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  • redeye be
    May 28, 03:58 AM
    thx mate. Positive words are always nice to hear/read!

    Also, have you thought of making a modified version which can join any team, and then submit it to Dashboard Widgets.com (http://www.dashboardwidgets.com/) , you could win a Mac mini! :D (by the way I am in no way associated with these guys)

    Actually you can already. I just put some 'MacRumors' text on the back to maybe steal some folders from other teams when i release the beta to the whole wide world ;).

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  • jellybean
    Aug 14, 10:26 AM
    From the interview:

    "I had a guy come up to me, in my face, saying, 'You think you're so cool? You're not cool' and I'm saying to him, 'Dude, it's a commercial.'"

    Anyone else from england think of Michael Winner when they read this bit? :D

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  • maerlyn
    Jan 5, 01:59 AM
    Thanks balamw,
    I got an answer from the VLC forums. To do this you need to go into the preferences for VLC and select "all"rather than "basic" for the preferences, then select the "Stream Output" heading and uncheck "Enable video stream output".
    I also changed the encapsulation method to "Raw" rather than "Quicktime" because for some reason it otherwise wouldn't import the mp3 files into itunes (I'm guessing it's something to do with ID3 tags). this then gives me file sizes around 6mb depending on the bit rate used and song length.

    In summary to get the audio from a DVD using VLC change the above preference settings then under the "Open Disc", choose "DVD" and "No DVD Menus" then change the MRL to the chapter of the DVD you want audio from e.g. 1:3 is chapter 3, then select "Streaming/Saving" and go to the "Settings". then in the file space name the file you want to create including .mp3 extension, then choose Raw encapsulation, mp3 transcoding and whatever bit rate and channels you want.

    In similar fashion I believe you can use VLC to grab audio mp3 from flash .flv files

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  • LimeiBook86
    Oct 27, 02:27 PM
    Well here's a screenshot form my Dot Mac Web Mail. I must say I like the new layout, the only thing I think it's missing is a Junk Mail feature, you know if you can sync the Junk preferences from your Apple Mail app to the Web Mail app, now that would be a nice improvement but, other than that. This is pretty darn good. Now just lower the price and bump the storage or features and we'll be good ;)


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  • vartanarsen
    Apr 19, 08:25 PM
    anyone know how to get multi touch gestures with 4.3.2 on my ipad ?

    You need to have a Macboook or imac. Go to app store. Buy. Xcode for $5. Install. Hook up iPad. Bring up xcode. It will detect iPad. Click "use for development" then just use your apple id credentials. Finally go to ipad dsettings and click on yes for multitasking getures.

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  • Frobozz
    Apr 5, 10:03 AM
    The xoom tied the iPad? That's a joke! And I say this because yes I have used a xoom. It was a pile of turd.


    I liked the way the interface was positioned on virtual panes. The transitions were nice and did help orient yourself in a physical space. BUt that's about it. The rest is a pile of Android garbage.

    I hate to be so harsh on Android. I really would like to see the UI improve. It's just so painfully obvious that Google doesn't really have strong top-down direction on streamlined user interfaces. It's run by developers who like tinkering and options. In other words, the OPPOSITE of what your consumer facing product interface should exude. I really believe it's a problem with design philosophy over there. Certainly, a rush to market is another large factor.


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  • mcrain
    Apr 7, 04:21 PM
    The tea party is the republican party. There is NO tea party as third party. That's a complete fallacy. If they weren't a wholly owned faction of the Republican party, there would be tea party democrats too.

    Pop quiz - name one tea party candidate who ran as a Democrat or name one elected official who claims to be a tea party member or supporter who doesn't vote with the Republicans.

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  • CaoCao
    Apr 9, 07:46 PM
    Obviously you've been reading the wrong sources, in all the cases Planned Parenthood gave advice, but then reported the case to the FBI.

    Unwanted people are far from an asset.

    There a consequences to actions, people should learn this


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  • kazmac
    Apr 30, 06:24 PM
    Same resolution for the 13" > but these changes would be nice:

    8GB ram option
    larger SSD drive
    longer battery life > closer to the iPad (iPad has really spoiled me as far as battery life).

    and perhaps just a little lighter.

    If the RAM/Battery life bumps are in I'll reconsider, especially since my wrists are okay with the magic mouse and an Apple laptop > (why I didn't use my Magic Mouse with the Airs/Pros I tested over the last month > duh).

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  • FreeCyprs
    Mar 3, 05:21 PM
    Keleko, really enjoy the toys on the table. Nice work!

    Also, food on her tray, none on his. White shirt, black shirt.



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  • whatever
    Nov 14, 11:54 AM
    Good point (truly) ... but I stand by what I said too. I think if your scenario wwas true then we would see Creative Zen adapters or SanDisk Snasa adapters on the market - at least they have proven marketshare against the iPod. Still ... it will be interesting to see how this will pan out.

    What i wonder is if the Wifi the Zune uses for file transfers will be banned on planes. If it's not, then i want to be able to use Wifi for any device on a plane.
    You currently are not allowed, by law, to broadcast any signals on airwaves on an aircraft while in the air. Bluetooth, WiFi, phone, etc.

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  • chrono1081
    Mar 19, 12:18 AM
    These days much of the craftsmanship that used to take place in the darkroom coaxing a master print from a negative now takes place digitally. A technically well exposed frame can still produce a crappy print at the end of a less skilled artist. Conversely, technical perfection (second curtain sync, hyperfocal distancing gobbledygook) has very little to do with art, or even creativity. Great "art" these days is even being shot on a cellphone.

    Both camps (the technical-crats & the ones who are blissfully unaware of the minutiae) can produce "great" work.

    Many beginners suffer from the same bad pshop skills (hey, look... I can make grass grow on his head, no make that two heads) and mistakes that beginning designers can (hey look, I can make EACH letter a different color, and a different font).

    All that being said, if I was teaching beginning photographers I would remove almost everything to start (camera, lens, etc.) and go primitive and start with building pinhole cameras. Then I would progress to the end point which would be post-processing. Post-processing is huge though...

    I'm not saying PP isn't important, but if you take beginners that learn to get the best picture possible in the camera (focusing on composition, exposure, etc) first then worry about learning PP the images always turn out better then those who take crap in the camera and try and fix it in Photoshop.

    Not to mention, as Winni said RAW workflow programs are usually all you need unless you are doing commercial or portraiture where skin smoothing or other things are needed.

    Photoshop is used far to much as a crutch than an enhancement tool.


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  • Mac OS X Ocelot
    Mar 26, 04:07 PM
    STEVE: Do you have any idea how badly I wanna kill you?
    ERIC: Yes.

    Lost? Brilliant.

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  • inkswamp
    Mar 27, 01:01 PM
    I take it none of you seem to remember this:


    Not only do I remember it, I turned it into a comic.

    http://farm1.static.flickr.com/183/398284231_ff6d39df44_b.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/inkswamp/398284231/)


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  • fyrefly
    Apr 25, 12:26 AM
    If you don't like the BL keyboard you can always switch it off. Gives you the so desired battery life and others keep the option for a bl keyboard...

    Hah. Yep, switch off that BL keyboard, all you haters, 'cause it'll probably save you a total of 10 mins of battery life. Out of 7 hours. That's like 0.02% battery life loss. :p

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  • albusseverus
    Mar 23, 06:44 PM
    awesome weaponized imacs.

    Thinner, lighter iPhones wouldn't go astray. Unibody kevlar iPhones and Macs? That would be neat.


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  • flopticalcube
    Mar 11, 05:36 PM
    Something made in the US, either a Camaro or a Challenger. I'm waiting to see if there is a glimmer of hope that Dodge makes a convertible Challenger next year.

    Neither of those are assembled in the US. They are both the product of The Peoples' Democratic Revolutionary Socialist Province of Ontario.

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  • foofan
    Mar 25, 08:23 AM
    I called my local verizon store. girl told me she would only sell an original ipad bundled with their mifi. Forget it.

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  • arogge
    Mar 28, 11:04 PM
    A 50 mm lens has the same focal length as any other 50 mm lens. There is no such thing as a "crop camera". There are differences in film sizes, onto which the lens projects an image. An APS-C recording sensor that is listed as 1.6X will cause the projected 35-mm image to have a smaller field-of-view. The other attributes of the lens, including the depth-of-field and focal length, remain unaltered by the size of the recording sensor.

    A Canon 10-22 EF-S lens is only compatible with specific Canon APS-C cameras. This is because of the Short Back Focus attribute of the EF-S lenses. A Sigma DC lens, which does not use Short Back Focus, is intended only for use on APS-C cameras with 1.5X or smaller recording sensors. The Sigma 10-20 lens, like Canon EF-S lenses, projects a smaller image circle than the 35-mm standard. This is why these "digital" lenses aren't compatible with normal 35-mm cameras. Financial cost and weight were the considerations when developing EF-S, Sigma DC, and similar lenses for APS-C cameras. You do have another ultra-wide option if you don't want to use the smaller APS-C lenses. You can buy the Sigma 12-24 (http://www.sigmaphoto.com/shop/12-24mm-f45-56-ex-dg-asp-hsm-sigma) lens.

    Mar 13, 09:50 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8B117 Safari/6531.22.7)

    I have no idea what time it should be, but my iPhone's time matches my iPad's time, so I think it's right. :/

    Mar 11, 09:46 AM
    I have been at legacy since 7:30. They set up where the lines would go abOut an hour ago. Quite a few people have shuffled in and out of the store but no one is lined up outside. I'll just have to keep waiting.

    Mar 18, 10:15 AM
    7RMB/1L China:o

    Dec 28, 01:17 PM
    All the other Cellular providers is no different. I cancelled Verizon because of the lack of customer support in their stores and I had constant dropped calls.

    As as for buying the iPhone, I replaced my iPhone 3G with the 3GS through the Online Apple Store. Came to my front door in 3 days. NO headaches, NO problems.

    Apr 3, 08:43 PM
    How would one find the answer to this?
    Exactly. I'm just pointing out that it is illogical to draw the conclusion the article did about the effects of tax cuts. The fact that the economy has not improved does not prove that tax cuts were bad for the states that implemented them because we do not know how they would have fared without those cuts. And it is simply a matter of balancing the budget. If they're cutting taxes, they just need to cut enough spending to be balanced. If they expected to cut taxes, not cut spending, and have a balanced budget then stupidity, not the tax cuts, are to blame.

    The weather sucks big time in Washington state, Texas is much nicer (so I hear). A great many natives of the PNW can become real excretory orifices when they find out you are from California.

    I'm turning 30 next month and have resolved to spend 6-9 months of the each year traveling from now on. So I really just need a little studio in a chill town for me to relax from all that traveling. So tax benefits are a huge motive for me. I'm going to take a road trip to check out all the major cities once I get back from China. I don't think Texans will take it too hard on me since I'm quite laissez faire, although I will disagree with them on religious and social issues... I'll probably go where the best food and nightlife is.

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