially were superior.

    2. Funny that you point out FIAT as a bringer of quality to Chryselr...Chrysler must be pretty bad if that's the case, as FIAT has a reputation for making sensationally unrealiable cars. I'll concede that they have improved dramatically in the last ten years, but you know what I mean. For me, the best thing about FIAT's new relationship with Chrysler will be the arrival of FIATs in the USA and access to FIAT's small car (particularly diesel - fingers crossed) technology.

    I consider myself a bit of an automotive enthusaist, and I distinguish between autos that are intended to be appliances(Camry/Accord/Corolla/Minivans/basic Pickups etc etc) versus autos that are intended to be driven by enthusiasts.

    The Jetta was always kind of borderline between the two categories, but the VR6 and turbo models were definitely budget enthusiast cars. The same could be said about the Passat as a luxury car. With the new versions, I think they are decidely more "appliance" and less "driver's car".

    I had a coworker a couple of years ago who had a Jetta with similar problems. She cursed it every day. There does seem to be a big difference think you are correct about the GTI. I think all the recent problems have shocked the American brands into action, but I wonder if it will stick. Ford has especially been on a roll. They finally wised up and decided to bring their European models to the US.

    As for Fiat/Chrysler: I realize Fiat has had issues in the past (Fix It Again, Tony!) but they have improved. The 500 did win European car of the year a couple of years ago, after all. I think more than anything, they have given an influx of cash and permission to upgrade products. Like I said, under Daimler and Cerebus, they were ignored and neglected. The new V6 and current redesigns were already in the works, but Fiat just gave some money to speed up things. They seem to be headed in the right direction, but then again, Chrysler has the most up and down history in the business. Fiat CEO Sergio Marchionne seems to be a good car exec and seems to be making good decisions.

    I'm an enthusiast as well. I've had 3 straight Mazdas because they have been reliable, affordable, but still fun to drive. The first gen Mazda 6 is probably the most fun I have had driving a FWD car. Sadly, like VW, they seem to have lost their way chasing the mainstream. The second gen 6 got much bigger and heavier, and seems to have lost its sporting nature. And I can no longer get it with a V6 and manual transmission. I may have bought my last Mazda.

    Jul 31, 12:29 PM
    Er... New Zealand (and Australia, et al) will be in August before Japan.

    Still 35mins to go.

    Oh, sorry, apparently I'm not very good at this time thing. I really did try to start it right as a new day started somewhere. If you wouldn't mind telling me, what time was it in UTC +14 when I posted this. You can use the link in the OP I have a feeling you didn't use if you need help.

    Mar 23, 12:08 PM
    Now if this guy is not leaving to retire. Then RIP Apple.

    Good grief, here comes the "Sky is falling!" crowd

    Seriously, if Apple thinks I want my computer to resemble an overgrown iPad then they can loose my money and I'll be buying an Alienware.

    Have fun with that.

    Microsoft seem to be the only ones that still get computers?

    Words are not sufficient to respond to this gem.

    IMO you don't leave a massively successful company after 22 years without a reason unless your retiring.

    Everyone likes to try new things. 22 years is a long time. Most of us would like to drop what we're doing and try something new. Unfortunately, unlike Bertrand, most of us don't have the money to do it.

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